Fostering a Durable Relationship between a Waste Management Facility and its Host Community
Adding Value through Design and Process
English, 60 pages, published: 06/14/07
NEA#6176, ISBN: 978-92-64-99015-9
Available online at:

Other language(s):
- Swedish: Att skapa en hållbar relation mellan en avfallsanläggning för hantering av radioaktivt avfall och dess värdkommun 
- Français: Créer un lien durable entre une installation de gestion de déchets et sa collectivité d'accueil 
Any long-term radioactive waste management project is likely to last decades to centuries. It requires a physical site and will impact in a variety of ways on the surrounding community over that whole period. The societal durability of an agreed solution is essential to success. This report identifies a number of design elements (including functional, cultural and physical features) that favour a durable relationship between the facility and its host community by improving prospects for quality of life across generations.