Wonder 2012: 3rd International Workshop on Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor Applications
Organised by CEA and NEA | 25-28 September 2012 | Aix-en-Provence, France
- Microscopic and integral nuclear data measurements
- Evaluation of nuclear data (theories, models, codes)
- Uncertainties and covariance matrices
- Neutron / gamma spectra and multiplicities
- Processing and benchmarking
- Fission modeling
Speaker presentations
- Carlos Carrapico, Simultaneous measurement of the capture and fission 233U cross section using the Calorimetric Shape Decomposition method
- Carlos Guerrero, Neutron capture and fission reactions on 235U: cross sections, alpha-ratios and prompt gamma-ray emission from fission
- Diane Dore, Fission Fragment characterization with FALSTAFF at NFS
- Charlotte Amouroux, Measurement of the fission mass yields of 241Am(2nth,f) at the Lohengrinmass spectrometer
- Gregoire Kessedjian, Development of a Gas Filled Magnet spectrometer coupled with theILL Lohengrinspectrometer for fission studies
- Beatriz Jurado, Neutron-induced capture cross sections of actinides via the surrogate-reaction methodPreliminary
- Christos Lampoudis, Neutron transmission and capture of 241Am from thermal up to 100eV
- Maelle Kerveno, (n,xng) reaction cross section measurements for (n,xn) reaction studies
- Federica Emiliani, Evaluation of stable tungsten isotopes in the resolved resonanceregion
- Stefan Kopecky, Recent evaluations in the resolved and unresolved resonance region done at IRMM
- Olivier Litaize, Validation of the Nuclear Data Evaluation code CONRAD
- Pascal Archier, Recent Developments in the CONRAD Code regarding Experimental Corrections
- Jose Manuel Quesada Molina, A Lane consistent optical model potential for nucleon induced reactions on 238U and 232Th nuclei with full coupling
- Amalia Chambon, Needs of nuclear data and covariance matrices for BurnupCredit fission products in JEFF-3.1.1 library
- Suzanne Varet, Pseudo-measure simulations and bootstrap for the experimental cross-section covariancesestimation with quality quantification
- Jean-Christophe Benoit, CYRUS : a code dedicated to the analysis of decay heat uncertainties
- Claire Vaglio-Gaudard, First feedback with the AMMON integral experiment for the JHR calculations
- Gregory Perret, Reanalysis of spectral indices measurements in the gas-cooled fast reactor experiments at PROTEUS facility
- Lou Sai Leong, Criticality experiments for validation of cross sections: the neptunium case
- A.C. (Skip) Kahler, Critical EigenvalueCalculations of Selected ICSBEP Benchmarks with Various 239Pu Evaluated Data Files
- Yannick Peneliau, Reactivity effect breakdown calculations with deterministic and stochastic perturbations analysis -JEFF-3.1.1 to JEFF3.2T1 (BRC-2009) actinides application
- Gilles Noguere, Improved MOX fuel calculations using new Pu-239, Pu240 and Am-241 evaluations
- Anne-Cecile Colombier, Nuclear Data Production, Calculation and Measurement: a Global Overview of the Gamma Heating Issue
- Simon Ravaux, New evaluations of photon production for JEFF3
- David Regnier, A Monte Carlo Simulation of Prompt Gamma Emission from Fission Fragments
- Karl-Heinz Schmidt, Modeling the widths of fission observables in GEF
- Olivier Bouland, Intermediate Structure in Fission - Consequences on Average Partial Cross Sections
- Mihail Mirea, Intrinsic Energy Partition in Fission
- Herbert Faust, Evaluation of spin distributions in fission fragments using the statistical model
- Anabella Tudora, Sub-barrier resonance fission and its effects on fission fragment properties
- Stefano Panebianco, SPY: a microscopic statistical scission-point model to predict fission fragment distributions
Last update: 15 October 2012