The collection of JEF(F) Reports 1-22 is available on CD/DVD.
JEF Report 1, Vol I (5.9 MB)
Index to the JEF-1 Nuclear Data Library, Volume I, General Purpose File (July 1985).
JEF Report 1, Vol II (4.6 MB)
Index to the JEF-1 Nuclear Data Library, Volume II, Special Purpose Files (September 1985).
JEF Report 2 (3.2 MB)
JEF-1 Scattering Law Data; J.Keinert, M. Mattes (IKE 6 147), (September 1984).
JEF Report 3 (5.4 MB)
Table of Simple Integral Neutron Cross-Section Data from JEF-1, ENDF/B-V, ENDL-82, JENDL-2, KEDAK-4 and RCN-3; NEA Data Bank (July 1985).
JEF Report 4 (5.4 MB)
Fast Reactor Benchmark Tests on the JEF-1 Evaluated Nuclear Data File; H. Takano and E. Sartori, NEA Data Bank, (October 1985).
JEF Report 5 (5.8 MB)
Integral Data Test of JEF-1. Fission Product Cross Sections; A.J. Janssen, H. Gruppelaar, R.J. Heijboer, N. Karouby-Cohen, L. Martin-Deidier, G. Rimpault and M. Salvatores. (ECN-176), (November 1985).
JEF Report 6 (2.1 MB)
Benchmark test of JEF-1 evaluation by calculating fast criticals; S. Pelloni (EIR-Report Nr. 584), (June 1986).
JEF Report 7 (2.9 MB)
Analysis of selected thermal reactor benchmark experiments based on the JEF-1 Evaluated Nuclear Data File; M. Mattes. (May 1986).
JEF Report 8 (19.4 MB)
Graphical comparison of JEF-1 with EXFOR cross section data; Y. Nakajima. (November 1986).
JEF Report 9 (19.8 MB)
Table of the main radioactive decay data parameters from JEF-1, ENDF/B-V, ENSDF, French, Japanese and UK Libraries; NEA Data Bank (June 1987).
JEF Report 10 (2.5 MB)
JEF/EFF Based Nuclear Data Libraries; P.Vontobel, S. Pelloni (December 1987).
JEF Report 11 (2.2 MB)
Validation of LWR Calculation Methods and JEF-1 Based Data Libraries by TRX and BAPL Critical Experiments; S. Pelloni, P. Grimm, D. Mathews, J.M. Paratte (June 1989).
JEF Report 12 (2.4 MB)
Comparison Calculation of a Large Sodium-Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor Using the Cell Code MICROX-2 in Connection with ENDF/B-VI and JEF-1 .I Neutron Data, S. Pelloni (February 1992).
JEF Report 13 (15.3 MB)
JEF-2.2 Radioactive Decay Data; NEA Data Bank (August 1994).
JEF Report 14 (12.4 MB)
Table of Simple Integral Neutron Cross Section Data from JEF-2.2, ENDF/B-VI, JENDL-3.2, BROND-2 and CENDL-2; NEA Data Bank (1994)
JEFF Report 15 (0.3 MB)
Light Water Reactor (LWR) Pin Cell Benchmark Intercomparisons; NEA Data Bank (September 1999).
JEFF Report 16 (0.2 MB)
Intercomparisons of Calculations Made for GODIVA and JEZEBEL; NEA Data Bank (December 1999).
JEFF Report 17 (2.1 MB)
The JEF-2.2 Nuclear Data Library; NEA Data Bank (April 2000).
The report is a summary documentation of the Joint Evaluated File version (JEF-2.2). The information contained in the file comprises neutron reaction data, radioactive decay data, fission yield data and thermal scattering law data. The report has been divided up in the following four parts:
JEFF Report 18 (7.8 MB)
Evaluation and Analysis of Nuclear Resonance Data, F. Frohner, (2000).
JEFF Report 18 (1.1 MB)
(French translation)
Evaluation et Analyse des données relatives aux Résonances Nucléaires, F. Frohner, (2000).
JEFF Report 19 (1.7 MB)
The JEFF-3.0 Nuclear Data Library; NEA Data Bank (April 2005).
The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion (JEFF) project is a collaborative effort among NEA Data Bank member countries to develop a reference nuclear data library for use in different nuclear energy applications. The third, improved version of the JEFF general-purpose data library (JEFF-3.0) was recently released. This library contains evaluated nuclear data for 340 materials from 1-H-1 to 99-Es-255. The present report describes the content of this library.
