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[SF7 Particle Considered] [SF8 Modifiers] [SF9 data Types] [Cinda]

Data headings codes

              =NOTE= Characters and digits in Column 66 are used for 
                     computerized checking of the field sequence     
              Monitor/Assumed Values                                 
ANG-CM-NRM  Angle at which normalization was made, C.M. System     
ANG-NRM     Angle at which normalization was made                  
E-LVL-NRM   Level Energy Used for Normalization                    
               When a partial cross section is specified under       
E-NRM       Energy of Outgoing Particle Used for Normalization     
               Energy of the outgoing gamma ray or particle group for
                normalization value when a partial cross section is  
                specified under 'MONITOR'                            
E-NRM1      Energy of First Outgoing Particle Used for Normalizati 
E-NRM2      Energy of Second Outgoing Particle Used for Normalizat 
EN-CM-NRM   Inc.Proj. Energy (in c.m.) Used for Normalization      
EN-NRM      Incident Projectile Energy Used for Normalization      
               Used when a data set is normalized at one energy only.
EN-NRM-MAX  Upper Limit of Incident En. Range for Normalization    
EN-NRM-MIN  Lower Limit of Incident En. Range for Normalization    
EN-NRM-RSL  Energy Resolution of Normalization Incident Energy     
EN-NRM1     1st Incident Proj.En. for Normalization, see 'MONITOR' 
               If more than one energy is given.                     
               Explanation under 'MONITOR'.                          
EN-NRM2     2nd Incident Proj.En. for Normalization, see 'MONITOR' 
               Explanation under 'MONITOR'.                          
EN-NRM3     3rd Incident Proj.En. for Normalization, see 'MONITOR' 
               Explanation under 'MONITOR'.                          
EN-RES-NRM  Resonance Energy for Normalization                     
HL-NRM      Half-Life of nuclide to which data is normalized       
KT-NRM      Temperature of reference Maxwellian spectrum           
+MONIT-ERR  + Unsymmetric Error in Value Assumed for Normalization 
-MONIT-ERR  - Unsymmetric Error in Value Assumed for Normalization 
MONIT       Normalization Value for Reaction given under 'MONITOR' 
               For the reaction given under 'MONITOR'                
MONIT-CM    Normalization Value, C.M. System, see 'MONITOR'        
               For the Reaction Given under 'MONITOR'                
MONIT-DN    Normalization Value for denominator of reaction ratio  
MONIT-ERR   Error in Normalization Value                           
MONIT-NM    Normalization value for numerator of ratio             
MONIT1      1st Normalization Value, see 'MONITOR'                 
               If more than one is given.                            
               Explanation under 'MONITOR'                           
MONIT1-ERR  Error in 1st Normalization Value                       
MONIT2      2nd Normalization Value, see 'MONITOR'                 
               Explanation under 'MONITOR'                           
MONIT2-ERR  Error in 2nd Normalization Value                       
MONIT3      3rd Normalization Value, see 'MONITOR'                 
               Explanation under 'MONITOR'                           
MONIT3-ERR  Error in 3rd Normalization Value                       
MONIT4      4th Normalization Value, see 'MONITOR'                 
               Explanation under 'MONITOR'                           
MONIT4-ERR  Error in 4th Normalization Value                       
MONIT5      5th Normalization Value, see 'MONITOR'                 
               Explanation under 'MONITOR'                           
MONIT5-ERR  Error in 5th Normalization Value                       
MONIT6      6th Normalization Value, see 'MONITOR'                 
MONIT6-ERR  Error in 6th Normalization Value                       
MONIT7      7th Normalization Value, see 'MONITOR'                 
MONIT8      8th Normalization Value, see 'MONITOR'                 
STAND       Numerical Value Assumed                                
               Heading for field giving the numerical value assumed  
                for the quantity specified under 'STANDARD'          
STAND-ERR   Standard Error                                         
STAND1      1st Standard Value, see 'STANDARD'                     
               If More Than One Given                                
STAND1-ERR  Error in 1st Standard Value                            
STAND2      2nd Standard Value, see 'STANDARD'.                    
STAND2-ERR  Error in 2nd Standard Value                            
STAND3      3rd Standard Value, see 'STANDARD'.                    
STAND3-ERR  Error in 3rd Standard Value                            
ASSUM       Assumed Value, defined under 'ASSUMED'.                
ASSUM-ERR   Error in Assumed Value                                 
ASSUM-MAX   Upper Limit of Assumed Value                           
ASSUM-MIN   Lower Limit of Assumed Value                           
ASSUM1      1st Assumed Value, defined under 'ASSUMED'.            
               If more than  one assumed value given.                
ASSUM1-ERR  1st Assumed Value Error                                
ASSUM1-MAX  Upper Limit of 1st Assumed Value                       
ASSUM1-MIN  Lower Limit of 1st Assumed Value                       
ASSUM2      2nd Assumed Value, defined under 'ASSUMED'.            
