Documents available for download in PDF format to JEF/EFF Members only; considered as non-official publications carrying draft status
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Note that older EFF documents are available in the list of papers presented at EFF meetings, 1999-2006.
EFFDOC-1416 | Summary record of the JEFF Fusion WG meeting | Franco Michel-Sendis | NEA | OECD | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1415 | JSI activities within ND evaluation and benchmarking | Ivo KODELI | IJS | SLOVENIA | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1414 | Tungsten neutron-gamma transport data validation with fusion and critical benchmarks | Stanislav SIMAKOV | KIT | GERMANY | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1413 | Gas production in fusion materials: development of the measurement setup | Alexander PROKOFIEV | Uppsala University | SWEDEN | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1412 | Status of the NPI work conducted in the EUROfusion PPPT programme | Mitja MAJERLE | NPI | CZECH REPUBLIC | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1411 | Status of the evaluation of n+Be-9 displacement cross-section using advance defect production model | Alexander KONOBEEV | KIT | GERMANY | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1410 | C/E analysis of water activation experiment | Chantal NOBS | CCFE | UNITED KINGDOM | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1409 | The water activation experiment using 14 MeV neutrons at FNG | Maurizio ANGELONE | ENEA | ITALY | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1408 | CCFE update to WPMI-7.5 task | Chantal NOBS | CCFE | UNITED KINGDOM | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1407 | KIT experimental contributions to the WCLL experiment | Axel KLIX | KIT | GERMANY | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1406 | Pre-analysis of the FNG-WCLL benchmark using S/U computational tools | Ivan-Alexander KODELI | IJS | SLOVENIA | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1405 | Pre-analysis of the WCLL breeding blanket mock-up neutronics experiment at the Frascati Neutron Generator | Davide FLAMMINI | ENEA | Nov. 2019 | |
EFFDOC-1404 | V&V analyses of the EAF-type TENDL-2017 activation data library | Olga VILKHIVSKAYA | CCFE | UNITED KINGDOM | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1403 | Remarks on the processing of the EAF-type TENDL-2017 activation data library in 709 energy groups | Patrick SAUVAN | UNED | SPAIN | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1402 | EUROfusion PPPT task: status and achievements | Dimitri ROCHMAN | PSI | Switzerland | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1401 | Application of model defects to the evaluation of n+Fe56 in the fast region | Erwin ALHASSAN | PSI | Switzerland | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1400 | VR evaluation method and its interface with TENDL - PMI-7.4-T008-D00N1 | Henrik SJOSTRAND | Uppsala University | SWEDEN | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1399 | Developments in R-matrix theory: towards description of 3- and many-body channels | Helmut LEEB | TU Wien | AUSTRIA | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1398 | Progress Report on evaluation of fast-neutron induced alpha emission data | Vlad AVRIGEANU | NIPNE | ROMANIA | Nov. 2019 |
EFFDOC-1397 | Progress Report on evaluation of deuteron-induced reaction data of structural materials | Marilena AVRIGEANU | NIPNE | ROMANIA | Nov. 2019 |
Reference | Title | Name | Date |
EFFDOC-1396 | Summary Record of the JEFF Fusion WG meeting | Michael FLEMING | April,2019 |
EFFDOC-1395 | Preparation of neutron and photon flux and tritium production in the WCLL | Axel KLIX | April,2019 |
EFFDOC-1394 | Neutron and photon-induced atomic displacement damage | Shengli CHEN | April,2019 |
EFFDOC-1393 | The WCLL experiment at FNG | Maurizio ANGELONE | April,2019 |
EFFDOC-1392 | Nuclear Data V&V at CCFE - EUROFusion project update | Mark GILBERT | April,2019 |
EFFDOC-1391 | Processing of EAF style activation data library | Patrick SAUVAN | April,2019 |
EFFDOC-1390 | Use of SINBAD for Nuclear Data Validation | Ivan-Alexander KODELI | April,2019 |
EFFDOC-1389 | Evaluation methods addressing model defects and data inconsistency | Henrik SJOSTRAND | April,2019 |
EFFDOC-1388 | Work status and possibilities for 2019 | Dimitri ROCHMAN | April,2019 |
EFFDOC-1387 | Evaluation of resonant cross sections of light nuclear systems - some aspects | Helmut LEEB | April,2019 |
EFFDOC-1386 | Status of the n+180,183W evaluation | Alexander KONOBEEV | April,2019 |
EFFDOC-1385 | Progress Report on evaluation of deuteron-induced reaction data of structural materials | Marilena AVRIGEANU | April,2019 |
EFFDOC-1384 | Progress Report on evaluation of fast-neutron induced alpha emission data | Vlad AVRIGEANU | April,2019 |
EFFDOC-1383 | Model defect treatment for Fe-56 | Henrik Sjöstrand | April,2019 |
Reference | Title | Name |
EFFDOC-1382 | Summary record of the Fusion WG meeting | M. Fleming |
EFFDOC-1381 | Approval of Frascati HCLL activation foils evaluation | P. Ortego |
EFFDOC-1380 | Silicon carbide detector testing with DT neutrons and at high temperatures | A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1379 | Experiment on Water Activation under 14 MeV neutron irradiation (F4E-OPE-0956) | M. Angelone |
EFFDOC-1378 | Fusion Neutron Decay Heat Integral Benchmark | M. Gilbert |
EFFDOC-1377 | Processing of the TENDL2017 neutron activation library into 211 energy groups in EAF format | P. Sauvan |
EFFDOC-1376 | SUSD3D code updates: Feasibility study of coupling to the DENOVO transport solver | I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1375 | Fe Nuclear Data Validation Using Fast MCNP Calculations of Iron Benchmarks from the SINBAD Database | I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1374 | Validation of the Neutron and Gamma Transport Cross Sections for Tungsten by OKTAVIAN 14 MeV pulsed sphere | S. Simakov |
