JEFF Report 23 Supplement

Additional JEFF project documents cited in JEFF Report 23

JEF/DOC-682 C.J. Dean, D. Hanlon, R.J. Perry, Benchmark Calculations for 235U, June 1997
JEF/DOC-851 A. Santamarina et al., Experimental Validation of JEF2 Fission Product Data - Required Improvements in the JEFF3 Evaluations, December 2000
JEF/DOC-861 K. Dietze et al., Integral test of neutron data and comparison of codes by re-analysis of the SEG and STEK experiments, 2001
JEF/DOC-862 A. Courcelle et al., Experimental validation of U-235 evaluations, May 2001
JEF/DOC-883 A. Courcelle et al., Experimental validation of uranium-238 cross-sections and recommendations for JEFF3, November 2001
JEF/DOC-916 A. Courcelle, H. Derrien, L. Leal, A. Santamarina, Re-evaluation and validation of the 241Pu resonance parameters in the energy range thermal to 20 eV, April 2002
JEF/DOC-1043 D. Bernard et al., JEF2.2/JEFF3.0 Improvements on Spent Fuel Inventory Prediction in LWRs - Trends from Integral Experiments and Proposals for JEFF3.1, November 2004
JEF/DOC-1055 O. Serot, B. Roque, A. Santamarina, Review of the most reactor relevant cumulated fission product yields, November 2004
JEF/DOC-1077 G. Noguere, A. Courcelle, J.M. Palau, O.Litaize, Low neutron energy cross sections of the hafnium isotopes, 2005
JEF/DOC-1086 O. Bouland, D. Bernard, Revised evaluation of the 241Am isotope, May 2005
JEF/DOC-1099 W. Haeck, B. Verboomen, Verification and Validation of a multi-temperature JEFF-3.1 library for MCNP(X), November 2005
JEF/DOC-1105 S.C. van der Marck, Beta-eff Calculations Using JEFF-3.1 Nuclear Data, October 2005
JEF/DOC-1106 S.C. van der Marck, Shielding Benchmark Calculations with MCNP-4C3 Using JEFF-3.1 Nuclear Data, October 2005
JEF/DOC-1107 S.C. van der Marck, Criticality Safety Benchmark Calculations with MCNP-4C3 Using JEFF-3.1 Nuclear Data, October 2005
JEF/DOC-1112 J.-Ch. Sublet, C. Jouanne, Y. Peneliau, F-X. Hugot, TRIPOLI-4.4 -JEFF-3.1 & ENDF/B-VII b1 with the ICSBEP Criticality Models, November 2005
JEF/DOC-1122 D. Bernard et al., Present Status of JEFF-3.1 Qualification for LWR Reactivity and Fuel Inventory Prediction, November 2005
JEF/DOC-1138 A. Letourneau, O. Bringer, S. Chabod, E. Dupont, S. Panebianco, Actinide Fission and Capture Cross Section Measurements, May 2006
JEF/DOC-1143 O. Litaize, D. Bernard, A. Santamarina, P. Fougeras, JEFF-3.1 LWR-Reactivity Qualification from EOLE Experiments, May 2006
JEF/DOC-1144 D. Bernard, A. Santamarina, 237Np XS experimental validation - Proposal for JEFF3 modification, May 2006 - Final results are published in JEFF Report 22, OECD/NEA, 2009
JEF/DOC-1158 D. Bernard et al., Improvements of the 239Pu Evaluation for JEFF-3, November 2006 - Final results are published in JEFF Report 22, OECD/NEA, 2009
JEF/DOC-1163 A. Trkov, Benchmarking of 232Th from JEFF-3.1, November 2006
JEF/DOC-1174 G. Noguere, D. Bernard, C. De Saint-Jean, Multi-group Covariance Matrix for the Resolved Resonance Range of Np-237, June 2007
JEF/DOC-1178 J-Ch. Sublet, Y. Peneliau, C. Jouanne, JEFF-3.1, ENDF/B-VII and JENDL-3.3 Critical Assemblies Benchmarking with the Monte Carlo Code TRIPOLI, 2007
JEF/DOC-1180 C.J. Dean, P.J. Smith, R.J. Perry, Validation of Important Fission Product Evaluations Through CERES Integral Benchmarks, June 2007 - see also Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology ND2007, Nice, France, 22-27 April 2007, pp.829-832
JEF/DOC-1194 R.W. Mills, C. Shearer, Technical note on using JEFF-3.1 and JEFF-3.1.1 data to calculate neutron emission from spontaneous fission and (a,n) reactions with FUSIN, June 2007
JEF/DOC-1207 G. Noguere, O. Bouland, D. Bernard, A. Santamarina, Correction of the 16O(n,a0) cross section below 6 MeV for JEFF-3.2β, November 2007 - Final results are published in JEFF Report 22, OECD/NEA, 2009
JEF/DOC-1208 G. Noguere, D. Bernard, A. Santamarina, Update of Zirconium Evaluations for JEFF-3.2(beta), November 2007 - Final results are published in JEFF Report 22, OECD/NEA, 2009
JEF/DOC-1210 J.-Ch. Sublet, O. Bouland, O. Litaize, G. Leinweber, Y. Danon, New Gadolinium parameters assemblage and preliminary benchmarking, November 2007
JEF/DOC-1226 D. Bernard et al., JEFF-3.2β Pre-qualification: 91Zr and 16O Neutron Cross-sections Improvements, November 2007 - Final results are published in JEFF Report 22, OECD/NEA, 2009
JEF/DOC-1238 D. Bernard, G. Noguere, A. Santamarina, Progress on Fission Product Cross-Sections Improvement of LWR Cycle Length Prediction, May 2008 - Final results are published in JEFF Report 22, OECD/NEA, 2009
JEF/DOC-1297 T. Ware, The Resolved Resonance Region of Hafnium, November 2009
JEF/DOC-1324 C.J. Dean, Status of Hf Resolved Resonance Data, May-June 2010
JEF/DOC-1331 A. Gruel, P. Leconte, D. Bernard, A. Santamarina, Interpretation of In-Pile Oscillation Experiments of Fission Product in Various Spectra, May–June 2010

