The wearing away and removal of material by natural agents such as water and wind.
Category of FEP
Sub-category of FEP
Internal geodynamic events - crustal deformation
Ondraf Niras FEP Number
Ondraf Niras FEP Number
FEP Effects
Description of FEP Effects
Reduced thickness of sediments and rocks overlying host rock, leading to unloading, decompaction and deconsolidation of the host rock and may affect its density, porosity, hydraulic conductivity and porewater composition. Possible formation of tension joints in host rock if the overburden becomes very thin. Changes in stress conditions, possibly leading to plastic deformation of clay (see FEPs 36, 37 and 38).
References Relevant to FEP
ER-184_I2 RD&D Plan
NEA TN2 IFEP Reference(s)
Related IFEPs from the NEA TN2 List of Proposed IFEP Revisions [NEA/RWM/R(2013)8]
1.2.8 Regional erosion and sedimentation.