Publications and reports available on the NEA website

Nuclear Technology Development and Economics

Pub number Title Year
7549 Ensuring the Adequacy of Funding Arrangements for Decommissioning and Spent-Fuel Disposal 2021
7556 Nuclear Energy Data 2020 - Donnés sur l'énergie nucléaire 2020 2020
7531 Projected Costs of Generating Electricity - 2020 Edition 2020
7560 Small Modular Reactors: Challenges and Opportunities 2020
7530 Unlocking Reductions in the Construction Costs of Nuclear A Practical Guide for Stakeholders 2020
7551 Uranium 2020: Resources, Production and Demand 2020
7335 Executive Summary of The Costs of Decarbonisation: System Costs with High Shares of Nuclear and Renewables 2019
7474 Nuclear Energy Data 2019 2019
7469 Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Strategies and Considerations for the Back-end 2019
7508 Policy Brief on The Costs of Decarbonisation: System Costs with High Shares of Nuclear and Renewables 2019
7299 The Costs of Decarbonisation: System Costs with High Shares of Nuclear and Renewables 2019
7441 The Full Costs of Electricity Provision - Policy Brief 2019
7472 The Nuclear Innovation 2050 Initiative An NEA initiative to accelerate R&D and market deployment of innovative nuclear fission technologies to contribute to a sustainable energy future 2019
7476 The Supply of Medical Radioisotopes An Economic Diagnosis and Possible Solutions 2019
7480 Workshop on Approaches to Financing a Multinational Repository Sponsored by the Reliable Nuclear Fuel Services Working Group (RNFSWG) --11 December 2018, OECD Conference Centre, Paris, France 2019
7204 Measuring Employment Generated by the Nuclear Power Sector 2018
7416 Nuclear Energy Data 2018 2018
7411 Preparing the Future through Innovative Nuclear Technology: Outlook for Generation IV Technologies 2018
7298 The Full Costs of Electricity Provision 2018
7437 The Full Costs of Electricity Provision - Extended Summary 2018
7413 Uranium 2018: Resources, Production and Demand 2018
7212 Impacts of the Fukushima Daiichi Accident on Nuclear Development Policies 2017
7365 Nuclear Energy Data 2017 2017
7388 Uranium 2016: Resources, Production and Demand (Executive Summary) 2017
7439 福岛第一核电站事故对核能开发政策的影响 Chinese translation of Impacts of the Fukushima Daiichi Accident on Nuclear Development Policies 2017
7201 Costs of Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants 2016
7300 Nuclear Energy Data 2016 2016
7213 Small Modular Reactors Nuclear Energy Market Potential for Near-term Deployment 2016
7301 Uranium 2016: Resources, Production and Demand 2016
7282 Nuclear Energy 2015 Edition - Roadmap Insights (foldout in publication) 2015
7246 Nuclear Energy Data 2015/Données sur l'énergie nucléaire 2015 2015
7208 Nuclear Energy: Combating Climate Change 2015
7195 Nuclear New Build: Insights into Financing and Project Management 2015
7196 Nuclear New Build: Insights into Financing and Project Management (Executive Summary) Executive Summary 2015
7057 Projected Costs of Generating Electricity - 2015 Edition 2015
7279 Projected Costs of Generating Electricity - Executive Summary 2015
7257 Technology Roadmap: Nuclear Energy - 2015 Edition 2015
7330 技术路线图 核能 - 2015 年版 Technology Roadmap: Nuclear Energy - 2015 Edition (Chinese) 2015
7064 L'extraction d'uranium aujourd'hui : perceptions et réalités – Résumé détaillé 2014
7062 Managing Environmental and Health Impacts of Uranium Mining 2014
7197 Nuclear Energy Data 2014/Données sur l'énergie nucléaire 2014 2014
7063 Perceptions and Realities in Modern Uranium Mining – Extended Summary 2014
7211 Uranium 2014 : Ressources, production et demande - Synthèse 2014
7209 Uranium 2014: Resources, Production and Demand 2014
7210 Uranium 2014: Resources, Production and Demand - Executive Summary 2014
7162 Nuclear Energy Data 2013/Données sur l'énergie nucléaire 2013 2013
7061 The Economics of the Back End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle 2013
7193 The Economics of the Back End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle - Executive Summary 2013
7068 Enseignement et formation dans le domaine nucléaire : moins d'inquiétudes, plus de compétences – Synthèse 2012
6979 Nuclear Education and Training: From Concern to Capability 2012
7112 Nuclear Education and Training: From Concern to Capability – Executive Summary 2012
7135 Nuclear Education and Training: From Concern to Capability – Executive Summary 2012
7058 Nuclear Energy Data 2012/Données sur l'énergie nucléaire 2012 2012
6885 Nuclear Energy Today Second Edition 2012
7056 Nuclear Energy and Renewables System Effects in Low-carbon Electricity Systems 2012
7066 Nuclear Energy and Renewables – Executive Summary System Effects in Low-carbon Electricity Systems 2012
7054 The Economics of Long-term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants 2012
6887 The Role of Nuclear Energy in a Low-carbon Energy Future 2012
7129 The Supply of Medical Radioisotopes Market Impacts of Converting to Low-enriched Uranium Targets for Medical Isotope Production 2012
7069 Trends towards Sustainability in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Executive Summary 2012
7060 Uranium 2011 : Ressources, production et demande – Synthèse 2012
7059 Uranium 2011: Resources, Production and Demand 2012
7123 Uranium 2011: Resources, Production and Demand – Executive Summary 2012
6981 Vers un cycle du combustible nucléaire durable : Évolution et tendances 2012
7121 Yран 2011: запасы, добыча и спрос – Краткий обзор 2012
7131 Énergies nucléaire et renouvelables – Synthèse Effets systémiques dans les réseaux électriques bas carbone 2012
6982 Carbon Pricing, Power Markets and the Competitiveness of Nuclear Power 2011
7030 Carbon Pricing, Power Markets and the Competitiveness of Nuclear Power: Executive Summary 2011
7019 Executive Summary of the Security of Energy Supply and the Contribution of Nuclear Energy 2011
6359 La sécurité d'approvisionnement énergétique et le rôle du nucléaire 2011
7026 La sécurité d'approvisionnement énergétique et le rôle du nucléaire (Résumé) 2011
7047 La tarification du carbone, les marchés de l'électricité et la compétitivité du nucléaire – Synthèse 2011
6351 Les déchets radioactifs - Mise en perspective 2011
6978 Nuclear Energy Data 2011/Données sur l'énergie nucléaire 2011 2011
7022 Nuclear Energy in Perspective: The Path to a Reliable Supply of Medical Radioisotopes 2011
7024 Perspectives de l'énergie nucléaire : Vers un approvisionnement fiable en radioisotopes à usage médical 2011
7029 The Security of Energy Supply and the Contribution of Nuclear Energy: Executive Summary 2011
6985 The Supply of Medical Radioisotopes The Path to Reliability 2011
6980 Trends towards Sustainability in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle 2011
6892 Uranium 2009 : Ressources, production et demande 2011
7033 ウラニウム2009: 資源、生産、需給 Japanese translation of "Uranium 2009: Resources, Production and Demand" 2011
7049 技术路线图: 核能 Chinese translation of Nuclear Energy Technology Roadmap 2011
6861 Comparing Nuclear Accident Risks with Those from Other Energy Sources 2010
6820 Coûts prévisionnels de production de l'électricité Edition 2010 2010
6957 Coûts prévisionnels de production de l'électricité - Edition 2010 - Synthèse 2010
6862 Evaluation de risques d'accidents nucléaires comparés à ceux d'autres filières énergétiques 2010
6860 L'opinion publique et l'énergie nucléaire 2010
6361 Le financement des centrales nucléaires 2010
6970 L’approvisionnement en radioisotopes médicaux Étude économique de la chaîne d’approvisionnement en molybdène-99 : Synthèse 2010
6893 Nuclear Energy Data 2010/Données sur l'énergie nucléaire 2010 2010
6962 Nuclear Energy Technology Roadmap 2010
6819 Projected Costs of Generating Electricity 2010 Edition 2010
6956 Projected Costs of Generating Electricity - 2010 Edition - Executive Summary 2010
6859 Public Attitudes to Nuclear Power 2010
6350 Radioactive Waste in Perspective 2010
6984 Society and Nuclear Energy: Towards a Better Understanding (Korean Version) 2010
6358 The Security of Energy Supply and the Contribution of Nuclear Energy 2010
6967 The Supply of Medical Radioisotopes: An Economic Study of the Molybdenum-99 Supply Chain 2010
6969 The Supply of Medical Radioisotopes: An Economic Study of the Molybdenum-99 Supply Chain: Summary 2010
6891 Uranium 2009: Resources, Production and Demand 2010
6816 Nuclear Energy Data 2009/Données sur l'énergie nucléaire 2009 2009
6850 Nuclear Energy Outlook - 2008 (Japanese version) 2009
6353 Questions stratégiques et politiques liées à la transition des systèmes nucléaires thermiques aux systèmes rapides 2009
6352 Strategic and Policy Issues Raised by the Transition from Thermal to Fast Nuclear Systems 2009
6360 The Financing of Nuclear Power Plants 2009
6247 La concurrence sur les marchés de l'industrie nucléaire 2008
6246 Market Competition in the Nuclear Industry 2008
6347 Nuclear Energy Data 2008/Données sur l'énergie nucléaire 2008 2008
6436 Nuclear Energy Outlook (NEO) 2008
6349 Perspectives de l'énergie nucléaire 2008
6245 Stockage définitif des déchets de haute activité : calendrier de mise en œuvre 2008
6244 Timing of High-level Waste Disposal 2008
6346 Uranium 2007 : Ressources, production et demande 2008
6345 Uranium 2007: Resources, Production and Demand 2008
6108 Gestion des matières fissiles et fertiles recyclables 2007
6104 Innovation dans la technologie nucléaire 2007
6103 Innovation in Nuclear Energy Technology 2007
6107 Management of Recyclable Fissile and Fertile Materials 2007
6248 Nuclear Energy Data 2007/Données sur l'énergie nucléaire 2007 2007
6097 Ressources, production et demande de l'uranium : un bilan de quarante ans "Rétrospective du Livre rouge" 2007
6242 Risks and Benefits of Nuclear Energy 2007
6243 Risques et avantages de l'énergie nucléaire 2007
5990 Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Radioactive Waste Management 2006
5991 Cycles du combustible nucléaire avancés et gestion des déchets radioactifs 2006
6096 Forty Years of Uranium Resources, Production and Demand in Perspective "The Red Book Retrospective" 2006
6210 French R&D on the Partitioning and Transmutation of Long-lived Radionuclides An International Peer Review of the 2005 CEA Report 2006
6106 Gestion et prolongation de la durée de vie des centrales nucléaires 2006
6214 Kernenergie Heute 2006
6211 La R-D en France sur la séparation et la transmutation des radionucléides à vie longue Une expertise internationale du rapport du CEA de 2005 2006
6100 Nuclear Energy Data 2006/Données sur l'énergie nucléaire 2006 2006
6105 Nuclear Power Plant Life Management and Longer-term Operation 2006
6099 Uranium 2005 : Ressources, production et demande Rapport établi conjointement par l'Agence de l'OCDE pour l'énergie nucléaire et l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique 2006
6098 Uranium 2005: Resources, Production and Demand A Joint Report by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency 2006
6024 Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation Eighth Information Exchange Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 9-11 November 2004 2005
5293 Beneficial Uses and Production of Isotopes 2004 Update 2005
5988 Coûts prévisionnels de production de l'électricité Mise à jour 2005 2005
5989 Nuclear Energy Data 2005/Données sur l'énergie nucléaire 2005 2005
5968 Projected Costs of Generating Electricity 2005 Update 2005
7537 Uranium 2005: Resources, Production and Demand - Executive Summary 2005
7540 Uranium 2005: Resources, Production and Demand - Executive Summary 2005
7541 Uranium 2005: Resources, Production and Demand - Executive Summary 2005
7542 Uranium 2005: Resources, Production and Demand - Executive Summary 2005
7539 Uranium 2005: Resources, Production and Demand - Executive Summary 2005
7538 Uranium 2005: Resources, Production and Demand - Executive Summary 2005
7543 Uranium 2005: Resources, Production and Demand - Executive Summary 2005
5294 Usages bénéfiques et production des isotopes Mise à jour 2004 2005
5289 Développement des compétences dans le domaine de l'énergie nucléaire 2004
5589 Développement des compétences dans le domaine de l'énergie nucléaire Rapport de synthèse 2004
5271 Gouvernement et énergie nucléaire 2004
5270 Government and Nuclear Energy 2004
5288 Nuclear Competence Building 2004
5588 Nuclear Competence Building Summary Report 2004
5290 Nuclear Energy Data 2004/Données sur l'énergie nucléaire 2004 2004
5292 Uranium 2003 : Ressources, production et demande Rapport établi conjointement par l'Agence de l'OCDE pour l'énergie nucléaire et l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique 2004
5291 Uranium 2003: Resources, Production and Demand A Joint Report by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency 2004
3590 Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Policies, Strategies and Costs 2003
3591 Démantèlement des centrales nucléaires Politiques, stratégies et coûts 2003
4373 Electricité nucléaire : quels sont les coûts externes ? 2003
3596 L'énergie nucléaire aujourd'hui 2003
4372 Nuclear Electricity Generation: What Are the External Costs? 2003
4288 Nuclear Energy Data 2003/Données sur l'énergie nucléaire 2003 2003
3595 Nuclear Energy Today 2003
3109 Accelerator-driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reactors (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles A Comparative Study 2002
7546 Accelerator-driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reactors (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles: A Comparative Study - Executive Summary 2002
7544 Accelerator-driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reactors (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles: A Comparative Study - Executive Summary 2002
3033 Environmental Remediation of Uranium Production Facilities A Joint NEA/IAEA Report 2002
3676 Externalities and Energy Policy: The Life Cycle Analysis Approach Workshop Proceedings, Paris, France, 15-16 November 2001 2002
3969 Innovative Nuclear Reactor Development Opportunities for International Co-operation 2002
3809 L'énergie nucléaire et le Protocole de Kyoto 2002
3031 Le cycle du combustible nucléaire Aspects économiques, environnementaux et sociaux 2002
3592 Nuclear Energy Data 2002 2002
3808 Nuclear Energy and the Kyoto Protocol 2002
3034 Réaménagement de l'environnement des sites de production d'uranium Rapport établi conjointement par l'AEN et l'AIEA 2002
3677 Society and Nuclear Energy: Towards a Better Understanding 2002
3678 Société et énergie nucléaire : vers une meilleure compréhension 2002
3030 Trends in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Economic, Environmental and Social Aspects 2002
3594 Uranium 2001 : Ressources, production et demande Rapport conjoint AEN/AIEA 2002
3593 Uranium 2001: Resources, Production and Demand Joint NEA/IAEA Report 2002
3108 Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation Sixth International Information Exchange Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 11-13 December 2000 2001
3036 Gestion de l'uranium appauvri 2001
3035 Management of Depleted Uranium 2001
3032 Nuclear Energy Data 2001 2001
2908 Beneficial Uses and Production of Isotopes 2000 Update 2000
2168 Business as Usual and Nuclear Power 2000
2668 Enseignement et formation dans le domaine nucléaire : faut-il s'inquiéter ? Rapport de synthèse 2000
2708 Enseignement et formation dans le domaine nucléaire : faut-il s'inquiéter ? 2000
2812 L'énergie nucléaire dans une perspective de développement durable 2000
2568 L'énergie nucléaire face à la concurrence sur les marchés de l'électricité 2000
2428 Nuclear Education and Training: Cause for Concern? A summary Report 2000
2529 Nuclear Education and Training: Cause for Concern? 2000
7545 Nuclear Energy in a Sustainable Development Perspective 2000
2811 Nuclear Energy in a Sustainable Development Perspective 2000
2888 Nuclear Power Plant Life Management in a Changing Business World Workshop Proceedings, Washington DC, United States, 26-27 June 2000 2000
2569 Nuclear Power in Competitive Electricity Markets 2000
2368 OECD Nuclear Energy Data 2000 2000
2088 Reduction of Capital Costs of Nuclear Power Plants 2000
2089 Réduction des coûts en capital des centrales nucléaires 2000
2370 Uranium 1999 : Ressources, production et demande Rapport établi conjointement par l'Agence de l'OCDE pour l'énergie nucléaire et l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique 2000
2369 Uranium 1999: Resources, Production and Demand A Joint report by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency 2000
2928 Usages bénéfiques et production des isotopes Mise à jour 2000 2000
1507 Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation Status and Assessment Report Synthèse des travaux 1999
1488 Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation Proceedings of the Fifth International Information Exchange Meeting, Mol, Belgium, 25-27 November 1998 1999
767 Aspects environnementaux de la production d'uranium Rapport établi conjointement par l'AEN et l'AIEA 1999
1767 Back-end of the Fuel Cycle in a 1 000 Gwe Nuclear Scenario Workshop Proceedings, Avignon, France, 6-7 October 1998 1999
1348 Dépôts de déchets radioactifs de faible activité : Une analyse des coûts 1999
766 Environmental Activities in Uranium Mining and Milling A Joint NEA/IAEA Report 1999
12 Glossary of Nuclear Power Plant Ageing (English-French-German-Spanish-Russian) 1999
1347 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Repositories: An Analysis of Costs 1999
1487 OECD Nuclear Energy Data 1999 1999
787 Beneficial Uses and Production of Isotopes 1998
846 Nuclear Power and Climate Change 1998
768 Projected Costs of Generating Electricity - Update 1998 1998
769 Prévisions des coûts de production de l'électricité - Mise à jour 1998 1998
746 Uranium 1997 - Ressources, production et demande Rapport établi conjointement par l'Agence de l'OCDE pour l'énergie nucléaire et l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique 1998
726 Uranium 1997: Resources, Production and Demand A Joint report by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency 1998
1253 Usages bénéfiques et production des isotopes 1998
14 Future Financial Liabilities of Nuclear Activities 1996
386 Economics of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (The) 1994
16 Cost of High-Level Waste Disposal in Geological Repositories (The) An Analysis of Factors Affecting Cost Estimates 1993
8 Projected costs of Generating Electricity - Update 1992 Joint Report of the OECD/NEA and the IEA 1993
28 Prévisions des coûts de production d'électricité - Mise à jour 1992 Rapport conjoint de l'OCDE/AEN et de l'AIE 1993
6519 Plutonium Fuel: An Assessment Report by an Expert Group 1989