ASSUM2-ERR  2nd Assumed Value Error                                
ASSUM2-MAX  Upper Limit of 2nd Assumed Value                       
ASSUM2-MIN  Lower Limit of 2nd Assumed Value                       
ASSUM3      3rd Assumed Value, defined under 'ASSUMED'.            
ASSUM3-ERR  3th Assumed Value Error                                
ASSUM4      4th Assumed Value, defined under 'ASSUMED'.            
ASSUM4-ERR  4th Assumed Value Error                                
ASSUM5      5th Assumed Value, defined under 'ASSUMED'.            
ASSUM5-ERR  5th Assumed Value Error                                
              Quantity Measured                                      
DATA        Value of Quantity Specified under 'REACTION'           
              =Note= All codes starting with 'DATA' are in the       
               laboratory system unless the extension 'CM' is given. 
DATA-APRX   Approximate Value of Quantity specif. under 'REACTION' 
DATA-CM     Value of Quantity specif. under 'REACTION', C.M. Sys.  
DATA-MAX    Upper Limit of Quantity specified under 'REACTION'     
DATA-MIN    Lower Limit of Quantity specified under 'REACTION'     
DATA-MN-CM  Lower Lim.of Quant.specif.under 'REACTION', C.M.Sys.   
DATA-MX-CM  Upper Lim.of Quant.specif.under 'REACTION', C.M.Sys.   
SUM         Sum value of Quantity specified under 'REACTION'       
               May be used instead of 'DATA' for an explicit sum     
                ((...)+(...)) or an isomeric sum is coded under      
+DATA-ERR   + Unsymmetric Data Error, see 'ERR-ANALYS'             
+DATA-ERR1  + Unsymmetric data uncertainty                         
+DATA-ERR2  + Unsymmetric 2nd data uncertainty                     
+ERR-5      + Unsymmetric 5th Systematic Error, see 'ERR-ANALYS'.  
+ERR-S      + Unsymmetric Statistical Error                        
+ERR-SYS    + Unsymmetric Systematic Error                         
+ERR-T      + Unsymmetric Total Error                              
+RATIO-ERR  + Unsymmetric Ratio Error, see 'ERR-ANALYS'.           
+SUM-ERR    + Unsymmetric Error in Sum, see 'ERR-ANALYS'.          
-DATA-ERR   - Unsymmetric Data Error, see 'ERR-ANALYS'.            
-DATA-ERR1  - Unsymmetric data uncertainty                         
-DATA-ERR2  - Unsymmetric 2nd data uncertainty                     
-ERR-5      - Unsymmetric 5th Systematic Error, see 'ERR-ANALYS'.  
-ERR-S      - Unsymmetric Statistical Uncertainty                  
-ERR-SYS    - Unsymmetric Systematic Error                         
-ERR-T      - Unsymmetric Total Uncertainty                        
-RATIO-ERR  - Unsymmetric Ratio Error                              
               Explanation under 'ERR-ANALYS'                        
-SUM-ERR    - Unsymmetric Error in Sum                             
               Explanation under 'ERR-ANALYS'                        
DATA-ERR    Error in Value of Quantity, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS' 
DATA-ERR1   1st Data Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS'       
               If more than one uncertainty field given.             
DATA-ERR2   2nd Data Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS'       
DATA-ERR3   3rd Data Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS'       
DATA-ERR4   4th Data Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS'       
DATA-ERR5   5th Data Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS'       
DATA-ERR6   6th Data Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS'       
ERR-1       1st Systematic Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS' 
ERR-10      10th Systematic Uncert., defined under 'ERR-ANALYS'    
ERR-11      11th Systematic Uncert., defined under 'ERR-ANALYS'    
ERR-12      12th Systematic Uncert., defined under 'ERR-ANALYS'    
ERR-13      13th Systematic Uncert., defined under 'ERR-ANALYS'    
ERR-14      14th Systematic Uncert., defined under 'ERR-ANALYS'    
ERR-15      15th Systematic Uncert., defined under 'ERR-ANALYS'    
ERR-2       2nd Systematic Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS' 
ERR-3       3rd Systematic Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS' 
ERR-4       4th Systematic Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS' 
ERR-5       5th Systematic Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS' 
ERR-6       6th Systematic Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS' 
ERR-7       7th Systematic Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS' 
ERR-8       8th Systematic Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS' 
ERR-9       9th Systematic Uncertainty, defined under 'ERR-ANALYS' 
ERR-DIG     Digitizing error (of DATA)                             
ERR-S       Statistical Uncertainty (1-Sigma)                      
ERR-SYS     Total Systematic Uncertainty                           
ERR-T       Total Uncertainty (1-Sigma)                            
SUM-ERR     Error in Sum                                           
               Explanation under 'ERR-ANALYS'                        
RATIO       Ratio Value of Quantity specified under 'REACTION'     
               May be used instead of 'DATA' for an explicit ratio   
                ((...)/(...)), or for an isomeric ratio.             
