Computer Programs
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SNL-SAND-II, Neutron Flux Spectra from Multiple Foil Activation Analysis

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Program name Package id Status Status date
SNL-SAND-II PSR-0345/01 Tested 24-MAY-1996

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
PSR-0345/01 SUN SUN W.S.
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Neutron energy spectra are determined by an analysis of experimental activation detector data.  As with the original CCC-0112/SAND-II program, which was developed at Air Force Weapons Laboratory, this code system consists of four modules, CSTAPE, SLACTS, SLATPE, and SANDII. The first three modules pre-process the dosimetry cross sections and the trial function spectrum library. The last module, SANDII, actually performs the iterative spectrum characterization.
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The basic physics and operation of the code remain unchanged from CCC-0112/SANDII. The advantages of the SNL version are that it provides a better input format, a much enhanced  output report, a UNIX-based plot interface built around the publicly available ACE/gr package, treatment of silicon devices as displacement sensors for dosimetry applications, and an interface to the SNL Radiation Metrology Laboratory compendium of dosimetry cross sections which are included here and in the DLC-0178/SNLRML package. An iterative perturbation method is used to obtain a "best fit" neutron flux spectrum for a given input set of infinitely dilute foil activities. The calculational procedure consists of the selection of a trial flux spectrum to serve as the initial approximation to the solution, and subsequent iteration to a form acceptable as an appropriate solution. The solution is specified either as time-integrated flux (fluence) for a pulsed environment or as a flux for a steady-state neutron environment.
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Implementation of the two utility programs, sys_interface_1 and sys_interface_2, on other UNIX platforms requires running the SETUP utility. Modification and recompilation of the FORTRAN source files for sys_interface_1 and sys_interface_2 may be necessary because of the  varying ways in which operating system calls are made between variations of UNIX. In any event, reference to sys_interface_1 and sys_interface_2 may be omitted from any of the included script files without serious loss of functionality. The SNL-SAND-II program includes system calls to set environmental variables (getenv and len_trim) which will require modification if ported to other computers.
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SUN Sparcstation SLC
make_library CSH script - (comprises CSTAPE, SLACTS, and SLTAPE modules) 12 minutes 9 seconds testall CSH script - (comprises execution of the SANDII module on 10 separate included sample input files and comparison of generated output with sample output) 9 minutes 38 seconds
SUN Sparcstation 2
make_library CSH script - 9 minutes 33 seconds testall CSH script - 7 minutes 21 seconds
The SNL-SAND-II package was tested by the NEA-DB in a
Sun Solaris platform (UNIX System V Release 4.0 (psisun)), under SunOS 5.3 The elapsed time required to execute the full set of sample problems in a "multi-user" environment, is 7 minutes and 11 seconds. The time required for each individual sample problems is displayed in the following table.

     (input file name)
      acf9                           32 s
      barnob6-snlrml                 40 s
      scr4                           44 s
      spr3cc                         33 s
      spr3cc-activity                52 s
      spr_120                        34 s
      spr_80a3                       36 s
      tpb13                          35 s
      tpb13_full-response            53 s
      cf252-activity                 56 s
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8. RELATED AND AUXILIARY PROGRAMS:  SNLRML : Recommended dosimetry cross section compendium.
