The MDEP Codes and Standards Working Group (CSWG) was approved by MDEP's Policy Group in March 2008. All MDEP members and the IAEA are invited to participate in this working group's activities, which complement the IAEA's work in this area.
The group meets approximately twice a year to further the goals of searching for ways to harmonise and converge national codes, standards, and regulatory requirements and practices in this area while recognising the sovereign rights and responsibilities of national regulators in carrying out their safety reviews of new reactor designs (see the CSWG programme plan for more details of the group's work).
The CSWG interacts regularly with Standards Development Organisations (SDO):
The CSWG also maintains a close interaction with the World Nuclear Association's (WNA) working group on Co-operation in Reactor Design Evaluation and Licensing (CORDEL).
The CSWG reports its status to the MDEP Steering Technical Committee (STC) at the latter's thrice annually meetings.
For more information, see the MDEP Annual Report: 2018-2019.
Last reviewed: 01 February 2022
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Design specific
Design specific working groups
Issue specific working groups