Publications of General Interest

Pub number Title Year
7558 Ten Years on from the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident 2021
7548 NEA News 38.1 2020
7465 NEA News 37.2 2019
7296 Le Plan stratégique de l'AEN 2017-2022 2016
7295 The NEA Strategic Plan 2017-2022 2016
7109 L'Agence de l'OCDE pour l'énergie nucléaire 2012
7108 The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency 2012
6963 L'énergie nucléaire et le changement climatique (brochure) 2010
6960 Le plan stratégique de l'Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire - 2011-2016 2010
6976 Nuclear Energy and Addressing Climate Change 2010
6972 Nuclear Energy and Addressing Climate Change (brochure) - Japanese version 2010
6959 The Strategic Plan of the Nuclear Energy Agency - 2011-2016 2010
6883 Nuclear Energy and Addressing Climate Change (brochure) 2009
6366 Brochure 50e anniversaire de l'Agence 2008
6365 NEA 50th Anniversary Historical Review 2008
6075 Le plan stratégique de l'Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire - 2005-2009 Résumé 2005
6074 The Strategic Plan of the Nuclear Energy Agency - 2005-2009 Summary 2005
5748 Le plan stratégique de l'Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire - 2005-2009 2004
5729 The Strategic Plan of the Nuclear Energy Agency - 2005-2009 2004
1568 Le plan stratégique de l'Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire - 1999 1998
587 Nuclear Energy in the OECD Towards an Integrated Approach 1998
1567 The Strategic Plan of the Nuclear Energy Agency - 1999 1998
69 EUROCHEMIC 1956-1990 : 35 Ans de coopération internationale dans le domaine des techniques nucléaires 1996
68 EUROCHEMIC 1956-90: 35 Years of International Experience in the Field of Nuclear Techniques 1996

Radiological Protection

Pub number Title Year
7419 Challenges in Nuclear and Radiological Legacy Management 2019
7453 Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants (2016) Twenty-Sixth Annual Report of the ISOE Programme, 2016 2019
7510 Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants (2017) Twenty-Seventh Annual Reports of the ISOE Annual Report, 2017 2019
7505 核动力厂职业照射辐射防护最优化工作管理 Chinese translation of Work Management to Optimise Occupational Radiological Protection at Nuclear Power Plants 2019
7515 核电站工作管理——NEA辐射防护和公众健康委员会手册《工作管理对职业照射之影响》专家工作组编 2019
7436 Executive Summary of Towards an All-Hazards Approach to Emergency Preparedness and Response 2018
7379 Experience from the Fifth International Nuclear Emergency Exercise (INEX-5) Notification, Communication and Interfaces Related to Catastrophic Events Involving Ionising Radiation and/or Radioactive Materials 2018
7442 Proceedings of the Fifth International Nuclear Emergency Exercise (INEX-5) Workshop 2018
7308 Towards an All-Hazards Approach to Emergency Preparedness and Response Lessons Learnt from Non-Nuclear Events 2018
7265 Radiological Protection Science and Application 2016
7143 Summary of the Fourth International Nuclear Emergency Exercise (INEX-4) Exercise Conduct and Evaluation Questionnaires 2013
7128 原子力緊急事態の事後管理における ステークホルダー関与の実践と経験 Practices and Experience in Stakeholder Involvement for Post-nuclear Emergency Management 2012
6920 Evolution of ICRP Recommendations – 1977, 1990 and 2007 Changes in Underlying Science and Protection Policy and Case Study of their Impact on European and UK Domestic Regulation 2011
6911 Evolution of the System of Radiological Protection (Japanese version) 放射線防護体系の発展 ICRP 2007年勧告の取り入れに関する討論 2011
6994 Practices and Experience in Stakeholder Involvement for Post-nuclear Emergency Management 2011
6364 Science and Values in Radiological Protection Summary of the CRPPH Workshops held in Helsinki (2008) and Vaux-de-Cernay (2009) 2011
6828 Evolution of the System of Radiological Protection Implementing the 2007 ICRP Recommendations - Fifth Asian Regional Conference, Chiba, Japan, 3-4 September 2009 2010
6400 L'organisation du travail pour optimiser la radioprotection professionnelle dans les centrales nucléaires 2010
6826 Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants (2008) Eighteenth Annual Report of the ISOE Programme, 2008 2010
6975 Occupational Radiological Protection Principles and Criteria for Designing New Nuclear Power Plants 2010
6407 Occupational Radiological Protection Principles and Criteria for Designing New Nuclear Power Plants 2010
6387 Strategic Aspects of Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Management Planning for Effective Decision Making; Consequence Management and Transition to Recovery 2010
7438 新核电站设计的职业辐射防护原则和准则 Chinese translation of Occupational Radiological Protection Principles and Criteria for Designing New Nuclear Power Plants 2010
6397 Environmental Radiological Protection in the Law - 法令にみる環境放射線防護 2009
6363 Evolution of the System of Radiological Protection Discussion of New ICRP Recommendations, 4th Asian Regional Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 13-14 December 2007 2009
6441 La contribution de l'AEN à l'évolution du système international de protection radiologique 2009
6386 Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants (2007) Seventeenth Annual Report of the ISOE Programme, 2007 2009
6452 Rapport de synthèse sur la conférence du 50e anniversaire du CRPPH Comité de protection radiologique et de santé publique (CRPPH), 31 mai 2007 2009
6876 Scientific Issues and Emerging Challenges for Radiological Protection - 放射線防護における科学的問題と新たな課題 Report of the Expert Group on the Implications of Radiological Protection Science 2009
6451 Summary Report of the CRPPH 50th Anniversary Conference Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health (CRPPH), 31 May 2007 2009
6440 The NEA Contribution to the Evolution of the International System of Radiological Protection 2009
6399 Work Management to Optimise Occupational Radiological Protection at Nuclear Power Plants 2009
6169 A Stakeholder Dialogue on the Implications of the ICRP Recommendations Summary of the Three NEA/ICRP Conferences 2008
6327 Dialogue avec les parties prenantes sur les répercussions des recommandations de la CIPR Synthèse des trois conférences de l'AEN/CIPR 2008
6318 Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants (2006) Sixteenth Annual Report of the ISOE Programme, 2006 2008
6398 Radiation Protection in Today's World: Towards Sustainability - 今日の世界における放射線防護: 持続可能性に向けて 2008
6281 Cinquante ans de radioprotection Rapport commémoratif du 50ème anniversaire du CRPPH 2007
6326 Enseignements tirés du troisième Exercice international d'urgence nucléaire (INEX 3) sur la gestion des conséquences 2007
6172 Environmental Radiological Protection in the Law A Baseline Survey 2007
6336 Evolution of the System of Radiological Protection (Third Asian Regional Conference - Tokyo) Third Asian Regional Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 5-6 July 2006 2007
6163 Experience from the Third International Nuclear Emergency Exercise (INEX 3) on Consequence Management 2007
6280 Fifty Years of Radiological Protection The CRPPH 50th Anniversary Commemorative Review 2007
6166 La radioprotection aujourd'hui et la voie du développement durable 2007
6173 Le droit de la protection radiologique de l'environnement Etat des lieux 2007
6317 Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants (2005) Fifteenth Annual Report of the ISOE Programme, 2005 2007
6165 Radiation Protection in Today's World: Towards Sustainability 2007
6167 Scientific Issues and Emerging Challenges for Radiological Protection Report of the Expert Group on the Implications of Radiological Protection Science 2007
6162 Strategy for Developing and Conducting Nuclear Emergency Exercises 2007
6279 The Process of Regulatory Authorisation (English-Japanese version) 規制認可のプロセス 2007
6325 Une stratégie pour la conception et la réalisation des exercices d'urgence nucléaire 2007
5373 Le processus d'autorisation réglementaire Rapport du Groupe d'experts du CRPPH sur l'application réglementaire de l'autorisation (EGRA) 2006
6164 Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants Fourteenth Annual Report of the ISOE Programme, 2004 2006
6171 Société civile et radioprotection : les enseignements de Tchernobyl, 20 ans après 2006
6170 Stakeholders and Radiological Protection: Lessons from Chernobyl 20 Years After 2006
5372 The Process of Regulatory Authorisation A Report by the CRPPH Expert Group on the Regulatory Application of Authorisation (EGRA) 2006
6000 Evolution of the System of Radiological Protection Second Asian Regional Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 28-29 July 2004 2005
6069 Occupational Exposure Management at Nuclear Power Plants Fourth ISOE European Symposium, Lyon, France 24-26 March 2004 2005
5414 Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants - 2003 Thirteenth Annual Report on the ISOE Programme, 2003 2005
5411 Optimisation in Operational Radiological Protection A Report by the Working Group on Operational Radiological Protection of the Information System on Occupational Exposure 2005
4414 Evolution of the System of Radiological Protection Asian Regional Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 24-25 October 2002 2004
4418 Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants - 2002 Twelfth Annual Report on the ISOE programme, 2002 2004
5388 Politique future en matière de protection radiologique Dialogue avec les parties prenantes sur les répercussions des propositions de la CIPR - Exposé de synthèse, Lanzarote, Espagne, 2-4 avril 2003 2004
5298 Stakeholder Participation in Radiological Decision Making: Processes and Implications (Villigen 3) Third Villigen Workshop, Villigen, Switzerland, 21-23 October 2003 2004
5368 Stakeholder Participation in Radiological Decision Making: Processes and Implications Summary Report of the 3rd Villigen (Switzerland) Workshop, October 2003 2004
5410 Stakeholder Participation in Radiological Decision Making: Processes and Implications Case Studies for the Third Villigen Workshop, Villigen, Switzerland, 21-23 October 2003 2004
4421 The Future Policy for Radiological Protection A Stakeholder Dialogue on the Implications of the ICRP Proposals - Summary Report, Lanzarote, Spain, 2-4 April 2003 2004
4416 A New Approach to Authorisation in the Field of Radiological Protection The Road Test Report 2003
3608 Contre-mesures à court-terme en cas d'urgence nucléaire ou radiologique 2003
3690 Effluent Release Options from Nuclear Installations Technical Background and Regulatory Aspects 2003
4422 Occupational Exposure Management at Nuclear Power Plants Third ISOE European Workshop, Portoroz, Slovenia, 17-19 April 2002 2003
4528 Options de rejet des effluents des installations nucléaires Contexte technique et aspects réglementaires 2003
4415 Possible Implications of Draft ICRP Recommendations 2003
3692 Protection radiologique de l'environnement Rapport de synthèse des questions-clés 2003
3691 Radiological Protection of the Environment Summary Report of the Issues 2003
3600 Short-term Countermeasures in Case of a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency 2003
4291 The Future Policy for Radiological Protection Workshop Proceedings, Lanzarote, Spain, 2-4 April 2003 2003
3057 Better Integration of Radiation Protection in Modern Society Workshop Proceedings, Villigen, Switzerland, 23-25 January 2001 2002
3508 Chernobyl: Assessment of Radiological and Health Impacts 2002 Update of Chernobyl: Ten Years On 2002
3688 ISOE - Information System on Occupational Exposure Ten Years of Experience 2002
3687 Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants - 2001 Eleventh Annual Report on the ISOE Programme, 2001 2002
3629 Radiological Protection of the Environment: The Path Forward to a New Policy? Workshop Proceedings, Taormina, Sicily, Italy, 12-14 February 2002 2002
3509 Tchernobyl : Evaluation des incidences radiologiques et sanitaires Mise à jour 2002 de Tchernobyl : Dix ans déjà 2002
3685 The Way Forward in Radiological Protection An Expert Group Report 2002
3686 Vers un nouveau système de protection radiologique Rapport d'un Groupe d'experts 2002
3139 Enseignements des exercices internationaux d'urgence nucleaire Exercices de la serie INEX 2 2001
3138 Experience from International Nuclear Emergency Exercises The INEX 2 Series 2001
3309 La prise de décision en radioprotection : domaines d'action des pouvoirs publics Résumé du 2ème atelier de Villigen (Suisse), janvier 2001 2001
3137 Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants Tenth Annual Report of the ISOE Programme, 2000 2001
3308 Policy Issues in Radiological Protection Decision Making Summary Report of the 2nd Villigen (Switzerland) Workshop, January 2001 2001
3040 Second International Nuclear Emergency Exercise INEX 2 Final Report of the Canadian Regional Exercise 2001
3039 Second International Nuclear Emergency Exercise INEX 2 Final Report of the Hungarian Regional Exercise 2001
2628 A Critical Review of the System of Radiation Protection First Reflections of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency's Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health (CRPPH) 2000
2629 Analyse critique du système de protection radiologique Réflexions préliminaires du Comité de protection radiologique et de santé publique (CRPPH) de l'Agence de l'OCDE pour l'énergie nucléaire 2000
2329 Les incidences radiologiques des options de gestion du combustible usé Une étude comparative 2000
2228 Methodologies for Assessing the Economic Consequences of Nuclear Reactor Accidents 2000
2108 Monitoring and Data Management Strategies for Nuclear Emergencies 2000
2229 Méthodes d'évaluation des conséquences économiques des accidents nucléaires 2000
2728 Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants Ninth Annual Report of the ISOE Programme, 1999 2000
2328 Radiological Impacts of Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Options A Comparative Study 2000
2768 Second International Nuclear Emergency Exercise INEX 2 Final Report of the Finnish Regional Exercise 2000
2109 Stratégies de surveillance et de gestion de données dans les urgences nucléaires 2000
1708 A Proposed Standardised List of Items for Costing Purposes Interim Technical Document 1999
1847 ISOE - Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants Eighth Annual Report of the ISOE Programme, 1998 1999
282 Developments in Radiation Health Sciences and Their Impact on Radiation Protection 1998
1207 Evolution de radiobiologie et de radiopathologie : répercussions sur la radioprotection 1998
1167 ISOE - Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants Sixth Annual Report - 1986-1996 1998
1086 The Societal Aspects of Decision Making in Complex Radiological Situations Proceedings of an International Workshop, Villigen, Switzerland, 13-15 January 1998 1998
343 CRPPH Sponsored Survey of University Level Education Programmes in Radiation Protection 1997
99 Work Management in the Nuclear Power Industry A Manual prepared for the NEA Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health by the ISOE Expert Group on the Impact of Work Management on Occupational Exposure 1997
94 Chernobyl - Ten Years On: Radiological and Health Impact An appraisal by the NEA Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health - November 1995 1996
97 Considerations on the Concept of Dose Constraint A Report by a Joint Group of Experts from the OECD/NEA and the EC. 1996
96 NEA Co-operative Programme on Decommissioning (The): The First Ten Years 1985-95 1996
149 Recycling and Reuse of Scrap Metals A Report by a Task Group of the NEA Co-operative Programme on Decommissioning 1996
101 INEX 1 - An International Nuclear Emergency Exercise 1995
102 INEX 1 - Exercice international d'urgence en cas d'accident nucléaire 1995
113 Radiation Protection Today and Tomorrow A Collective Opinion by the NEA Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health 1994
6711 Exposure to Radiation from the Natural Radioactivity in Building Materials Report by an NEA Group of Experts, May, 1979 1979

Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning

Pub number Title Year
7529 International Roundtable on the Final Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel: Summary Report 2020
7532 Management and Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste: Global Progress and Solutions 2020
7559 Two Decades of Safety Case Development: IGSC 20th Anniversary Brochure 2020
7562 Two decades of Safety Case Development: An IGSC 20th Anniversary Brochure 2020
7460 Cost Benchmarking for Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning 2019
7424 Final Report of the Expert Group on Waste Inventorying and Reporting Methodology 2019
7425 Optimising the Management of Low-level Radioactive Waste and Materials from Decommissioning 2019
7423 Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) Across Generations: Compiling a Set of Essential Records for a Radioactive Waste Repository 2019
7421 Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory across Generations: Final Report 2019
7377 Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory across Generations: Developing a Key Information File for a Radioactive Waste Repository 2019
7378 Metadata for Radioactive Waste Management 2018
7387 Microbial Influence on the Performance of Subsurface, Salt-Based Radioactive Waste Repositories 2018
7374 Preparing for Decommissioning during Operation and after Final Shutdown 2018
7406 Storage of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel 2018
7344 Addressing Uncertainties in Cost Estimates for Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities 2017
7336 Communication on the Safety Case for a Deep Geological Repository 2017
7345 International Conference on Geological Repositories Conference Synthesis, 7-9 December 2016, Paris, France 2017
7371 National Inventories and Management Strategies for Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste Extended Methodology for the Common Presentation of Data 2017
7373 Radiological Characterisation from a Materials and Waste End-State Perspective – Experience from Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities 2017
7310 Recycling and Reuse of Materials Arising from the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities A Report by the NEA Co-operative Programme on Decommissioning 2017
7341 Sourcebook of International Activities Related to the Development of Safety Cases for Deep Geological Repositories 2017
7326 Financing the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities 2016
7331 Japan's Siting Process for the Geological Disposal of High-level Radioactive Waste An International Peer Review 2016
7305 Management of Radioactive Waste after a Nuclear Power Plant Accident 2016
7323 National Inventories and Management Strategies for Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste Methodology for Common Presentation of Data 2016
7290 Strategic Considerations for the Sustainable Remediation of Nuclear Installations 2016
7264 Fostering a Durable Relationship Between a Waste Management Facility and its Host Community Adding Value Through Design and Process - 2015 Edition 2015
7262 How can stakeholder involvement be improved? (FSC Flyer) 2015
7259 Radioactive Waste Management and Constructing Memory for Future Generations Proceedings of the International Conference and Debate, 15-17 September 2015, Verdun, France 2015
7189 Stakeholder Involvement in Decision Making: A Short Guide to Issues, Approaches and Resources 2015
7237 The Practice of Cost Estimation for Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities 2015
7190 Guide for International Peer Reviews of Decommissioning Cost Studies for Nuclear Facilities 2014
7192 Nuclear Site Remediation and Restoration during Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations 2014
7191 R&D and Innovation Needs for Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities 2014
6988 Stakeholder Confidence in Radioactive Waste Management An Annotated Glossary of Key Terms 2013
7082 Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste: National Commitment, Local and Regional Involvement A Collective Statement of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Radioactive Waste Management Committee Adopted March 2012 2012
7124 Image et rôle de l'autorité de sûreté nucléaire dans la gestion des déchets radioactifs Tendances sur 20 ans 2012
7088 International Structure for Decommissioning Costing (ISDC) of Nuclear Installations 2012
6923 Methods for Safety Assessment of Geological Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste Outcomes of the NEA MeSA Initiative 2012
6993 Reversibility and Retrievability in Planning for Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste Proceedings of the "R&R" International Conference and Dialogue, 14-17 December 2010, Reims, France 2012
7085 Reversibility of Decisions and Retrievability of Radioactive Waste Considerations for National Geological Disposal Programmes 2012
7105 Réversibilité des décisions et récupérabilité des déchets radioactifs Éléments de réflexion pour les programmes nationaux de stockage géologique 2012
7037 Stockage géologique des déchets radioactifs : Engagement national, participation locale et régionale Déclaration collective du Comité de la gestion des déchets radioactifs de l'Agence de l'OCDE pour l'énergie nucléaire, adoptée en mars 2012 2012
7083 The Evolving Role and Image of the Regulator in Radioactive Waste Management Trends over Two Decades 2012
7086 The Long-term Radiological Safety of a Surface Disposal Facility for Low-level Waste in Belgium An International Peer Review of Key Aspects of ONDRAF/NIRAS' Safety Report of November 2011 in Preparation for the License Application 2012
7084 The Post-closure Radiological Safety Case for a Spent Fuel Repository in Sweden An International Peer Review of the SKB License-application Study of March 2011 2012
6914 Thermodynamic Sorption Modelling in Support of Radioactive Waste Disposal Safety Cases NEA Sorption Project Phase III 2012
7126 核設施除役 Chinese translation of Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities 2012
7023 Att skapa en hållbar relation mellan en avfallsanläggning för hantering av radioaktivt avfall och dess värdkommun Mervärde genom design och process 2011
6983 Avveckling av kärntekniska anläggningar Det har gjorts och kan göras igen 2011
6924 Applying Decommissioning Experience to the Design and Operation of New Nuclear Power Plants 2010
6870 Au-delà des seules réalités concrètes : la dimension symbolique de la gestion des déchets radioactifs 2010
6831 Cost Estimation for Decommissioning An International Overview of Cost Elements, Estimation Practices and Reporting Requirements 2010
6833 Decommissioning Considerations for New Nuclear Power Plants 2010
6830 Démantèlement des installations nucléaires (brochure) C'est possible et cela a été fait 2010
6395 Geoscientific Information in the Radioactive Waste Management Safety Case Main Messages from the AMIGO Project 2010
6955 Il Decommissioning degli Impianti Nucleari Si può, ed é stato fatto 2010
6946 Intégration du retour d'expérience du démantèlement à la conception et l'exploitation des futures centrales nucléaires 2010
6869 More than Just Concrete Realities: The Symbolic Dimension of Radioactive Waste Management 2010
6837 Optimisation des stockages géologiques de déchets radioactifs Recommandations nationales et internationales et futurs thèmes de discussions 2010
6836 Optimisation of Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste National and International Guidance and Questions for Further Discussion 2010
6824 Partenariats pour la gestion à long terme des déchets radioactifs Evolution et pratique actuelle dans treize pays 2010
6823 Partnering for Long-term Management of Radioactive Waste Evolution and Current Practice in Thirteen Countries 2010
6925 Radioactive Waste Repositories and Host Regions: Envisaging the Future Together Synthesis of the FSC National Workshop and Community Visit, Bar-le-Duc, France, 7-9 April 2009 2010
6405 Regulation and Guidance for the Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste A Review of the Literature and Initiatives of the Past Decade 2010
6406 Réglementation et lignes directrices pour l'évacuation des déchets radioactifs en formation géologique Revue de la littérature et des initiatives de la dernière décennie 2010
6396 Rôle des informations géoscientifiques dans le dossier de sûreté pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs Principales conclusions du Projet AMIGO 2010
6184 Self-sealing of Fractures in Argillaceous Formations in the Context of Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste Review and Synthesis 2010
6922 Stilllegung kerntechnischer Anlagen (decommissioning brochure) Machbar und gemacht. 2010
6939 Stockage des déchets radioactifs et territoires d'accueil : envisager l'avenir ensemble Synthèse de l’atelier du FSC et des rencontres avec les collectivités locales, Bar-le-Duc, France, 7-9 avril 2009 2010
6867 Towards Greater Harmonisation of Decommissioning Cost Estimates 2010
6825 Towards Transparent, Proportionate and Deliverable Regulation for Geological Disposal Workshop Proceedings, Tokyo, Japan, 20-22 January 2009 2010
6868 Vers une harmonisation des estimations des coûts du déclassement 2010
6875 A Common Objective, a Variety of Paths Third International Conference on Geological Repositories, Berne, Switzerland, 15-17 October 2007 2009
6385 A Common Objective, a Variety of Paths Synthesis and Main Lessons:Third International Conference on Geological Repositories, Berne, Switzerland, 15-17 October 2007 2009
6417 Approaches and Challenges for the Use of Geological Information in the Safety Case for Deep Disposal of Radioactive Waste Third AMIGO Workshop Proceedings, Nancy, France, 15-17 April 2008 2009
6424 Considering Timescales in the Post-closure Safety of Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste 2009
6829 Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities (brochure) It can and has been done 2009
6252 Expériences internationales des dossiers de sûreté pour les dépôts en formation géologique (INTESC) + CD-ROM Résultats du projet INTESC 2009
6251 International Experiences in Safety Cases for Geological Repositories (INTESC) + CD-ROM Outcomes of the INTESC Project 2009
6253 Natural Tracer Profiles Across Argillaceous Formations: The CLAYTRAC Project 2009
6258 Regional Development and Community Support for Radioactive Waste Management (web only) Synthesis of the FSC National Workshop and Community Visit, Tengelic and Bataapati, Hungary, 14-17 November 2006 2009
6362 Stability and Buffering Capacity of the Geosphere for Long-term Isolation of Radioactive Waste: Application to Crystalline Rock Workshop Proceedings, Manchester, United Kingdom, 13-15 November 2007 2009
6402 Dispositions réglementaires pour le déclassement des installations nucléaires Points importants et pratiques émergentes 2008
6404 Libération des matériaux et bâtiments radioactifs du contrôle réglementaire Rapport de synthèse 2008
6433 Moving Forward with Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste A Collective Statement by the NEA Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) 2008
6434 Progresser sur la voie du stockage géologique des déchets radioactifs Déclaration collective du Comité de la gestion des déchets radioactifs (RWMC) de l'AEN 2008
6401 Regulating the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Relevant Issues and Emerging Practices 2008
6423 Regulating the Long-term Safety of Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Practical Issues and Challenges Workshop Proceedings, Paris, France, 28-30 November 2006 2008
6403 Release of Radioactive Materials and Buildings from Regulatory Control A Status Report 2008
6175 Réglementation de la sûreté à long terme du stockage géologique Vers une compréhension commune des objectifs principaux et des fondements des critères de sûreté 2008
6319 Safety Cases for Deep Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Where Do We Stand? Symposium Proceedings, Paris, France, 23-25 January 2007 2008
6181 Changements culturels et organisationnels dans les organismes de gestion des déchets radioactifs Enseignements tirés 2007
6177 Créer un lien durable entre une installation de gestion de déchets et sa collectivité d'accueil Valeur ajoutée à travers la conception et les processus 2007
6180 Cultural and Structural Changes in Radioactive Waste Management Organisations Lessons Learnt 2007
6257 Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS) in the Safety Case: Design Confirmation and Demonstration Workshop Proceedings, Tokyo, Japan, 12-15 September 2006 2007
6118 Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS) in the Safety Case: The Role of Modelling Workshop Proceedings, La Coruna, Spain, 24-26 August 2005 2007
5997 Financement du démantèlement : éthique, mise en œuvre, incertitudes Rapport de synthèse 2007
6176 Fostering a Durable Relationship between a Waste Management Facility and its Host Community Adding Value through Design and Process 2007
6321 Implication des parties prenantes dans le déclassement des installations nucléaires Enseignements internationaux 2007
6119 Linkage of Geoscientific Arguments and Evidence in Supporting the Safety Case Second AMIGO Workshop Proceedings, Toronto, Canada, 20-22 September 2005 2007
6116 Radioactive Waste Management in Spain: Co-ordination and Projects FSC Workshop Proceedings, L'Hospitalet de l'Infant, Spain, 21-23 November 2005 2007
6182 Regulating the Long-term Safety of Geological Disposal Towards a Common Understanding of the Main Objectives and Bases of Safety Criteria 2007
6320 Stakeholder Involvement in Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities International Lessons Learnt 2007
6160 Choisir des stratégies de démantèlement des installations nucléaires Rapport de synthèse 2006
5297 Comprendre les attentes de la société dans la gestion des déchets radioactifs et s'y adapter Enseignements principaux et expériences du Forum sur la confiance des parties prenantes 2006
5996 Decommissioning Funding: Ethics, Implementation, Uncertainties A Status Report 2006
6117 Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Forming a New Approach in Germany FSC Workshop Proceedings, Hitzacker and Hamburg, Germany, 5-8 October 2004 2006
6188 Libération des sites des installations nucléaires Rapport de synthèse 2006
6186 Radioactivity Measurements at Regulatory Release Levels A Task Group Report 2006
6187 Releasing the Sites of Nuclear Installations A Status Report 2006
6178 Safety of Geological Disposal of High-level and Long-lived Radioactive Waste in France An International Peer Review of the “Dossier 2005 Argile” Concerning Disposal in the Callovo-Oxfordian Formation 2006
6038 Selecting Strategies for the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities A Status Report 2006
6179 Sûreté du stockage géologique de déchets radioactifs HAVL en France Examen international par des pairs du "Dossier 2005 Argile" concernant le stockage dans la formation du Callovo-Oxfordien 2006
6185 The NEA Co-operative Programme on Decommissioning A Decade of Progress 2006
6043 The Roles of Storage in the Management of Long-lived Radioactive Waste Practices and Potentialities in OECD Countries 2006
5417 Achieving the Goals of the Decommissioning Safety Case A Status Report 2005
4436 Clay Club Catalogue of Characteristics of Argillaceous Rocks 2005
6085 Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Facilities (Reprint) It can and has been done 2005
6001 Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS) in the Context of the Entire Safety Case Process Issues - Workshop Proceedings, Las Vegas, United States, 14-17 September 2004 2005
6040 Favoriser la participation des parties prenantes Guide pratique des outils et bibliographie annotée 2005
5299 Geological Repositories: Political and Technical Progress Workshop Proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden, 8-10 December 2003 2005
6082 International Peer Reviews for Radioactive Waste Management General Information and Guidelines 2005
6039 La prise de décision par étapes dans la gestion à long terme des déchets radioactifs Expérience, résultats et principes directeurs 2005
6086 Le démantèlement d'installations nucléaires On peut le faire 2005
5302 Management of Uncertainty in Safety Cases and the Role of Risk Workshop Proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden, 2-4 February 2004 2005
5992 NEA Sorption Project Phase II Interpretation and Prediction of Radionuclide Sorption onto Substrates Relevant for Radioactive Waste Disposal Using Thermodynamic Sorption Models 2005
5249 Programmes de gestion des déchets radioactifs dans les pays membres de l'AEN 2005
5248 Radioactive Waste Management Programmes in OECD/NEA Member Countries 2005
5303 Stability and Buffering Capacity of the Geosphere for Long-term Isolation of Radioactive Waste Application to Argillaceous Media - "Clay Club" Workshop Proceedings, Braunschweig, Germany, 9-11 December 2003 2005
6041 The Regulatory Function and Radioactive Waste Management International Overview 2005
6073 Vers la réalisation d'un dossier de sûreté de démantèlement Rapport de synthèse 2005
6087 放射性廃棄物処分プログラムにおける地下研究施設の役割 2005
5301 Dealing with Interests, Values and Knowledge in Managing Risk Workshop Proceedings, Brussels, Belgium, 18-21 November 2003 2004
5868 Decommissioning degli Impianti Nucleari Si può fare ed è stato fatto 2004
5728 Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Facilities It can and has been done 2004
5569 Die Sicherheit der geologischen Tiefenlagerung von BE, HAA und LMA in der Schweiz Eine internationale Expertenprüfung der radiologischen Langzeitsicherheitsanalyse der Tiefenlagerung im Opalinuston des Zürcher Weinlands 2004
5848 Dissattivazione e Smantellamento degli Impianti Nucleari Stato dell'arte, strategie, problematiche 2004
3680 Dossier de sûreté post-fermeture d'un dépôt en formation géologique Nature et finalité 2004
4548 Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS): Design Requirements and Constraints Workshop Proceedings,Turku, Finland, 26-29 August 2003 2004
4309 Geological Disposal: Building Confidence Using Multiple Lines of Evidence First AMIGO Workshop Proceedings, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, 3-5 June 2003 2004
5148 Gestion des échelles de temps dans l'évaluation de la sûreté en phase post-fermeture Enseignements tirés de l'atelier d'avril 2002 à Paris, France 2004
3598 Le contrôle réglementaire de la gestion des déchets radioactifs Panorama de 15 pays membres de l'AEN 2004
5296 Learning and Adapting to Societal Requirements for Radioactive Waste Management Key Findings and Experience of the Forum on Stakeholder Confidence 2004
3679 Post-closure Safety Case for Geological Repositories Nature and Purpose 2004
5568 Safety of Disposal of Spent Fuel, HLW and Long-lived ILW in Switzerland An International Peer Review of the Post-closure Radiological Safety Assessment for Disposal in the Opalinus Clay of the Zürcher Weinland 2004
5418 Stakeholder Involvement Techniques A Short Guide and Annotated Bibliography 2004
4429 Stepwise Approach to Decision Making for Long-term Radioactive Waste Management Experience, Issues and Guiding Principles 2004
5300 Strategy Selection for the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Seminar Proceedings, Tarragona, Spain, 1-4 September 2003 2004
4435 The Handling of Timescales in Assessing Post-closure Safety Lessons Learnt from the April 2002 Workshop in Paris, France 2004
3597 The Regulatory Control of Radioactive Waste Management Overview of 15 NEA Member Countries 2004
4308 Engineered Barrier System (EBS) in the Context of the Entire Safety Case Workshop Proceedings, Oxford, U.K., 25-27 September 2002 2003
3615 Engineered Barrier Systems and the Safety of Deep Geological Repositories State-of-the-art Report, NEA/CE 2003
4437 Features, Events and Processes Evaluation Catalogue for Argillaceous Media 2003
4828 Image et rôle des autorités réglementaires dans la gestion des déchets radioactifs Enseignements tirés par le Forum de l'AEN sur la confiance des parties prenantes 2003
4588 Programme français de R-D sur le stockage géologique de déchets radioactifs Revue internationale par des pairs du Dossier 2001 Argile 2003
4292 Public Confidence in the Management of Radioactive Waste: The Canadian Context Workshop Proceedings, Ottawa, Canada, 14-18 October 2002 2003
4430 Public Information, Consultation and Involvement in Radioactive Waste Management An International Overview of Approaches and Experiences 2003
4431 SAFIR 2: Belgian R&D Programme on the Deep Disposal of High-level and Long-lived Radioactive Waste An International Peer Review 2003
4432 The French R&D Programme on Deep Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste An International Peer Review of the "Dossier 2001 Argile" 2003
4428 The Regulator's Evolving Role and Image in Radioactive Waste Management Lessons Learnt within the NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence 2003
3682 An International Peer Review of the Yucca Mountain Project Total System Performance Assessment for the Site Recommendation (TSPA-SR) 2002
3868 Déclassement et démantèlement des installations nucléaires Etat des lieux, démarches, défis 2002
3628 Establishing and Communicating Confidence in the Safety of Deep Geologic Disposal Approaches and Arguments 2002
3058 GEOTRAP: Radionuclide Migration in Geologic Heterogeneous Media Summary of Accomplishments 2002
3448 La réversibilité et la récupérabilité dans la gestion des déchets radioactifs Une réflexion à l'échelle internationale 2002
3968 Omvändbarhet och atertagbarhet En internationell diskussion om Möjligheterna att ga tillbaka ett eller flera steg I deponeringen 2002
3061 Radionuclide Retention in Geologic Media Workshop Proceedings, Oskarshamn, Sweden, 7-9 May 2001 2002
3616 Stepwise Decision Making in Finland for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel Workshop Proceedings, Turku, Finland, 15-16 November 2001 2002
3714 The Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities Status, Approaches, Challenges 2002
3614 The Handling of Timescales in Assessing Post-closure Safety of Deep Geological Disposal Workshop Proceedings, Paris, France,16-18 April 2002 2002
2968 Confidence in Models of Radionuclide Transport for Site-specific Assessment Workshop Proceedings, Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA, 14-17 June 1999 2001
3060 Gas Generation and Migration in Radioactive Waste Disposal Safety-relevant Issues Workshop Proceedings, Reims, France, 26-28 June 2000 2001
3143 La gestion des déchets radioactifs : le rôle des laboratoires souterrains 2001
3008 Nuclear Waste Bulletin Update on Waste Management Policies and Programmes, No. 14 - 2000 Edition 2001
3140 Reversibility and Retrievability in Geologic Disposal of Radioactive Waste Reflections at the International Level 2001
3059 Scenario Development Methods and Practices An Evaluation Based on the NEA Workshop on Scenario Development, Madrid, Spain, May 1999 2001
3142 The Role of Underground Laboratories in Nuclear Waste Disposal Programmes 2001
3041 Using Thermodynamic Sorption Models for Guiding Radioelement Distribution Coefficient (KD) Investigations A Status Report 2001
7457 地下实验室在核废物处置计划中的作用 The Role of Underground Laboratories in Nuclear Waste Disposal Programmes (Chinese version) 2001
2268 Evacuation géologique des déchets radioactifs Bilan des dix dernières années 2000
2549 Features, Events and Processes (FEPs) for Geologic Disposal of Radioactive Waste An International Database 2000
2548 Geologic Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Perspective 2000
2531 Le point sur l'évacuation des déchets radioactifs en formations géologiques 2000
2530 Porewater Extraction from Argillaceous Rocks for Geochemical Characterisation Methods and Interpretations 2000
2308 Regulatory Reviews of Assessments of Deep Geologic Repositories Lessons Learnt 2000
2468 SR 97: Post-closure Safety of a Deep Repository for Spent Nuclear Fuel in Sweden An International Peer Review 2000
2829 Stakeholder Confidence and Radioactive Waste Disposal Workshop Proceedings, Paris, France, 28-31 August 2000 2000
1809 Confidence in the Long-term Safety of Deep Geological Repositories Its Development and Communication 1999
1707 Decontamination Techniques Used in Decommissioning Activities A Report by the NEA Task Group on Decontaminaton 1999
2028 Domaines stratégiques de la gestion des déchets radioactifs Position du Comité de l'AEN de la gestion des déchets radioactifs et oreintations de ses travaux 1999
2048 Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste Review of Developments in the Last Decade 1999
1569 Nirex Methodology for Scenario and Conceptual Model Development An International Peer Review 1999
1327 Nuclear Waste Bulletin Update on Waste Management Policies and Programmes, No.13 - December 1998 1999
1807 Où en est l'évacuation des déchets radioactifs en formations géologiques ? Une évaluation internationale des progrès récents 1999
4888 Pa väg mot geologisk slutförvaring av radioaktivt avfall: Var star vi idag? En internationell bedömning - Utgiven av Milijödepartemenet och Kommentus förlag, Stockholm, 2000 1999
1787 Progress Towards Geologic Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Where do We Stand? An International Assessment 1999
2008 Strategic Areas in Radioactive Waste Management The Viewpoint and Work Orientations of the NEA Radioactive Waste Management Committee 1999
1808 Water-conducting Features in Radionuclide Migration Workshop Proceedings, Barcelona, Spain, 10-12 June 1998 1999
7450 国际放射性废物 - 地质处置十年进展 Chinese version of Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste - Review of Developments in the Last Decade 1999
646 Fluid Flow through Faults and Fractures in Argillaceous Formations Proceedings of a Joint NEA/EC "Clay Club" Workshop, Bern, Switzerland, 10-12 June 1996 1998
1188 Modelling the Effects of Spatial Variability on Radionuclide Migration Workshop Proceedings, Paris, France 9-11 June 1997 1998
506 Field Tracer Experiments: Role in the Prediction of Radionuclide Migration Proceedings of the 1st NEA/EC GEOTRAP Workshop, Cologne, Germany - 28-30 August 1996 1997
297 International INTRAVAL Project (The) - Flow and Tracer Experiments in Unsaturated Tuff and Soil - Las Cruces Trench and Apache Leap Tuff Studies Phase 2 - Working Group 1 Report 1997
446 International Intraval Project (The) - Phase 2 Summary Report 1997
527 Lessons Learnt from Ten Performance Assessment Studies 1997
529 Nuclear Waste Bulletin No. 12 - June 1997 1997
466 Probabilistic System Assessment Group (The) History and Achievement - 1985-1994 1997
117 Co-ordinated Research and Environmental Surveillance Programme Related to Sea Disposal of Radioactive Waste - CRESP Final Report CRESP Final Report 1981-1995 1996
247 International INTRAVAL Project [The] - The Analyses of the Alligator Rivers Natural Analogue Phase 2, Working Group 4 Report 1996
249 International INTRAVAL Project [The]- Finnsjön, Stripa and Wipp2 Phase 2, Working group 2 Report 1996
62 Nuclear Waste Bulletin 1996
86 Radioactive Waste Management in Perspective 1996
139 Water, Gas and Solute Movement Through Argillaceous Media - A "Clay Club" Report 1996
126 Actions humaines futures sur les sites d'évacuation (Les) 1995
120 Environmental and Ethical Aspects of Long-Lived Radioactive Waste Disposal Proceedings of an International Workshop by the NEA and the Environment Directorate, Paris, France, 1-2 September 1994 1995
121 Environmental and Ethical Basis of Geological Disposal (The) A Collective Opinion of the NEA Radioactive Waste Management Committee 1995
122 Fondements environnementaux et éthiques de l'évacuation géologique Opinion collective du Comité de la gestion des déchets radioactifs de l'AEN 1995
6431 Future Human Actions at Disposal Sites A report of the NEA Working Group on Assessment of Future Human Actions at Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites 1995
228 Meaning and Application of the Concept of Potential Exposure (The) 1995
115 ARAP - The International Alligator Rivers Analogue Project: Background and Results 1994
135 PSACOIN Level "1B" Intercomparison: Biosphere Modelling 1993
134 PSACOIN Level "S" Intercomparison: Sensitivity Analysis 1993
118 Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Can Long-Term Safety Be Evaluated? An International Collective Opinion 1991
6470 Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Review of Safety Assessment Methods A Report of the Performance Assessment Advisory Group of the Radioactive Waste Management Committee 1991
1888 PSACOIN Level 1A Intercomparison An International Code Intercomparison Exercise on a Hypothetical Safety Assessment Case Study for Radioactive Waste Disposal Systems 1990
1891 PSACOIN Level 0 Intercomparison An International Code Intercomparison Exercise on a Hypothetical Safety Assessment Case Study for Radioactive Waste Disposal Systems 1987

