Seventh Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation

14-16 October 2002, Jeju (Korea)

Table of Contents


Executive Summary

Welcome addresses

KAERI: In-Soon Chang

OECD/NEA: Peter Wilmer

Ministry of Science and Technology of Korea: Se-Jun Yoon

General Session: National and International Programmes on P&T

Activities on R&D of Partitioning and Transmutation in Japan
H. Takano (JAERI) and T. Ikegami (JNC)

The Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative: The Future Path for Advanced Spent Fuel Treatment and Transmutation Research in the United States
J.W. Herczeg (DOE)

R&D Activities for Partitioning and Transmutation in Korea
J-H. Yoo and W-S. Park (KAERI)

Status of the French Research Programme for Actinides and Fission Products Partitioning and Transmutation
D. Warin (CEA)

Overview of Current Russian Activities in P&T Area
A.V. Lopatkin (Minatom) and V.V. Ignatiev (RRC)

Status of Researches on Advanced Nuclear Energy System in China
Z. Zhao (China Institute of Atomic Energy)

Partitioning and Transmutation Research in the EURATOM Fifth and Sixth Framework
V.P. Bhatnagar, S. Casalta and M. Hugon (EC)

IAEA Activities in the Area of Partitioning and Transmutation
A. Stanculescu (IAEA)

OECD/NEA Partitioning and Transmutation Activities
B-C. Na and C. Nordborg (OECD/NEA)

Session I: Fuel Cycle Strategy and Future Reactors

Role of P&T on Permanent Disposal of HLW in Korea
Y-S. Hwang and J-H. Park

Long-term Issues Associated with Spent Nuclear Power Fuel Management Options
J-S. Lee, K. Fukuda, R. Burcl and M. Bell

Current Status of Czech R&D Programme in Partitioning and Transmutation
J. Uhlír, M. Hron, V. Priman and Z. Valvoda

Overview of the P&T Activities at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
J.U. Knebel

Transmutation Capability of Once-through Critical or Sub-critical Molten-salt Reactors
E. Rodriguez-Vieitez, M. Lowenthal, E. Greenspan and J. Ahn .

Detailed Phase-out TRU Transmutation Scenarios Studies based on Fast Neutron ADS Systems
E. González and M. Embid-Segura

"ORIENT-CYCLE" - Evolutional Recycle Concept with Fast Reactor for Minimising High-level Waste
N. Takaki, Y. Shinoda, M. Watanabe and K. Yoshida

Analysis of Mass Flow and Cost for Double-strata Fuel Cycle
K. Nishihara and H. Takano

An Investigation of TRU Recycling with Various Neutron Spectrums
Y-N. Kim, H-C. Kim, C-Y. Han, J-K. Kim and W-S. Park

Saturation Condition and Evolution of the Nuclides for Sub-critical System Driven by Accelerator
S. Fan, H. Zhang and Z. Zhao

Transmutation of Long-lived Fission Products in a Sodium-cooled ATW System
Y. Kim, R.N. Hill, W-S. Yang and H. Khalil

Partitioning and Transmutation of Spent Nuclear Fuel by PEACER
B-G. Park, S-H. Jeong and I-S. Hwang

PWR to Accelerator driven System (ADS) Fuel Cycle Employing Dry Process
M. Iqbal, C-J. Jeong and G-H. Roh

Assessment of the Equilibrium State in Reactor-based Plutonium or Transuranics Multi-recycling
T.K. Kim, T.A. Taiwo, J.A. Stillmann, R.N. Hill and P.J. Finck

Use of Thorium for Transmutation of Plutonium and Minor Actinides in PWRs
E. Shwageraus, P. Hejzlar and M.S. Kazimi

Session summary

Session II: Progress in Partitioning and Waste Forms

Burning of Minor Actinides in Fuel Cycle of the Fast Reactor: DOVITA Programme - Results of the 10 Year Activities
A.V. Bychkov, O.V. Skiba, A.A. Mayorshin, M.V. Kormilitsyn, O.V. Shishalov, I.Y. Zhemkov, V.A. Kisly and L.G. Babikov

Status of Pyro-process Fuel Cycle Technology Development at CRIEPI
T. Yokoo and T. Inoue