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Package ID Status date Status
PSR-0345/01 24-MAY-1996 Tested at NEADB
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- P.J. Griffin et al.:
Status of Neutron Dosimetry Cross Sections,
Reactor Dosimetry STM STP 1228. Harry Farrar IV, E. Parvin
Lippincott, John G. Williams, and David W. Vehar, Eds.,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1994)
- P.J. Griffin et al.:
Effect of New Cross Section Evaluations on Spectrum Determinations
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.39, no.6, pp 2078-2085
(December 1992)
- P.J. Griffin et al.:
Effect of ENDF/B-VI Cross Sections on Neutron Dosimetry,
Proceedings of the Seventh STM-Euratom Symposium on Reactor
Dosimetry held in Strasbourg, France on August 27-31, 1990
G. Tsotridis, R. Dierckx, P. D'Hondt, Eds, Kluer Academic
Publishers, pp. 669-675 (1991)
- P.J. Turner:
ACE/gr User's Manual: Graphics for Exploratory Data Analysis
Center for Coastal and Land-Margin Research, Oregon Graduate
Institute of Science and Technology, Software Documentation Series
DSS3, 91-3 (1991)
PSR-0345/01, included references:
- P.J. Griffin et al.:
  User's Manual for SNL-SAND-II Code
  SAND-93-3957 (April 1994)
- W.N. McElroy et al.:
  A Computer-Automated Iterative Method for Neutron Flux Spectra
  Determination by Foil Activation, Vol. 1
  AFWL-TR 67-41 (September 1967)
- P.J. Griffin et al.:
SNL RML Recommended Dosimetry Cross Section Compendium
SAND92-0094 (November 1993)
- CCC-112/SAND II Computer Code Abstract (January 1994)
- F.B.K. Kam:
Notes to User's (January 1969)
B. Cross:
SAND-II/CSTAPE (Memo, June 1975)
- S. Berg and W.N. McElroy:
A Computer-Automated Iterative Method for Neutron Flux
Spectra Determination by Foil Activation, Vol II:
SAND II (Spectrum Analysis by Neutron Detectors II) and
Associated Codes
AFWL-TR-67-41, Vol.II (September 1967)
- W.N. McElroy and S. Berg:
A Computer-Automated Iterative Method for Neutron Flux Spectra
Determination by Foil Activation, Vol. IV: Reference Spectrum
Library for SAND II, AFWL-TR-67-41 (September 1967)
- S. Berg:
Modification of SAND II, BNWL-855 (August 1968)
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A UNIX workstation with access to a DC 6150 tape cartridge drive and 15 MB, initially, of disk space are required to install and run SNL-SAND-II. At least 30.3 MB of disk space is needed for full implementation of the code. The code was developed on Sparcstation 10.
The SNL-SAND-II package was tested by the NEA-DB in a Sun Solaris platform (UNIX System V Release 4.0 (psisun)), under SunOS 5.3
The requirements on diskspace allocation are as follows:
SNL-SAND-II package (excluding the ACE/gr plotting package)
About 43 MByte of diskspace are required to hold the SNL-SAND-II package. This amount includes source files, scripts, the SNLRML libraries, the object files, the executables, the sample input files, and the output and plot files produced at execution of the full set of sample problems provided.
ACE/gr package
About 9 MByte of diskspace are required to install the full set of files under (and including) subdirectory snl-sand-ii/acegr and compile the 'xvgr' executable. This amount includes source files, scripts, object files, the executable and parameter files.
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Package ID Computer language
PSR-0345/01 FORTRAN-77
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The code was tested at RSIC on both a Sun Sparcstation SLC running SUN OS 4.1.1,  Open Windows 2, using SUN FORTRAN 1.4 and on a SUN Sparcstation 2
running Solaris 2.3 using SUN FORTRAN 2.0.
A UNIX FORTRAN compiler is required for creation of the module executables. SUN OS 4.1 or higher is required for execution of the included binaries for sys_interface_1 and sys_interface_2. The code  is portable to other UNIX environments. Open Windows 2 or higher can be used for displaying plots using the ACE/gr plotting package. ACE/gr also runs with Motif among other systems. Refer to the XVGR.PS document in the ACE/gr subdirectory.
The SNL-SAND-II package was tested by the NEA-DB in a Sun Solaris platform (UNIX System V Release 4.0 (psisun)), under SunOS 5.3. The FORTRAN 3.0 compiler from SUNPro has been used to compile the source files of the CSTAPE, SLACTS, SLTAPE and SAND-II programs. Concerning the ACE/gr program, notice that the user is not forced to compile a new xvgr executable as an executable file of ACE/gr (snl-sand-ii/acegr/xvgr) is provided with the package. However for Sun systems other than the one in which this executable  was created (SparcStation) the user needs indeed to recompile a new  executable.
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Contributed by: Radiation Safety Information Computational Center
                Oak Ridge National Laboratory
                Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U. S. A.

