
Pathways through the EBS or the EDZ through which water or gas can flow more easily than through the bulk matrix (e.g. fracture pathways).


Category of FEP

Supercontainer EBS


Sub-category of FEP

Hydraulic processes

Ondraf Niras FEP Number

Ondraf Niras FEP Number


FEP Effects

Description of FEP Effects

Preferential pathways for flow and diffusion may exist or form within the EBS and may affect the performance of the supercontainer.

NEA TN2 IFEP Reference(s)

Related IFEPs from the NEA TN2 List of Proposed IFEP Revisions [NEA/RWM/R(2013)8]

Not specifically mentioned, although 3.3.1 Transport pathways (GDF) and Gas-induced dilation (GDF) are relevant.