Development of Separations Technologies in the U.S. Partitioning and Transmutation Programme
J.J. Laidler

Towards a DIAMEX Process Flowsheet using High Active Concentrate (HAC)
D. Serrano-Purroy, S. Birck, B. Christiansen, J-P. Glatz, S. Hollas, R. Malmbeck, K. Römer, C. Sheppler, E. Teixeira, W. de Weerd and S. van Winckel

Waste Minimisation in Actinides (III)/Lanthanides (III) Separation Process from High-level Liquid Waste
H. Hirano, Y. Koma and T. Koyama

Electrochemical Behaviours of Lanthanide Fluorides in the Electrolysis System with LiF-NaF-KF Salt
J-B. Shim, S-C. Hwang, E-H. Kim, Y-H. Kang, B-J. Lee and J-H. Yoo

Electrochemical Reduction of Uranium Oxides in Li2O-LiCl Molten-salt
J-M. Hur, C-S. Seo, S-S. Hong, D-S. Kang and S-W. Park

Removal of Uranium from Simulated Fly Ash by Chloride Volatilisation Method
N. Sato, Y. Tochigi, T. Fukui and T. Fujino

Development of Electrochemical Separations of Uranium and RE Elements from Fluoride Melts
R. Zvejskova, F. Lisy and P. Soucek

A Study on the Development of Fluorination Process
S-W. Kwon, E-H. Kim, J-B. Shim, J-H. Yoo and B-H. Kim

Separation of Zirconium from LiF-BeF2-ZrF4 Molten-salt by Pyrohydrolysis
M-S. Woo, S-C. Hwang, J-B. Shim, Y-H. Kang and J-H Yoo

Electrochemical Behaviour of Plutonium Ion in LiCl-KCl Eutectic Melts
J. Serp, R.J.M. Konings, R. Malmbeck, J. Rebizant, C. Scheppler and J-P. Glatz

Kinetics of Novel Extraction Systems used in the Partitioning of Nuclear Waste
M. Weigl, A. Geist, U. Müllich and K. Gompper

Electrochemical Separation of Rare Metal Fission Products from High-level Liquid Waste of Spent Nuclear Fuel
M. Ozawa and T. Ikegami

Effective Actinide(III)-Lanthanide(III) Separation in Miniature Hollow Fibre Modules
A. Geist, M. Weigl and K. Gompper

Host Phases for Actinides and Long-lived Fission Products Transmutation Immobilisation
Y-N. Jang, S-C. Chae, I-K. Bae and S.V. Yudintsev

Recent Progress of Partitioning Process in JAERI: Development of Amide-based ARTIST Process
S. Tachimori, Y. Sasaki, Y. Morita and S. Suzuki

Decontamination Study of some Noticeable Fission Products in the Actinides Recovery by TRUEX Process
T. Fujii, H. Yamana and H. Moriyama

SANEX-BTP Process Development Studies
C. Hill, L. Berthon, P. Bros, J-P. Dancausse and D. Guillaneux

Session summary

Session III: Progress in Fuels and Targets

Requirements and Long-term Development Plan for Fast-spectrum Transmutation Fuels in the U.S.
D.C. Crawford, M.K. Meyer, S.L. Hayes and J.J. Laidler

Status of the CEA Programme on Fuels for Transmutation
G. Gaillard-Groleas and S. Pillon

Irradiation Test of U-free Nitride Fuel and Progress of Pyrochemistry in JAERI
Y. Arai, T. Iwai, K. Nakajima, O. Shirai, H. Kikuchi, H. Amezawa, H. Hayashi and K. Minato

The Preparation of the EFTTRA-T5 Americium Transmutation Experiment
D. Warin, R.J.M. Konings, D. Haas, P. Martin, J-M. Bonnerot, G. Vambenepe, R.P.C. Schram, J.C. Kuijper, K. Bakker and R. Conrad

Fabrication and Property Measurements of MA Nitride Fuels and LLFP Targets
M. Akabori, Y. Shirasu, M. Takano and K. Minato

A Study on Dispersion Type (U-10wt%Zr)-Zr Fuels and Alloy Type U-Zr Fuels
B-S. Lee, C-H. Cho, W-S. Park and C-T. Lee

