
Normal and shear displacements in discontinuities in the bedrock in respons to various load conditions.

SKB Number

SKB FEP Number


Main Category

Main category for FEP

Internal process

System Component

System component to which the FEP applies



Explanation of how the FEP is treated

Excavation/operation: 3DEC modelling of construction-induced reactivation. Construction-induced seismicity neglected since extraction rate is too small to generate anything but local and limited construction-induced potential instability. Temperate: 3DEC modelling of reactivation due to thermal load (near field). Assessment of reactivation based on 3DEC stress evolution (far field). Estimation of earthquake probability (consequence analysis, see Earthquake). Periglacial: 3DEC modelling of fracture reactivation caused by thermal stress reduction, forebulge stress conditions and pore overpressure under impermeable permafrost layer (near field). Assessment of reactivation based on ABAQUS stress evolution, 3DEC thermal stress reduction and pore overpressure estimates (far field). Estimation of earthquake probability (consequence analysis, see Earthquake). Glacial: 3DEC modelling of ice-load induced reactivation. Assessment of reactivation based on ABAQUS stress model and pore overpressure estimates. Estimation of earthquake probability (consequence analysis, see Earthquake). Earthquakes: Apply design rules (respect distances and canister spacing). Assessment of residual probability for canister failure due to shear displacement.


Bibliographic references to obtain more information

SR-Site Geosphere process report, TR-10-48, Section(s) 1.6, 4.3; SR-Site Main report, TR-11-01, Section(s) 7.4.5