EFFDOC-1373 | Iron Sphere Benchmarks with 252Cf source: IPPE cf. with KFK and NIST | S. Simakov |
EFFDOC-1372 | Model defect treatment for 56Fe | H. Sjostrand |
EFFDOC-1371 | EUROfusion PPPT task: status and achievements | D. Rochman |
EFFDOC-1370 | Nuclear data evaluation of the 17O compound nucleus within the hybrid R-matrix approach | H. Leeb |
EFFDOC-1369 | Status of the n+182,186W evaluation | A. Konobeyev |
EFFDOC-1368 | Final Report on Evaluation of deuteron-induced reaction data & Update of the d-induced TENDL data library | M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1367 | Progress Report on evaluation of fast-neutron induced α-emission data | V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1366 | Agenda of the Fusion WG meeting | M. Fleming |
Reference | Title | Name |
EFFDOC-1365 | Summary record of the Fusion WG meeting | M. Fleming |
EFFDOC-1364 | Final report of AGH F4E-FPA-395-02 task 3.1 | M. Ciechanowski |
EFFDOC-1363 | Processing of new activation data library based on TENDL-2017 | P. Sauvan |
EFFDOC-1362 | Application of the Unitary Hybrid R-Matrix Method to the evaluation of oxygen | H. Leeb |
EFFDOC-1361 | General-purpose verification and fusion validation of the TENDL-2017 neutron library | M. Fleming |
EFFDOC-1360 | Fusion work : status and plan | D. Rochman |
EFFDOC-1359 | Neutron fluence measurement in the HFTM capsules of DONES by activation foils | A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1358 | HCLL experiment. Compilation of information and evaluation of activation foils results | P. Ortego |
EFFDOC-1357 | NPI activities under F4E-FPA-395-02 | M. Majerle |
EFFDOC-1356 | Model defect treatment for Fe-56 | H. Sjostrand |
EFFDOC-1355 | SINBAD evaluation of FNG Copper Benchmark | I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1354 | Progress report of AGH F4E-FPA-395-02 | W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1353 | Progress Report on evaluation of deuteron-induced reaction data of structural materials | M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1352 | Progress Report on evaluation of fast-neutron induced alpha emission data | V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1351 | Iron NRT- and arc- displacement cross sections and uncertainties | S. Simakov |
EFFDOC-1350 | Improved displacement cross-sections for neutron irradiation of materials from Be to U | A. Konobeev |
EFFDOC-1349 | FPA-395_02 : Results of ENEA Activities | M. Angelone |
Reference | Date | Title | Name |
EFFDOC-1348 | November 2017 | Minutes of the Fusion WG meeting - November 2017 | J. S. Martinez |
EFFDOC-1347 | November 2017 | Action group on SINBAD fusion relevant experiments | P. Ortego |
EFFDOC-1346 | November 2017 | Evaluation of Frascati HCLL mock-up experiment | P. Ortego |
EFFDOC-1345 | November 2017 | Measurements of neutron-induced gas-production cross sections at NFS for fusion applications | A. Prokokiev |
EFFDOC-1344 | November 2017 | Processing of SAD covariances and examples of their in SINBAD shielding benchmarks | I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1343 | November 2017 | Irradiations of Mn, Au, Li2O foils and TLDs in the JSI TRIGA reactor | I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1342 | November 2017 | Validation of the latest JEFF and ENDF Transport Cross Sections for Oxygen, Iron and Tantalum in Benchmarks driven by D-T, 252Cf or AmBe sources | S. Simakov |
EFFDOC-1341 | November 2017 | Verification & Validation of TENDL-2017 nuclear data | M. Flemming |
EFFDOC-1340 | November 2017 | EUROfusion PPPT task: status and achievements | D. Rochman |
EFFDOC-1339 | November 2017 | Analysis of deuteron and neutron activation cross-sections oriented to ENS safety studies | P. Sauvan |
EFFDOC-1338 | November 2017 | Arc-dpa cross-sections for high priority elements | A. Konobeyev |
EFFDOC-1337 | November 2017 | Progress report of FPA-395-02 AGH-UST tasks | W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1336 | November 2017 | R&D on neutronics instrumentation for the ITER TBM at KIT | A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1335 | November 2017 | NPI activities under F4E-FPA-395-2 | M. Majerle |
EFFDOC-1334 | November 2017 | Report of the task FPA 395-2 Task 4 D1S library development | R. Villari |
EFFDOC-1333 | November 2017 | FPA-395_02: ENEA Activities and preliminary results for Task-1 | M. Angelone |
EFFDOC-1332 | November 2017 | Status of the evaluation of W-184 cross-section data up to 200 MeV | P. Pereslavstev |
EFFDOC-1331 | November 2017 | Hybrid R-matrix method and the evaluation of neutron-induced reactions on oxygen | H. Leeb |
EFFDOC-1330 | November 2017 | Progress report on the evaluation of fast neutron induced alpha emission data | V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1329 | November 2017 | Deuteron-induced reaction data of structural materials | M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1328 | November 2017 | Agenda of EUROfusion meeting | - |
Reference | Title | Name |
EFFDOC-1327 | Minutes of the Fusion WG meeting, April 2017 | O. Cabellos |
EFFDOC-1326 | F4E_FPA-395_02: Status of the ENEA Activities | M. Angelone |
EFFDOC-1325 | Progress report of FPA-395-02 AGH-UST tasks: Task 3.1 TLD measurements in TRIGA reactor (JSI + AGH) | M. Ciechanowski, T. Kuc |
EFFDOC-1324 | Progress report of FPA-395-02 AGH-UST tasks | W.Pohorecki et al. |
EFFDOC-1323 | NPI activities under F4E-FPA-395-02 | M. Majerle et al. |
EFFDOC-1322 | FPA-395-SG2 Status of KIT tasks: SPND and NAS for ITER TBM | A. Klix et al. |
EFFDOC-1321 | Secondary Angular Distribution Sensitivity-Uncertainty Analysis and the Status of Available Covariances | I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1320 | Fusion work: Status and plans | D. Rochman |
