ACPDR: Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief
ACPSR: Advisory Committee of Project Safety Review
AERB: Atomic Energy Regulatory Body
AFCN: Agence fédérale de contrôle nucléaire (Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Belgium)
ALARA: As low as reasonably achievable. Making every reasonable effort to minimise exposure to ionising radiation as far below regulatory or legal dose limits with economic and social considerations taken into account.
ALCYONE: Computer code for fuel behaviour
ANDRA: Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs (National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management, France)
ANL: Argonne National Laboratory
ANSTO: Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASN: Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (Nuclear Safety Authority, France)
ATHLET: Analysis of thermal-hydraulics of leaks and transients
AUDR: Soviet All-Union Dose Registry
AVN: Association vinçotte nucléaire (Belgium)
BARC: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
BART: Best-estimate analysis of reflood transients' computer code
BDBA: Beyond-design-basis accident
BFBT: BWR full-size fine-mesh bundle tests
BfS: Bundes Schweizerischer Frauenvereine
BMU: Das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Germany)
BOL: Beginning of life
BP: Break preclusion
BSC: 1963 Brussels Convention Supplementary to the Paris Convention, as amended.
BSS: Basic Safety Standards.
BWR: Boiling water reactor. A very common type of light water reactor in use worldwide. Ordinary water, used as both coolant and moderator, is allowed to boil in the reactor core. The steam produced is then used to directly generate electricity.
CAA: Japanese Consumer Affairs Association
CAM: Continuous air monitor
CANDU: Canadian deuterium uranium reactor (PHWR type). This type of reactor uses "heavy" water, i.e. deuterium oxide, as the coolant and moderator. The use of heavy water permits the use of natural uranium as the reactor fuel eliminating the need for enrichment of the uranium.
CCF: Common-cause failure
NEA joint project on CCF events: www.oecd-nea.org/jointproj/icde.html.
CCL: CFX command language
CCS: Carbon capture and storage
CEA: Commissariat à l'énergie nucléaire (Atomic Energy Commission, France)
CERN: European Organization for Nuclear Research/Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire (Switzerland). It was originally the Conseil européen pour la recherche nucléaire
CFD: Computational fluid dynamics
Computer Index of Nuclear Data. Online database.
CHT: Conjugate heat transfer
CMR: Central monitoring room
CNRA: NEA Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities
CNRS: Centre national de la recherche scientifique (National Center for Scientific Research, France).
CNSC: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
CNSNS: Comisión Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear y Salvaguardias (National Commission on Nuclear Safety and Safeguards, Mexico).
COMPSIS: Computer-based Systems Important to Safety. NEA joint project.
COMTRADE: United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database
CoRWM: Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (United Kingdom)
CP: Civil protection
International Co-operative Programme for the Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information Concerning Nuclear Installation Decommissioning Projects. An NEA joint project.
CP-ECR: Cathcart & Pawel correlation for ECR prediction
CPPC: Contracting Parties to the 1960 Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy, as amended.
CPPNM: Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material
CRPPH: NEA Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health
CSC: Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage
CSN: Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (Nuclear Safety Council, Spain)
CSO: Civil Society Organisation
CSS: Commission on Safety Standards (IAEA)
CSNI: NEA Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations
CT: Computerised tomography
CTBT: Comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty
DAC: Design acceptance confirmation
DBA: Design basis accident
DCH: Direct containment heating
NEA report on the subject (1996)
DCEG: Decommissioning Cost Estimation Group
DFFB: Dispersed flow film boiling
DICE: Database for the International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments. NEA database.
