The Expert Group deals with the status and trends of scientific issues of fuel behaviour.
Compile high-quality experiments for the International Fuel Performance Experiments (IFPE) database. Emphasis is given to high burn-up in water reactors under normal operating conditions. Priority goes to completed international programmes, the data of which would otherwise be lost, but also to data released from national programmes.
Co-ordinate the qualification of these data through review and by organising user group meetings. Take initiatives so that it may be adopted as an international standard. Co-ordinate computer code validation and benchmark studies.
Organise co-ordination meetings combined with IFPE database user group meetings every 12-18 months. The IFPE database will be consolidated during the next two years through updating and addition of new experiments.
Seminars and experts' meetings will be held as needed to address high-priority issues for validating the modelling of phenomena of particular concern (thermal performance, fission gas behaviour, pellet-clad mechanical interaction, etc.).
This activity will be carried out in co-ordination with the IAEA, the NEA/CSNI Special Expert Group on Fuel Safety Margins and the OECD/IFE Halden Reactor Project.
Duration: two years.
Revision approved by the NEA/NSC: 4 June 1998.
Mandate extended for two years on 9 June 2000.
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Last reviewed: 15 June 2011