EFFDOC-1319 | Validation of the latest JEFF and ENDF Evaluations by Iron Spheres with 14 MeV pulsed and 252Cf sources | S.P. Simakov, U. Fischer |
EFFDOC-1318 | Status of 39K(n,p)39Ar and 39K(n,np)38Ar Cross Sections and Impact on IFMIF or DONES Design | S.P. Simakov et al. |
EFFDOC-1317 | Status of the work for evaluation of arc-dpa cross-sections for high priority elements | A.Yu. Konobeyev et al. |
EFFDOC-1316 | EUROfusion, Materials Current Status of R-Matrix Application to Neutron-induced Reactions on Oxygen | H. Leeb, Th. Srdinko |
EFFDOC-1315 | Consistent analysis of deuteron induced reactions vs. CHAPAR-3 Pade approximations | M. Avrigeanu, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1314 | Consistent analysis of fast-neutron induced reactions on Zr isotopes | V. Avrigeanu, M. Avrigeanu |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1313 | Minutes of the Fusion WG meeting, December 2016, O. Cabellos |
EFFDOC-1312 | Use of SINBAD ASPIS-IRON88 benchmark for Iron Nuclear Data Validation, Ivo KODELI |
EFFDOC-1311 | Measurements of neutron-induced production of hydrogen and helium isotopes with the Medley setup and their potential relevance for fusion, Alexander PROKOFIEV |
EFFDOC-1310 | UKAEA fusion activities, Michael FLEMING |
EFFDOC-1309 | NPI activities related to the grant FPA-395-02, Mitja MAJERLE |
EFFDOC-1308 | FPA-395-SG2 Status of KIT tasks, Axel KLIX |
EFFDOC-1307 | F4E_FPA-395_02 : Review of the ENEA Activities, Maurizio ANGELONE |
EFFDOC-1306 | Neutron spectrum unfolding for foil activation measurements. Present status and planned methodology development, Jerzy CETNAR |
EFFDOC-1305 | Progress report, Wladyslaw POHORECKI |
EFFDOC-1304 | Generation of libraries for D1S transport simulations, Patrick SAUVAN |
EFFDOC-1303 | Preliminary validation of CIELO and other Evaluations for Fe by IPPE 14 MeV pulsed sphere, Stanislav SIMAKOV |
EFFDOC-1302 | Validation of KERMA evaluated data versus known Measurements, Stanislav SIMAKOV |
EFFDOC-1301 | Data set for the calculation of advanced displacement cross-sections, Alexander KONOBEYEV |
EFFDOC-1300 | Progress on the analysis of direct processes in deuteron interactions with structural materials, Marilena AVRIGEANU |
EFFDOC-1299 | Progress on alpha-particle optical potential within consistent analysis of neutron-induced reactions, Vlad AVRIGEANU |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1298 | Minutes of the Fusion WG meeting, April 2016, O. Cabellos |
EFFDOC-1297 | Activation of Zr-90 by deuterons at energies up to 20 MeV, E. Simeckova |
EFFDOC-1296 | Extending SUSD3D sensitivity code to ATTILA, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1295 | Benchmark analysis of new Iron cross-sections, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1294 | Re-analysis of the HCPB and HCLL mock up experiments, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1293 | Decay Data for Fusion Applications, status, issues and needs, M. Fleming |
EFFDOC-1292 | Generation of a complete dpa cross-section library up to 150 MeV based on JEFF-3.2, P. Sauvan |
EFFDOC-1291 | Uncertainties of atomic displacement cross-sections for Fe up to 150 MeV, A. Konobeyev |
EFFDOC-1290 | Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis for the TBR of a DEMO fusion reactor with updated covariance data, E. Nunnenmann |
EFFDOC-1289 | High energy nuclear data evaluations for Zr isotopes - updates, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1288 | TALYS improvements of activation cross-sections, N. Dzysiuk |
EFFDOC-1287 | Adaptive R-matrix method for the evaluation of Oxygen, H. Leeb |
EFFDOC-1286 | Progress on the analysis of alpha particle optical potential at low energies, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1285 | Progress on the analysis of deuteron-induced reaction mechanisms at low energies, M. Avrigeanu |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1284 | Summary record of the Fusion WG meeting, November 2015, O. Cabellos |
EFFDOC-1283 | Cu evaluation, L. Leal |
EFFDOC-1282 | Overview of experimental activities of consortium on ND studies in support of TBM activities, M. Angelone |
EFFDOC-1281 | Cu Benchmark Experiment at FNG for nuclear data validation, M. Angelone |
EFFDOC-1280 | Fast neutron and gamma ray measurements with a NE-213 spectrometer in FNG Cu Benchmark, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1279 | Recent NPI Fusion activities, M. Majerle |
EFFDOC-1278 | Activation of ITER materials in 6Li-D thermal to 14 MeV neutron converter. W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1277 | Concrete activation analysis in IFMIF, P. Sauvan |
EFFDOC-1276 | Validation of MCUNED using the FNG SiC and HCPB benchmark experiments, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1275 | Tritium breeding ration assessment with uncertainty analysis for a DEMO type fusion reactor, E. Nunnenmann |
EFFDOC-1274 | Generation of a complete dpa cross section library up to 150 MeV based on JEFF-3.2, P. Sauvan |
EFFDOC-1273 | Evaluation of high energy neutron cross section data for stable Zr isotopes, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1272 | Benchmarking and validation of CIELO evaluated files, A Trkov (I. Kodeli) |
EFFDOC-1271 | Improvement of activation cross sections for TENDL, A. Koning |
EFFDOC-1270 | Evaluation method for light nuclei: status of developments, H. Leeb |
EFFDOC-1269 | Progress of implementation of the GDH model in TALYS, A. Konobeyev |
EFFDOC-1268 | Progress on the analysis of deuteron-induced reaction mechanisms at low energies, M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1267 | Progress on the analysis of alpha-particle optical potential at low energies, V. Avrigeanu |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1266 | Summary Record of the Fusion WG Meeting, April 2015, NEA Secretariat, O. Cabellos |