www.oecd-nea.org/science/wpncs/icsbep/ and icsbep.inel.gov/dice.shtml
DIDELSYS: Task Group on Defence in Depth of Electrical Systems and Grid Interaction
DNA: Desoxyribonucleic acid
DNB: Departure from nucleate boiling
DOE: Department of Energy (United States)
DRACCAR: Déformation et renoyage d'un assemblage de crayons combustiblespendant un accident de refroidissement computer code
EAF: European Activation Files (part of the JEFF data library project)
Websites: www.oecd-nea.org/dbdata/jeff/ and www.ccfe.ac.uk/EASY.aspx
EARS: Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia
EARSM: Explicit algebraic Reynolds stress model
EBC: Equivalent boron content
EC: European Commission
ECC: Emergency control centre
ECCS: Emergency core cooling system
ECR: Equivalent cladding reacted
ECS: Emergency crises staff
EDG: Emergency diesel generator
EDGAR: Experimental facility for fuel-rod behaviour during LOCA
EFF: European Fusion Files (part of the JEFF data library project)
EFPD: Effective full power days
EGADSNF: NEA Expert Group on Assay Data of Spent Nuclear Fuel
EGCO: NEA Expert Group on the CRPPH Collective Opinion
EGOE: NEA Expert Group on Occupational Exposure
EGIR: NEA Expert Group on the Implications of ICRP Recommendations
EGIS: NEA Expert Group on the Implications of Radiological Protection Science
EGOS: NEA Expert Group on Operational Safety
EGRA: NEA Expert Group on the Regulatory Application of Authorisation
EGSS: NEA Expert Group on Radiological Protection Science at the Service of Stakeholders
EH: Emergency headquarters
EHPG: Enlarged Halden programme group
EIA: Environmental impact assessment
ENENA: European Nuclear Education Network Association/Réseau Européen pour l’Enseignement des Sciences Nucléaires (France)
Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File Database (online database)
ENSI: Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate
ENSREG: European Nuclear Safety Regulators' Group
EOL: End of life
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency (United States)
EPD: Electronic pocket dosimeter
EPMA: Electron-probe micro-analyzer
EPR: A third generation pressurised water reactor, formerly known as Evolutionary Power Reactor, now simply called EPR; or, electron paramagnetic resonance
EPRI: Electric Power Research Institute (United States)
ERC: Emergency response centre
ER: Environmental report
ERO: Emergency response organisation
ERP: Emergency response plans
ETS: Emissions trading system
EU: European Union
Evaluated Nuclear Data Retrievals. NEA online database.
EXAFS: Extended x-ray absorption fine structure
Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data Retrievals. Online database.
FAD: Favre averaged drag
FALCO: PSI computer code for fuel behaviour
FEBA: Flooding experiments with blocked arrays
FBR: Fast breeder reactor
FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
FFRD: Fuel fragmentation, relocation and dispersal
FGR: Fission gas release
FISH: Fluorescence in-situ hybridization
FLASH: Experimental programme on fuel behaviour during LOCA
FNPP: NDC Ad hoc Expert Group on the Financing of Nuclear Power Plants
FRAPCON: Steady-state fuel-rod computer code
FRELAX: PSI computer model for thermal behaviour and fuel relocation in the fuel rods
FSC: NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence
FVM: Finite volume method
GAMA: NEA Working Group on Accident Management and Analysis
GDA: Generic design assessment
GEOTRAP: NEA Expert Group on Radionuclide Migration in Geologic Media
GCR: Gas-cooled reactor
GDA: Generic design assessment
GDP: Gross domestic product
GFR: Gas-cooled fast reactor
GIF: Generation IV International Forum. The NEA serves as the technical secretariat for GIF.
GSF: Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit (National Research Center for Environment and Health, Germany)
HAEA: Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority
HEPA: High-efficiency particulate air
HBRP: High burn-up rim project
HBS: High burnup structure
HBU: High burnup fuel
HBWR: Halden boiling-water reactor
HEU: Highly-enriched uranium
HLW: High-level waste. Radioactive waste is normally classified into a small number of categories to facilitate regulation of handling, storage and disposal based on the concentration of radioactive material it contains and the time for which it remains radioactive. The definitions of categories differ from country to country. However, in general, HLW contains long-lived radionuclides with high activity, which may also produce heat. It typically is concentrated as part of the process of reprocessing and solidified using vitrification to produce a glass-like substance suitable for interim storage and ultimately, disposal. Spent nuclear fuel that will not be reprocessed is included in this category. Geological disposal is foreseen for this type of waste.