Annual Reports

Pub number Title Year
7569 AEN 2020 Rapport annuel 2021
7568 NEA 2020 Annual Report 2021
7517 NEA 2019 Annual Report 2020
7518 Rapport annuel de l'AEN 2019 2020
7463 AEN 2018 Rapport Annuel 2019
7462 NEA 2018 Annual Report 2019
7405 2017 AEN Rapport annuel 2018
7404 2017 NEA Annual Report 2018
7350 2016 AEN Rapport annuel 2017
7349 2016 NEA Annual Report 2017
7294 2015 AEN Rapport Annuel 2016
7293 2015 NEA Annual Report 2016
7239 2014 AEN Rapport Annuel 2015
7238 2014 NEA Annual Report 2015
7175 2013 AEN Rapport annuel 2014
7174 2013 NEA Annual Report 2014
7145 2012 AEN Rapport annuel 2013
7144 2012 NEA Annual Report 2013
7095 2011 AEN Rapport annuel 2012
7094 2011 NEA Annual Report 2012
7006 2010 AEN Rapport annuel 2011
7005 2010 NEA Annual Report 2011
6932 2009 AEN Rapport annuel 2010
6931 2009 NEA Annual Report 2010
6843 2008 AEN Rapport annuel 2009
6842 2008 NEA Annual Report 2009
6372 2007 AEN Rapport annuel 2008
6371 2007 NEA Annual Report 2008
6267 2006 AEN Rapport annuel 2007
6266 2006 NEA Annual Report 2007
6144 2005 AEN Rapport annuel 2006
6143 2005 NEA Annual Report 2006
6020 2004 AEN Rapport annuel 2005
6019 2004 NEA Annual Report 2005
5330 2003 AEN Rapport annuel 2004
5329 2003 NEA Annual Report 2004
4369 2002 AEN Rapport annuel 2003
4368 2002 NEA Annual Report 2003
3667 2001 AEN Rapport annuel 2002
3666 2001 NEA Annual Report 2002
3111 2000 AEN Rapport annuel 2001
3110 2000 NEA Annual Report 2001
2509 1999 AEN Rapport annuel 2000
2508 1999 NEA Annual Report 2000
1608 1998 AEN Rapport Annuel 1999
1607 1998 NEA Annual Report 1999

Nuclear Safety and Regulation

Pub number Title Year
7417 CSNI Technical Opinion Paper No. 17 Fire Probabilistic Safety Assessments for Nuclear Power Plants: 2019 Update 2019
7506 Long-Term Management and Actions for a Severe Accident in a Nuclear Power Plant Status Report 2019
7482 Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience 2015-2017 2019
7448 Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience from the IAEA/NEA International Reporting System for Operating Experience 2012–2014 2018
7443 Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table R&D Priorities for Loss-of-Cooling and Loss-of-Coolant Accidents in Spent Nuclear Fuel Pools 2018
7392 State-of-the-Art Report on Molten Corium Concrete Interaction and Ex-Vessel Molten Core Coolability 2017
7284 Five Years after the Fukushima Daiichi Accident Nuclear Safety Improvements and Lessons Learnt 2016
7285 Five Years after the Fukushima Daiichi Accident (Executive summary) Nuclear Safety Improvements and Lessons Learnt 2016
7248 Implementation of Defence in Depth at Nuclear Power Plants Lessons Learnt from the Fukushima Daiichi Accident 2016
7247 The Safety Culture of an Effective Nuclear Regulatory Body 2016
7289 福島第一原子力発電所事故後の5年:原子力安全の改善と教訓 Five Years after Fukushima - Executive Summary (Japanese) Nuclear Safety Improvements and Lessons Learnt 2016
7185 The Characteristics of an Effective Nuclear Regulator NEA/CNRA/R(2014)1 2014
7218 福島第一原子力発電所事故 OECD/NEA原子力安全の対応と教訓 2014
7217 福島第一原子力発電所事故 OECD/NEA原子力安全の対応と教訓 要旨 2014
7070 CSNI Technical Opinion Papers No. 16 Defence in Depth of Electrical Systems 2013
7067 Crisis Communication: Facing the Challenges - Proceedings Workshop Proceedings, Madrid, Spain, 9-10 May 2012 2013
7161 The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident: OECD/NEA Nuclear Safety Response and Lessons Learnt 2013
6913 Avis techniques du CSIN n° 14 Déterminer la pertinence des structures organisationnelles, des ressources et des compétences des exploitants nucléaires 2012
6991 Avis techniques du CSIN n° 15 Gestion du vieillissement des installations du cycle du combustible nucléaire 2012
6912 CSNI Technical Opinion Papers No. 14 Nuclear Licensee Organisational Structures, Resources and Competencies: Determining Their Suitability 2012
6990 CSNI Technical Opinion Papers No. 15 Ageing Management of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities 2012
7074 Challenges in Long-term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants Implications for Regulatory Bodies 2012
7076 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for Nuclear Reactor Safety Applications Workshop Proceedings, CFD4NRS-3, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, 14-16 September 2010 2012
7075 Défis de l'exploitation à long terme des centrales nucléaires Implications pour les autorités de sûreté 2012
7073 Main Benefits from 30 Years of Joint Projects in Nuclear Safety 2012
7072 Nuclear Fuel Safety Criteria Technical Review Second Edition 2012
7120 Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience from the IAEA/NEA International Reporting System for Operating Experience: 2009-2011 2012
6888 OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) follow-up to the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident Extracts from NEA News 2012
7456 核设施安全委员会技术见解报告 No.15 - 核燃料循环设施老化管理 Chinese translation of CSNI Techical Opinion Papers No. 15 - Ageing Management of Fuel Cycle Facilities 2012
6987 Avis techniques du CSIN – n° 13 Méthodologies d'essai et bases de calcul des critères APRP 2011
6986 CSNI Technical Opinion Papers – No. 13 LOCA Criteria Basis and Test Methodology 2011
6908 Experimental Facilities for Sodium Fast Reactor Safety Studies Task Group on Advanced Reactor Experimental Facilities (TAREF) 2011
6905 Improving Nuclear Regulation NEA Regulatory Guidance Booklets, Volumes 1-14 2011
6827 Le rôle de l'autorité de sûreté nucléaire dans l'évaluation de la surveillance par l'exploitant des services sous-traités 2011
6910 The Nuclear Regulator's Role in Assessing Licensee Oversight of Vendor and Other Contracted Services 2011
6879 Experiments and CFD Code Application to Nuclear Reactor Safety (XCFD4NRS) Workshop Proceedings, Grenoble, France, 10-12 September 2008 2010
6847 Nuclear Fuel Behaviour under Reactivity-initiated Accident (RIA) Conditions State-of-the-art Report 2010
6154 Avis techniques du CSIN - No. 11 Améliorer la maintenance des centrales nucléaires en optimisant les performances humaines et organisationnelles 2009
6316 Avis techniques du CSIN - n° 10 Le rôle des facteurs humains et organisationnels dans les modifications des centrales nucléaires 2009
6845 Avis techniques du CSIN - n° 12 Recherches sur le facteur humain dans les nouvelles centrales nucléaires 2009
6315 CSNI Technical Opinion Papers - No. 10 The Role of Human and Organisational Factors in Nuclear Power Plant Modifications 2009
6153 CSNI Technical Opinion Papers - No. 11 Better Nuclear Plant Maintenance: Improving Human and Organisational Performance 2009
6844 CSNI Technical Opinion Papers - No. 12 Research on Human Factors in New Nuclear Plant Technology 2009
6864 Experimental Facilities for Gas-cooled Reactor Safety Studies Task Group on Advanced Reactor Experimental Facilities (TAREF) 2009
6275 Improving Nuclear Regulation Compilation of NEA Regulatory Guidance Booklets 2009
6846 Nuclear Fuel Behaviour in Loss-of-coolant Accident (LOCA) Conditions State-of-the-art Report 2009
6855 The Regulatory Goal of Assuring Nuclear Safety (Russian version) - Оригинальное издание OECD на английском языке 2009
6274 Assurer la sûreté nucléaire : la mission des autorités réglementaires 2008
6379 CSNI Collective Statement on Support Facilities for Existing and Advanced Reactors/Déclaration collective du CSIN sur les installations de recherche pour les réacteurs actuels et avancés The Function of OECD/NEA Joint Projects - NEA Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI)/Utilité des projets communs de l'OCDE/AEN - Comité de l'AEN sur la sûreté des installations nucléaires (CSIN) 2008
6273 The Regulatory Goal of Assuring Nuclear Safety 2008
6377 The Role of Research in a Regulatory Context (RRRC-2) Workshop Proceedings, Paris, France, 5 December 2007 2008
5353 Avis techniques du CSIN - N° 9 EPS de niveau 2 des centrales nucléaires 2007
6298 Benchmarking of CFD Codes for Application to Nuclear Reactor Safety (CFD4NRS) - CD-ROM Workshop Proceedings, Garching (Munich), Germany, 5-7 September 2006 2007
5352 CSNI Technical Opinion Papers - No. 9 Level-2 PSA for Nuclear Power Plants 2007
6053 Evaluation of Uncertainties in Relation to Severe Accident and Level-2 Probabilistic Safety Analysis - CD-ROM Workshop Proceedings, Aix-en-Provence, France, 7-9 November 2005 2007
6158 Nuclear Safety Research in OECD Countries Support Facilities for Existing and Advanced Reactors (SFEAR) 2007
6256 Transparency of Nuclear Regulatory Activities Workshop Proceedings,Tokyo and Tokai-Mura, Japan, 22-24 May 2007 2007
5999 Building, Measuring and Improving Public Confidence in the Nuclear Regulator Workshop Proceedings, Ottawa, Canada, 18-20 May 2004 2006
6137 L'utilisation du retour d'expérience : défis pour les autorités de sûreté nucléaire 2006
6161 Learning from Nuclear Regulatory Self-assessment International Peer Review of the CSN Report on Lessons Learnt from the Essential Service Water System Degradation Event at the Vandellos Nuclear Power Plant 2006
6150 Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experiences from the IAEA/NEA Incident Reporting System 2002-2005 2006
6159 Regulatory Challenges in Using Nuclear Operating Experience 2006
4412 Avis techniques du CSIN - Nos 7-8 EPS vivante et son utilisation dans le processus décisionnel en matière de sûreté nucléaire - Mise au point et utilisation de l'EPS temps réel dans les centrales nucléaires 2005
4411 CSNI Technical Opinion Papers - Nos. 7-8 Living PSA and its Use in the Nuclear Safety Decision-making Process - Development and Use of Risk Monitors at Nuclear Power Plants 2005
6034 Joint CSNI/CNRA Strategic Plan and Mandates 2005-2009 2005
6042 La fonction réglementaire et la gestion des déchets radioactifs Panorama international 2005
5357 La prise de décision en matière de réglementation nucléaire 2005
3589 La sûreté du cycle du combustible nucléaire 2005
5356 Nuclear Regulatory Decision Making 2005
6035 Plan stratégique conjoint CSIN/CANR et mandats 2005-2009 2005
6028 Review of the Role, Activities and Working Methods of the CNRA Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) 2005
6032 Review of the Role, Activities and Working Methods of the CSNI Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) 2005
3588 The Safety of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle 2005
5069 Avis techniques du CSIN - No 4 L'évaluation probabiliste de la fiabilité humaine dans les centrales nucléaires 2004
4410 Avis techniques du CSIN - No 6 Analyse d'événements fondée sur l'EPS 2004
5349 Avis techniques du CSIN - N° 5 Gestion et réglementation des changements organisationnels dans les installations nucléaires 2004
5068 CSNI Technical Opinion Papers - No. 4 Human Reliability Analysis in Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants 2004
5348 CSNI Technical Opinion Papers - No. 5 Managing and Regulating Organisational Change in Nuclear Installations 2004
4409 CSNI Technical Opinion Papers - No. 6 PSA-based Event Analysis 2004
5490 Collective Statement Concerning Nuclear Safety Research Capabilities and Expertise in Support of Efficient and Effective Regulation of Nuclear Power Plants 2004
5468 Debris Impact on Emergency Coolant Recirculation Workshop Proceedings, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 25-27 February 2004 2004
3669 Direct Indicators of Nuclear Regulatory Efficiency and Effectiveness Pilot Project Results 2004
5491 Déclaration collective concernant la recherche sur la sûreté nucléaire Moyens et compétences techniques au profit de l'efficience et de l'efficacité du contrôle réglementaire des centrales nucléaires 2004
5648 Implementing Severe Accident Management in Nuclear Power Plants (Japanese version) 2004
3670 Indicateurs directs de l'efficience et de l'efficacité de la réglementation nucléaire Résultats du projet pilote 2004
5335 Le facteur humain : un défi pour les autorités de sûreté nucléaire 2004
5334 Nuclear Regulatory Challenges Related to Human Performance 2004
4389 Avis techniques du CSIN - No 3 Evénements récurrents 2003
4388 CSNI Technical Opinion Papers - No. 3 Recurring Events 2003
4908 Collective Statement Concerning Nuclear Safety Research Good Practice and Closure Criteria 2003
4688 Coopération autorités de sûreté-industrie pour la recherche en sûreté nucléaire Défis et potentialités 2003
4909 Déclaration collective concernant la recherche sur la sûreté nucléaire Bonnes pratiques et critères d'arrêt 2003
4729 Examen par les autorités de réglementation nucléaire des auto-évaluations par l'exploitant 2003
4668 Les autorités de sûreté face au démantèlement des réacteurs nucléaires 2003
5168 Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experiences from the IAEA/NEA Incident Reporting System 1999-2002 2003
4728 Nuclear Regulatory Review of Licensee Self-assessment (LSA) 2003
4413 Regulator and Industry Co-operation on Nuclear Safety Research Challenges and Opportunities 2003
4375 The Regulatory Challenges of Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors 2003
3613 Advanced Nuclear Safety Issues and Research Needs Workshop Proceedings, Paris, France, 18-20 February 2002 2002
3673 Améliorer ou maintenir le niveau de sûreté nucléaire 2002
3949 Avis techniques du CSIN - N° 1 et 2 Etude probabiliste de sûreté-incendie des centrales nucléaires - Etude probabiliste de sûreté-séisme des installations nucléaires 2002
3948 CSNI Technical Opinion Papers - Nos. 1-2 Fire Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants Seismic Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Nuclear Facilities 2002
3672 Improving Versus Maintaining Nuclear Safety 2002
3675 Juger les mises en conformité en matière de sûreté : un défi au plan réglementaire 2002
3674 The Nuclear Regulatory Challenge of Judging Safety Backfits 2002
3149 Améliorer l'efficacité des autorités de sûreté nucléaire 2001
3146 Assuring Future Nuclear Safety Competencies Specific Actions 2001
3528 Collective Statement on Major Nuclear Safety Research Facilities and Programmes at Risk Joint OECD Projects and Centres of Excellence 2001
3288 Collective Statement on the Role of Research in a Nuclear Regulatory Context 2001
3368 Examen des critères techniques de sûreté du combustible nucléaire 2001
3148 Improving Nuclear Regulatory Effectiveness 2001
3062 Investing in Trust: Nuclear Regulators and the Public Workshop Proceedings, Paris, France, 29 November-1st December 2000 2001
3147 Maintenir à l'avenir les compétences de sûreté nucléaire Mesures spécifiques 2001
3349 Nuclear Fuel Safety Criteria Technical Review 2001
2948 Nuclear Regulatory Challenges Arising from Competition in Electricity Markets 2001
3145 Nuclear Safety Research in OECD Countries Major Facilities and Programmes at Risk 2001
3144 Nuclear Safety Research in OECD Countries Summary Report of Major Facilities and Programmes at Risk 2001
2528 Assuring Nuclear Safety Competence into the 21st Century Workshop Proceedings, Budapest, Hungary, 12-14 October 1999 2000
2288 Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experiences from the IAEA/NEA Incident Reporting System 1996-1999 2000
2248 Regulatory Response Strategies for Safety Culture Problems 2000
1547 The Role of Nuclear Regulator in Promoting and Evaluating Safety Culture 2000
1407 Russian Minatom Nuclear Safety Research Strategic Plan An International review 1999
987 Loss of Tendon Prestress in NPP Containments Proceedings of a WANO/OECD Workshop, Poitiers, France, August 1997 NEA/CSNI/R(97)9 1998
906 State-of-the-Art Report on the Current Status of Methodologies for Seismic PSA NEA/CSNI/R(97)22 1998
325 Irradiation Embrittlement and Optimisation of Annealing Proceedings of a Specialist meeting, Paris, France, 20-23 September 1993 - jointly organised by the OECD/NEA and the IAEA - NEA/CSNI/R(94)1 Principal Working Group No. 3 on Primary Circuit Integrity 1997
271 Recherches sur la sûreté des réacteurs de conception russe - Etat des besoins 1997
270 Safety Research Needs for Russian-Designed Reactors 1997
239 Status Report on Inspection Philosophy, Inspection Organisation and Inspection Practices NEA/CNRAR(94)3 1995
1187 The Safety of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle 1993

