Transport of solutes with groundwater flowing in fractures in connected flow paths the bedrock. These flowpaths meet, to a greater or lesser extent, so that water from different conductive fractures is mixed. Advection thereby leads to a situation where different water types replace each other and/or are mixed.
SKB Number
SKB FEP Number
Main Category
Main category for FEP
Internal process
System Component
System component to which the FEP applies
Explanation of how the FEP is treated
Excavation/operation: Advection and dispersion of salt included in saturated groundwater flow modelling using DarcyTools.
Composition of mixtures assessed based on the groundwater flow modelling and site understanding.
Temperate: Advection and dispersion of salt and reference waters included in saturated groundwater flow modelling using ConnectFlow.
Composition of mixtures assessed based on the groundwater flow modelling and site understanding.
Periglacial: Advection and dispersion of salt included in saturated groundwater flow modelling using DarcyTools.
Composition of mixtures assessed based on the groundwater flow modelling and site understanding.
Glacial: Advection and dispersion of salt included in saturated groundwater flow modelling using DarcyTools.
Composition of mixtures assessed based on the groundwater flow modelling and site understanding.
Modelling of oxygen penetration based on the groundwater flow modelling, matrix diffusion and reactions with matrix minerals.
Earthquakes: Not relevant.
Bibliographic references to obtain more information
SR-Site Geosphere process report, TR-10-48, Section(s) 1.6, 5.2; SR-Site Main report, TR-11-01, Section(s) 7.4.5