The Comparison of the Performance for the Alloy Fuel and the Inter-metallic Dispersion Fuel by the MACSIS-H and the DIMAC
B-O. Lee, B-S. Lee and W-S. Park

Impact of the Curium Management on the Fabrication of MA-bearing Targets at an Industrial Scale in the Frame of a Mixed PWR and FR P&T Scenario
S. Pillon, S. Grandjean, F. Drain, N. Schmidt, J-M. Escleine, A. Ravenet, B. Valentin and C. de Saint Jean

Spinel Inert Matrix Fuel Testing at the HFR Petten
F.C. Klaassen, R.P.C. Schram, K. Bakker, E.A.C. Neeft, R. Conrad and R.J.M. Konings

Conception and Fabrication of Innovative Am-based Targets: The CAMIX/COCHIX Experiment
N. Schmidt, Y. Croixmarie, E. Abonneau, J-P. Ottaviani, L. Donnet, F. Desmouličre, R.J.M. Konings and A. Fernández

Experimental Transmutation of Neptunium in the BOR-60 Reactor in the Form of Vibropac UNpO2 Fuel
A.A. Mayorshin, A.V. Bychkov, M.V. Kormilitsyn, V.A. Kisly, O.V. Shishalov, V.N. Yefimov, I.Y. Zhemkov, A.A. Teykovtsev, V.G. Dvoretsky and A.E. Novoselov

Transport Properties of Molten-salt Reactor Fuel Mixtures: The Case of Na,Li,Be/F and Li,Be,Th/F Salts
V. Ignatiev, A. Merzlyakov, V. Afonichkin, V. Khokhlov and A. Salyulev

Session summary

Session IV: Progress In Materials: Spallation Targets and Advanced Coolants

The MEGAPIE Project - an Update (only abstract available)
F. Gröschel, A. Cadiou, G. Benamati, Th. Kirchner, J.C. Klein, J. Knebel, G. Laffont, L. Ni, B. Smith, A. Zucchini

Experimental Studies Supporting the Design of a 1 MW LBE Target
X. Cheng, C. Pettan, J.U. Knebel and H-Y. Chen

Stagnant Pb-Bi Corrosion Experiment for HYPER Materials
T-Y. Song, W-S. Park, G. Mueller, A. Heinzel and J. Konys

Forecasts of Void Swelling, Irradiation Creep and Tensile Properties of Ferritic-martensitic Steels Envisioned for Service in Accelerator-driven Devices (only abstract available)
F.A. Garner, M.B. Toloczko, Y.V. Konobeev and S. Maloy

The CIRCE Test Facility for Verification and Validation of the LBE-cooled XADS Concept Design Choices
L. Barucca, G. Gherardi and L. Mansani

Liquid Metal Target for a 5 MW Spallation Neutron Source (ESS) (only abstract available)
G.S. Bauer

Activities of UPV/EHU Concerning the TS-1 Target System Experiments
A. Peńa, A. Abánades, G. Esteban, F. Legarda and J. Sancho

Design of a LBE Spallation Target for Fast-thermal Accelerator-driven Sub-critical System (ADS)
P. Satyamurthy and K. Biswas

VICE: R&D Support for a Windowless Liquid Metal Spallation Target in MYRRHA
P. Schuurmans, P. Kupschus, A. Verstrepen, S. Coenen and H. Ait Abderrahim

The High Temperature Tensile Properties of Ferritic-martensitic and Austenitic Steels After Irradiation in an 800 MeV Proton Beam
S.A. Maloy, M.R. James and M.B. Toloczko

Session summary

Session V: Progress In Physics And Nuclear Data

First Measurements of the Kinetic Response of the MUSE-4 Fast ADS Mock-up to Fast Neutron Pulse
D. Villamarín, G. Perret, E. González, R. Soule, C. Jammes, G. Imel, C. Destouches,
P. Chaussonnet, J.M. Laurens, G.M. Thomas, P. Fougeras and G. Bignan

Calculation and Experimental Studies on Minor Actinides Samples Irradiation in Fast Reactors
A. Kotchetkov, Y. Khomiakov, N. Nerozin, E. Smetanin, A. Tsiboulia, A. Bychkov and I. Zhemkov