EFFDOC-1265 | Fusion-relevant activation cross sections to be improved for TENDL, A. Koning |
EFFDOC-1264 | F4E_FPA-395_01 : Results of ENEA Activities for Tasks 1, 3.2 & 3.3, M. Angelone |
EFFDOC-1263 | Preliminary results of Post-analysis of Copper Experiment, D. Flammini |
EFFDOC-1262 | Experimental validation of the gas production cross-section of Fe and Cr, Mitja Majerle |
EFFDOC-1261 | Determination of neutron fluency using melamine as neutron detector, M. Ciechanowski |
EFFDOC-1260 | SUSD3D Sensitivity-Uncertainty analysis of the FNG Copper Benchmark, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1259 | Cu experiment - Dose measurement with TLD dosimeters, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1258 | Recent experimental neutronics activities at KIT, A.Klix |
EFFDOC-1257 | Recent Cr Integral Measurements for TBM, S. Lilley |
EFFDOC-1256 | Comparison of Photon Data Libraries with MCNP, S. Lilley |
EFFDOC-1255 | Concrete Activation Analysis in ITER, S. Lilley |
EFFDOC-1254 | Integral Validation of TENDL-2014 with EASY-II, M. Fleming |
EFFDOC-1253 | Contribution to MCUNED validation using FNG benchmark experiments & Photon transport analysis of RCFC-VNIITF benchmarks from SINBAD, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1252 | Progress on the analysis of alpha-particle optical potential at low energies, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1251 | Progress on the analysis of deuteron-induced reaction mechanisms at low energies, M. Avrigeanu |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1250 | Summary Record of the Fusion WG Meeting, November 2014, NEA Secretariat, O. Cabellos |
EFFDOC-1249 | Comparison of photon libraries and activation analyses on concrete, B. Colling |
EFFDOC-1248 | Activation of ITER grade steel samples in 6LiD converter neutron spectrum, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1247 | Brief overview of KIT activities for development of TBM nuclear instrumentation, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1246 | TRIGA Irradiations of Mn foils and TLDs, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1245 | Updating of activation cross-sections: preliminary list, D. Rochman |
EFFDOC-1244 | Progress report of AGH-UST tasks of FPA-395-1, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1243 | Gas production experiments : production cross-sections and integral production benchmarks, M. Majerle |
EFFDOC-1242 | Update on CCFE activities, S. Lilley |
EFFDOC-1241 | Implementation in transport simulation of angular distribution of nucleon from breakup reaction, P. Sauvan |
EFFDOC-1240 | F4E_FPA-395_01 : Status of ENEA Activities at November 2014, M. Angelone |
EFFDOC-1239 | Progress on the analysis of alpha-particle optical potential at low energies, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1238 | Progress on the analysis of deuteron-induced reaction mechanisms at low energies, M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1237 | The measurement of d+Ni,Cr cross section data up to 20 MeV deuteron energy using the U-120M cyclotron, E. Simeckova |
EFFDOC-1236 | Status of evaluation of Be-9 dpa and gas production cross-sections, A. Konobeyev |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1235 | Summary Record of the Fusion WG Meeting, April 2014, NEA Secretariat (E. Dupont) |
EFFDOC-1234 | Brief overview of KIT activities for development of TBM nuclear instrumentation, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1233 | Improving the next TENDL library for fusion, D. Rochman |
EFFDOC-1232 | Progress on the analysis of deuteron-induced reaction mechanisms at low energies, M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1231 | Progress on the analysis of alpha-particle optical potential at low energies, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1230 | Sensitivity analysis using MCSEN for Cu benchmark experiment, K. Kondo |
EFFDOC-1229 | Status of ENEA activities, M. Angelone |
EFFDOC-1228 | TRIGA irradiation measurements, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1227 | Pre-analysis of the FNG Copper Benchmark using SUSD3D Code, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1226 | MCSEN5 upgrade and pre-/post-processing tools, R. Perel |
EFFDOC-1225 | A new evaluation including covariance matrices of neutron induced reactions of Ta-181, H. Leeb |
EFFDOC-1224 | Recent integral measurements from ASP and future plans, S. Lilley |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1223 | Summary Record of the Fusion WG Meeting, November 2013, NEA Secretariat (E. Dupont) |
EFFDOC-1222 Presentation | Mn-55 Nuclear Data Evaluation, A. Trkov |
EFFDOC-1221 | Benchmark analysis of Iron Cross-sections, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1220 | Update of the SUSD3D Cross-Section Sensitivity/Uncertainty Code, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1219 | Status report on NRG activities, D. Rochman |
EFFDOC-1218 | Bayesian Evaluation of neutron-induced reactions of Ta-181, G. Schnabel |
EFFDOC-1217 | LET-2 TEPC MCNP modelling - preliminary results & progress report of AGH activities, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1216 | Benchmarking of evaluated deuteron libraries against integral experiments using the MCUNED code, P. Sauvan |
EFFDOC-1215 | Status of ENEA activities, M. Angelone |
EFFDOC-1214 | Progress report on NPI activities, M. Majerle |
EFFDOC-1213 | Progress on the analysis of deuteron-induced reaction mechanisms at low energies, M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1212 | Progress on the analysis of alpha-particle optical potential at low energies, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1211 | Nuclear data benchmark for Pb, K. Kondo |
EFFDOC-1210 | Revised Au and Bi cross-sections measured at NPI, M. Majerle |
