Faults are discontinuities in rocks across which there is horizontal, vertical or oblique displacement. New faults may form as a result of seismicity or isostatic readjustment.
Category of FEP
Sub-category of FEP
Internal geodynamic events - crustal deformation
Ondraf Niras FEP Number
Ondraf Niras FEP Number
FEP Effects
Description of FEP Effects
Vertical displacement of host rock and other rocks (differential uplift and subsidence of individual blocks), changes in stress field. Creation of preferential pathway; gradient and hydraulic conductivity changes. Dilution capacity of aquifer changes. May result in formation of ductile shear bands that could provide preferential pathways.
References Relevant to FEP
ER-184_I2 RD&D Plan
NEA TN2 IFEP Reference(s)
Related IFEPs from the NEA TN2 List of Proposed IFEP Revisions [NEA/RWM/R(2013)8]
1.2.3 Deformation (elastic, plastic or brittle). 1.2.1 Tectonic movement.