ENSDF/ADDGAM: ADDS gammas to adopted data sets.
ENSDF/ALPHAD: Calculates alpha hindrance factors and theoretical alpha half-lives.
ENSDF/AVETOOLS: combines three different statistical methods to calculate averages of experimental data with uncertainties. These include: a) LWM - Limitation of Relative Statistical Weight; b) NRM - Normalised Residual Method; c) RT - Rajeval Technique.
ENSDF/BRICC: Interpolates Band-Raman internal conversion coefficients, internal electron-positron pair formation coefficients, and E0 form factors.
ENSDF/DELTA: Analyses gamma-gamma correlations from radioactive decay and from thermal-neutron capture. Also mixing ratio and conversion coefficient data can be handled.
ENSDF/ENSDAT: Produces drawings and tables of ENSDF data in PostScript and report form, similar to Nuclear Data Sheets.
ENSDF/FETCH: This package consists of three programs: (1) START44 creates an indexed file DBTEXT from a sequential ENSDF tape; (2) FETCH44 retrieves data sets from DBTEXT; (2) SAVE44 writes a
data set onto DBTEXT and creates an index entry.
ENSDF/FMTCHK: Checks that ENSDF data conform to format definitions as laid down in document BNL-NCS-51655.
ENSDF/GABS: Calculates absolute gamma-ray intensities from ENSDF data.
ENSDF/GAMUT: Analyzes gamma-ray energies and intensities. Does least-square fits of ENSDF the experimental data to level schemes.
ENSDF/GTOL: Uses measured gamma-ray energies with uncertainties, and suggests level assignment to deduce a least-squares adjusted set of level energies.
ENSDF/HSICC: Iterpolates among tables of Hager-Seltzer (K-, L-, M- shells) and Dragoun-Plajner-Schmutzler (N- + higher shells) to obtain partial and total internal conversion coefficients.
ENSDF/LOGFT: Calculates log ft for each beta or epsilon branch, average beta energy for each (beta+,beta-) branch, and partial capture fractions for each epsilon branch.
ENSDF/MEDLIST: Calculates K, L X-ray intensities and Auger conversion-electron radiation for medical applications.
ENSDF/NSDFLIB:Library of support subprograms for many codes.
ENSDF/PANDORA: Provides a series of physics checks on ENDSF data and calculates branching ratios of gamma-ray transitions.
ENSDF/RADLST: Calculates the nuclear and atomic radiation associated with the radioactive decay of nuclei. It is specially designed for medical applications.
ENSDF/RULER: Calculates reduced transition probabilities from ENSDF data.
ENSDF/SPINOZA: Generates tabular listings of level data, decay data, and gamma-ray data from ENSDF data.
ENSDF/TREND: Tabulates ENSDF data in a format similar to that produced in the Nuclear Data Sheets.
Added UNIX MDC coding (Version 1.4 - February 7, 2001).
1.5a - 09-Apr-1999 1. Y2K modifications
2. Improved ANSI FORTRAN 77 compliance
3. Corrected substring range errors in outputting HF
4. Check for and skip Ionized Atom datasets
5. Added coding to get R0 from rich text comments (TWB)
1.6 - 07-Feb-2001 Added UNX MDC coding. (RRK)
2.0 - 24-May-2004 C.L. Dunford
1. Converted to Fortran 95
2. Command line input added
2.0a - 06-Nov-2006 T.W. Burrows
Corrected error which caused erroneous error message on
second R0 found
Restored Title and version information to terminal
Cosmetic cleanup of error messages
Updated alpha mass and 1 amu to 2003 AME
(Version 2.0a - November 6, 2006)
For a complete Version History see file "readme-fmtchk.pdf"
1. Added a check for multiple "FL="'s
2. Corrected logic problem which was causing the Level record S field
not to be checked when it was relabeled
3. Added check for possible typo error if a period is in the last field of a
value and a number is in first field of the uncertainty
4. Attempt to handle cases where level energy should probably be
"E+X+Y" which is not currently allowed
5. Added check for extraneous characters (usually uncertainties)
following a final level energy
6. Added various additional checks for embedded blanks
7. Added check for possible misuse of an operator before parentheses in
the J field
8. Added various additional checks for junk before open parentheses.
Usually misalignment of the E and DE fields on a level record
9. Check for use of period instead of comma
10. Added check for missing MS field if T1/2=0.1 ms and not g.s.
11. Cleared up problems in getting closest levels if "X+E" were used
instead of "E+X"
11. Corrected error in version 10.3 which caused an erroneous
"EMBEDDED BLANK INVALID" when an operator was preceded by a "(" for a
J**PI value.