EFFDOC-1209 | Overview of F4E-FPA-395 activities and connections with JEFF project, M. Angelone |
EFFDOC-1208 | Recent experimental nuclear data activities at CCFE, S. Lilley |
EFFDOC-1207 | Evaluation of the high energy neutron induced nuclear data for Cu-63,65, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1206 | Evaluation of displacement cross-sections for EUROFER using advanced atomistic modelling approach, A. Konobeyev |
EFFDOC-1205 | Thermal Scattering Libraries Processing, E. Castro |
EFFDOC-1204 | Status report on CCFE activities, J.-C. Sublet |
EFFDOC-1203 | Processing and generation of DPA cross section library up to 150 MeV, O. Cabellos |
EFFDOC-1202 | Development of neutronics instrumentation for the ITER TBM, A. Klix |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1201 | Summary Record of the EFF/EAF Meeting, April 2013, NEA Secretariat (E. Dupont) |
EFFDOC-1200 | Utility system for 3D transport, sensitivity and uncertainty, DANTSYS/PARTISN/SUSD3D, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1199 | Status report on the V∓V analysis, D. Rochman |
EFFDOC-1198 | Selection and pre-analysis of iron benchmark experiments, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1197 | Status of the evaluation of neutron-induced cross section data of Ta-181, H. Leeb |
EFFDOC-1196 | Progress on the analysis of deuteron-induced reaction mechanisms, M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1195 | Progress on the analysis of alpha-particle optical potential at low energies, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1194 | LS Measurement of Tritium Production Rate in LiPb: experiments with removal of parasitic activities, T. Kuc |
EFFDOC-1193 | Activation of ITER grade steel samples in reactor fast neutron spectrum - preliminary results, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1192 | The proton and deuteron activation measurements at NPI Rez, E. Simeckova |
EFFDOC-1191 | Neutronics instrumentation for the European ITER TBM, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1190 | New evaluation of n+Cu-63,65 nuclear cross section data up to 200 MeV neutron energy (present status), P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1189 | Status of the evaluation of EUROFER displacement cross-sections using advanced models, A. Konobeyev |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1188 | Summary Record of the EFF/EAF Meeting, November 2012, NEA Secretariat (E. Dupont) |
EFFDOC-1187 | Brief Report on the Validation of the Tungsten Evaluations (Preliminary), A. Trkov |
EFFDOC-1186 | Status of the evaluation of neutron induced cross-section data 181Ta, H. Leeb |
EFFDOC-1185 | Recent work at NPI Rez, M. Majerle |
EFFDOC-1184 | Use of MCUNED as a tool for benchmarking evaluated light ion libraries against integral experiments, P. Sauvan |
EFFDOC-1183 | TENDL-2011: unification, processing and V&V processes, J.-C. Sublet |
EFFDOC-1182 | KIT activity on the evaluation of EFF nuclear data, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1181 | UPM Activities on the TSLs processing and on the generation of DPA cross section library up to 150 MeV, O. Cabellos, E. Castro |
EFFDOC-1180 | Uncertainties in the displacement cross-sections of Fe and W, A. Konobeev |
EFFDOC-1179 | Recent work using the ASP 14MeV neutron facility, S. Lilley |
EFFDOC-1178 | Progress on deuteron-induced activation cross-section evaluation by means of breakup mechanism analysis, M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1177 | Progress on the analysis of alpha-particle optical potentials at low energies, V. Avrigeanu |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1176 | Summary Record of the EFF/EAF Meeting, April 2012, NEA Secretariat (E. Dupont) |
EFFDOC-1175 | Information about planned 6LiD converter in Poland, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1174 | Neutron spectra measurements with a proton recoil counter in the HCLL TBM mockup, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1173 | JANIS Book for light-charged-particle-induced reactions, E. Dupont |
EFFDOC-1172 | JANIS Book for alpha-induced reactions, N. Soppera |
EFFDOC-1171 | JANIS Book for helion-induced reactions, N. Soppera |
EFFDOC-1170 | JANIS Book for triton-induced reactions, N. Soppera |
EFFDOC-1169 | JANIS Book for proton-induced reactions, N. Soppera |
EFFDOC-1168 | JANIS Book for photon-induced reactions, N. Soppera |
EFFDOC-1167 | Overview on the Framework Services and SGA-168-01 Activities, U. Fischer |
EFFDOC-1166 | Report on the FENDL-3 Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library, U. Fischer |
EFFDOC-1165 | The concept of TBR measurement in TBM, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1164 | Testing of a Li-glass detector coupled to a photodiode via glass fiber for use in TBM, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1163 | JANIS Book for deuteron-induced reactions, N. Soppera |
EFFDOC-1162 | Evaluation of activation data for p+W reactions, A. Konobeyev |
EFFDOC-1161 | Progress on the analysis of deuteron-induced reaction mechanisms at low energies, M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1160 | The dependence of isomeric cross sections on the spin distribution after either PE or CN decay, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1159 | Current and future proposed activities at the ASP 14 MeV neutron irradiation facility, S. Lilley (for CCFE & AWE) |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1158 | Summary Record of the EFF/EAF Meeting, November 2011, NEA Secretariat (E. Dupont) |
EFFDOC-1157 | Validation of 59Co and 93Nb activation cross sections in a quasi-mono energetic neutron spectrum (<<35 MeV), M. Majerle |
EFFDOC-1156 | Status report on nuclear data activities at KIT, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1155 | KIT activitities on the evaluation of EFF nuclear data, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1154 | Validation of Co and Cr decay heat in a FW like spectrum, R. Villari |