               In earlier entries also used for the ISO-QUANT/       
                STANDARD ratio even if this ratio is not explicitly  
                coded under 'ISO-QUANT'                              
RATIO-APRX  Approximate Value of Ratio                             
RATIO-MAX   Upper Limit of Ratio                                   
RATIO-MIN   Lower Limit of Ratio                                   
RATIO-ERR   Ratio Error                                            
RATIO-ERR1  1st Ratio Error                                        
               If more than one ratio error is given.                
               Explanation under 'ERR-ANALYS'                        
RATIO-ERR2  2nd Ratio Error                                        
               Explanation under 'ERR-ANALYS'                        
RATIO-ERR3  3rd Ratio Error                                        
               Explanation under 'ERR-ANALYS'                        
              Resonance Parameters                                   
MOMENTUML   Angular Momentum (L) of Resonance                     2
               For resonance parameters, strength functions, etc.    
PARITY      Parity of Resonance                                   0
               Compare Also the BIB Keyword 'LEVEL-PROP'.            
SPINJ       Spin (J)                                              4
               Spin J of Resonances, Strength-Functions, etc.        
               Compare also the BIB Keyword 'Level-PROP'.            
STAT-WG     Statistical-Weight Factor (g)                         4
               For Resonance Parameters                              
EN-RES      Resonance Energy                                      C
EN-RES-CM   Resonance Energy, C.M. System                         C
EN-RES-MAX  Upper Limit of Resonance Energy                       C
EN-RES-MIN  Lower Limit of Resonance Energy                       C
MU-ADLER    Mu                                                    C
               Used in Adler-Adler Resonance Analysis.               
               Equivalent to resonance energy.                       
+EN-RES-ER  + Unsymmetric Resonance Energy Error                  D
-EN-RES-ER  - Unsymmetric Resonance Energy Error                  D
EN-RES-ERR  Error in Resonance Energy                             D
              Energy/Momentum of Incident Projectile                 
EN          Energy of Incident Projectile, Laboratory System      A
              =Note= All codes starting with 'EN' are in the         
               Laboratory system unless the extension 'CM' is given. 
EN-APRX     Approximate Value of Incident Projectile Energy       A
EN-CM       Incident Projectile Energy relative to target         A
EN-CM-MAX   Upper Limit of C.M. Incident Projectile Energy Range  A
EN-CM-MIN   Lower Limit of C.M. Incident Projectile Energy Range  A
EN-DN       Incident Energy for Reaction Ratio Denominator        A
EN-MAX      Upper Limit of Incident Projectile Energy Range       A
EN-MIN      Lower Limit of Incident Projectile Energy Range       A
EN-MIN-APX  Approximate Lower Limit Incident Projectile Energy    A
EN-MIN-DN   Lower Limit of Inc. En. Range, Reaction Ratio Denom.  A
EN-MIN-NM   Lower Limit of Inc. En. Range, Reaction Ratio Numer.  A
EN-NM       Incident Projectile Energy, Reaction Ratio Numerator  A
+EN-ERR     + Unsymmetric Energy Error                            B
+EN-RSL     + Unsymmetric Energy Resolution                       B
+EN-RSL-HW  + Unsymmetric Energy Resolution                       B
-EN-ERR     - Unsymmetric Energy Error                            B
-EN-RSL     - Unsymmetric Energy Resolution                       B
-EN-RSL-HW  - Unsymmetric Energy Resolution                       B
EN-ERR      Uncertainty in Incident Projectile Energy             B
               for monoenergetic incident projectile energy or       
               for central energy in an incident projectile spectrum.
EN-ERR-DIG  Digitizing error of incident particle energy          B
EN-ERR1     1st Incident Projectile Energy Error, see 'ERR-ANALYS'B
               If more than one uncertainty is given.                
               Explanation under 'ERR-ANALYS'.                       
EN-ERR2     2nd Incident Projectile Energy Error, see 'ERR-ANALYS'B
               Explanation under 'ERR-ANALYS'.                       
EN-ERR3     3rd Incident Projectile Energy Error, see 'ERR-ANALYS'B
               Explanation under 'ERR-ANALYS'.                       