12. Changed metastable limit check from 0.1 ms to 1 ms.
For a complete Version History see file "readme-fmtchk.pdf"
(Version 10.3a - September 28, 2007)
Version 9 - 10-May-2000
- User can give a different name to GABSPC.RPT (Default name is GABSPC.RPT)
- Program checks for the status of both input and output files.
- Added calculation for cascade gamma rays.
- Program adds current date to report file (GABSPC.RPT).
- Program uses subroutine CNVU2S from BNL'S NSDFLIB library instead of ENSDFN
(to write numbers in ENSDF style).
Version 9.1 - 19-May-2000
- Explicitly typed all variables
- Added machine dependent coding (Use the program SETMDC)
Version 9.2 - 7-Feb-2001
- Added UNIX MDC coding
(Version 9.2 - February 7, 2001)
7.15a 13-Apr-99 a. Check for and skip Ionized Atom datasets
b. Y2K compliance
c. Corrected an arithmetic overflow in calculating dtp
d. Check uniqueness. If not allowed or 1U or 2U, added
warning to report and terminal output and comment to
new file
7.2 7-Feb-01 a. Added UNX MDC coding. (RRK)
b. Save added to code where required.
C. NBBR initialized.
7.2a 20-Mar-01 Change path for LOGFT.DAT to logical
(Version 7.2a - March 20, 2001)
6.5 - 09-Feb-1999 Fixed a bug in subroutine IDTYPE
6.5a - 12-Mar-1999 1. Explicitly typed all variables
2. Corrected non-standard ANSI-77 coding
3. Checked for Y2K compliance
4. Corrected format records which were creating
records longer than 133 bytes
5. Corrected initialization problem in LEVREP which
caused nulls to be outputted to FILE.XREF (TWB)
6.5b - 13-Sep-1999 Do not check A,Z on P card for SF decay (JKT)
6.5c - 02-Nov-2000 Increased the allowed decay modes
6.6 - 07-Feb-2001 Added UNX MDC coding. (RRK)
6.6a - 26-Mar-2001 Corrected problems introduced in 6.6 (TWB)
6.6b - 27-Aug-2001 1. Fixed error in Fmt 201 (Levrep) for Z>100.
2. Modified ADDXRF to add xrf for non-numeric energy
fields also (JKT)
6.6c - 07-Apr-2003 Increased dimension for lasitid in LEVREP
7.0 - 05-Apr-2004 1. Converted to Fortran 95
2. Command line input added (CLD)
7.0a - 13-Jun-2006 Increased dimensions in GAMINT from 150 to 500 (TWB)
7.0b - 01-May-2007 1. Modified dimensions of adopted level properties
consistent with MAXLEV parameter
2. Added check for existence of source datasets before
trying to create file with new XREF's
(Version 7.0b - May 1, 2007)
- 1.20a - 06-Mar-1998
1. Corrected range error in OUT2ON
2. Changed calls to VAX TIME/DATE routines to handle Y2K problem.
- 1.20b - 21-Sep-1999 Corrected logic problems in outputting asymmetric uncertainties
- 1.3 - 07-Feb-2001 Added UNX MDC coding. (RRK)
- 1.31 - 09-May-2002
1. Not recognizing asymmetric DT's - Fixed.
2. Some logic problems in storing +DT and -DT - Fixed.
3. Problems with approximate T1/2's when preceded by asymmetric DT's - Fixed
- 1.31a - 15-Jul-2002 "2 G" records containing "BM1=", confused program - Fixed and added note to report to check the record
- 1.32 - 20-Oct-2004 Not recognizing T1/2 limits - Fixed
- 3.0 - 20-May-2004
1. Converted to Fortran 95
2. Command line input added (CLD)
- 3.1 - 28-Oct-2004 Incorporated 1.32 revision of Fortran 77 version
- 3.1a - 25-May-2006
1. Corrected problem which put program into infinite loop if Mode of Operation not entered correctly
2. Added input dialogue asking for theoretical DCC to assume
3. Corrected initialization problem which caused some uncertainties to be underestimated
4. Corrected a couple of minor formatting problems in the report file
5. Corrected problem in comparing old and new values when a limit or "AP"
- 3.1b - 18-Oct-2006 Corrected initialization problem caused in porting from F77 to F95 (
in F95 instead of " " in F77 if string not initialized)