EFFDOC-1153 | Consistent analysis of deuteron interaction at low energies triggered by the direct reaction account, M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1152 | Isomeric cross sections of fast-neutron induced reactions on 197Au, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1151 | Progress report on nuclear data activity at the AGH University of Science and Technology, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1150 | Test on diamond detector with LiF close to TBM temperature, R. Villari |
EFFDOC-1149 | New UK 14 Mev Cross-Section Measurement Programmes, M. Gardner |
EFFDOC-1148 | Final report on the SU analysis of the FNG-HCLL benchmark, I. Kodeli |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1147 | Summary Record of the EFF/EAF Meeting, May 2011, NEA Secretariat (E. Dupont) |
EFFDOC-1146 | Thermal scattering He-4 data at cryogenic temperature for ITER, J. Izquierdo |
EFFDOC-1145 | Progress report of AGH-UST tasks of F4E-GRT-056 grant, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1144 | A Comparison of different Uncertainty Activation Cross-Section Data Libraries. Application to the Prediction Uncertainty in Tritium Production, O. Cabellos |
EFFDOC-1143 | Progress on the development of an activation foil spectrometer for TBM experiments, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1142 | Investigation of the 6Li content in the LiPb of the HCLL TBM mock-up, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1141 | Self-powered neutron detectors: investigation of available design and prototype construction, M. Angelone and A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1140 | Progress report on test of diamond detectors with LiF for tritium measurements, M. Pillon |
EFFDOC-1139 | Preliminary analysis of the irradiation of cobalt and chromium at FNG, M. Pillon |
EFFDOC-1138 | Status of IRMM measurements for (n,t) cross sections using the activation technique, A. Plompen |
EFFDOC-1137 | Nuclear reaction model parameters vs. nuclear structure effects in alpha-particle reaction analyses, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1136 | Direct vs. compound model analyses of deuteron-induced reactions at low and medium energies, M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1135 | Analysis of the HCLL Blanket Mock-up Experiment, R. Villari |
EFFDOC-1134 | F4E and the Nuclear Data Programme 2011, J. Izquierdo |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1133 | Summary Record of the EFF/EAF Meeting, December 2010, NEA Secretariat (E. Dupont) |
EFFDOC-1132 | HCLL: Selection of activation foils for thermal flux measurements, irradiation and measurement of the thermal neutron flux, M. Angelone |
EFFDOC-1131 | MCUNED applicability to nuclear data benchmarking and accelerator radioprotection studies, P. Sauvan |
EFFDOC-1130 | Status of the Deliverables 1.1, 2.1, 3.2, 3.5 of Grant GRT-056 (ES-AC), A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1129 | Preparatory work for the nuclear data evaluation of n+Cu-63,65 for neutron incident energies up to 200 MeV, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1128 | Preliminary results of the measurement of the 203Hg production in LiPb/Pb material and progress report of AGH-UST tasks of F4E-GRT-056 grant, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1127 | EAF-2010 in ENDF-6 format, J.-C. Sublet |
EFFDOC-1126 | MCNPX simulation of spectral flux of the NPI quasi-monoenergetic neutron source, M. Majerle |
EFFDOC-1125 | Selection of Activation Foils for Thermal Flux Measurements in FNG-HCLL Benchmark (TPR Validation), I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1124 | Analysis of the HCLL blanket mock-up experiment, P. Batistoni |
EFFDOC-1123 | Status of activation measurements at IRMM, A. Plompen |
EFFDOC-1122 | Complementary deuteron breakup and deuteron-induced reaction analysis, M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1121 | Validation of parameters for nuclear model calculations suitable for neutron activation data, V. Avrigeanu |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1120 | Summary Record of the EFF/EAF Meeting, May 2010, NEA Secretariat (E. Dupont) |
EFFDOC-1119 | Cross sections and Covariance data of 55Mn, A. Trkov |
EFFDOC-1118 | Validation of TENDL-2009 library - activation cross sections, J. Kopecky |
EFFDOC-1117 | Assessment of fissionable material behaviour in fission chambers, O. Cabellos |
EFFDOC-1116 | Analysis of direct reaction contributions to deuteron activation cross sections, M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1115 | Monte Carlo based S/U analysis of the HCLL TBM in ITER, D. Leichtle |
EFFDOC-1114 | Measurements of nuclear decay heats in Lead and comparison with EASY-2007 predictions, M. Pillon |
EFFDOC-1113 | Measurements of tritium activity in HCLL TBM mock-up LiPb material irradiated in the Frascati experiment, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1112 | Measurement of fast neutron and gamma ray spectra in a mock-up of the European HCLL-TBM, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1111 | Overview of F4E-2008-GRT-014-Action 2, P. Batistoni |
EFFDOC-1110 | KIT Task Deliverables of the F4E Nuclear Data Grant, Actions 1 & 2, U. Fischer |
EFFDOC-1109 | Bayesian based uncertainties of neutron-induced reaction cross sections of 55Mn, H. Leeb |
EFFDOC-1108 | Uncertainties for the EAF library, D. Rochman |
EFFDOC-1107 | Evaluation of Cr50, Cr53, Cr54 neutron cross section data for energies up to 200 MeV, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1106 | Improvement of parameters for nuclear model calculations suitable for neutron activation data, V. Avrigeanu |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1105 | Summary Record of the EFF/EAF Monitor Group Meeting, November 2009, NEA Secretariat (E. Dupont) |