Developed by:   Sandia National Laboratories
                Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
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File name File description Records
PSR0345_01.001 Information file of package SNL-SAND-II 1294
PSR0345_01.002 Script to build the SNL-SAND-II directories 436
PSR0345_01.003 Script to re-generate the SNLRML library 103
PSR0345_01.004 SNL-SAND-II program data 131
PSR0345_01.005 CSTAPE program FORTRAN source 522
PSR0345_01.006 CSTAPE sub-program FORTRAN source 45
PSR0345_01.007 CSTAPE sub-program FORTRAN source 24
PSR0345_01.008 CSTAPE sub-program FORTRAN source 10
PSR0345_01.009 CSTAPE sub-program FORTRAN source 66
PSR0345_01.010 CSTAPE sub-program FORTRAN source 420
PSR0345_01.011 Makefile to create the CSTAPE executable 31
PSR0345_01.012 Cross-section library file # 1 (ASCII) 0
PSR0345_01.013 Cross-section library file # 2 (ASCII) 0
PSR0345_01.014 Cross-section library file # 3 (ASCII) 0
PSR0345_01.015 C-shell script for CSTAPE execution 177
PSR0345_01.016 SLTAPE program FORTRAN source 233
PSR0345_01.017 SLTAPE sub-program FORTRAN source 208
PSR0345_01.018 Makefile to create the SLTAPE executable 31
PSR0345_01.019 SNL-SAND-II data file 79
PSR0345_01.020 C-shell script for SLTAPE execution 179
PSR0345_01.021 SLACTS prograM FORTRAN source 333
PSR0345_01.022 SLACTS program FORTRAN source (minor mods) 333
PSR0345_01.023 SLACTS (XSEC) sub-program FORTRAN source 326
PSR0345_01.024 SLACTS (ACTIV) sub-program FORTRAN source 311
PSR0345_01.025 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 8
PSR0345_01.026 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 8
PSR0345_01.027 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 7
PSR0345_01.028 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 14
PSR0345_01.029 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 12
PSR0345_01.030 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 7
PSR0345_01.031 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 13
PSR0345_01.032 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 8
PSR0345_01.033 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 8
PSR0345_01.034 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 8
PSR0345_01.035 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 21
PSR0345_01.036 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 121
PSR0345_01.037 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 108
PSR0345_01.038 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 29
PSR0345_01.039 SLACTS sub-program FORTRAN source 208
PSR0345_01.040 Makefile to create the SLACTS executable 33
PSR0345_01.041 C-shell script for SLACTS execution 180
PSR0345_01.042 SNL-SAND-II data file 822
PSR0345_01.043 SAND-II program FORTRAN source 2280
PSR0345_01.044 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 260
PSR0345_01.045 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 243
PSR0345_01.046 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 56
PSR0345_01.047 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 34
PSR0345_01.048 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 155
PSR0345_01.049 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 129
PSR0345_01.050 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 365
PSR0345_01.051 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 20
PSR0345_01.052 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 20
PSR0345_01.053 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 19
PSR0345_01.054 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 26
PSR0345_01.055 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 27
PSR0345_01.056 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 19
PSR0345_01.057 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 26
PSR0345_01.058 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 20
PSR0345_01.059 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 20
PSR0345_01.060 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 20
PSR0345_01.061 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 33
PSR0345_01.062 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 12
PSR0345_01.063 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 202
PSR0345_01.064 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 435
PSR0345_01.065 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 156
