mocup.inf Information file
mocup.pdf Documentation and manual
Readme Explanation of how to compile and run MOCUP.
cross.lib structural material & activation product xsec library
fmt Flux multiplier table for the sample problem.
Info Notes for implementing CCC-371/ORIGEN2.1 on DEC Alpha and HP-UX.
inp.01 Initial (t=0) MCNP input for sample problem.
inp.02 MCNP input at the beginning of timestep 2 for the sample problem.
mason1 additional MCNP cross section data used in MOCUP test case.
mctal.01 MCNP tally file for timestep 1 for the sample problem.
Mocup X toolkit variable settings to make the GUI look "pretty".
mpo.01.a MOCUP data file for first timestep of sample problem.
mpo.01.b MOCUP data file for second timestep of sample problem.
Nct Nuclide correspondence table.
origen.ex Execution script for ORIGEN2.
run Command line to run ORIGEN2.
skeleton.a ORIGEN skeletal input file for first timestep of sample problem.
skeleton.b ORIGEN skeletal input file second timestep of sample problem.
xsdir.mason xsdir file for data in mason1.
\moi_files Directory of MOCUP-generated ORIGEN files for the sample problem
\srcdec Directory containing MOCUP code source and makefile for DEC W.S.
\srchp Dir. of source codes and makefile for HP workstations and LINUX machines