HM: Heavy metal
HLW: High-level waste
HMGU: Helmoholtz Zentrum München (Germany)
HPCI: High pressure coolant injection system
HPRL: High Priority Nuclear Data Request List. NEA online database.
HRP: Halden reactor project
HS: Harmonised commodity description and coding system
HSK: Hauptabteilung für die Sicherheit der Kernanlagen (Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate, Switzerland)
HSE: Health and Safety Executive (United Kingdom)
HTR: High-temperature gas-cooled reactor
HVE: Hot vacuum extraction
IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
IAFB: Inverted annular film boiling
IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO)
International Common-cause Data Exchange. NEA joint project.
ICSBEP: NEA International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project
ICRP: International Commission on Radiological Protection
IEA: International Energy Agency (IEA)
IFBA: Integral fuel burnable absorber
IFE: Institutt for energiteknikk (Institute for Energy Technology, Norway).
Responsible for operations of the OECD Halden Reactor Project.
IFNEC: International Framework For Nuclear Energy Cooperation. The NEA serves as the technical secretariat for IFNEC.
IGSC: Integration Group for the Safety Case (NEA)
ILO: International Labour Organization
ILW: Intermediate-level waste. Radioactive waste is normally classified into a small number of categories to facilitate regulation of handling, storage and disposal based on the concentration of radioactive material it contains and the time for which it remains radioactive. The definitions of categories differ from country to country. However, in general, ILW needs specific shielding during handling and, depending on the specific content of long-lived radionuclides, it may need geological disposal or it may be suitable for surface or near-surface disposal.
INES: International Nuclear Event Scale, introduced by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 1990.
INEX: International Nuclear Emergency Exercises Programme (NEA)
INL: Idaho National Laboratory
INLEX: International Expert Group on Nuclear Liability (IAEA)
INPO: Institute for Nuclear Power Operations
INPRO: International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (IAEA)
INRA: International Nuclear Regulators Association
INSAG: International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group
IPAG: NEA Expert Group on Integrated Performance Assessment
IPHECA: International Programme on the Health Effects of the Chernobyl Accident (WHO)
IPSA: Inter-Phase Slip-Algorithm
IRPA: International Radiation Protection Association
IRSN: Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire /Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety Institute (France)
ISL: In situ leaching
ISNL: International School of Nuclear Law (NEA)
Information System on Occupational Exposure. NEA joint project.
ISPRA: Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Italy)
ITAAC: Inspection, tests, analyses, and acceptance criteria
ITER: International thermonuclear experimental reactor
JAEA: Japan Atomic Energy Agency
JEFF: Joint evaluated fission and fusion project (NEA)
JET: Joint European Torus. A nuclear fusion experiment in Oxforshire, UK.
JNES: Japan Nuclear Energy Safety
JSI: Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia)
KAERI: Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
KEPIC: Korea Electric Power Industry Code
KINS: Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety
KfK: Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (now known as KIT), Germany
KIT: Karlsruhe Institut für Techologie / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (formerly known as KfK), Germany
LANL: Los Alamos National Laboratory (DOE, United States)
LBB: Leak before break
LBLOCA: Large break LOCA
LCOE: Levelised cost of electricity
LCPD: Large combustion plant directive (2001/80/EC)
LEU: Low-enriched uranium
LFR: Lead-cooled fast reactor
LHGR: Linear heat generation rate
LILW: Low- and intermediate level radioactive waste
LLW: Low-level waste. Radioactive waste is normally classified into a small number of categories to facilitate regulation of handling, storage and disposal based on the concentration of radioactive material it contains and the time for which it remains radioactive. The definitions of categories differ from country to country. However, in general, LLW is a type of waste that does not need significant shielding for handling and, because of the absence of long-lived radionuclides, is suitable for surface or near-surface disposal. About 90% of the radioactive waste volume produced in the world each year is LLW.
LOCA: Loss-of-coolant accident
LPSI: Low-pressure safety injection system
LTO: Long-term operation
LWR: Light water reactor. A nuclear reactor type that is cooled and/or moderated by ordinary water, as opposed to heavy water.