EN-RSL      Incident Projectile Energy Resolution (Unspecified)   B
EN-RSL-DN   Inc.Proj.Energy Resol.(FWHM), Reaction Ratio DenominatB
EN-RSL-FW   Incident Projectile Energy Resolution (FWHM)          B
EN-RSL-HW   Incident Projectile Energy Resolution (+-1/2 FWHM)    B
EN-RSL-NM   Inc.Proj.Energy Resol.(FWHM), Reaction Ratio NumeratorB
MOM         Linear Momentum of Incident Projectile                M
MOM-MAX     Maximum Linear Momentum of Incident Projectile        M
MOM-MIN     Minimum Linear Momentum of Incident Projectile        M
MOM-ERR     Error of Linear Momentum of Incident Projectile       R
MOM-RSL     Incident Projectile Linear Momentum Resolution        R
EN-DUM-DN   Dummy Incident Energy, Reaction Ratio Denominator     A
EN-DUM-NM   Dummy Incident Energy, Reaction Ratio Numerator       A
EN-DUMMY    Dummy Incident Proj. Energy, for broad spectrum       A
               Used as the numerical equivalent of an incident       
                particle spectrum when neither 'EN-MEAN' nor 'KT'    
                apply.  See also 'INC-SPECT'.                        
               Quantity has modifier to specify spectrum.            
EN-MEAN     Mean Energy of Incident Projectile Spectrum           A
               Either mean energy of incident projectile spectrum or 
                of energy range. Explanation in free text is required
EN-MEAN-DN  Inc. Spectr. Mean Energy, Reaction Ratio Denominator  A
EN-MEAN-NM  Inc. Spectr. Mean Energy, Reaction Ratio Numerator    A
KT          Spectrum Temperature (energy units)                   A
KT-DN       Spectrum Temperature, Reaction Ratio Denominator      A
KT-K        Spectrum Temperature (temperature units)              A
KT-NM       Spectrum Temperature, Reaction Ratio Numerator        A
KT-ERR      Error in Spectrum Temperature                         B
WVE-LN      Wave length of incident particle                      A
              Secondary Energy                                       
E           Energy of Outgoing Particle, Lab. System              E
              =Note= All codes starting with 'E' are in the          
               Laboratory system unless the extension 'CM' is given. 
E-APRX      Approx. Energy of Outgoing Particle, Lab. System      E
E-CM        Energy of Outgoing Particle, C.M. System              E
E-CM-MAX    Upper Limit of Outgoing Part. En. Range, C.M. Sys.    E
E-CM-MIN    Lower Limit of Outgoing Part. En. Range, C.M. Sys.    E
E-DN        Outgoing Particle Energy, Reaction Ratio Denominator  E
E-MAX       Upper Limit of Outgoing Particle En. Range, Lab. Sys. E
E-MAX-CM    Upper Limit of Outgoing Particle En. Range, C.M. Sys. E
E-MAX-DN    Outgoing Particle Energy, Reaction Ratio Denominator  E
E-MAX-NM    Outgoing Particle Energy, Reaction Ratio Numerator    E
E-MEAN      Mean Energy of Outgoing Particles, Lab. System        E
E-MIN       Lower Limit of Outgoing Particle En. Range, Lab. Sys. E
E-MIN-CM    Lower Limit of Outgoing Particle En. Range, C.M. Sys. E
E-MIN-DN    Outgoing Particle Energy, Reaction Ratio Denominator  E
E-MIN-NM    Outgoing Particle Energy, Reaction Ratio Numerator    E
E-NM        Outgoing Particle Energy, Reaction Ratio Numerator    E
E-RL        Relative Energy of Outgoing Particle, Lab. System     E
E-RL-CM     Relative Energy of Outgoing Particle, C.M. System     E
E1          1st Outgoing Part. En., defined under 'EN-SEC'        E
E1-CM       1st Outgoing Part. En., C.M. defined under 'EN-SEC'   E
E1-MAX      Upper Limit, 1st Outgoing Part. En.Range, see 'EN-SEC'E
               Defined under 'EN-SEC'.                               
E1-MIN      Lower Limit, 1st Outgoing Part. En.Range, see 'EN-SEC'E
               Defined under 'EN-SEC'.                               
E2          2nd Outgoing Part. Energy, defined under 'EN-SEC'     E
E2-MAX      Upper Limit, 2nd Outgoing Part. En.Range, see 'EN-SEC'E
               Defined under 'EN-SEC'.                               
E2-MIN      Lower Limit, 2nd Outgoing Part. En.Range, see 'EN-SEC'E
E3          3rd Outgoing Particle Energy, defined under 'EN-SEC'  E
E3-MIN      Lower Limit, 3rd Outgoing Part. En.Range, see 'EN-SEC'E
               Defined under 'EN-SEC'.                               
E4          4th Outgoing Particle Energy, defined under 'EN-SEC'  E
E5          5th Outgoing Particle Energy, defined under 'EN-SEC'  E
S           Distance along S-curve for range of E1 and E2         E
S-MEAN      Mean distance along S-curve for range of E1 and E2    E
+E-ERR      + Unsymmetric Outgoing Particle Energy Error          F
-E-ERR      - Unsymmetric Outgoing Particle Energy Error          F
E-ERR       Outgoing Particle Energy Error                        F
E-ERR-DIG   Digitizing error of outgoing particle energy          F
E-ERR1      First Outgoing Particle Energy Error                  F
E-ERR2      Second Outgoing Particle Energy Error                 F
E-NM-ERR    Error in Outgoing Particle En., Reaction Ratio NumeratE
E-RSL       Outgoing Projectile Energy Resolution                 F
E-RSL-FW    Secondary energy resolution (full width at half maximuF
E1-ERR      Outgoing Particle Energy Error                        F
E2-ERR      Outgoing Particle Energy Error                        F
E-LVL       Level Energy                                          E
               Compare also with BIB keyword 'LEVEL-PROP'.           
