
When water freezes slowly, the solutes present in the water will not be incorporated in the crystal lattice of the ice. This slow and continuous freezing process will accompany the onset and evolution of permafrost conditions at the surface and in the bedrock in advance of ice cover during future glaciation events. During this process, salts that have been present in the surface waters and groundwaters will tend to accumulate at the propagating freeze-out front.

SKB Number

SKB FEP Number


Main Category

Main category for FEP

Internal process

System Component

System component to which the FEP applies



Explanation of how the FEP is treated

Excavation/operation: Not relevant. Temperate: Not relevant. Periglacial: Modelling of transport of outfrozen salt. Glacial: Not relevant. Earthquakes: Not relevant.


Bibliographic references to obtain more information

SR-Site Geosphere process report, TR-10-48, Section(s) 1.6, 5.12; SR-Site Main report, TR-11-01, Section(s) 7.4.5