Summary of Session I: Fuel
Cycle Strategy and Future Reactors
Peter Wydler (Switzerland) and Joo-Ho Whang (Kyung-Hee University, Korea)
Summary of Session II: Progress
in Partitioning and Waste Forms
James Laidler (ANL, United States) and Jean-Paul Glatz (ITU, Germany)
Summary of Session III: Progress
in Fuels and Targets
Yasuo Arai (JAERI, Japan) and Sylvie Pillon (CEA, France)
Summary of Session IV: Progress
In Materials: Spallation Targets and Advanced Coolants
Guenter Bauer (FZJ, Germany) and Joachim Knebel (FZK, Germany)
Summary of Session V: Progress
In Physics And Nuclear Data
Toshitaka Osugi (JAERI, Japan) and Enrique Gonzalez (CIEMAT, Spain)
Summary of Session VI: Transmutation
Systems (Critical And Sub-Critical): Design and Safety
Luciano Cinotti (Ansaldo, Italy) and Stuart Maloy (LANL, United States)
Summary of Panel Discussion: Perspectives
for the future development of P&T
Chairs: T. Mukaiyama (JAIF, Japan) and J. Laidler (ANL, United States)