Approaches and Challenges for the Use of Geological Information in the Safety Case for Deep Disposal of Radioactive Waste




Workshop synthesis: Main themes of AMIGO-3

Conclusions and recommendations

A. Reports of the working groups
B. Participant list for the AMIGO-3 Workshop

Overview of the Disposal Feasibility Assessment in Meuse/Haute-Marne:
from the Preliminary Geoscientific Survey to the Safety Case

P. Lebon (Andra, France)

Overview of the Disposal Feasibility Assessment in Meuse/Haute-Marne:
Integration of Geoscientific Data in the Safety Case, Methodology and Organisation,
Justification of the Processes and Models, Choice of the Data

F. Plas and G. Vigneron (Andra, France)

From the Feasibility Assessment to the Licensing: Application Organisation of the Safety Case Interactive Development of Engineering/PA/Knowledge Management,
Key Issues Addressed by Geoscience

B. Cahen and S. Voinis (Andra, France)

From the Feasibility Assessment to the Licensing Application: Organisation of the
Data Acquisition, How to Deal with Metrological Limits, Uncertainties and Project
Milestones; How Far Must We Go?

P. Landais and T. Labalette (Andra, France)

Dealing with Geological Discontinuities in Safety Assessment: The Approach of the French Technical Safety Organisation
M. Rocher, A. de Hoyos and M. Cushing (IRSN, France)

Application of Host Rock Classification and Acceptance Criteria for Repository Layout and the Safety Case
J. Andersson (JA Streamflow AB, NEA Consultant), D. Gunnarson, A. Hedin, R. Munier and J.-O. Selroos (SKB, Sweden), P. Hellä (Pöyry Environment, Finland),
A. Ikonen (Saanio and Riekkola Oy, Finland) and L. Wikström (Posiva Oy, Finland)

The Regulatory Perspective: Role of Regulatory Review of the Safety Case and Feedback to Site Investigation

M. Rahn, E. Frank, F. Altorfer and H. Wanner (Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety
Inspectorate, Switzerland)

Geosynthesis: Testing a Safety Case Methodology at Generic Japanese URLs

K. Hatanaka, H. Osawa and H. Umeki (JAEA, Japan)

Collection and Integration of Geoscience Information to Revise the WIPP Hydrology Conceptual Model
R.L. Beauheim (Sandia National Laboratories, United States)

An Overview of Responses to the AMIGO Questionnaire on the Use of Geoscience Data in Safety Cases
M. Jensen (Ontario Power Generation, Canada) and B. Goodwin (Goodwin Environmental Assessment Consulting, Canada)

Integrating Components of the Earth System to Model Global Climate Changes: Implications for the Simulation of the Climate of the Next Million Years
J.-C. Duplessy (Laboratoire mixte CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, France)

The New Conceptual Model in Boda HLW/SF Project, S-Hungary
F. Fedor, I. Benkovics and I. Szűcs (MECSEKÉRC Ltd, Hungary) and L. Kovács (Kútfej Ltd, Hungary)

Lessons Learnt from Staged Dry Run of Performance Assessment and Repository Design

H. Hyodo and H. Kurikami (NUMO, Japan),Y. Arai, H. Shiratsuchi and T. Koyama
(TEPSCO, Japan) and H. Takase (Quintessa Japan Co. Ltd, Japan)

Role of Independent Studies to Address Uncertainty and Their Impact on Regulatory Interactions
S. Mohanty and G. Wittmeyer (Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses, United
States), G. Peters and S. Whaley (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, United States)

Management of Mission-critical Information in Bátaapáti LLW/ILW Project, S-Hungary
F. Fedor, L. Menyhei and Z. Szikszai (MECSEKÉRC Ltd, Hungary), V. Feurer
(Intercomp Ltd, Hungary) and J. Geiger (University of Szeged, Hungary)

Ageing of Information – A new Source of Uncertainties?

Z. Nagy (Public Limited Company for Radioactive Waste Management [PURAM], Hungary)

Application of a Discrete-feature Model to Assess Geological Uncertainties in a Regulatory Context

J. Geier (Clearwater Hardrock Consulting, United States) and G. Lindgren
(Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, Sweden)

Synthesising Geoscientific Data into a Site Model for Performance Assessment: A Study on the Long-term Evolution of the Geological Environment in and around the Horonobe URL, Hokkaido, Northern Japan
T. Niizato, K.-I. Yasue, H. Kurikami, M. Kawamura and T. Ohi (JAEA, Japan)

Stepwise Hydrogeological Characterisation Utilising a Geosynthesis Methodology –
A Case Study from the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project

H. Saegusa, H. Osawa, H. Onoe, T. Ohyama, R. Takeuchi and S. Takeuchi (JAEA, Japan)

Resistivity Survey Aiming at Identifying Hydrogeologically Active Zones in Limestone and Clay Formations: Application to the Tournemire Experimental Station (Aveyron, France)
M. Cushing, F. Lemeille, J. Cabrera, A. De Hoyos and M. Rocher (IRSN, France), A. Revil (Colorado School of Mines, USA and LGIT-CNRS Université de Savoie, France) and D. Jougnot (LGIT-CNRS Université de Savoie, France)

Safety Statements as a Tool to Incorporate Geoscience in the Safety and Feasibility Case
P. Smith (Safety Assessment Management Ltd, United Kingdom), A. Dierckx, M. Capouet and M. Van Geet (ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium)

© NEA 2009