Freezing of the tunnel plugs is of no significance. When freezing due to permafrost growth starts, the repository is closed and saturated and the tunnel plugs have no performance requirement at this stage.
SKB Number
SKB FEP Number
Main Category
Main category for FEP
Internal process
System Component
System component to which the FEP applies
Tunnel plugs
Explanation of how the FEP is treated
Intact canister, Resaturation/ "thermal" period: Neglected, since this requires permafrost conditions.
Intact canister, Long-term after saturation and "thermal" period: Neglected, since there are no long-term performance requirements on the plugs
Bibliographic references to obtain more information
SR-Site Buffer, backfill and closure process report, TR-10-47, Section(s) 2.4.3, 5.1.2