E-LVL-DN    Level Energy, Reaction Ratio Denominator              E
E-LVL-FIN   Final Level of Gamma Transition                       E
E-LVL-FIN1  Final Level of Gamma Transition, def.under EN-SEC     E
E-LVL-FIN2  Final Level of Gamma Transition, def.under EN-SEC     E
E-LVL-INI   Initial Level of Gamma Transition                     E
E-LVL-INI1  Initial Level of Gamma Transition, def.under EN-SEC   E
E-LVL-INI2  Initial Level of Gamma Transition, def.under EN-SEC   E
E-LVL-MAX   Upper Energy Limit of Discrete Level Group            E
E-LVL-MEAN  Mean Level Energy                                     E
E-LVL-MIN   Lower Energy Limit of Discrete Level Group            E
E-LVL-NM    Level Energy, Reaction Ratio Numerator                E
E-LVL1      1st Level Energy, defined under 'EN-SEC'              E
E-LVL1-MAX  Upper Limit of 1st Level Energy Range                 E
E-LVL1-MIN  Lower Limit of 1st Level Energy Range                 E
E-LVL2      2nd Level Energy, defined under 'EN-SEC'              E
E-LVL2-MAX  Upper Limit of 2nd Level Energy Range                 E
E-LVL2-MIN  Lower Limit of 2nd Level Energy Range                 E
+E-LVL-ERR  + Unsymmetric Level Energy Error                      F
-E-LVL-ERR  - Unsymmetric Level Energy Error                      F
E-LVL-ERR   Level Energy Error                                    F
E-EXC       Excitation Energy                                     E
E-EXC-DN    Excitation Energy for denominator of reaction ratio   E
E-EXC-MAX   Upper Limit of Excitation Energy Range                E
E-EXC-MEAN  Mean Excitation Energy                                E
E-EXC-MIN   Lower Limit of Excitation Energy Range                E
E-EXC-NM    Excitation Energy for numerator of reaction ratio     E
E-EXC1      1st Excitation Energy, defined under EN-SEC'          E
               If more than one given.                               
E-EXC1-MAX  Upper Limit of 1st Excitation Energy Range            E
E-EXC1-MIN  Lower Limit of 1st Excitation Energy Range            E
E-EXC2      2nd Excitation Energy, defined under EN-SEC'.         E
E-EXC2-MAX  Upper Limit of 2nd Excitation Energy Range            E
E-EXC3      3rd Excitation Energy, defined under EN-SEC'.         E
E-EXC-ERR   Excitation Energy Error                               F
Q-VAL       Q-Value                                               E
Q-VAL-APRX  Approximate Q-Value                                   E
Q-VAL-MAX   Upper Limit of Q-Value                                E
Q-VAL-MEAN  Mean Q-Value                                          E
Q-VAL-MIN   Lower Limit of Q-Value                                E
Q-VAL-ERR   Q-Value Uncertainty                                   F
Q-VAL-RSL   Q-Value Resolution                                    F
E-DGD       Degradation in Incident vs. Outgoing Particle Energy  E
E-DGD-MAX   Upper Limit of Degradat. in Inc. vs. Outgoing Part.En.E
E-DGD-MIN   Lower Limit of Degradat. in Inc. vs. Outgoing Part.En.E
E-DGD-ERR   Error in Degradation in Incident vs. Outgoing Part.En.F
E-GAIN      Gain in Incident vs. Outgoing Particle Energy         E
E-GAIN-ERR  Error in Gain in Incident vs. Outgoing Particle EnergyF
IAS-NUMB    Level Number of Isobaric Analog State                 E
ISO-NUMB    Level Number of Isobaric Analog State                 E
LVL-NUM-DN  Level Number, Reaction Ratio Denominator              E
              (Used only if other information is not available)      
LVL-NUM-NM  Level Number, Reaction Ratio Numerator                E
              (Used only if other information is not available)      
LVL-NUMB    Level Number                                          E
              (Used only if other information is not available)      
               Compare also to the BIB Keyword 'LEVEL-PROP'.         
-t          4-momentum transfer squared                            
M1          Linear Momentum of 1st Outgoing Particle              L
               More than one linear momentum field given.            