PSR0345_01.066 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 393
PSR0345_01.067 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 97
PSR0345_01.068 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 128
PSR0345_01.069 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 72
PSR0345_01.070 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 87
PSR0345_01.071 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 115
PSR0345_01.072 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 1213
PSR0345_01.073 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 113
PSR0345_01.074 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 25
PSR0345_01.075 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 222
PSR0345_01.076 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 95
PSR0345_01.077 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 357
PSR0345_01.078 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 150
PSR0345_01.079 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 53
PSR0345_01.080 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 112
PSR0345_01.081 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 274
PSR0345_01.082 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 542
PSR0345_01.083 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 67
PSR0345_01.084 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 264
PSR0345_01.085 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 272
PSR0345_01.086 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 193
PSR0345_01.087 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 729
PSR0345_01.088 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 346
PSR0345_01.089 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 36
PSR0345_01.090 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 55
PSR0345_01.091 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 120
PSR0345_01.092 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 47
PSR0345_01.093 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 55
PSR0345_01.094 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 264
PSR0345_01.095 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 929
PSR0345_01.096 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 113
PSR0345_01.097 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 237
PSR0345_01.098 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 169
PSR0345_01.099 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 65
PSR0345_01.100 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 86
PSR0345_01.101 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 88
PSR0345_01.102 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 84
PSR0345_01.103 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 618
PSR0345_01.104 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 151
PSR0345_01.105 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 141
PSR0345_01.106 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 197
PSR0345_01.107 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 68
PSR0345_01.108 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 251
PSR0345_01.109 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 97
PSR0345_01.110 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 74
PSR0345_01.111 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 319
PSR0345_01.112 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 108
PSR0345_01.113 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 393
PSR0345_01.114 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 677
PSR0345_01.115 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 353
PSR0345_01.116 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 50
PSR0345_01.117 SAND-II sub-program FORTRAN source 67
PSR0345_01.118 Makefile to create the SAND-II executable 49
PSR0345_01.119 Sample problem # 1 80
PSR0345_01.120 Sample problem # 2 59
PSR0345_01.121 Sample problem # 3 65
PSR0345_01.122 Sample problem # 4 109
PSR0345_01.123 Sample problem # 5 302
PSR0345_01.124 Sample problem # 6 94
PSR0345_01.125 Sample problem # 7 302
PSR0345_01.126 Sample problem # 8 69
PSR0345_01.127 Sample problem # 9 73
PSR0345_01.128 Sample problem # 10 75
PSR0345_01.129 Sample problem # 11 71
PSR0345_01.130 Sample problem # 12 131
PSR0345_01.131 C-shell script for SAND-II execution 292