NEA Activities and Information

Pub number Title Year
7402 NEA News Vol. 36.2 2019
7464 NEA News Vol. 37.1 2019
7440 Brochure AEN 2018
7430 NEA News Vol. 36.1 2018
7447 NEA brochure (Chinese version - 经合组织核能署) 2018
7139 NEA brochure 2018
7347 NEA News Vol. 35.1 2017
7348 NEA News Vol. 35.2 2017
7243 NEA News Vol. 33.2 2016
7291 NEA News Vol. 34.1 2016
7292 NEA News Vol. 34.2 2016
7240 AEN Infos Vol 32.1-32.2 2015
7241 NEA News Vol. 33.1 2015
7176 NEA News Vol. 32.1-32.2 2014
7165 AEN Infos Vol. 30.2-31.1 2013
7164 NEA News Vol. 30.2-31.1 2013
7169 NEA News Vol. 31.2 2013
7097 AEN Infos Vol. 30.1 2012
7096 NEA News Vol. 30.1 2012
7008 AEN Infos Vol. 29.1 2011
7010 AEN Infos Vol. 29.2 2011
7007 NEA News Vol. 29.1 2011
7009 NEA News Vol. 29.2 2011
6928 AEN Infos Vol. 28.1 2010
6930 AEN Infos Vol. 28.2 2010
6927 NEA News Vol. 28.1 2010
6929 NEA News Vol. 28.2 2010
6841 AEN Infos Vol. 27.2 2009
6839 AEN infos Vol. 27.1 2009
6838 NEA News Vol. 27.1 2009
6840 NEA News Vol. 27.2 2009
6367 NEA News Vol. 26 2008
6269 AEN Infos Vol. 25.1 2007
6271 AEN Infos Vol. 25.2 2007
6268 NEA News Vol. 25.1 2007
6270 NEA News Vol. 25.2 2007
6140 AEN Infos Vol. 24.1 2006
6142 AEN Infos Vol. 24.2 2006
6139 NEA News Vol. 24.1 2006
6141 NEA News Vol. 24.2 2006
6008 AEN Infos Vol. 23.1 2005
6010 AEN Infos Vol. 23.2 2005
6007 NEA News Vol. 23.1 2005
6009 NEA News Vol. 23.2 2005
5228 AEN Infos Vol. 22.1 2004
5311 AEN Infos Vol. 22.2 2004
5208 NEA News Vol. 22.1 2004
5310 NEA News Vol. 22.2 2004
4313 AEN Infos Vol. 21.1 2003
4315 AEN Infos Vol. 21.2 2003
4312 NEA News Vol. 21.1 2003
4314 NEA News Vol. 21.2 2003
3649 AEN Infos Vol. 20.1 2002
3651 AEN Infos Vol. 20.2 2002
3648 NEA News Vol. 20.1 2002
3650 NEA News Vol. 20.2 2002
3069 AEN Infos Vol. 19.1 2001
3089 AEN Infos Vol. 19.2 2001
3113 Brochure AEN 2001
3088 NEA News Vol. 19.2 2001
3068 NEA News Vol.19.1 2001
3112 NEW NEA brochure 2001
2451 AEN Infos Vol. 18.1 2000
2808 AEN Infos Vol. 18.2 2000
2450 NEA News Vol. 18.1 2000
2788 NEA News Vol. 18.2 2000
1688 Bulletin AEN Vol. 17.1 1999
2069 Bulletin AEN Vol. 17.2 1999
1687 NEA Newsletter Vol. 17.1 1999
2068 NEA Newsletter Vol. 17.2 1999
1387 Bulletin de l'AEN Vol. 16.2 1998
1006 NEA Newsletter Vol. 16.1 1998
1367 NEA Newsletter Vol. 16.2 1998
828 Bulletin AEN Vol. 15.2 1997
277 Bulletin de l'AEN Vol. 15.1 1997
276 NEA Newsletter 15.1 1997
827 NEA Newsletter Vol. 15.2 1997
33 NEA Statute 1995
42 NEA Issue Briefs Radiation Protection Overview: International Aspects and Perspective 1994
49 NEA Issue Briefs Broad Impact of Nuclear Power 1993
44 NEA Issue Briefs International Nuclear Third Party Liability [Rev. 1] 1993
48 NEA Issue Briefs Probabilistic Safety Assessment: An Analytical Tool for Assessing Nuclear Safety 1992
47 NEA Issue Briefs Small and Medium Reactors 1990
46 NEA Issue Briefs Management of Low and Intermediate-level Radioactive Waste (The) 1989
43 NEA Issue Briefs Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste (The) 1989
45 NEA Issue Briefs Advanced Water Reactor Technology 1989
41 NEA Issue Briefs Human Factor in Nuclear Power Plant Operations (The) 1988