M&O: Management and operations
MAPRAT: Maximum average power ratio
MATARE: Coupled computer code, MAbel-TAlink-RElap
MB: Mass balance
Melt Coolability and Concrete Interaction. NEA joint project.
MCR: Main control room
MDEP: Multinational Design Evaluation Programme. The NEA serves as the technical secretariat for MDEP.
MESP: Ministry of environment and spatial planning (Kosovo)
METI: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan)
MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Japan)
MHLW: Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
MIMAS: Micronized masterblend, manufacturing technique
MIR: Modernised international reactor
MOL: Middle of life
MOX: Mixed oxide fuel. A fuel for nuclear power plants that consists of a mixture of depleted uranium oxide and plutonium oxide.
MNEPR: Multilateral Nuclear Environmental Programme in the Russian Federation
MRL: Maximum residue level
MSIP: Ministry of Science and ICT (Korea)
MSR: Molten salt reactor
MUSIG: Multiple size group model
MV: Mixing vanes
MW: Megawatt. The international unit of power that is equal to 1x106 watts. A megawatt electric (MWe) refers to the electrical output from a generator. A megawatt thermal (MWth) refers to the heat output from a nuclear reactor. The difference is a measure of the efficiency of the power generation process. Typically, the heat output of a nuclear reactor is three times its electrical output, thus a reactor with a thermal output of 2 700 MW may produce about 900 MW of electricity.
NAGRA: Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle / Société coopérative nationale pour le stockage des déchets radioactifs (National Co-operative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Switzerland).
NAZ: Nationale Alarmzentrale (Centrale nationale d'alarme/National Emergency Operations Centre, Switzerland)
NCC: Natural circulation cooling
NCRP: National Committee on Radiation Protection (United States)
NCSR: National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos" (Greece)
NDC: NEA Nuclear Development Committee
NDE: Non-destructive examination
NEA: Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD)
NGNP: Next generation nuclear plant
NGO: Non-governmental organisation
NHDD: Nuclear hydrogen production development and demonstration (Korea)
NISA: Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency of Japan
NLC: NEA Nuclear Law Committee
NMV: No mixing vanes
NPE: Nuclear pressure equipment
NPI: Nuclear Physics Institute
NPP: Nuclear power plant
NPS: Nuclear power station
NPT: Treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons
NRA: Nuclear Regulation Authority (Japan)
NRC: Nuclear Regulatory Commission (United States)
NRDC: International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres
NRMN: National Radiation Monitoring Network
NRPA: Statens strålevern (Radiation Protection Authority, Norway)
N.S.: Navier-stokes
NSC: NEA Nuclear Science Committee
NSG: Nuclear Suppliers Group. The Nuclear Suppliers Group is a group of nuclear supplier countries, 46 as of October 2006, which work together to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. These countries pursue the aims of the NSG through adherence to consensus guidelines concerning nuclear and nuclear-related exports and through the exchange of information.
NSL: Nuclear site licence
NSP: National spatial plan
NSR: Nuclear Science References Database. Online database.
NSRR: Nuclear safety research reactor (located at JAEA, Japan)
NSSC: Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (Korea)
NSSG: G8 Nuclear Safety and Security Group
NSSS: Nuclear steam supply system
NTMs: Non-tariff measures
NUDAT: Nuclear Data Database. Online database.
NUMO: Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan
NUPEC: Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation
NUSSC: Nuclear Safety Standards Committee (IAEA)
O&M: Operation and maintenance
OCRWM: Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (USA). See the DOE's Office of Nuclear Energy (United States).
OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OECD/NEA:OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
OIL: Operational intervention levels
ONDRAF/NIRAS: Organisme national des déchets radioactifs et des matières fissiles enrichies/Nationale Einrichtung für radioactive Abfäille und angericherte Spaltmaterialien (Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile materials).
ONR: Office for Nuclear Regulation (United Kingdom)
NEA Piping Failure Data Exchange. NEA joint project.