- 3.1c - 30-Oct-2006
1. Correct some output formatting problems in OUT235
2. Increased length of sdx in OUT235 to handle asymmetric uncertainties
3. Corrected omission of a few lines of code in OUT235 which caused asymmetric uncertainties to be underestimated
- 3.2 - 23-Jul-2007
1. Added logic in attempt to correctly calculate values if Gama's or very short T1/2's are given on Level records
2. Completely rewrote logic for handling asymmetric uncertainties
3. Added comparison of calculated BELW's and BMLW's and noted discrepancies
4. Checked to see if there was an existing BELW or BMLW and missing MULT, MR, etc.
5. Added four possible warnings to standard output:
a. T1/2's in Ev or as and insufficient data to derive gamma widths
b. BELW or BMLW found but no MULT, DPI unknown, or mixed MULT with no MR
c. Problem with asymmetric uncertainties
d. Some BELW's or BMLW's exceed RUL, Details given in report file
6. Corrected problem for mixed transitions which led to an old transition probability be kept if the other value agreed with the new value
7. Cleaned up some problems in the comparison mode which resulted confusion between IV and IS RUL's
8. Cleaned up some formatting problems of new records
9. Changed default for theoretical CC's from HSICC to BrIcc
10. Corrected problem when input file name had leading blanks
11. Cleaned up some formatting of messages in the report file
- 3.2a - 06-Aug-2007 (With input from Balraj Singh)
1. Also added a check against RUL when old record kept
2. Automatically create a new file summarizing problems when calculating new values
(Version 3.2a - August 6, 2007)
HSICC - (Version 11.13f - Oct. 9, 2001)
11.13a - 08-Feb-1999 Corrected output on "S G" record for nonnumeric uncertainties
Corrected for Y2K
11.13b - 12-Apr-1999 Check for Ionized Atom dataset and skip if so
Improved ANS FORTRAN 77 compliance
11.13c - 9-Feb-2001 Added UNX MDC coding.
Removed fortran carriage control from report printout. (RRK)
11.13d - 20-Mar-2001 Corrected problems introduced in 11.13c (TWB)
11.13e - 17-Sep-2001 Added terminal warning if "2 G" record to be replaced has quantities not output by HSICC
11.13f - 9-Oct-2001 Missing leading blank on non-numerical DCC when placed on "S G" records - fixed.
HSMRG - (Version 7.1a - Sept. 17, 2001)
7.0a - 12-Apr-1999 Added check for COMTRANSed version of DG card
7.1 - 7-Feb-2001 Added UNX MDC coding. (RRK)
7.1a - 17-Mar-2001 Increased tables to 2000 gammas
Added check on "S G" records for quantities not output by HSICC
BLDHST - (Version 3.6 - Feb. 9, 2001)
3.6 - 9-Feb-2001 Added UNX MDC coding. (RRK)
SEQHST - (Version 3.4 - Feb. 9, 2001)
3.4 - 9-Feb-2001 Added UNX MDC coding. (RRK)
7.00 - 31-Mar-99. Uncertainties truncated in halflife field
8.00 - 17-Jun-99. Y2K and removes prints codes from output.
8.02 - 05-Jul-99. Attempt to distinguish between pre- and post-Y2K
8.05 - 16-Jul-99 Went into an infinite loop if PN record was completely blank
8.10 - 15-Oct-99 A work around for display problem with the Digital Visual Fortran created. A command-line argument DVF version was added.
8.15 - 11-Feb-00 Normalizations with no uncertainty were only output to three places past the decimal point.
8.20 - 12-Apr-00 Error in comment tables corrected. (It caused to be skipped.) Normalization comments are now as intended. (Mistype)
8.3 - 7-Feb-01 Added UNX MDC coding. (RRK) [Assign statements had to be removed in FSORT.]
(Version 8.3 - Feb. 7, 2001)
5.0 - 11.5 These versions of ENSDAT were developed and maintained by Robert Kinsey. The programming was done in Fortran 77.
12.0 - August 26, 2003. The code in this new release follows the Fortran 95 standard. The proprietary ISAM used for the ENSDF dictionary file has been replaced by a single random access file. A few bugs found during the conversion process have been fixed. The companion program, ENSWIN, is no longer supported. Instead, at the end of processing of the input file, a local PostScript viewer such as GhostView can be started to view the output PostScript file.
