
The potential impact of the nearby nuclear power plant at Forsmark and spcifically the power cable to Finland. Identified in the preliminary safety evaluation of a repository at Forsmarks, TR-05-16 (section 4.4).

SKB Number

SKB FEP Number


Main Category

Main category for FEP

Site-specific factor


Sub-category for FEP

Site-specific factor


Explanation of how the FEP is treated

Covered by handling of the geosphere process Earth currents (Ge23) and the canister process "Earth current s- stray current corrosion (C13).


Bibliographic references to obtain more information

SR-Site Geosphere process report, TR-10-48, Section(s) 5.14; SR-Site Fuel and canister process report, TR-10-46, Section(s) 3.5.6