Accelerator-driven Test Facility: Modular
Target and Multiplier System Concept Design Description
M. Cappiello, K. Pasamehmetoglu, E. Pitcher, R. Guffee, W. Chaves and
G. Willcut
Core Design Characteristics of the HYPER
Y. Kim, W-S. Park and R.N. Hill
Loss of Flow Assessment in a LBE-cooled
XADS Concept
S. Aliotta, L. Barucca, M. Casamirra, F. Castiglia, M. Giardina, L.
Mansani and R. Monti
MYRRHA, a Multipurpose Accelerator-driven
System for R&D Pre-design Study Completion
H. Ait Abderrahim, P. Kupschus, Ph. Benoit, E. Malambu, V. Sobolev,
Th. Aoust, K. van Tichelen, B. Arien, F. Vermeersch, D. de Bruyn, Y.
Jongen and D. Vandeplassche
Design Status and Future Research Programme
for a Sub-critical Assembly Driven by a Proton Accelerator with Proton
Energy 660 MeV for Experiments on Long-lived Fission Products and Minor
Actinides Transmutation (SAD)
S.A. Gustov, A.V. Lopatkin, I.V. Mirokhin, N.A. Morozov, L.M. Onischenko,
O.V. Savchenko, A.N Sissakian, V.N. Shvetsov, I.T. Tretyakov and M.T.
A Preliminary Simulation of Trade Dynamics
A. d'Angelo, G. Bianchini, M. Carta, A. Santagata, P. Ravetto and M.M.
Actinide Burning in a Lead-Bismuth-cooled
Critical Fast Reactor with Economic Electricity Generation
P. Hejzlar, N.E. Todreas and M.S. Kazimi
Transmutation of Cesium-135 with Fast Reactors
S. Ohki and N. Takaki
Proposed Sub-criticality Level for an 80
MWTH Lead-Bismuth-cooled ADS
L. Mansani, R. Monti and P. Neuhold
A Particle-bed Gas Cooled Fast Reactor Core
Design for Waste Minimisation
E.A. Hoffman, T.A. Taiwo, W.S. Yang and M. Fatone
The Multiregion Molten-salt Reactor Concept
G. Csom, S. Fehér, M. Szieberth and S. Czifrus
A Study on Once-through Actinides Transmutation
P.T. León, D. Saphier, J.M. Martínez-Val, E. Mínguez,
J.M. Perlado and M. Piera
Conceptual Study of Neutron Irradiator-driven
by Electron Accelerator
D. Ridikas, H. Safa and M.L. Giacri
Target Buffer Assessment for Accelerator-driven
Y. Gohar
Benchmarking Activity on ENEA Available
Tools for the Dynamic Analysis of LBE Cooled Sub-critical Systems
P. Meloni, F. Mattioda, G. Bianchini, M. Carta, A. d'Angelo, F. Oriolo
and G. Fruttuoso
Preliminary Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of
HYPER Fuel Assembly Using MATRA
N-I. Tak, T-Y. Song, W-S. Park and C-H. Kim
Thermal-hydraulic Design Analysis of a 5
MW Sodium-cooled Tungsten Target
X. Cheng, P.J. Finck, J. Roglans-Ribas and T. Schulenberg
Safety Analysis of the Accelerator-driven
Test Facility
X. Cheng, J.E. Cahalan and P.J. Finck
Application of the RELAP5/Pb-Bi Code to
Safety Studies for the ADS MYRRHA Facility
S. Heusdains and B. Arien