12.01 - December, 2003. Replaced specific sorts with a generalized Fortran sort routine. Included in ENSDAT, the creation of the random access dictionaries from the sequential version if necessary. Improved command line input and added command line processing for Windows
12.02 - January, 2004. Corrected error in reference list processing caused by the fact that UNIX and Windows do not support file version numbers
12.03 - March, 2004. Corrected generic problem when LEN_TRIM = LEN of a string. Corrected error in zero order control file generation. Fixed minor bug in text wrapping routine. Fixed problem on Unix when separation energies are need from the adopted data set of a parent
12.04 - June, 2004. Corrected two errors when in AUTO mode with both DRAWINGS and BANDS selected that failed to start a new page at a new plot.
Corrected problem in E_TO_F where different code used on VMS and LINUX.
12.05-12.07 - Affected publication program only
12.08 - November 17, 2005 (TWB) Fixed problems in translating the symbol NN correctly
12.09 - November 22, 2005 (TWB) Fixed another problem in translating the symbol NN correctly
12.10 - April 19, 2006 (TWB)
1.- Increased storage allocated for level T1/2 from 30 to 40 in enspub_def.f
2.- Added check and warning if value is too large for allocated storage in move in of enspub.f
3.- Increased size of str from 30 to 40 in getsds of enspub.f
4.- Strip off "?" on units in readt of ndspub.f
5.- Checked for missing "+" in scientific notation and added in merlev of ndspub.f
6.- Output a few more messages to log file
12.11 - July 7, 2006 (TWB) Changed hard-wired limit of 999 gammas on line 5168 of enspub.f to the parameter ngammax
12.12 - July 18, 2006 (TWB)
1.- Corrected problem for storage of (delayed-)particle data when all transitions are placed by no particle energies given (Caused loss of a column when automatic breaking occurred)
2.- Allow for possibility of approximate and limits for parent level energy and Q-value
12.13 - September 12, 2006 (TWB)
1.- Corrected problem in handling non-numeric uncertainties on BR
2.- Corrected logic problem in handling BANDs when footnote comment contains another symbol.
3.- Corrected a problem of outputting a non-numeric uncertainty twice on a program-generated footnote
4.- Corrected string length problem in outputting dataset headings
5.- Check to see if absolute intensity given and modified the program-generated footnote appropriately: Fission datasets: Absolute intensity per 100 fissions; (N,G) datasets: Absolute intensity per 100 neutron captures; Reaction datasets: Absolute intensity per 100 incident particles; Decay datasets: Absolute intensity per 100 decays.
6.- Checked to see if dataset was not a decay and modified the drawing subtitle generated based on the PN record option appropriately
7.- Minor cosmetic change on BR value output for parent info in decay table
12.14 - November 29, 2006 (TWB)
1.- Fixed initialization problem with branching ratios
2.- Added up/down arrows to reduced transition probabilities as per 2005 USNDP NSDD Working Group meeting
3.- Added kludge to fix lost of positioning when page break within comments
4.- Moved output of BR comments to come after Parent info at start of table
5.- Added parent energy to Parent and BR comments when multiple P/N records
6.- Corrected minor problem in interpreting G as g-factor in Level record comment symbols
12.15 - December 21, 2006 (TWB)
1.- Patched logic problem when comment on BR was more than two records
2.- Added warning to terminal output when Normalization comment record encountered with no symbols given - Program cannot figure where to output it
3.- Added warning is the maximum number of N comments exceeded storage (maxncom=10)
4.- Added checks for leading blanks on comment records and suppressed
5.- Converted first character from upper to lower case when footnotes converted to comments
6.- Added kludge to use appropriate column labels on automatic footnotes for ELECTRON when converted to comments (i.e., "/D:ALL" used).
7.- Increased length of newline in subroutine AddBrComm to avoid unmatched curly brackets.
8.- Corrected problem of not editing normalization comments in subroutine AddBrComm if "C" or "T" comments.
12.16 - Affected publication program only
12.17 - February 21, 2007 (TWB)
1.- Increased storage for BR comments from 10 to 20
2.- Corrected problem which caused all "CN" continuation records to be treated as first records
3.- Corrected problem where zero's were not being added properly to asymmetric uncertainties
12.18 - Affected publication program only
12.19 - May 1, 2007 (TWB)
1.- Absolute IB, IE, and TI not being shown on drawings due to an initialization problem - Fixed
2.- Corrected hard-wired tabbing problem for unplaced gamma and radiation footnote which caused misalignment of the text
3.- Fixed a Comments column width and tabbing problem when the COMBINE option was used
4.- Restored option on DRAW control (Removed 1/15/1993 as per JKT) to show beta, electron, and alpha quantity uncertainties in the drawing's radiation table
5.- Set option to show beta, electron, and alpha quantity uncertainties in the drawing's radiation table on when "/D:ALL" or "/F:a" switch is on BETA, ELECTRON, or ALPHA control record
6.- Attempted to handle some esoteric decay modes in the DSID that might be misinterpreted by the dictionaries
12.20 - May 18, 2007 (TWB) - Corrected typo error in EDIT introduced in version 12.19 which leading characters of the parent line to be lost if T1/2 was in days
12.21 - July 11, 2007 (TWB)
1.- Corrected problems in positioning of table comments introduced in previous versions when correcting problems caused by the COMBINE option or comments being carried over to the next page.