PSR0345_01.132 C-shell script to test the SNL-SAND-II inst. 39
PSR0345_01.133 Output file - sample propblem # 1 243
PSR0345_01.134 Output file - sample problem # 2 202
PSR0345_01.135 Output file - sample problem # 3 229
PSR0345_01.136 Output file - sample problem # 4 272
PSR0345_01.137 Output file - sample problem # 5 397
PSR0345_01.138 Output file - sample problem # 8 225
PSR0345_01.139 Output file - sample problem # 9 233
PSR0345_01.140 Output file - sample problem # 10 238
PSR0345_01.141 Output file - sample problem # 11 250
PSR0345_01.142 Output file - sample problem # 12 224
PSR0345_01.143 Reference output file - sample problem # 1 243
PSR0345_01.144 Reference output file - sample problem # 2 202
PSR0345_01.145 Reference output file - sample problem # 3 229
PSR0345_01.146 Reference output file - sample problem # 4 272
PSR0345_01.147 Reference output file - sample problem # 5 397
PSR0345_01.148 Reference output file - sample problem # 6 1123
PSR0345_01.149 Reference output file - sample problem # 7 415
PSR0345_01.150 Reference output file - sample problem # 8 225
PSR0345_01.151 Reference output file - sample problem # 9 233
PSR0345_01.152 Reference output file - sample problem # 10 238
PSR0345_01.153 Reference output file - sample problem # 11 255
PSR0345_01.154 Reference output file - sample problem # 11 250
PSR0345_01.155 Reference output file - sample problem # 12 224
PSR0345_01.156 SAND-II energy grid 621 points 131
PSR0345_01.157 SAND-II energy grid - ASTM 55
PSR0345_01.158 E722 SI displacement cross-section 55
PSR0345_01.159 SNL-SAND-II data file 640
PSR0345_01.160 SNL-SAND-II data file 640
PSR0345_01.161 SNL-SAND-II data file 640
PSR0345_01.162 SNL-SAND-II data file 640
PSR0345_01.163 SNL-SAND-II data file 640
PSR0345_01.164 SNL-SAND-II data file 640
PSR0345_01.165 C-shell script for plotting PS files 73
PSR0345_01.166 FORTRAN source utility program # 1 18
PSR0345_01.167 FORTRAN source utility program # 2 18
PSR0345_01.168 Script file to create the executables 2
PSR0345_01.169 Authors' executable utility program # 1 0
PSR0345_01.170 Authors' executable utility program # 2 0
PSR0345_01.171 SUN Source-Browser file 0
PSR0345_01.172 Information file of program ACE/gr 98
PSR0345_01.173 SNL-SAND -> ACE/gr disclaimer 14
PSR0345_01.174 ACE/gr executable (author's version) 0
PSR0345_01.175 ACE/gr manual in POSTSCRIPT 0
PSR0345_01.176 Installation notes 17
PSR0345_01.177 Notes on program XVGR 281
PSR0345_01.178 Notes on conversion from PS to EPS "format" 74
PSR0345_01.179 Copyright and disclaimer 14
PSR0345_01.180 Makefile for XVGR release 2.0 373
PSR0345_01.181 Makefile for XVGR release 2.0 (original) 373
PSR0345_01.182 Imakefile for XVGR release 2.0 227
PSR0345_01.183 C-language source file # 1 98
PSR0345_01.184 C-language source file # 2 282
PSR0345_01.185 C-language source file # 3 186
PSR0345_01.186 C-language source file # 4 347
PSR0345_01.187 C-language source file # 5 80
PSR0345_01.188 C-language source file # 6 1061
PSR0345_01.189 C-language source file # 7 1356
PSR0345_01.190 C-language source file # 8 580
PSR0345_01.191 C-language source file # 9 432
PSR0345_01.192 C-language source file # 10 2213
PSR0345_01.193 C-language source file # 11 1356
PSR0345_01.194 C-language source file # 12 174
PSR0345_01.195 C-language source file # 13 431
PSR0345_01.196 C-language source file # 14 428
PSR0345_01.197 C-language source file # 15 2507
PSR0345_01.198 C-language source file # 16 890
PSR0345_01.199 C-language source file # 17 464
PSR0345_01.200 C-language source file # 18 770
PSR0345_01.201 C-language source file # 19 177
PSR0345_01.202 C-language source file # 20 183
PSR0345_01.203 C-language source file # 21 70
PSR0345_01.204 C-language source file # 22 1367
PSR0345_01.205 C-language source file # 23 554
PSR0345_01.206 C-language source file # 24 596
PSR0345_01.207 C-language source file # 25 503
PSR0345_01.208 C-language source file # 26 166
PSR0345_01.209 C-language source file # 27 293
PSR0345_01.210 C-language source file # 28 644
PSR0345_01.211 C-language source file # 29 2244
PSR0345_01.212 C-language source file # 30 303
PSR0345_01.213 C-language source file # 31 740
PSR0345_01.214 C-language source file # 32 693
PSR0345_01.215 C-language source file # 33 196
PSR0345_01.216 C-language source file # 34 91