ORP: Occupational radiation protection
OSC: Operational support centre
OSV: Onset of significant void
P&T: Partitioning and transmutation. Partitioning is the separation of undesirable long-lived radioactive elements such as minor actinides (e.g. americium-243) and fission products from spent fuel. Transmutation is the transformation of these undesirable elements into short-lived or stable elements using nuclear reactions. Together these processes would, at least partially, eliminate those parts of high-level waste that contribute most to its heat generation and long-lived radioactivity. P&T therefore has the potential to reduce the time that waste needs to be kept isolated from several thousand to several hundreds of years. NEA work on P&T: www.oecd-nea.org/pt/
PAPR: Powered air purifying respirators
PBF: Power burst facility (at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, United States)
PC: 1960 Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy, as amended.
PCMI: Pellet-clad mechanical interaction
PCSR: Preconstruction safety report
PCT: Peak cladding temperature
PDSC: Project design safety committee
PET: Positron emission tomography
PFBR: Prototype fast breeder reactor
PHWR: Pressurised heavy water reactor
PIRT: Phenomena identification and ranking table
PRA: Probabilistic risk assessment
PRISME: Propagation d'un incendie pour des scénarios multi-locaux élémentaires (Fire Propagation in Elementary, Multi-room Scenarios). NEA joint project.
PRWG: Peer Review Working Group of the G8-EU
PSA: Probabilistic safety assessment. A PSA is a type of safety analysis that uses probabilistic risk assessment techniques during both the design and operation of a nuclear power plant to analyse the overall risk. Considering an entire set of potential events with their respective probabilities and consequences, the overall risk of a nuclear incident or accident can be assessed. For a power plant this risk is given in terms of a core melt frequency or the frequency of a large radioactive release. For existing power plants a value below about 1 x 10-4 per year for a core damage probability is generally accepted, while new designs should be even less than 1 x 10-5 per year. The current practice is that the computed results are generally viewed as targets rather than absolute values that would serve for regulatory acceptance or refusal.
PSAR: Preliminary safety analysis report
PSBT: PWR sub-channel and bundle tests
PSI: Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland)
PUREX: Plutonium uranium reduction extraction
PWR: Pressurised water reactor. A nuclear reactor maintained under a high pressure to keep its coolant water from boiling at the high operating temperature. The heat generated by the reactor is transferred from the core to a large heat exchanger that heats water in a secondary circuit to produce the steam needed to generate electricity.
QALYs: Quality adjusted life years
R&D: Research and development
RAI: Request for additional information
RAR: Reasonably assured resources. Uranium that occurs in known mineral deposits of delineated size, grade and configuration such that the quantities which could be recovered within the given production cost ranges with currently proven mining and processing technology can be specified. Estimates of tonnage and grade are based on specific sample data and measurements of the deposits and on knowledge of deposit characteristics. NEA work on uranium: www.oecd-nea.org/ndd/uranium/.
RBMK: Russian abbreviation for graphite-moderated light water-cooled reactors. An NEA assessment of this reactor design in the context of the Chernobyl accident: www.oecd-nea.org/rp/chernobyl/.
RCA: Radiation controlled area
RCIC: Reactor core isolation cooling
RCPB: Reactor coolant pressure boundary
RCS: Reactor coolant system
RHR: Residual heat removal
RIA: Reactivity-initiated accident
RIP: Rod internal pressure
RNMDR: Russian National Medical Dosimetry Registry
RP: Radiological protection
RWMC: NEA Radioactive Waste Management Committee
RWP: Radiation work permit
RWRA: Czech Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (SÚRAO)
SAM: Severe accident management
SAMG: Severe accident management guidelines
SANB: Saturated nucleate boiling
SAP: Safety assessment principles
SAR: Safety assessment report or safety analysis report
SAT: Systematic approach to training
SBLOCA: Small-break loss-of-coolant accident
SCIP: Studsvik cladding integrity project
SCK•CEN: Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie – Centre d'étude de l'énergie nucléaire (Nuclear Research Centre, Belgium)
SCRB: Safety culture of the regulatory body
SCWR: Supercritical-water-cooled reactor
SDR: Special Drawing Rights
SEM: Scanning electron microscope
SER: Safety evaluation report
SESAR Thermal-hydraulics. NEA joint project.