M1-MAX      Upper Limit of 1st Outgoing Particle Linear Momentum  L
M1-MIN      Lower Limit of 1st Outgoing Particle Linear Momentum  L
M1-SEC-MAX  Upper Limit of 1st Outgoing Particle Linear Momentum  L
M1-SEC-MIN  Lower Limit of 1st Outgoing Particle Linear Momentum  L
M2          Linear Momentum of 2nd Outgoing Particle              L
M2-MAX      Upper Limit of 2nd Outgoing Particle Linear Momentum  L
M2-MIN      Lower Limit of 2nd Outgoing Particle Linear Momentum  L
M2-SEC-MAX  Upper Limit of 2nd Outgoing Particle Linear Momentum  L
M2-SEC-MIN  Lower Limit of 2nd Outgoing Particle Linear Momentum  L
M3          Linear Momentum of 3rd Outgoing Particle              L
M4          Linear Momentum of 4th Outgoing Particle              L
M5          Linear Momentum of 5th Outgoing Particle              L
MOM-SEC     Linear Momentum of Outgoing Particle                  L
MOM-SEC-MN  Minimum Linear Momentum of Outgoing Particle          L
MOM-SEC-MX  Maximum Linear Momentum of Outgoing Particle          L
MOM-SEC1    1st Linear Momentum of Outgoing Particle              L
               Defined under 'MOM-SEC'.                              
               More than one linear momentum given.                  
MOM-SEC2    2nd Linear Momentum of Outgoing Particle              L
               Defined under 'MOM-SEC'.                              
MOM-SEC3    3rd Linear Momentum of Outgoing Particle              L
               Defined under 'MOM-SEC'.                              
MOM-SEC4    4th Linear Momentum of Outgoing Particle              L
               Defined under 'MOM-SEC'.                              
MOM-SEC5    5th Linear Momentum of Outgoing Particle              L
               Defined under 'MOM-SEC'.                              
MOM-SEC-ER  Error of Linear Momentum of Outgoing Particle         L
POLAR       Polarity                                              E
               Electric or magnetic polarity                         
POLAR-DN    Polarity for denominator of reaction ratio            E
POLAR-NM    Polarity for numerator of reaction ratio              E
ANG         Angle, Laboratory System                              G
              =Note= All codes starting with 'ANG' are in the        
               Laboratory system unless the extension 'CM' is given. 
ANG-AZ      Azimuthal Angle                                       G
ANG-AZ-RL   Azimuthal Angle Between 2 Reaction Planes             G
ANG-AZ1     Azimuthal Angle                                       G
ANG-AZ2     Azimuthal Angle                                       G
ANG-CM      Angle, C.M. System                                    G
ANG-CM-DN   Angle for Reaction Ratio Denominator, C.M. System     G
ANG-CM-MAX  Upper Limit of Angular Range, C.M. System             G
ANG-CM-MIN  Lower Limit of Angular Range, C.M. System             G
ANG-CM-NM   Angle for Reaction Ratio Numerator, C.M. System       G
ANG-DN      Angle, Reaction Ratio Denominator                     G
ANG-MAX     Upper Limit of Angular Range, Lab. System             G
ANG-MIN     Lower Limit of Angular Range, Lab. System             G
ANG-MN      Mean angle of correlated pair                         G
ANG-NM      Angle, Reaction Ratio Numerator                       G
ANG-RL      Relative Angle                                        G
ANG-RL-CM   Relative Angle, C.M. System                           G
ANG1        1st Angle, definition given in BIB Section            G
               If more than one angle is given.                      
ANG1-CM     Angle, C.M. System, definition given in BIB           G
ANG1-CM-MN  Lower Limit of First Angle, C.M. System               G
ANG1-CM-MX  Upper Limit of First Angle, C.M. System               G
ANG1-MAX    Upper Limit of First Angular Range, Lab. System       G
ANG1-MIN    Lower Limit of First Angular Range, Lab. System       G
ANG2        2nd Angle, definition given in BIB Section            G
ANG2-CM     Angle, C.M. System, definition given in BIB           G
ANG2-MAX    Upper Limit of Second Angular Range, Lab. System      G
ANG2-MIN    Lower Limit of Second Angular Range, Lab. System      G
ANG2-RL-CM  Relative 2nd Angle, C.M. System                       G
ANG3        3rd Angle, definition given in BIB Section            G
ANG4        4th Angle, definition given in BIB Section            G
+ANG-RSL    + Unsymmetric Angular Resolution                      H
-ANG-RSL    - Unsymmetric Angular Resolution                      H
ANG-ERR     Angle Error                                           H
ANG-ERR-D   Digitizing error of angle                             H
ANG-MN-ERR  Error of Mean angle of correlated pair                H
ANG-RSL     Angular Resolution                                    H
ANG1-ERR    1st Angle Error, definition given in BIB Section      H
ANG2-ERR    2nd Angle Error, definition given in BIB Section      H
COS         Cosine of Angle, Laboratory System                    G
              =Note= All codes starting with 'COS' are in the        
               laboratory system unless the extension 'CM' is given. 
