This version of the OPA FEP DB was developed as part of the safety case for Project Entsorgungsnachweis (‘Disposal Feasibility’), the documentation for which was submitted in the year 2002. Gaps in the numbering are due to modifications of the structure during its iterative development. The OPA FEP DB is documented in the Technical Report NTB 02-23, which is available through Nagra’s website Every effort was made to ensure that the information contained in the electronic FEP database corresponds to that given in NTB 02-23. However, in case of a discrepancy between the electronic FEP database and NTB 02-23, NTB 02-23 takes precedence over the electronic FEP database.
In the years following Project Entsorgungsnachweis, the focus of the Swiss programme moved towards site selection. The process is described in the so-called ‘Sectoral Plan for Deep Geological Repositories’ published by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy in April 2008 ( It proceeds in three stages. Stages 1 and 2 (which did not require a formal safety case and therefore also no updated FEP database) were completed successfully. In Stage 3, which is on-going, a site for the HLW and the L/ILW repository will be selected and the documentation for the General Licence Application will be prepared. As part of this, Nagra is currently developing an update of the OPA FEP DB. It is expected that this will be published around 2024.
Note the following abbreviations in the FEP screening column: 'NA' not applicable (see Table 3.4-1 of NTB 02-23 for generic reasons for screening); 'SRn' not quantitatively analysed, but discussed in Chapter n of the Safety Report NTB 02-05; and 'I' not explicitly analysed, but implicitly included in all assessment cases.