Nuclear Science and Data Bank

Pub number Title Year
7499 Chemical Thermodynamics of Iron – Part 2 2020
7520 International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP) Handbook 2020 2020
7519 Specifications for the Generalised Nuclear Database Structure (GNDS) 2020
7498 International Co-operation in Nuclear Data Evaluation An Extended Summary of the Collaborative International Evaluated Library Organisation (CIELO) Pilot Project 2019
7497 International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments – 2019 2019
7496 International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments – 2019 2019
7513 Knowledge management in the context of an ageing workforce NEA Policy Brief 2019
7500 Second Update on the Chemical Thermodynamics of Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium, Americium and Technetium 2019
7511 Thermal Scattering Law S(α,β): Measurement, Evaluation and Application International Evaluation Co-operation Volume 42 2019
7360 International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments – DVD 2018
7361 International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments – DVD 2018
7317 State-of-the-Art Report on Light Water Reactor Accident-Tolerant Fuels 2018
7267 State-of-the-art Report on the Progress of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Chemistry 2018
7329 International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments (IRPhe Project) 2017
7391 SFCOMPO-2.0: International Database of Spent Nuclear Fuel Isotopic Assays 2017
7328 International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments 2016
7268 Handbook on Lead-bismuth Eutectic Alloy and Lead Properties, Materials Compatibility, Thermal-hydraulics and Technologies 2015
7281 International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments 2015
7258 International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments 2015
7224 Introduction of Thorium in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Short- to long-term considerations 2015
7228 Perspectives on the Use of Thorium in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle – Extended Summary 2015
7222 Review of Integral Experiments for Minor Actinide Management 2015
7231 International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments 2014
7173 International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments 2014 Edition 2014
6895 State-of-the-art Report on Innovative Fuels for Advanced Nuclear Systems 2014
6355 Chemical Thermodynamics of Iron, Part I, Volume 13a 2013
7171 International Evaluation Co-operation (Vol. 33) Methods and Issues for the Combined Use of Integral Experiments and Covariance Data (Volume 33) 2013
7140 International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments (DVD) March 2013 2013
6997 Minor Actinide Burning in Thermal Reactors A Report by the Working Party on Scientific Issues of Reactor Systems 2013
7157 Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities -- SATIF-11 Workshop Proceedings, Tsukuba, Japan, 11-13 September 2012 2013
6409 Status Report on Structural Materials for Advanced Nuclear Systems 2013
7133 Transition Towards a Sustainable Nuclear Fuel Cycle 2013
7079 Validation of the JEFF-3.1 Nuclear Data Library JEFF Report 23 2013
6996 Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation Eleventh Information Exchange Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 1-4 November 2010 2012
6998 Burn-up Credit Criticality Safety Benchmark – Phase VII UO2 Fuel: Study of Spent Fuel Compositions for Long-term Disposal 2012
6354 Chemical Thermodynamics of Tin Chemical Thermodynamics Volume 12 2012
7077 Homogeneous versus Heterogeneous Recycling of Transuranics in Fast Nuclear Reactors 2012
7038 International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments September 2011 2012
7080 International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments (DVD) 2012
7081 International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments (DVD) 2012
7111 JEFF 3.1.2 Joint Evaluated Nuclear Data Library for Fission and Fusion Applications February 2012 2012
7116 Janis 3.4 A Java-based Nuclear Data Display Program 2012
6896 Structural Materials for Innovative Nuclear Systems (SMINS-2) Workshop Proceedings, Daejon, Republic of Korea, 31 August-3 September 2010 2012
7042 Assessment of the Unresolved Resonance Treatment for Cross-section and Covariance Representation International Evaluation Co-operation, Volume 32 2011
7040 Covariance Data in the Fast Neutron Region International Evaluation Co-operation, Volume 24 2011
6894 Potential Benefits and Impacts of Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles with Actinide Partitioning and Transmutation 2011
7041 Quality Improvement of the EXFOR Database International Evaluation Co-operation, Volume 30 2011
6897 Technology and Components of Accelerator-driven Systems Workshop Proceedings, Karlsruhe, Germany, 15-17 March 2010 2011
7043 Uranium-235 Capture Cross-section in the keV to MeV Energy Region International Evaluation Co-operation, Volume 29 2011
6420 Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation + CD-ROM Tenth Information Exchange Meeting, Mito, Japan, 6-10 October 2008 2010
6050 Boiling Water Reactor Turbine Trip (TT) Benchmark - Vol. IV Volume IV: Summary Results of Exercise 3 2010
6942 International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation - CD-ROM Complete Collection of Published Reports as of January 2010 2010
6941 JEFF Reports CD-ROM Complete Collection of JEFF Reports 1-22 2010
6343 NUPEC BWR Full-size Fine-mesh Bundle Test (BFBT) Benchmark (Vol. II) Volume II: Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses of Void Distribution and Critical Power - Specification 2010
5425 National Programmes in Chemical Partitioning A Status Report 2010
6805 Nuclear Production of Hydrogen Fourth Information Exchange Meeting, Oakbrook, Illinois, United States, 13-16 April 2009 2010
6947 Research and Test Facilities Required in Nuclear Science and Technology (Japanese version) 原子力の科学技術で必要とされる試験研究施設 2010
6898 Shielding Aspects of Accelerators,Targets and Irradiation Facilities - SATIF-10 Workshop Proceedings, Geneva, Switzerland, 2-4 June 2010 2010
6964 VVER-1000 Coolant Transient Benchmark Phase 2 (V1000CT-2) Summary Results of Exercise 1 on Vessel Mixing Simulation 2010
6849 Besoins d'installations de recherche et d'expérimentation en sciences et technologies nucléaires 2009
6254 Chemical Thermodynamics of Thorium - Volume 11 2009
6283 Evaluated Data Library for the Bulk of Fission Products (Volume 23) International Evaluation Co-operation, Volume 23 2009
6881 Independent Evaluation of the MYRRHA Project Report by an International Team of Experts 2009
6285 Inter-code Comparison Exercise for Criticality Excursion Analysis Benchmarks Phase I: Pulse Mode Experiments with Uranyl Nitrate Solution Using the TRACY and SILENE Experimental Facilities 2009
6291 Mixed-oxide (MOX) Fuel Performance Benchmark (PRIMO) Summary of the Results for the PRIMO BD8 MOX Rod 2009
6310 Mobile Fission and Activation Products in Nuclear Waste Disposal Workshop Proceedings, La Baule, France, 16-19 January 2007 2009
6857 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Synergies and Regional Scenarios for Europe 2009
6194 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Transition Scenario Studies Status Report 2009
6416 PENELOPE-2008: A Code System for Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport Workshop Proceedings, Barcelona, Spain, 30 June-3 July 2008 2009
6293 Research and Test Facilities Required in Nuclear Science and Technology 2009
6807 The JEFF-3.1.1 Nuclear Data Library JEFF Report 22 - Validation Results from JEF-2.2 to JEFF-3.1.1 2009
6287 The JEFF-3.1/-3.1.1 Radioactive Decay Data and Fission Yields Sub-libraries JEFF Report 20 2009
6292 Analytical Benchmarks for Nuclear Engineering Applications Case Studies in Neutron Transport Theory 2008
6410 International Evaluation Co-operation (Vol. 26) + CD-ROM Uncertainty and Target Accuracy Assessment for Innovative Systems Using Recent Covariance Data Evaluations (Volume 26) 2008
6260 Structural Materials for Innovative Nuclear Systems (SMINS) Workshop Proceedings, Karlsruhe, Germany, 4-6 June 2007 2008
6259 Utilisation and Reliability of High Power Proton Accelerators (HPPA5) Workshop Proceedings, Mol, Belgium, 6-9 May 2007 2008
6282 Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation Ninth Information Exchange Meeting, Nîmes, France, 25-29 September 2006 2007
6284 Assessment of Fission Product Decay Data for Decay Heat Calculations International Evaluation Co-operation, Volume 25 2007
5435 Burn-up Credit Criticality Benchmark - Phase II-C Phase II-C: Impact of the Asymmetry of PWR Axial Burn-up Profiles on the End Effect 2007
6255 Chemical Thermodynamics of Solid Solutions of Interest in Nuclear Waste Management - Volume 10 A State-of-the-art Report 2007
6195 Handbook on Lead-bismuth Eutectic Alloy and Lead Properties, Materials Compatibility, Thermal-hydraulics and Technologies 2007
4450 Mixed-oxide (MOX) Fuel Performance Benchmark Summary of the Results for the Halden Reactor Project MOX Rods 2007
4440 Physics of Plutonium Recycling - Volume IX Volume IX: Benchmark on Kinetic Parameters in the CROCUS Reactor 2007
6200 Physics of Plutonium Recycling - Volume VIII Volume VIII: Results of a Benchmark Considering a High-temperature Reactor (HTR) Fuelled with Reactor-grade Plutonium 2007
6288 Speciation Techniques and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources Workshop Proceedings, Karlsruhe, Germany, 18-20 September 2006 2007
6201 VVER-1000 Coolant Transient Benchmark - Phase 1 (Vol. 3) Phase I (V1000CT-1), Vol. 3: Summary Results of Exercise 2 on Coupled 3-D Kinetics/Core Thermal-hydraulics 2007
7451 铅与铅铋共晶合金手册性能、材料相容性、热工水力学和技术 - 2007版 Handbook on Lead-bismuth Eutectic Alloy and Lead Properties, Materials Compatibility, Thermal-hydraulics and Technologies - 2007 Edition (Chinese version) 2007
3130 Benchmark on the KRITZ-2 LEU and MOX Critical Experiments Final Report 2006
6051 Besoins de R-D pour les systèmes nucléaires actuels et futurs 2006
5437 Boiling Water Reactor Turbine Trip (TT) Benchmark - Volume III Volume III: Summary Results of Exercise 2 2006
6227 Burn-up Credit Criticality Benchmark - Phase II-D PWR-UO2 Assembly - Study of Control Rod Effects on Spent Fuel Composition 2006
4439 Computer Simulation of MASURCA Critical and Subcritical Experiments MUSE-4 Benchmark - Final Report 2006
6198 International Evaluation Co-operation (Vol. 20) Covariance Matrix Evaluation and Processing in the Resolved/Unresolved Resonance Regions (Volume 20) 2006
6199 International Evaluation Co-operation (Vol. 22) Nuclear Data for Improved LEU-LWR Reactivity Predictions (Volume 22) 2006
6197 International Evaluation Co-operation (Vol. 7) Nuclear Data Standards (Volume 7) 2006
6212 NUPEC BWR Full-size Fine-mesh Bundle Test (BFBT) Benchmark Volume I: Specifications 2006
6122 Nuclear Production of Hydrogen Third Information Exchange Meeting, Oarai, Japan, 5-7 October 2005 2006
6222 PENELOPE-2006: A Code System for Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport Workshop Proceedings, Barcelona, Spain, 4-7 July 2006 2006
6121 Perspectives on Nuclear Data for the Next Decade Workshop Proceedings, Bruyères-le-Châtel, France, 26-28 September 2005 2006
6090 Physics and Safety of Transmutation Systems A Status Report 2006
6048 Pressurised Water Reactor MOX/UO2 Core Transient Benchmark Final Report 2006
5433 Reference Values for Nuclear Criticality Safety + CD-ROM 2006
5431 Source Convergence in Criticality Safety Analyses Phase I: Results for Four Test Problems 2006
6046 Speciation Techniques and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources Workshop Proceedings, Berkeley, California, USA, 14-16 September 2004 2006
6190 The JEFF-3.1 Nuclear Data Library JEFF Report 21 2006
6192 VENUS-2 MOX-fuelled Reactor Dosimetry Calculations Final Report 2006
6219 VVER-1000 Coolant Transient Benchmark (Vol. II) Phase 1 (V1000CT-1), Vol. 2: Summary Results of Exercise 1 on Point Kinetics Plant Simulation 2006
6088 VVER-1000 MOX Core Computational Benchmark Specification and Results 2006
6224 Very High Burn-ups in Light Water Reactors 2006
5421 Accelerator and Spallation Target Technologies for ADS Applications A Status Report 2005
5420 Benchmark on Deterministic Transport Calculations Without Spatial Homogenisation MOX Fuel Assembly 3-D Extension Case 2005
4448 Boiling Water Reactor Turbine Trip (TT) Benchmark - Volume II Volume II: Summary Results of Exercise 1 2005
6047 Evaluation of Proposed Integral Critical Experiments with Low-moderated MOX Fuel 2005
5419 Fuels and Materials for Transmutation A Status Report 2005
5426 International Evaluation Co-operation (Vol. 19) Neutron Activation Cross-section Measurements from Threshold to 20 MeV for the Validation of Nuclear Models and Their Parameters (Volume 19) 2005
5428 International Evaluation Co-operation (Vol. 21) Assessment of Neutron Cross-section Evaluations for the Bulk of Fission Products (Volume 21) 2005
6004 Pellet-clad Interaction in Water Reactor Fuels Seminar Proceedings, Aix-en-Provence, France, 9-11 March 2004 2005
6005 Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities - SATIF 7 Workshop Proceedings, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-18 May 2004 2005
6068 The JEFF-3.0 Nuclear Data Library (Reprint) JEFF Report 19 - Synopsis of the General Purpose File 2005
6003 Utilisation and Reliability of High Power Proton Accelerators Workshop Proceedings, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, 16-19 May 2004 2005
5309 Basic Studies in the Field of High-temperature Engineering Third Information Exchange Meeting, Ibaraki-ken, Japan, 11-12 September 2003 2004
5422 Benchmark on Beam Interruptions in an Accelerator-driven System Final Report on Phase II Calculations 2004
4438 Benchmark on the Three-dimensional VENUS-2 MOX Core Measurements Final Report 2004
3713 Chemical Thermodynamics of Americium (reprint) (Volume 2) Reprint of the 1995 Review 2004
3712 Chemical Thermodynamics of Uranium (reprint) (Volume 1) Reprint of the 1992 Review 2004
4311 Computing Radiation Dosimetry - CRD 2002 Workshop Proceedings, Sacavém, Portugal, 22-23 June 2002 2004
3728 JANIS - Version 2.0 (A Java-based Nuclear Data Display Program) 2004
5688 JANIS 2.1 (DVD) 2004
4452 Neutronics/Thermal-hydraulics Coupling in LWR Technology, Vol. 1 CRISSUE-S - WP1: Data Requirements and Databases Needed for Transient Simulations and Qualification - 5th EURATOM Framework Programme (1998-2002) 2004
5436 Neutronics/Thermal-hydraulics Coupling in LWR Technology, Vol. 2 CRISSUE-S - WP2: State-of-the-art Report - 5th EURATOM Framework Programme (1998-2002) 2004
5434 Neutronics/Thermal-hydraulics Coupling in LWR Technology, Vol. 3 CRISSUE-S - WP3: Achievements and Recommendations Report - 5th EURATOM Framework Programme (1998-2002) 2004
5308 Nuclear Production of Hydrogen Second Information Exchange Meeting, Argonne, Illinois, USA, 2-3 October 2003 2004
5427 Pyrochemical Separations in Nuclear Applications A Status Report 2004
5808 Research and Development Needs for Current and Future Nuclear Energy Systems (Japanese translation) 2004
3828 Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities - SATIF 6 Workshop Proceedings, Stanford, California, USA, 10-12 April 2002 2004
3711 The JEFF-3.0 Nuclear Data Library JEFF Report 19 2004
5668 The Need for Integral Critical Experiments with Low-moderated MOX Fuels Workshop Proceedings, Paris, France, 14-15 April 2004 2004
4454 Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation Seventh Information Exchange Meeting, Jeju, Republic of Korea, 14-16 October 2002 2003
3136 Benchmark on Beam Interruptions in an Accelerator-driven system Final Report on Phase I Calculations 2003
3135 Benchmark on Deterministic Transport Calculations Without Spatial Homogenisation A 2-D/3-D MOX Fuel Assembly Benchmark 2003