EFFDOC-782 D. Leichtle, Status of the 9Be-EFF-3.0/NMOD=3 data processing with ACER, May 2001
EFFDOC-788 D. Leichtle (2001), Benchmarking of 9Be EFF3.0/NMOD=3, November 2001
EFFDOC-885 I. Kodeli, Tungsten Benchmark Experiments: Re-analysis Using JENDL-3.3, November 2003
EFFDOC-897 U. Fischer, Re-analysis of TUD benchmark experiment on tungsten using JENDL-3.3 data, May 2004
EFFDOC-929 S. Simakov, Benchmark analyses of Pb JEFF-3.1T data for fusion applications, May 2005
EFFDOC-930 U. Fischer, Benchmark analyses of Ti JEFF-3.1T data for fusion applications, May 2005
EFFDOC-932 D. Leichtle, Benchmark analyses of 9Be JEFF-3.1T data for fusion applications, May 2005
EFFDOC-938 P. Batistoni, Status of the TBM Neutronics Experiment, November 2005
EFFDOC-950 I. Kodeli, Deterministic 3D Analysis of HCPB Breeder Blanket Mock-up Experiment, November 2005
EFFDOC-952 S. Simakov, First benchmark analyses of Ta evaluated data for fusion neutron transport calculations, November 2005
EFFDOC-954 U. Fischer, Monte Carlo Based Transport and Sensitivity/Uncertainty Analyses of the Tritium Production in the HCPB Breeder Blanket Mock-up Experiment, November 2005
EFFDOC-973 S. Simakov, Benchmark analyses of Ta evaluated data for fusion neutron transport calculations, May 2006
EFFDOC-981 I.Kodeli, Deterministic Transport, Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of TPR and Reaction Rate Measurements in HCPB Breeder Blanket Mock-up Benchmark, May 2006
EFFDOC-987 P. Batistoni, Status of TBM neutronics experiments, November 2006
EFFDOC-994 U. Fischer, FENDL-2.1 Benchmark Analyses, November 2006
EFFDOC-999 S. Simakov, Benchmarking of Vanadium evaluated data for fusion neutron transport calculations, November 2006
EFFDOC-1004 P. Batistoni, Validation of FENDL-2.1 and of JEFF-3.1 for fusion application, June 2007
EFFDOC-1009 S. Simakov, Benchmark analyses of the final Ta evaluation for fusion neutron transport calculations, June 2007
EFFDOC-1016 D. Leichtle, Benchmark analyses of the recent W data evaluations, June 2007
EFFDOC-1051 P. Pereslavtsev, Validation analysis of FZK evaluated data files for W isotopes, May 2008

Last reviewed: 10 March 2016