2.- Corrected footnote placement problem when table was split into multiple columns
3.- Do not add up/down arrows when reduced transition probabilities are in Weisskopf units
12.22 - July 18, 2007 (TWB)
1.- Corrected footnote symbol problem. Apparently reserved character "?" used in temporary storage.
2.- If no symbols given for N record comment assume it to be on BR instead of not outputting it.
3.- Corrected editing problem on comment continuation when comment less than 10 characters
4.- Corrected instance of the maximum number of levels being hardwired in instead of using the parameter nlevmax
12.23 - July 25, 2007 (TWB)
1.- Corrected logic problem in RPLNRM which caused automatically generated normalization footnotes to be blanked out
2.- Corrected initialization problem which caused incorrect branching when generating abstract title in Cards mode
(Version 12.23 - July 25, 2007)
1.0 - 5.1 - These versions of COMTRANS were developed and maintained by Robert Kinsey. The programming was done in Fortran 77.
7.0 - August 8, 2003. The code in this new release follows the Fortran 95 standard. The proprietary ISAM used for the ENSDF dictionary file has been replaced by a single random access file.
7.1 - November 24, 2003. Program automatically generates random access ENSDF dictionaries from sequential file.
(Version 7.1 - Nov. 24, 2003)
1.4 - 9-Feb-95.
1. Corrected CNVU2S:
a. Corrected Format 2 which was not working as designed. LENDX now used to specify number of significant digits.
b. Integer overflow errors for extremely precise numbers - added check for this.
2. Added Logical Function IOVRFLW to check for possible integer overflow.
3. Corrected KNVIX. Increased TEMP from 12 to 20 characters to avoid truncation of final result.
4. Corrected SCALX. Roundoff problem due to mixture of REAL*4 and REAL*8 in line 20.
1.4a - 10-Feb-95. Corrected line 11 of IOVRFLW for compiler-dependent problem and lines 10 and 11 for FORTRAN-dependent double precision problems
1.4b - 13-Feb-95. Corrected line 11 of IOVRFLW for compiler-dependent problem
1.4c - 04-Apr-95. Corrected line 11 of IOVRFLW for typo error
1.4d - 03-Nov-95. Corrected error in RLSCN and DRLSCN when there was a trailing period
1.4e 01-Mar-96. Fixed incorrect results returned in RLSCN and DRLSCN when a period followed by one number
1.5 11-Aug-98. Modified ZSYM and IZEL to handle IUPAC chemical symbols between Z=104 and 109 inclusive. Extended allowed range of Z's from 112 to 199.
1.5a 16-Sep-98. Corrected error in IZEL when mixed alphanumeric symbol (e.g. "1S") passed to it.
1.5b - 08-Oct-98. Changed IOVRFLW to IVRFLW for ANSI standard considerations
1.5c - 14-Apr-99 Modified ZSYM/IZEL for change in the neutron chemical symbol from "N " to "NN"
1.5d - 28-Jun-99 Corrected fatal error in CNVS2U when the single character "E" was passed.
In November 14, 2005 all subprograms in this library are written to conform to the ANSI standard for FORTRAN 95 and are, therefore, generally machine independent, with the exception of the subroutines GET_COMMAND_LINE, OPEN_SORT_INPUT, and OPEN_SORT_OUTPUT.
1.01 15-Apr-93:
Delinted using FLINT 2.83
Explicitely typed all variables and functions
Floating overflow in SETFAC corrected and routines using factorials adjusted
to handle change in data storage
Corrected CLOSE statement on error in OPENFI
Fixed output conversion problem (TWB)
(Version 1.01 - April 15, 1993)
Version 5.4h 22-MAY-88 Added check for gross energy mismatch and logic to suppress output for NUDAT if this occurs
==== LAST OF Version 5.4 ====
(not distributed)
Version 5.5 5-OCT-88
a. Added option for outputting in MIRD format
b. Implemented USNDN FP suggestions for treatment of multiply placed gammas