Experimental Studies of MA Nuclear Data Correction on Critical Assemblies
V. Doulin, I. Matveenko, A. Kochetkov, A. Poplavskii, Y. Khomiakov and A. Tsiboulia

The Physics Problem of the Spallation Neutron Production Source Related to Accelerator-driven Systems
S. Fan, H. Zhang, Y. Ye and Z. Zhao

HINDAS - a European Nuclear Data Programme for Accelerator-driven Systems
A. Koning, H. Beijers, J. Benlliure, O. Bersillon, J. Blomgren, J. Cugnon, L. Donadille,
M. Duijvestijn, P. Eudes, D. Filges, F. Goldenbaum, F. Haddad, S. Hilaire, A. Kelic, C. Lebrun,
F.R. Lecolley, S. Leray, M.L. Jiménez, J-P. Meulders, R. Michel, R. Neef, R. Nolte, N. Olsson,
R. Ostendorf, S. Pomp, E. Ramstroem, K-H. Schmidt, H. Schumacher, I. Slypen, H-A. Synal and
R. Weinreich

Neutron Cross-section for P&T and ADS at the n-TOF facility at CERN
E. González on behalf of the n-TOF collaboration

Minor Actinides Transmutation Scenario Studies with PWRs, FRs and Moderated Targets
J-P. Grouiller, S. Pillon, C. de Saint Jean, F. Varaine, L. Leyval, G. Vambenepe and B. Carlier

MUSE-4 Benchmark Calculations Using MCNP-4C and Different Nuclear Data Libraries
N. Messaoudi and E. Mbala Malambu

Investigation of local Spectral Differences Between Critical and Driven Sub-critical Configurations in MUSE-4
M. Plaschy, O.P. Joneja, R. Chawla, G. Rimpault and C. Destouches

Determination of Reactivity by a Revised Rod-drop Technique in the MUSE-4 Programme - Comparison with Dynamic Measurements
G. Perret, C. Jammes, G. Imel, C. Destouches, P. Chaussonnet, J.M. Laurens, R. Soule,
G.M. Thomas, W. Assal, P. Fougeras, P. Blaise, J-P. Hudelot, H. Philibert and G. Bignan

New Methods for the Monte Carlo Simulation of Neutron Noise Experiments in ADS
M. Szieberth and J-L. Kloosterman

Reactor Physics Calculations on MOX Fuel in Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs)
C. Demazière

Light Charged Particle Production Induced by Fast Neutrons (En = 25- 65 MeV) on 59Co and NatFe
E. Raeymackers, N. Nica, I. Slypen, S. Benck, J-P. Meulders and V. Corcalciuc

The Use of Ge Detectors for (n,xn) Cross-section Measurements at Intense and Low Frequency Pulsed Neutron Beams
S. Lukic, P. Baumann, C. Borcea, E. Jericha, S. Jokic, A. Kelic, N. Kornilov, J-P. Meulders, L. Olah, A. Pavlik, A. Plompen and G. Rudolf

Nuclear Data for ADS: Code System and Theoretical Data Library (only abstract available)
S. Yavshits, O. Grudzevich, V. Ippolitov and G. Boykov

Feasibility Study of new Microscopic Fission Chambers Dedicated for ADS
M. Fadil, D. Ridikas, O. Déruelle, G. Fioni, M-L. Giacri, A. Letourneau, F. Marie, Ch. Blandin and S. Bréaud

Session summary

Session VI: Transmutation Systems (Critical and Sub-Critical):
Design And Safety

Accelerator-driven Test Facility: Modular Target and Multiplier System Concept Design Description
M. Cappiello, K. Pasamehmetoglu, E. Pitcher, R. Guffee, W. Chaves and G. Willcut

Core Design Characteristics of the HYPER System
Y. Kim, W-S. Park and R.N. Hill

Loss of Flow Assessment in a LBE-cooled XADS Concept
S. Aliotta, L. Barucca, M. Casamirra, F. Castiglia, M. Giardina, L. Mansani and R. Monti