COS-CM      Cosine of Angle, C.M.System                           G
COS-CM-MAX  Upper Limit of Cosine Range, C.M. System              G
COS-CM-MIN  Lower Limit of Cosine Range, C.M. System              G
COS-MAX     Upper Limit of Cosine Range, Lab. System              G
COS-MIN     Lower Limit of Cosine Range, Lab. System              G
COS-ERR     Cosine Error                                          H
COS-ERR-D   Digitizing Error of Cosine                            H
COS-RSL     Cosine Angular Resolution                             H
MOM-TR      Momentum transfer (in units MeV/c or equiv.)          G
q           Momentum transfer, q                                  G
q-CM        Momentum transfer, q, center of mass system           G
MOM-TR-ERR  Error of momentum transfer (in units MeV/c or equiv.) H
WVE-NM      Wave Number                                           G
              Coefficient Number                                     
NUMBER      Fitting Coefficient Number                            N
NUMBER-CM   Fitting Coefficient Number, for Data in C.M. System   N
               When the Legendre or cosine fit refers to an angle    
                given in the center-of-mass system.                  
KQ          Indices for tensor analyzing power                    N
              Independent Variables or Associated Inform.            
TEMP        Sample Temperature                                    8
TEMP-ERR    Error in Sample Temperature                           9
THICKNESS   Sample Thickness                                      K
               Used as independent variable when data from several   
                runs with different sample thicknesses are given.    
POL-BM      Beam Polarization                                      
POL-BM-ERR  Beam Polarization Error                                
POL-BM-MAX  Upper Limit of Beam Polarization                       
POL-BM-MIN  Lower Limit of Beam Polarization                       
POL-TR      Target Polarization                                    
POL-TR-ERR  Target Polarization Error                              
HL          Half-Life of Nuclide Specified.                       6
               - of Nucleus Given under HALF-LIFE or RESID-NUC       
                 or of delayed neutron group                         
               - or as Independent Variable                          
HL-DN       Half-Life of nuclide specified in ratio denominator   6
HL-NM       Half-Life of nuclide specified in ratio numerator     6
HL1         Half-Life of 1st Nucleus Specified                    6
               More than one half-life Given.                        
HL2         Half-Life of 2nd Nucleus Specified                    6
HL3         Half-Life of 3rd Nucleus Specified                    6
HL4         Half-Life of 4th Nucleus Specified                    6
HL-ERR      Error in Half-Life                                    7
HL1-ERR     Error in Half-Life of 1st Nucleus Specified           7
HL2-ERR     Error in Half-Life of 2nd Nucleus Specified           7
HL3-ERR     Error in Half-Life of 3rd Nucleus Specified           7
HL4-ERR     Error in Half-Life of 4th Nucleus Specified           7
GRP-NUM     Group number (of delayed neutrons)                    N
DCNST       Decay constant                                        N
ERR-EDD     Error of energy value given under DECAY-DATA           
ERR-HL      Error of half-life value given under DECAY-DATA        
ERR-IDD     Error of intensity value given under DECAY-DATA        
DCNST-ERR   Error in decay constant                               N
              Isotope/Particle Identification                        
ELEM-DN     Atomic Number, Reaction Ratio Denominator             I
ELEM-MAX    Upper Limit of Atomic Number Range                    I
ELEM-MIN    Lower Limit of Atomic Number Range                    I
               for isotope yields only                               
ELEM-NM     Atomic Number, Reaction Ratio Numerator               I
ELEM1       Atomic Number of 1st Element                          I
ELEM2       Atomic Number of 2nd Element                          I
ELEM3       Atomic Number of 3rd Element                          I
ELEMENT     Atomic Number of Element                              I
               for product yields or delayed neutron precursor nuclei
MASS        Atomic Mass of Nuclide                                J
               For product yields or delayed neutron precursor       
MASS-DN     Atomic Mass of Nuclide, Reaction Ratio Denominator    J
MASS-MAX    Upper Limit of Atomic Mass Range                      J
MASS-MIN    Lower Limit of Atomic Mass Range                      J
MASS-NM     Atomic Mass of Nuclide, Reaction Ratio Numerator      J
MASS-RATIO  Ratio of Atomic Masses of Fission Fragments           J
MASS1       Atomic Mass of 1st Nuclide                            J
MASS1-MAX   Maximum Atomic Mass of 1st Nuclide                    J
MASS2       Atomic Mass of 2nd Nuclide                            J
MASS2-MIN   Minimum Atomic Mass of 2nd Nuclide                    J
MASS3       Atomic Mass of 3rd Nuclide                            J
MASS-ERR-D  Digitizing Error in Atomic Mass of Nuclide            J
MASS-RSL    Mass Resolution                                        
               For mass ranges in product yields.                    