EFFDOC-1104 | Validation of FNG source routine using an high resolution CVD diamond detector, M. Pillon |
EFFDOC-1103 | New Monte Carlo transport capabilities helpful in the validation process of light ion cross-section, J. Sanz |
EFFDOC-1102 | Implementation of a GDH model in TALYS: first results & perspective use, A. Konobeyev |
EFFDOC-1101 | Improvements in the Prediction Capability of ACAB Code to Transmutation Analysis in IFMIF, O. Cabellos |
EFFDOC-1100 | Simulation of 7Li(p,n) neutron source : Experimental test using proton-recoil-telescope method, J. Novak |
EFFDOC-1099 | The activation of Co-59 by quasi-monoenergetic neutrons below 36 MeV, E. Simeckova |
EFFDOC-1098 | Assessment of deuteron-induced reaction mechanisms at low and medium energies, M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1097 | NRG/CCFE proposal: Towards a consistent transport and activation library for fusion, D. Rochman |
EFFDOC-1096 | F4E Nuclear Data Grant: Work Programme 2010/11 Proposals, U. Fischer |
EFFDOC-1095 | 2010-11 Program Proposals, P. Batistoni |
EFFDOC-1094 | The Fusion for Energy (F4E) Nuclear Data Program, J. Izquierdo |
EFFDOC-1093 | Analyses of the validation experiments for Au cross-sections up to 35 MeV in a quasi-monoenergetic neutron spectrum, S. Simakov |
EFFDOC-1092 | Activation measurements of Au-197 using quasi-monoenergetic neutrons below 36 MeV, M. Honusek |
EFFDOC-1091 | Measurement and Analysis of Activation Induced in Ti / Li2TiO3 with Fusion Peak Neutrons, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1090 | Deterministic Transport, Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of the TPR and Reaction Rate Measurement, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1089 | Summary of Monte Carlo S/U Analyses of TPR in the HCLL Experiment, D. Leichtle |
EFFDOC-1088 | 203Hg measurements in LiPb samples irradiated in Frascati HCLL-TBM neutronics experiment, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1087 | Measurement of 3H activity directly in LiPb: status of the procedure development, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1086 | Status of TBM-HCLL experiment, P. Batistoni |
EFFDOC-1085 | F4E Nuclear Data Grant: Status of FZK Task Deliverables, U. Fischer |
EFFDOC-1084 | Status of the evaluation of Mn-55, H. Leeb |
EFFDOC-1083 | Status of the evaluation and benchmarking of the Cr-50,53,54, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1082 | EAF-2010 - the best of a generation, L. Packer |
EFFDOC-1081 | Improvement of the parameters for nuclear model calculations suitable for neutron activation data, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1080 | F4E GRT-014-01 activities, status and progress report, J.-Ch. Sublet |
EFFDOC-1079 | Summary Record of the EFF/EAF Monitor Group Meeting, June 2009, L. Packer |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1078 | An update on the Hf activation cross section measurements at IRMM, A. Plompen et al |
EFFDOC-1077 | Measurement of 3H activity directly in LiPb: development of an innovative procedure, T. Kuc |
EFFDOC-1076 | Measurement and Validation of 209Bi(n,xn) activation cross sections above 20 MeV employing 7Li(p,n) neutron source, S. Simakov |
EFFDOC-1075 | Evaluation of 52Cr cross sections up to 150 MeV Including Co-variances, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1074 | Uncertainties for fusion shielding benchmarks using Total Monte Carlo, D. Rochman |
EFFDOC-1073 | Activation Handbook calculated with EASY-2007, R. Forrest |
EFFDOC-1072 | Neutronics R&D efforts in support of the European breeder blanket development programme, U. Fischer et al |
EFFDOC-1071 | Preliminary results of the Tritium production measurements in the neutronics HCLL TBM mock-up, W.Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1070 | Status of HCLL-TBM neutronics experiment, P. Batistoni |
EFFDOC-1069 | TALYS-based covariances for activation libraries, A. Koning |
EFFDOC-1068 | Monte Carlo Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of the HCLL Mock-up Experiment,D. Leichtle |
EFFDOC-1067 | 150 MeV data evaluations for the EU Fusion Technology Programme , U. Fischer |
EFFDOC-1066 | Summary Record of the EFF/EAF Monitor Group Meeting, Nov 2008, NEA Secretariat (H. Henriksson) |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1065 | Can we measure (n,t) reactions with the activation technique?, A. Plompen |
EFFDOC-1064 | Nuclear Data and Fusion for Energy (F4E), A. Portone and J. Izquierdo |
EFFDOC-1063 | New consistent data evaluations for tungsten isotopes including covariances, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1062 | News from the NEA on fusion nuclear data: SUSD3D, SINBAD and covariances, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1061 | Uncertainties of theoretical neutron-induced reaction cross sections on oxygen, H. Leeb |
EFFDOC-1060 | Neutronic analyses of the HCLL TBM mock-up experiment, D. Leichtle |
EFFDOC-1059 | Resolved and Unresolved Resonance Evaluation for 55Mn, L. Leal |
EFFDOC-1058 | Tools for testing EAF libraries, R. Forrest |
EFFDOC-1057 | Progress on analysis of alpha-particle induced reaction cross sections at low energies, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1056 | Progress on deuteron-induced activation cross-section evaluation, M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1055 | Resonance Evaluation of Chromium Isotopes, L. Leal |
EFFDOC-1054 | Estimation of the tritium production in the HFTM specimen cells of IFMIF, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1053 | Update of uncertainty file for EAF-2009, J. Kopecky |