MYRRHA, a Multipurpose Accelerator-driven System for R&D Pre-design Study Completion
H. Ait Abderrahim, P. Kupschus, Ph. Benoit, E. Malambu, V. Sobolev, Th. Aoust, K. van Tichelen, B. Arien, F. Vermeersch, D. de Bruyn, Y. Jongen and D. Vandeplassche

Design Status and Future Research Programme for a Sub-critical Assembly Driven by a Proton Accelerator with Proton Energy 660 MeV for Experiments on Long-lived Fission Products and Minor Actinides Transmutation (SAD)
S.A. Gustov, A.V. Lopatkin, I.V. Mirokhin, N.A. Morozov, L.M. Onischenko, O.V. Savchenko, A.N Sissakian, V.N. Shvetsov, I.T. Tretyakov and M.T. Vorontsov

A Preliminary Simulation of Trade Dynamics
A. d'Angelo, G. Bianchini, M. Carta, A. Santagata, P. Ravetto and M.M. Rostagno

Actinide Burning in a Lead-Bismuth-cooled Critical Fast Reactor with Economic Electricity Generation
P. Hejzlar, N.E. Todreas and M.S. Kazimi

Transmutation of Cesium-135 with Fast Reactors
S. Ohki and N. Takaki

Proposed Sub-criticality Level for an 80 MWth Lead-Bismuth-cooled ADS
L. Mansani, R. Monti and P. Neuhold

A Particle-bed Gas Cooled Fast Reactor Core Design for Waste Minimisation
E.A. Hoffman, T.A. Taiwo, W.S. Yang and M. Fatone

The Multiregion Molten-salt Reactor Concept
G. Csom, S. Fehér, M. Szieberth and S. Czifrus

A Study on Once-through Actinides Transmutation
P.T. León, D. Saphier, J.M. Martínez-Val, E. Mínguez, J.M. Perlado and M. Piera

Conceptual Study of Neutron Irradiator-driven by Electron Accelerator
D. Ridikas, H. Safa and M.L. Giacri

Target Buffer Assessment for Accelerator-driven Transmuters
Y. Gohar

Benchmarking Activity on ENEA Available Tools for the Dynamic Analysis of LBE Cooled Sub-critical Systems
P. Meloni, F. Mattioda, G. Bianchini, M. Carta, A. d'Angelo, F. Oriolo and G. Fruttuoso

Preliminary Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of HYPER Fuel Assembly Using MATRA
N-I. Tak, T-Y. Song, W-S. Park and C-H. Kim

Thermal-hydraulic Design Analysis of a 5 MW Sodium-cooled Tungsten Target
X. Cheng, P.J. Finck, J. Roglans-Ribas and T. Schulenberg

Safety Analysis of the Accelerator-driven Test Facility
X. Cheng, J.E. Cahalan and P.J. Finck

Application of the RELAP5/Pb-Bi Code to Safety Studies for the ADS MYRRHA Facility
S. Heusdains and B. Arien

Session summary

Summary Session

Summary of Session I: Fuel Cycle Strategy and Future Reactors
Peter Wydler (Switzerland) and Joo-Ho Whang (Kyung-Hee University, Korea)

Summary of Session II: Progress in Partitioning and Waste Forms
James Laidler (ANL, United States) and Jean-Paul Glatz (ITU, Germany)

Summary of Session III: Progress in Fuels and Targets
Yasuo Arai (JAERI, Japan) and Sylvie Pillon (CEA, France)

Summary of Session IV: Progress In Materials: Spallation Targets and Advanced Coolants
Guenter Bauer (FZJ, Germany) and Joachim Knebel (FZK, Germany)

Summary of Session V: Progress In Physics And Nuclear Data
Toshitaka Osugi (JAERI, Japan) and Enrique Gonzalez (CIEMAT, Spain)

Summary of Session VI: Transmutation Systems (Critical And Sub-Critical): Design and Safety
Luciano Cinotti (Ansaldo, Italy) and Stuart Maloy (LANL, United States)

Panel Discussions

Summary of Panel Discussion: Perspectives for the future development of P&T
Chairs: T. Mukaiyama (JAIF, Japan) and J. Laidler (ANL, United States)


Annex 1: List of Meeting Organisers

Annex 2: List of Participants


Technical sessions
Summary session and panel discussions
List of participants
Author index