ISOMER      Isomer for Nuclide Given                              J
               Nuclide given in preceding fields under 'ELEMENT'     
                and 'MASS'.                                          
                blank = Nucleus has no Metastable State              
                  0.  = Ground State (when Metastable State exists)  
                  1.  = 1st or unspecified Metastable State          
                  2.  = 2nd Metastable State, etc.                   
ISOMER-DN   Isomer for Nuclide, REACTION Ratio Denominator        J
ISOMER-NM   Isomer for Nuclide, REACTION Ratio Numerator          J
ISOMER1     1st Isomer for Nuclide                                J
ISOMER2     2nd Isomer for Nuclide                                J
ELEM-NRM    Atomic Number of Nuclide Used for Normalization        
MASS-NRM    Atomic Mass of Nuclide used for Normalization          
EMS         Effective Mass Squared                                S
EMS1        1st Effective Mass Squared, defined under 'MOM-SEC'.  S
EMS1-MAX    Upper Limit, 1st Effective Mass Squared, see 'MOM-SEC'S
               Defined under 'MOM-SEC'.                              
EMS1-MIN    Lower Limit, 1st Effective Mass Squared, see 'MOM-SEC'S
               Defined under 'MOM-SEC'.                              
EMS2        2nd Effective Mass Squared, defined under 'MOM-SEC'.  S
EMS2-MAX    Upper Limit, 2nd Effective Mass Squared, see 'MOM-SEC'S
               Defined under 'MOM-SEC'.                              
EMS2-MIN    Lower Limit, 2nd Effective Mass Squared, see 'MOM-SEC'S
               Defined under 'MOM-SEC'.                              
EMS3        3rd Effective Mass Squared, defined under 'MOM-SEC'   S
EMS4        4th Effective Mass Squared, defined under 'MOM-SEC'   S
EMS5        5th Effective Mass Squared, defined under 'MOM-SEC'   S
N-OUT       Number of Emitted Neutrons                            O
P-OUT       Number of Emitted Protons                             P
PART-OUT    Number of Emitted Particles                           P
              Additional Information                                 
+MISC-ERR   + Unsymmetric Error in Miscellaneous Value             
-MISC-ERR   - Unsymmetric Error in Miscellaneous Value             
ANAL-STEP   Analysis Energy Step                                   
DECAY-FLAG  Decay Flag. See corresponding Flag in BIB section      
               Used in Variable Product Nucleus Formalism to link    
                product nuclei in DATA section to codes under        
                DECAY-DATA or RAD-DET (re PART-DET proposal is       
FLAG        Flag, defined under 'FLAG'.                           Z
LVL         Level Energy as additional information                 
LVL-ERR     Error of Level Energy as additional information        
LVL-FIN     Final Level Energy as additional information           
LVL-FIN-ER  Error of Final Level Energy as addit.information       
LVL-FIN1    1st Final Level Energy as additional information       
LVL-FIN2    2nd Final Level Energy as additional information       
LVL-FLAG    Level Flag, Link to information under 'LEVEL-PROP'     
LVL-INI     Initial Level Energy as additional information         
LVL-INI-ER  Error of Initial Level Energy as addit.information     
LVL-INI1    1st Initial Level Energy as additional information     
LVL-INI2    2nd Initial Level Energy as additional information     
MISC        Miscellaneous Information, defined under 'MISC-COL'.   
               Supplementary information for which no Data-Heading   
                Keyword has been defined.                            
MISC-ERR    Error in Miscellaneous Value                           
MISC-ERR-D  Digitizing Error in Miscellaneous Value                
MISC1       1st Miscellaneous Field, defined under 'MISC-COL'      
               More than one miscellaneous field given.              
MISC1-ERR   Error in 1st Miscellaneous Field                       
MISC10      10th Miscellaneous Field, defined under 'MISC-COL'     
MISC2       2nd Miscellaneous Field, defined under 'MISC-COL'      
MISC2-ERR   Error in 2nd Miscellaneous Field                       
MISC3       3rd Miscellaneous Field, defined under 'MISC-COL'      
MISC3-ERR   Error in 3rd Miscellaneous Field                       
MISC4       4th Miscellaneous Field, defined under 'MISC-COL'      
MISC4-ERR   Error in 4th Miscellaneous Field                       
MISC5       5th Miscellaneous Field, defined under 'MISC-COL'      
MISC5-ERR   Error in 5th Miscellaneous Field                       
MISC6       6th Miscellaneous Field, defined under 'MISC-COL'      
MISC6-ERR   Error in 6th Miscellaneous Field                       
MISC7       7th Miscellaneous Field, defined under 'MISC-COL'      
MISC7-ERR   Error in 7th Miscellaneous Field                       
MISC8       8th Miscellaneous Field, defined under 'MISC-COL'      
MISC8-ERR   Error in 8th Miscellaneous Field                       
MISC9       9th Miscellaneous Field, defined under 'MISC-COL'