Any process whereby loosely aggregated, soft, or liquid earth materials become firm and coherent rock.
SKB Number
SKB FEP Number
Main Category
Main category for FEP
Sub-category for FEP
Biosphere process
Explanation of how the FEP is treated
Consolidation is considered in the Biosphere Interaction Matrix (SKB R-10-37) but not in the Radionuclide Model (RM). This process is affected by the weight of regolith (thickness and density). However, the likely degree of consolidation would be very limited under present day conditions and thus this interaction is not necessary to consider in the Radionuclide Model. The handling is further described in the SR-Site Biosphere synthesis report, SKB TR-10-09, and in the ecosystem reports, SKB TR-10-01, -02 and -03.
Bibliographic references to obtain more information
SR-Site Biosphere process report, R-10-37, Section(s) 6.3.2