
Reduction-oxidation (or Redox) reactions are reversible chemical processes usually involving the transfer of electrons, involving a reaction with oxygen (oxidation) to form an oxide and a reaction with hydrogen (reduction) to form a hydride. Eh is a measure of the redox potential, and will vary in time and place within the EBS.


Category of FEP

Supercontainer EBS


Sub-category of FEP

Chemical processes

Ondraf Niras FEP Number

Ondraf Niras FEP Number


FEP Effects

Description of FEP Effects

The redox conditions affect the chemical processes taking place in the EBS. Eh conditions are influenced by the natural composition of groundwater and potentially by radiolysis close to the waste, as well as by the chemical state within the evolving EBS and waste. Redox fronts separate regions that may be characterised, in broad terms, as having different redox potentials. Changes in Eh conditions may occur as a result of diffusion processes, or in response to groundwater flow.

NEA TN2 IFEP Reference(s)

Related IFEPs from the NEA TN2 List of Proposed IFEP Revisions [NEA/RWM/R(2013)8] Redox conditions (waste package). Redox conditions (GDF).