3694 Burn-up Credit Criticality Benchmark - Phase IV-A Phase IV-A: Reactivity Prediction Calculations for Infinite Arrays of PWR MOX Fuel Pin Cells 2003
3709 Burn-up Credit Criticality Benchmark - Phase IV-B Phase IV-B: Results and Analysis of MOX Fuel Depletion Calculations 2003
4331 CINDA 2003 The Index to Literature and Computer Files on Microscopic Neutron Data 2003
3693 International Evaluation Co-operation (Vol. 9) Fission Neutron Spectra of Uranium-235 (Volume 9) 2003
4488 PENELOPE 2003 - A Code System for Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport Workshop Proceedings, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, 7-10 June 2003 2003
3038 Physics of Plutonium Recycling - Vol. VII Volume VII: BWR MOX Benchmark - Specification and Results 2003
4451 Plutonium Management in the Medium Term A Review by the OECD/NEA Working Party on the Physics of Plutonium Fuels and Innovative Fuel Cycles (WPPR) 2003
3129 Pressured Water Reactor Main Steam Line Break (MSLB) Benchmark Volume IV: Results of Phase III on Coupled Core-plant Transient Modelling 2003
5188 Research and Development Needs for Current and Future Nuclear Energy Systems (REPRINT) 2003
4310 Utilisation and Reliability of High Power Proton Accelerators Workshop Proceedings, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 12-16 May 2002 2003
3133 A VVER-1000 LEU and MOX Assembly Computational Benchmark Specification and Results 2002
3056 Advanced Reactors with Innovative Fuels Workshop Proceedings, Chester, United Kingdom, 22-24 October 2001 2002
3632 Basic Studies on High-temperature Engineering Second Information Exchange Meeting, Paris, France, 10-12 October 2001 2002
3128 Comparison Calculations for an Accelerator-driven Minor Actinide Burner 2002
3053 Fission Gas Behaviour in Water Reactor Fuels Workshop Proceedings, Cadarache, France, 26-29 September 2000 2002
3209 International Evaluation Co-operation Delayed Neutron Data for the Major Actinides (Volume 6) 2002
3388 PENELOPE 2001 - A Code System for Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport Workshop Proceedings, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, 5-7 November 2001 2002
3037 Physics of Plutonium Recycling Multiple Pu Recycling in Advanced PWRs - Volume VI 2002
3117 Pressurised Water Reactor Main Steam Line Break (MSLB) Benchmark Volume III: Results of Phase 2 on 3-D Core Boundary Conditions Modelling 2002
3054 Speciation, Techniques and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchroton Light Sources Workshop Proceedings, Grenoble, France, 10-12 September 2000 2002
3055 The Use of Thermodynamic Databases in Performance Assessment Workshop Proceedings, Barcelona, Spain, 29-30 May 2001 2002
4128 VVER-1000 Coolant Transient Benchmark (Vol. I) PHASE 1 (V1000CT-1), Vol. I: Main Coolant Pump (MCP) Switching On - Final Specifications 2002
3115 Boiling Water Reactor Turbine Trip (TT) Benchmark Volume I: Specifications 2001
3114 Chemical Thermodynamics of Neptunium and Plutonium (Volume 4) Published by Elsevier 2001
3168 Evaluation of Speciation Technology Workshop Proceedings, Tokai-mura, Ibaraki, Japan, 26-28 October 1999 2001
3116 Forsmark 1 & 2 Boiling Water Reactor Stability Benchmark Time Series Analysis Methods for Oscillations During BWR Operation: Final Report 2001
3119 International Evaluation Co-operation Evaluation Method of Inelastic Scattering Cross-sections for Weakly Absorbing Fission-product Nuclides (Volume 10) 2001
3328 International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments A Project by the NEA Nuclear Science Committee 2001
3250 International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation Complete Collection of Published Reports as of October 2001 2001
3268 JANIS - A Java-based Nuclear Data Display Program 2001
3488 JANIS Leaflet 2001
3188 Nuclear Production of Hydrogen First Information Exchange Meeting, Paris, France, 2-3 October 2000 2001
2988 Pyrochemical Separations Workshop Proceedings, Avignon, France, 14-16 March 2000 2001
3052 Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities - SATIF 5 Workshop Proceedings, Paris, France, 18-21 July 2000 2001
3051 Utilisation and Reliability of High Power Proton Accelerators Workshop Proceedings, Aix-en-Provence, France, 22-24 November 1999 2001
2828 3-D Radiation Transport Benchmarks for Simple Geometries with Void Regions 2000
2408 Basic Studies on High-Temperature Engineering First Information Exchange Meeting, Paris, France, 27-29 September 1999 2000
2751 Benchmark Calculations of Power Distribution Within Fuel Assemblies Phase II: Comparison of Data Reduction and Power Reconstruction Methods in Production Codes 2000
2848 Benchmark on the VENUS-2 MOX Core Measurements 2000
2929 CD-CINDA 2000 Index to Literature and Computer Files on Microscopic Neutron Data 2000
2148 Calculations of Different Transmutation Concepts An International Benchmark Exercise 2000
2208 Core Monitoring for Commercial Reactors: Improvements in Systems and Methods Workshop Proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden, 4-5 October 1999 2000
2748 Evaluation and Analysis of Nuclear Resonance Data JEFF Report 18 2000
2749 Evaluation et analyse des données relatives aux résonances nucléaires Rapport JEFF 18 2000
3208 International Evaluation Co-operation Processing and Validation of Intermediate Energy Evaluated Data Files (Volume 14) 2000
2128 Prediction of Neutron Embrittlement in the Reactor Pressure Vessel VENUS-1 and VENUS-3 Benchmarks 2000
2868 Pressurised Water Reactor Main Steam Line Break (MSLB) Benchmark Volume II: Results of Phase I on Point Kinetics 2000
2348 The JEF-2.2 Nuclear Data Library JEFF Report 17 2000
1747 Advanced Reactors with Innovative Fuels Workshop Proceedings, Villigen, Switzerland, 21-23 October 1998 1999
4208 Data Bank Leaflet 1999
1988 Intercomparisons of Calculations Made for GODIVA and JEZEBEL JEFF Report 16 1999
1947 International Evaluation Co-operation Present Status of Minor Actinide Data (Volume 8) 1999
1907 International Evaluation Co-operation Epithermal Capture Cross-Section of 235U (Volume 18) 1999
1948 International Evaluation Co-operation 238U Capture and Inelastic Cross-Sections (Volume 4) 1999
1427 Ion and Slow Positron Beam Utilisation Workshop Proceedings, Costa da Caparica, Portugal, 15-17 September 1998 1999
4209 La banque de données (dépliant) 1999
1867 Light Water Reactor (LWR) Pin Cell Benchmark Intercomparisons JEFF Report 15 1999
1467 Physics and Fuel Performance of Reactor-Based Plutonium Disposition Workshop Proceedings, Paris, France, 28-30 September 1998 1999
1587 Pressurised Water Reactor Main Steam Line Break (MSLB) Benchmark Volume I: Final Specifications 1999
1468 Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities - SATIF 4 Workshop Proceedings, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, 17-18 September 1998 1999
1727 Speciation, Techniques and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources Workshop Proceedings, Grenoble, France, 4-6 October 1998 1999
1627 Utilisation and Reliability of High Power Proton Accelerators Workshop Proceedings, Mito, Japan, 13-15 October 1998 1999
1307 Evaluation of 242Pu Data for the Incident Neutron Energy Range 5-20 MeV 1998
1248 International Evaluation Co-operation Nuclear Models to 200 MeV for High-Energy Data Evaluations [Volume 12] 1998
1251 International Evaluation Co-operation Status of Pseudo-Fission-Product Cross-Sections for Fast Reactors [Volume 17] 1998
1250 International Evaluation Co-operation Effects of Shape Differences in the Level Densities of Three Formalisms on Calculated Cross-Sections [Volume 16] 1998
1249 International Evaluation Co-operation Intermediate Energy Data [Volume 13] 1998
1252 International Nuclear Data Measurement Activities - Newsletter No.3 1998
826 SATIF-3 - Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities Proceedings of 3rd Specialists Meeting Sendai, Japan, 12-13 May 1997 1998
1247 Thermal Performance of High Burn-Up LWR Fuel Seminar Proceedings, Cadarache, France, 3-6 March 1998 1998
302 Burn-up Credit Criticality Benchmark - Phase IIB 1997
320 Computing Radiation Dose to Reactor Pressure Vessel and Internals State-of-the-art Report 1997
300 Evaluation of Pu-242 1997
347 In-Core Instrumentation and Reactor Core Assessment Proceedings of a Specialist Meeting, Mito-shi, Japan, 16-17 October 1996 1997
305 Intermediate Energy Nuclear Data Benchmark Report 1997
281 International Nuclear Data Measurement Activities - Newsletter No.2 1997
291 Modelling in Aquatic Chemistry 1997
309 Neural Network Benchmark Report 1997
528 Nucleon Nucleus Optical Model up to 200 MeV Proceedings of a Specialist Meeting, Bruyères-le-Châtel, France, 13-15 November 1996 1997
406 PWR Benchmark on Uncontrolled Rods Withdrawal at Zero Power Final Report - September 1997 1997
163 Actinide Separation Chemistry in Nuclear Waste Streams and Materials 1996
1447 Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation Proceedings of the 4th NEA International Information Exchange Meeting, Mito City, Japan, 12-13 December 1996 1996
176 International Evaluation Co-operation Cross-section Fluctuations and Self-shielding Effects in the Unresolved Resonance Region [Volume 15] 1996
172 International Evaluation Co-operation Comparison of Evaluated Data for Chromium-52, Iron-56 and Nickel-58 [Volume 1] 1996
173 International Evaluation Co-operation Generation of Covariance Files for Iron-56 and Natural Iron [Volume 2] 1996
174 International Evaluation Co-operation Actinide Data in the Thermal Energy Range [Volume 3] 1996
175 International Evaluation Co-operation Plutonium-239 Fission Cross-section Between 1 and 100 keV [Volume 5] 1996
217 SMORN-VII Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Surveillance and Diagnostics in Nuclear Reactors 1996
216 Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF-2) Proceedings of the Second Specialists' Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 12-13 October 1995 1996
164 Advanced Monte Carlo Computer Programs for Radiation Transport Proceedings of a Seminar, Saclay, France, 27-29 April 1993 1995
165 Binding Models Concerning Natural Organic Substances in Performance Assessment Proceedings of an NEA/Paul Scherrer Institute Workshop Bad Zurzach, Switzerland, 14-16 September 1994 1995
1452 Conceptual Design of a Fast Neutron Operated High Power Energy Amplifier 1995 1995
185 International Nuclear Data Measurement Activities - Newsletter No.1 (Revised) 1995
1451 Proceedings of the 8th Journées de SATURNE Saclay, France, 1995 1995
1453 Proceedings of the Second Specialists' Meeting on High Energy Nuclear Data Tokai, Japan, 26-27 January, 1995 1995
197 Review of Nuclear Fuel Experimental Data - Fuel Behaviour Data Available from IFE/OECD Halden Project for Development and Validation of Computer Codes 1995
213 Scientific Issues in Fuel Behaviour 1995
215 Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF-1) Proceedings of the First SATIF Specialists' Meeting Arlington, Texas, U.S.A., 28-29 April 1994 1995
1455 Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technology The Los Alamos National Laboratory ADTT Update, No.1, July 1994 1994
1448 Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation Proceedings of the 3rd NEA International Information Exchange Meeting, Cadarache, France, 12-14 December 1994 1994
166 Blind Intercomparison of Nuclear Models for Predicting Charged Particle Emission 1994
1457 Hybrid Systems, State of the Art and Prospects 1994 1994
170 Intermediate Energy Nuclear Data: Models and Codes Proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, 30 May-1 June 1994 1994
171 International Code Comparison for Intermediate Energy Nuclear Data 1994
179 JEF Report 13: JEF 2.2 Radioactive Decay Data 1994
180 JEF Report 14: Table of Simple Integral Neutron Cross-section Data from JEF-2.2, ENDF/B-VI, JENDL-3.2, BROND-2 and CENDL-2 1994
186 NJOY and THEMIS Nuclear Data Proceedings of a Seminar Saclay, France, 7-8 April 1992 1994
1456 Overview of Physics Aspects of Different Transmutation Concepts NSC/DOC(94)24, 1994 1994
233 Sensitivities of Calculated Cross-section of Fe56 to Model Parameters 1994
218 Summary of the Work of the NEANDC Task Force on U-238 1994
1458 Transmutation of Fission Products in Reactors and Accelerator-Driven Systems Some critical remarks, January 1994 1994
167 Evaluation and Processing of Covariance Data Proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.A., 7-9 October 1992 1993
1459 Extracts from the Proceedings of the Global' 93 Conference Seattle, USA, 1993 1993
196 Results of LWR Core Transient Benchmarks 1993
161 Strategic View on Nuclear Data Needs 1993
1449 Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation Proceedings of the 2nd NEA International Information Exchange Meeting, Argonne, USA, 11-13 November 1992 1992
159 Data Bank (The) - Putting Nuclear Data to Work 1992
169 Fission Product Nuclear Data Proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting Tokai, Japan, May 1992 1992
1454 Impacts of New Developments in Partitioning and Transmutation on the Disposal of High-level Nuclear Waste in a Mined Geologic Repository February, 1992 1992
187 Nuclear Data Standards for Nuclear Measurements - 1991 Nuclear Standards File 1992
1460 Proceedings of the Specialist Meeting on Accelerator Based Transmutation Villigen, Switzerland, 1992 1992
1461 Review of High Energy Data and Model Codes for Accelerator-Based Transmutation NSC/DOC(92)12 - P&T Report No.4, NEA/OECD, 1992 1992
1887 Advanced Modelling and Computer Codes for Calculating Local Scale and Meso-Scale Atmospheric Dispersion of Radionuclides and their Applications Proceedings of the Specialists' Meeting 6-8 March 1991 1991
1832 In Core Instrumentation and Reactor Assessment Proceedings of a Specialist' Meeting Pittsburg, USA, 1-4 October 1991 1991
182 Neutron Cross-section Standards for the Energy Region Above 20 MeV Proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, May 1991 1991
1462 Role and Influence of Partitioning and Transmutation 1991
1463 Survey of Codes Relevant to Design, Engineering and Simulation of Tranmutation of Actinide by Spallation 1991
1838 Symposium on nuclear Reactor surveillance and Diagnostics - SMORN VI Proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA, 19-24 May 1991 1991
1450 Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation Proceedings of the 1st NEA International Information Exchange Meeting, Miso City, Japan, 6-8 November 1990 1990
1892 PSACOIN Level E Intercomparison An International Code Intercomparison Exercise on a Hypothetical Safety Assessment Case Study for Radioactive Waste Disposal Systems 1989
1831 In Core Instrumetation and Reactor Assessment Proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting Cadarache, France, 7-10 June 1988 1988
1837 Reactor Noise - SMORN V Proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting Munich, FRG, 12-16 October 1987 1987
1836 Reactor Noise - SMORN IV Proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting Dijon, France, 15-19 October 1984 1984
1829 In Core Instrumentation and Reactor Assessment Proceedings of a Secialists' Meeting Fredrikstad, Norway, 10-13 October 1983 1983
1827 Nuclear Data and Benchmarks for Reactor Shielding Proceedings of a Specialist' Meeting Paris, 27-29 October 1980 1981
1835 Reactor Noise - SMORN III Proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting Tokyo, Japan, 26-30 October 1981 1981
1828 Calculation of 3-Dimensional Rating Distributions in Operating Reactors Proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting Paris, 26-28 November 1979 1979
1834 Reactor Noise - SMORN II Proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USAm 19-23 September 1977 1977
1833 Reactor Noise - SMORN I Proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting CSN Casaccia, Rome, Italy, 21-25 October 1974 1974

