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The factors related to the long-term processes arising from global climate changes and consequent regional effects on repository performance and safety.
Categorisation as a Feature, Event and/or Process.
are physical components of the disposal system and environment being assessed. Examples include waste packaging, backfill, surface soils. Features typically interact with one another via processes and in some cases events.Events
are dynamic interactions among features that occur over time periods that are short compared to the safety assessment timeframe such as a gas explosion or meteorite impact.- "Processes" are issues or dynamic interactions among features that generally occur over a significant proportion of the safety assessment timeframe and may occur over the whole of this timeframe. Events and processes may be coupled to one another (i.e. may influence one another).
The classification of a FEP as an event or process depends upon the assessment context, because the classification is undertaken with reference to an assessment timeframe. In this generic IFEP List, many IFEPs are classified as both Events and Processes; users will need to decide which of these classifications is relevant to their context and its timeframes.
- FEP Subgroup
2000 List
A reference to the related FEP(s) within the 2000 NEA IFEP List.
Related References
Degnan P, Bath AH, Cortés H, Delgado J, Haszeldine RS, Milodowski AE, Puigdomenech I, Recreo F, Šilar J, Torres T and Tullborg E-L (), Palaeohydrogeological Data Analysis and Model Testing Science Report – Technical issues associated with deep repositories for radioactive waste in different geological environments 149 (PADAMOT): Project Overview Report, PADAMOT Project Technical Report. EU FP5 Contract No FIKW-CT2001-20129, European Commission, 105, http://cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp5-euratom/docs/projrep-padamot_en.pdf
IPCC (), Climate Change 2014 - Synthesis Report: Summary for Policymakers. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Summary Report, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 32pp, http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar5/syr/AR5_SYR_FINAL_SPM.pdf
Van Geet M, de Craen M, Beeren, K, Leterme B, Mallants D, Wouters L, Cool W and Brassinnes S (), Climate evolution in the long-term safety assessment of surface and geological disposal facilities for radioactive waste in Belgium, Geologica Belgica, 15, 8-15