SFR: Sodium-cooled fast reactor or short-lived radioactive waste
SG: Specialist group
SILOE: French research reactor, now dismantled
SIMS: Secondary-ion mass spectrometry
SKB: Svensk Kämbränslehantering AB (Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company)
SM2A: Task Group on Safety
Margin Applications and Assessment (NEA)
SMR: Small modular reactor
SNB: Sub-cooled nucleate boiling
SNF: Spent nuclear fuel. Fuel that has been irradiated in and then permanently removed from a nuclear reactor.
SNSA: Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration
SOR: Successive over-relaxation
SOS: NDC Ad hoc Expert Group on Nuclear Energy and Security of Supply
SPS Agreement: WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
SR: Speculative resources. Uranium that is thought to exist, mostly on the basis of indirect evidence and geological extrapolations, in deposits discoverable using existing exploration techniques. The location of deposits envisaged in this category could generally be specified only as being somewhere within a given region or geological trend. As the term implies, the existence and size of such resources are speculative. NEA work on uranium: www.oecd-nea.org/ndd/uranium/.
SRG: Safety review guidelines
SRP: Standard review plan
SRPA: Slovenian Radiation Protection Administration
SS: Simple spacer
SSC: Systems, structures and components
SSM: Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten (Swedish Radiation Safety Authority)
SST: Shear stress transport
STUK: Säteilyturvakeskus (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland)
SUJB: Státní úrad pro jadernou bezpecnost (State Office for Nuclear Safety, Czech Republic)
TAEK: Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu (Atomic Energy Authority, Turkey)
TAREF: Task Group on Advanced Reactor Experiment Facilities
TBT: Technical barriers to trade
TDB: Thermochemical Database Project. NEA joint project.
TEDE: Total effective dose equivalent
TEPCO: Tokyo Electric Power Company
THREED: Theoretical density
TLD: Thermo luminescent dosimeter
TMI: Three Mile Island
TRACE: System thermal-hydraulic code
TRANSSC: Transport Safety Standards Committee (IAEA)
TRIGA: Training, research, isotopes, General Atomics
TSC: Technical support centre
TSO: Technical support organization
TRU: Permanent disposal of transuranic
UG: Underground
UICP: Union International des Chemins de Fers (France)
UKAEA: United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNSCEAR: United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
US NRC: Nuclear Regulatory Commission of the United States
UVUT: Unequal velocity and unequal temperature
V&V: Verification and validation
VC: 1963 Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage
VHTR: Very-high-temperature reactor.
VNIINM: A.A. Bochvar High-Technology Scientific Research Institute for Inorganic Materials
VVER: Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reaktor, a Russian-designed pressurised water reactor (also sometimes referred to as WWER)
WENRA: Western European Nuclear Regulators' Association
WASSC: Waste Safety Standards Committee (IAEA)
WBC: Whole body counters
WG: Working group
WGFCS: NEA Working Group on Fuel Cycle Safety
WGFSM: NEA Working Group on Fuel Safety Margins
WGHOF: NEA Working Group on Human and Organisational Factors
WGIAGE: NEA Working Group on the Integrity of Components and Structures
WGIP: NEA Working Group on Inspection Practices
WGOE: NEA Working Group on Operating Experience
WGPC: NEA Working Group on Public Communication of Nuclear Regulatory Organisations
WGRISK: NEA Working Group on Risk Assessment
WGRNR: Working Group on the Regulation of New Reactors
WHO: World Health Organization
WIPP: Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (United States)
WNU: World Nuclear University
WPDD: NEA Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling
WPEC: NEA Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation
WPFC: NEA Working Party on Scientific Issues of the Fuel Cycle
WPNE: NEA Working Party on Nuclear Energy Economics
WPNEM: NEA Working Party on Nuclear Emergency Matters
WPNCS: NEA Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety
WPRS: NEA Working Party on Scientific Issues of Reactor Systems
WTO: World Trade Organization
WWER: Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reaktor, a Russian-designed pressurised water reactor (also sometimes referred to as VVER)