Nuclear Law

Pub number Title Year
7522 Cadres juridiques de l’exploitation à long terme des réacteurs nucléaires de puissance - Résumé Legal Frameworks for Long-Term Operation of Nuclear Power Reactors
7523 Legal Frameworks for Long-Term Operation of Nuclear Power Reactors: Synthèse 2020
7533 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 104 2020
7370 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n°100 – Volume 1/2018 2019
7255 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n°96 - Volume 2/2015 2019
7312 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n°97 - Volume 1/2016 2019
7504 Legal Frameworks for Long-Term Operation of Nuclear Power Reactors 2019
7427 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 101 – Volume 2/2018 2019
7501 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 102 – Volume 1/2019 2019
7502 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 103 – Volume 2/2019 2019
7184 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 94 - Volume 2/2014 2018
7253 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n°95 - Volume 1/2015 2018
7435 International School of Nuclear Law ISNL Commemorative Brochure 2018
7367 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 100 – Volume 1/2018 2018
7313 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 98 - Volume 2/2016 2017
7366 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 99 - Volume 1/2017 2017
7311 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 97 - Volume 1/2016 2016
7252 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 95 2015
7254 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 96 - Volume 2/2015 2015
7155 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 92 Volume 2013/2 2014
7182 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 93 2014
7154 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 92 Volume 2013/2 2014
7181 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 93 2014
7183 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 94 2014
7153 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 91 Volume 2013/1 2013
7152 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 91 Volume 2013/1 2013
7002 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 88 (Décembre 2011) Volume 2011/2 2012
7091 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 89 Volume 2012/1 2012
7093 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 90 Volume 2012/2 2012
7089 Japan's Compensation System for Nuclear Damage As Related to the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident 2012
7001 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 88 (December 2011) Volume 2011/2 2012
7090 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 89 Volume 2012/1 2012
7092 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 90 Volume 2012/2 2012
7000 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 87 (Juin 2011) Volume 2011/1 2011
6999 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 87 (June 2011) Volume 2011/1 2011
6900 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 85 (Juin 2010) Volume 2010/1 2010
6902 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 86 (Décembre 2010) Volume 2010/2 2010
6961 ISNL 10th Anniversary Brochure 2010
6934 International Nuclear Law: History, Evolution and Outlook 10th Anniversary of the International School of Nuclear Law 2010
6935 Le droit nucléaire international : Histoire, évolution et perspectives 10e anniversaire de l'Ecole internationale de droit nucléaire 2010
6899 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 85 (June 2010) Volume 2010/1 2010
6901 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 86 (December 2010) Volume 2010/2 2010
6813 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 83 (Juin 2009) 2009
6815 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 84 (Décembre 2009) Volume 2009/2 2009
6812 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 83 (June 2009) 2009
6814 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 84 (December 2009) Volume 2009/2 2009
6384 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 82 (Décembre 2008) 2008
6382 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n°. 81 (Juin 2008) 2008
6381 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 81 (June 2008) 2008
6383 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 82 (December 2008) 2008
6263 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 79 (Juin 2007) 2007
6265 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 80 - Volume 2007/2 2007
6262 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 79 (June 2007) 2007
6264 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 80 - Volume 2007/2 2007
6124 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 77 (Juin 2006) 2006
6128 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 78 (Décembre 2006) 2006
5998 Indemnification of Damage in the Event of a Nuclear Accident Workshop Proceedings, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 18-20 May 2005 2006
6146 International Nuclear Law in the Post-Chernobyl Period 2006
6147 Le droit nucléaire international après Tchernobyl 2006
6123 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 77 (June 2006) 2006
6127 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 78 (December 2006) 2006
6012 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 75 (Juin 2005) 2005
6016 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 76 (Décembre 2005) 2005
6011 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 75 (June 2005) 2005
6015 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 76 (December 2005) 2005
5313 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 73 (juin 2004) 2004
5317 Bulletin de droit nucléaire n° 74 (décembre 2004) 2004
4269 Législation nucléaire en Europe centrale et orientale et dans les NEI Panorama 2003 2004
4249 Législations nucléaires : étude analytique - Mises à jour 2002 et 2003 Réglementation générale et cadre institutionnel des activités nucléaires 2004
5312 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 73 (June 2004) 2004
5316 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 74 (December 2004) 2004
4268 Nuclear Legislation in Central and Eastern Europe and the NIS 2003 Overview 2004
4248 Nuclear Legislation: Analytical Study - 2002 and 2003 Updates Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Nuclear Activities 2004
4317 Bulletin de droit nucléaire no. 71 (juin 2003) 2003
4321 Bulletin de droit nucléaire no. 72 (décembre 2003) 2003
3631 Indemnification of Damage in the Event of a Nuclear Accident Workshop Proceedings, Paris, France, 26-28 November 2001 2003
4316 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 71 (June 2003) 2003
4320 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 72 (December 2003) 2003
3653 Bulletin de droit nucléaire no. 69 (juin 2002) 2002
3657 Bulletin de droit nucléaire no. 70 (décembre 2002) 2002
3029 Législations nucléaires : étude analytique - Mise à jour 2001 Réglementation générale et cadre institutionnel des activités nucléaires 2002
3652 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 69 (June 2002) 2002
3656 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 70 (December 2002) 2002
3028 Nuclear Legislation: Analytical Study - Update 2001 Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Nuclear Activities 2002
3091 Bulletin de droit nucléaire no.67 (Juin 2001) 2001
3095 Bulletin de droit nucléaire no.68 (décembre 2001) 2001
3090 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 67 (June 2001) 2001
3094 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 68 (December 2001) 2001
3097 Supplément au Bulletin de droit nucléaire no.68 (décembre 2001) 2001
2810 Bulletin de droit nucléaire no. 66 + supplément 2000
2449 Bulletin de droit nucléaire no.65 + supplément 2000
2609 Legislation nucléaire en Europe centrale et orientale et dans les NEI Panorama 2000 2000
2689 Législations nucléaires : étude analytique Réglementation générale et cadre institutionnel des activités nucléaires 2000
2448 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 65 + Supplement 2000
2809 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 66 + Supplement 2000
2608 Nuclear Legislation in Central and Eastern Europe and the NIS 2000 Overview 2000
2688 Nuclear Legislation: Analytical Study Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Nuclear Activities 2000
2188 Reform of Civil Nuclear Liability Budapest Symposium 1999 2000
1648 Bulletin de droit nucléaire no.63 + supplément 1999
1969 Bulletin de droit nucléaire no.64 + supplément 1999
1647 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 63 + Supplement 1999
1968 Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 64 + Supplement 1999
1166 Bulletin de droit nucléaire - Index 1-60 1998
1127 Bulletin de droit nucléaire no.61 + Supplément 1998
1288 Bulletin de droit nucléaire no.62 + supplément 1998
1146 Nuclear Law Bulletin - Index 1-60 1998
1126 Nuclear Law Bulletin No.61 + Supplement 1998
1287 Nuclear Law Bulletin No.62 + Supplement 1998
606 Overview of Nuclear Legislation in Central and Eastern Europe and the NIS 1998
628 Panorama de la législation nucléaire en Europe centrale et orientale et dans les NEI 1998
60 Nuclear Law Bulletin 1996
153 Législations nucléaires : Etude analytique - Cadre réglementaire et institutionnel des activités nucléaires 1995
212 Législations nucléaires : Etude analytique - Cadre réglementaire et institutionnel des activités nucléaires 1995
152 Nuclear Legislation: Analytical Study - Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Nuclear Activities 1995
211 Nuclear Legislation: Analytical Study - Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Nuclear Activities 1995
78 Liability and Compensation for Nuclear Damage: An International Overview 1994
79 Responsabilité et réparation des dommages nucléaires : Une Perspective internationale 1994
157 Convention de Paris : Décisions, recommandations, interprétations 1990
156 Paris Convention: Decisions, Recommendations, Interpretations 1990
154 Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy & Brussels Convention Supplementary to the Paris Convention (1989 Edition) 1989
6699 Législations nucléaires : Étude analytique Règlementation relative au transport des matières radioactives, 1980 1980