PSR0345_01.217 C-language source file # 35 247
PSR0345_01.218 C-language source file # 36 334
PSR0345_01.219 C-language source file # 37 178
PSR0345_01.220 C-language source file # 38 545
PSR0345_01.221 C-language source file # 39 357
PSR0345_01.222 C-language source file # 40 8036
PSR0345_01.223 C-language source file # 41 1481
PSR0345_01.224 C-language source file # 42 230
PSR0345_01.225 C-language source file # 43 162
PSR0345_01.226 C-language source file # 44 726
PSR0345_01.227 C-language source file # 45 308
PSR0345_01.228 C-language source file # 46 616
PSR0345_01.229 C-language source file # 47 427
PSR0345_01.230 C-language source file # 48 436
PSR0345_01.231 C-language source file # 49 1522
PSR0345_01.232 C-language source file # 50 1166
PSR0345_01.233 C-language source file # 51 489
PSR0345_01.234 C-language source file # 52 503
PSR0345_01.235 C-language source file # 53 23
PSR0345_01.236 C-language source file # 54 1262
PSR0345_01.237 C-language source file # 55 1832
PSR0345_01.238 C-language source file # 56 392
PSR0345_01.239 C-language source file # 57 825
PSR0345_01.240 C-language source file # 58 1304
PSR0345_01.241 C-language source file # 59 954
PSR0345_01.242 C-language source file # 60 4247
PSR0345_01.243 Include file # 1 689
PSR0345_01.244 Include file # 2 33
PSR0345_01.245 Include file # 3 209
PSR0345_01.246 Include file # 4 298
PSR0345_01.247 Include file # 5 2998
PSR0345_01.248 Include file # 6 34
PSR0345_01.249 Include file # 7 66
PSR0345_01.250 Include file # 8 377
PSR0345_01.251 Include file # 9 1
PSR0345_01.252 Include file # 10 100
PSR0345_01.253 Include file # 11 252
PSR0345_01.254 Include file # 12 46
PSR0345_01.255 XVGR Help file 2363
PSR0345_01.256 XVGR man-pages 410
PSR0345_01.257 Notes on the XVGR auxiliary programs 8
PSR0345_01.258 C-language source file # 1 542
PSR0345_01.259 C-language source file # 2 129
PSR0345_01.260 C-language source file # 3 133
PSR0345_01.261 Notes on the contents of directory aux 9
PSR0345_01.262 C-shell script file to run the ACE/gr demos 144
PSR0345_01.263 Executable file for SunSparc 0
PSR0345_01.264 Parameter file # 1 27
PSR0345_01.265 Parameter file # 2 108
PSR0345_01.266 Parameter file # 3 567
PSR0345_01.267 Parameter file # 4 279
PSR0345_01.268 Parameter file # 5 403
PSR0345_01.269 Parameter file # 6 1975
PSR0345_01.270 Parameter file # 7 795
PSR0345_01.271 Parameter file # 8 387
PSR0345_01.272 Parameter file # 9 407
PSR0345_01.273 Parameter file # 10 816
PSR0345_01.274 Parameter file # 11 587
PSR0345_01.275 Parameter file # 12 2334
PSR0345_01.276 Parameter file # 13 644
PSR0345_01.277 Parameter file # 14 670
PSR0345_01.278 Parameter file # 15 538
PSR0345_01.279 Parameter file # 16 427
PSR0345_01.280 Parameter file # 17 929
PSR0345_01.281 Parameter file # 18 967
PSR0345_01.282 Parameter file # 19 335
PSR0345_01.283 Parameter file # 20 473
PSR0345_01.284 Parameter file # 21 257
PSR0345_01.285 Parameter file # 22 1565
PSR0345_01.286 Parameter file # 23 3500
PSR0345_01.287 Parameter file # 24 471
PSR0345_01.288 Parameter file # 25 471
PSR0345_01.289 Parameter file # 26 1918
PSR0345_01.290 Parameter file # 27 11
PSR0345_01.291 Parameter file # 28 16
PSR0345_01.292 Parameter file # 29 215
PSR0345_01.293 Parameter file # 30 598
PSR0345_01.294 Parameter file # 31 14090
PSR0345_01.295 Parameter file # 32 19
PSR0345_01.296 Parameter file # 33 1796
PSR0345_01.297 Parameter file # 34 524
PSR0345_01.298 Parameter file # 35 615
PSR0345_01.299 Parameter file # 36 876
PSR0345_01.300 Parameter file # 37 530
PSR0345_01.301 Parameter file # 38 1122
PSR0345_01.302 Parameter file # 39 1281
PSR0345_01.303 Data file # 1 144
PSR0345_01.304 Data file # 2 2149
PSR0345_01.305 Data file # 3 497
PSR0345_01.306 Data file # 4 140
PSR0345_01.307 Data file # 5 1322
PSR0345_01.308 Data file # 6 1615
PSR0345_01.309 Data file # 7 469
PSR0345_01.310 Data file # 8 317
PSR0345_01.311 Data file # 9 29
PSR0345_01.312 Data file # 10 7342
PSR0345_01.313 Data file # 11 862
PSR0345_01.314 Data file # 12 624
PSR0345_01.315 Data file # 13 162
PSR0345_01.316 C-source file 66
PSR0345_01.317 File # 1 41
PSR0345_01.318 File # 2 2738
PSR0345_01.319 File # 3 9
PSR0345_01.320 File # 4 9
PSR0345_01.321 ACE/gr User's Manual (Postscript file) 0
top ]
  • O. Experimental Data Processing

Keywords: activation analysis, neutron detectors, neutron spectra.