
The covering of surface water by e.g. vegetation or ice that reduces light and prevents the exchange of gases and particles between the water and the atmosphere.

SKB Number

SKB FEP Number


Main Category

Main category for FEP



Sub-category for FEP

Biosphere process


Explanation of how the FEP is treated

Consolidation is considered in the Biosphere Interaction Matrix (SKB R-10-37) but not in the Radionuclide Model (RM). The influence of covering by biota and humans is small in the ecosystems of the model area and thus, this interaction is not necessary to consider in the RM. The handling is further described in the SR-Site Biosphere synthesis report, SKB TR-10-09, and in the ecosystem reports, SKB TR-10-01, -02 and -03.


Bibliographic references to obtain more information

SR-Site Biosphere process report, R-10-37, Section(s) 6.4.3