EFFDOC-1052 | Summary Record of the EFF/EAF Monitor Group Meeting, May 2008, NEA Secretariat (H. Henriksson) |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1051 | Validation analysis of FZK evaluated data files for W isotopes, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1050 | Nuclear data in heating calculations for ITER port plug analyses, A. Hogenbirk |
EFFDOC-1049 | Comparison of error propagation in the FISPACT code with a straightforward Monte-Carlo method, Rachid Ounit, H- P. Jacquet, P. Dossantos-Uzarralde |
EFFDOC-1048 | Status of TBM-HCLL neutronics benchmark experiment, P. Batistoni |
EFFDOC-1047 | Theoretical covariance matrices for oxygen - status of evaluation, H. Leeb |
EFFDOC-1046 | Tritium measurements in the Li blanket model, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1045 | Progress of fast-neutron activation analysis for Cr isotopes up to 60 MeV, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1044 | Update of Resolved Resonance Regions for EAF-2009, J. Kopecky |
EFFDOC-1043 | Upgrading of MCSEN and test application to ITER TBM, D. Leichtle |
EFFDOC-1042 | Evaluation of 52Cr cross sections up to 150 MeV for the EFF library, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1041 | Covariance matrix libraries available from NEA/Data Bank, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1040 | The use of unified Monte Carlo approach for covariance calculations, A. Konobeyev |
EFFDOC-1039 | Comparison of neutron spectrum unfolding using different codes, M. Pillon |
EFFDOC-1038 | Summary of the Results of Tungsten Nuclear Data Validation, A. Trkov |
EFFDOC-1037 | First experience with the new photoneutron target of TU Dresden, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1036 | EASY-2007 Validation, R. Forrest |
EFFDOC-1035 | Summary Record of the EFF/EAF Monitor Group Meeting, November 2007, NEA Secretariat (H. Henriksson) |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1034 | Evaluation of tungsten isotopes including cross-section covariance estimation, A. Trkov |
EFFDOC-1033 | Tungsten activation cross sections, V. Semkova, R. Jaime Tornin, A. Plompen |
EFFDOC-1032 | Improved W data evaluation including benchmark tests, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1031 | Interpretation of the IPPE TOF Benchmark in SINBAD, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1030 | Important nuclides and reactions in EAF-2007 - preliminary results, R. Forrest |
EFFDOC-1029 | Efficient 3D uncertainty calculations for fusion applications, A. Hogenbirk |
EFFDOC-1028 | Benchmarking of Manganese evaluated transport and activation data for fusion applications, S. Simakov |
EFFDOC-1027 | Towards the next EAF release, J. Kopecky |
EFFDOC-1026 | Status of the neutronics benchmark experiments TBM – HCLL mock-up, P. Batistoni, S. Villari |
EFFDOC-1025 | Measurements of nuclear decay heats in Rhenium and comparison with EASY-2007 predictions, M. Pillon |
EFFDOC-1024 | Proton induced 207Bi isotopes activity in Pb massive target, benchmarking from PADF and EAF-2007. Part 2, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1023 | Measurement of fast and time-of-arrival neutron flux spectra in a LiAlPb assembly, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1022 | Progress of fast-neutron activation analysis on medium-mass nuclei, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1021 | Progress on deuteron-induced activation cross-section evaluation for accelerator materials, M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1020 | Summary Record of the EFF/EAF Monitor Group Meeting, June 2007, NEA Secretariat (H. Henriksson) |
Reference | Title |
EFFDOC-1019 | ND-2007 summary relevant to EFF/EAF, R. Forrest |
EFFDOC-1018 | FNG Benchmark Re-analysis Using IRDF-2002 Dosimetry Library, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1017 | Evaluations of the nuclear cross section variance covariance matrices derived from optical model calculations, P. Dos Santos Uzarralde |
EFFDOC-1016 | Benchmark analyses of the recent W data evaluations, D. Leichtle, A. Serikov, U. Fischer, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1015 | Preparatory work for the evaluation of Cr-52 high energy neutron data for EFF, P. Pereslavtsev |
EFFDOC-1014 | Proton induced 207Bi activity in Pb massive target, benchmarking from PADF and EAF-2007, W. Pohorecki |
EFFDOC-1013 | Status of the benchmark neutronics experiment on HCLL-TBM mock-up, P. Batistoni |
EFFDOC-1012 | Computational pre-analysis for the design optimisation of the HCLL TBM neutronics mock-up experiment, U. Fischer |
EFFDOC-1011 Slides, Report | Design of TBM-HCLL Neutronics Experiment: Design of measurement techniques for TPR and neutron and γ-ray flux spectra, A. Klix |
EFFDOC-1010 | EASY-2007, R. Forrest |
EFFDOC-1009 | Benchmark analyses of the final Ta evaluation for fusion neutron transport calculations, S.P. Simakov, U. Fischer |
EFFDOC-1008 | Completion of deuteron-induced activation cross-section evaluation for accelerator materials (Cu, Al, Nb), M. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1007 | Completion of nuclear model calculation of cross sections for Mn and Cu up to 60 MeV, V. Avrigeanu |
EFFDOC-1006 | New activation measurements, A. Plompen |
EFFDOC-1005 | Covariance matrices for nuclear data files: comments on techniques, H. Leeb |
EFFDOC-1004 | Validation of FENDL-2.1 and of JEFF-3.1 for fusion application, P. Batistoni |
EFFDOC-1003 | Measurements of nuclear decay heats in Rhenium and comparison with EASY-2005.1 predictions, Preliminary results, M. Pillon |
EFFDOC-1002 | Reflection on the present status of Tungsten cross sections based on the analysis of FNG and FNS Benchmark Experiments, I. Kodeli |
EFFDOC-1001 | Summary Record of the EFF/EAF Monitor Group Meeting, November 2006, H. Henriksson |
EFF documents from 1999-2006 see list of papers presented at EFF meetings, 1999-2006.
For older presentations and documents see the list of papers presented at previous meetings.
Last reviewed: 10 May 2017