JEFF Report 20 (1.0 MB)
The JEFF-3.1/-3.1.1 Radioactive Decay Data and Fission Yields Sub-libraries; NEA Data Bank (September 2009).
Radioactive decay data forms an integral part of the Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion (JEFF) Project. In 2005, a completely revised library, JEFF-3.1, was made available. The updated JEFF-3.1.1 Radioactive Decay Data and Fission Yields Sub-libraries were released in 2007. This report describes the development, contents and initial validation of the JEFF-3.1 and JEFF-3.1.1 Radioactive Decay Data and Fission Yields Sub-libraries.
JEFF Report 21
The JEFF-3.1 Nuclear Data Library; NEA Data Bank (November 2006).
The latest version of the JEFF library, JEFF-3.1, was released by the NEA in May 2005. JEFF-3.1 combines the efforts of the JEFF and EFF/EAF (European Fusion File/European Activation File) working groups who have contributed to this combined fission and fusion library. The neutron general purpose library contains incident neutron data for 381 materials from 1H to 255Fm. The activation library (based on the European Activation File, EAF-2003) contains 774 different targets from 1H to 257Fm. The radioactive decay data library contains data for 3 852 isotopes, of which 226 are stable.
The proton special purpose library contains incident proton data for 26 materials from 40Ca to 209Bi. The thermal scattering law library covers 9 materials, and the fission yield library covers 19 isotopes of neutron induced fission yield from 232Th to 245Cm and 3 isotopes with spontaneous fission yields (242Cm, 244Cm and 252Cf). The present report describes the content of this library.
JEFF Report 22 (0.9 MB)
The JEFF-3.1.1 Nuclear Data Library; NEA Data Bank (May 2009).
The current validation of the JEFF-3.1.1 file is detailed. Fundamental targeted experiments, LWR mock-up experiments, PWR and BWR chemical assays and SNF reactivity worth measurements are analysed using both TRIPOLI4 and APOLLO2.8 reference calculations.
This report demonstrates that JEFF-3.1.1 is probably the best international library currently available. It is more accurate than ENDFB/VII for fuel inventory, MOX reactivity and plutonium ageing, and reactivity coefficients such as temperature coefficient and stainless tell reflectors. Moreover, JEFF-3.1.1 evaluations benefit from the feedback of validation studies for fast breeder reactors, the fuel cycle, criticality safety and burn-up credit. JEFF-3.1.1 is used worldwide for PWR and BWR calculations, particularly in the new ARCADIA package of Areva-NP. It is also used in ERANOS2 for Generation IV designs.
JEFF Report 23 (2.14 MB)
Validation of the JEFF-3.1 Nuclear Data Library: JEFF Report 23; NEA Data Bank (February 2013).
The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion (JEFF) Project is a collaborative effort among OECD Nuclear
Energy Agency (NEA) Data Bank member countries to develop a reference nuclear data library for use in
different energy applications. These data can be used to help improve the safety and economy of existing
installations, as well as to design advanced nuclear reactors and their associated fuel cycles, including
radioactive waste management. The JEFF-3.1 library contains several different data types, including
neutron and proton interaction data, neutron activation data, radioactive decay data, fission yield data
and thermal scattering data. This report describes the initial validation of the complete JEFF-3.1 library
for thermal reactors, fuel cycle, storage and reprocessing, fusion technology and intermediate energy
applications. It will be useful for scientists and engineers in national laboratories, universities and industry
who use basic nuclear data, and is particularly suitable for those who work with application libraries based
on JEFF-3.1.
JEFF Report 23 Supplements are available.
JEFF Report 24 (10.4 MB)
General Description of Fission Observables: JEFF Report 24; NEA Data Bank (June 2014).
The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion (JEFF) Project is a collaborative effort among member countries of the Data Bank to develop a reference nuclear data library. The JEFF library contains a number of different data types, including neutron and proton interaction data, radioactive decay data and fission-fragment yield data. The General fission (GEF) model is based on novel theoretical concepts developed to model low energy nuclear fission with a demonstrated capability to calculate fission yields and associated quantities for a large range of nuclei and excitation energies. This report describes the recent development and validation of the GEF model within the framework of the JEFF Project with the objective to further improve fission yield data in future releases of the JEFF library. As a result, most of the fission observables can be generally predicted by GEF with an accuracy that complies with the needs of nuclear energy applications.
The fission yields data described in this report are available in the GEFY-4.2 library for spontaneous and neutron-induced fission.
Last reviewed: 10 March 2016