This contains the project FEP list produced by Ondraf/Niras, the Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials, for use in their programme to dispose of radioactive wastes in Boom clay. The current FEP list only contains FEPs related to geosynthesis and the engineered barrier system of the repository. The latter list is related to the supercontainer engineered barrier system (EBS) and treats specifically those FEPs related to the ONDRAF/NIRAS cement-based EBS design. The Ondraf/Niras FEP list is reported in [1].
In addition to a FEP name and description, the following fields are provided:
- A category and sub-category for each FEP;
- A description of the effects of each FEP;
- Links to relevant reference information; and
- Links to related FEPs in the preliminary 2012 update of the NEA international FEP list [2].
The Ondraf/Niras FEPs are derived from major scientific reports:
- The Ondraf/Niras RD&D plan [3];
- The I1 isolation function report [4]; and
- The I2 isolation function report [5].
- Ondraf/Niras (), Ondraf/Niras FEP report, Geosynthesis and EBS FEP Lists for the Category B&C Disposal Concept: 2018 Update, Ondraf/Niras, NIROND-TR 2018-16 E,
- Nuclear energy Agency (), Updating the NEA International FEP List: An IGSC Technical Note: Technical Note 2: Proposed Revisions to the NEA International FEP List, Nuclear Energy Agency, NEA/RWM/R(2013)8,, July 2012
- Ondraf/Niras (), 2013 RD&D plan, ONDRAF/NIRAS Research, Development and Demonstration Plan for the geological disposal of high-level and/or radioactive waste including irradiated fuel if considered as waste, Ondraf/Niras, NIROND-TR 2013–12 E, 411,
- De Craen M., Beerten K., Gedeon M. and Vandersteen K. (), Geosynthesis I1 report, Geo-scientific evidence to support the I1 isolation function related to human actions, as part of the Safety and Feasibility Case 1 (SFC1), SCK•CEN, External Report ER-186,
- De Craen M., Honty M., Beerten K. and Gedeon M. (), Geosynthesis I2 report, Geo-scientific evidence to support the I2 isolation function (geology & long-term evolution) as part of the Safety and Feasibility Case 1 (SFC1), SCK•CEN, External Report ER-184,