
Tunnel plugs are typically located some 6 m from the outermost canister in each tunnel. The plug volumes are sufficiently small that the temperatures are controlled by the temperature in the surrounding rock, meaning that the plug temperatures can be calculated without account of the heat transport properties of the plug material. Therefore, the process is without significance to the thermal evolution in the plug region.

SKB Number

SKB FEP Number


Main Category

Main category for FEP

Internal process

System Component

System component to which the FEP applies

Tunnel plugs


Explanation of how the FEP is treated

Intact canister, Resaturation/ "thermal" period: Temperature as a function of distance from deposition holes is calculated. However, no specific estimate of the temperature in the plugs is done. The temperature in this component will under all circumstances remain relatively low. Intact canister, Long-term after saturation and "thermal" period: Temperature as a function of distance from deposition holes is calculated. However, no specific estimate of the temperature in the plugs is done. The temperature in this component will under all circumstances remain relatively low.


Bibliographic references to obtain more information

SR-Site Buffer, backfill and closure process report, TR-10-47, Section(s) 2.4.3, 5.1.1