Speciation of solutes and sorption of solutes onto surfaces of water-bearing fractures in the rock and on the surfaces of the microfractures inside the rock matrix, where the water is more or less stagnant.
SKB Number
SKB FEP Number
Main Category
Main category for FEP
Internal process
System Component
System component to which the FEP applies
Explanation of how the FEP is treated
Excavation/operation: Not relevant.
Temperate: Simplified Kd-approach for modelling sorption of radionuclides.
Speciation considered in the selection of Kd values.
Periglacial: Simplified Kd-approach for modelling sorption of radionuclides.
Speciation considered in the selection of Kd values.
Glacial: Simplified Kd-approach for modelling sorption of radionuclides.
Speciation considered in the selection of Kd values.
Earthquakes: Not relevant.
Bibliographic references to obtain more information
SR-Site Geosphere process report, TR-10-48, Section(s) 1.6, 5.4; SR-Site Main report, TR-11-01, Section(s) 7.4.5