
The category BIOSPHERE includes Biosphere process and Biosphere component FEPs. Processes and interactions between components in the biosphere that may be important in a safety assessment for radioactive waste disposal are described in a biosphere process report developed for SR-Site. The basis for the descriptions is a biosphere interaction matrix that has been used to support the biosphere analyses in SR-Site and which is a further development of the interaction matrix set up for the safety assessment of the Swedish repository for low and intermediate level waste (SFR), the SAFE project. In the interaction matrix, components of the biosphere are included as diagonal elements and process interactions between the components as off-diagonal elements in the matrix. For each process interaction in the matrix a corresponding process FEP record is included in the FEP database. FEP records for the components of the biosphere, as defined in the biosphere interaction matrix, are also included in the FEP catalogue.

Main Category

Main category for FEP
