- Donald L. Hagrman and Gregory A. Reymann,
Ed.,Matpro-Version 11 A Handbook of Materials Properties for Use
in the Analysis of Light Water Reactors fuel Rod Behavior,
NUREG/CR-0497 (TREE-1280) Rev. 1, February 1980.
- M.P. Bohn,
FRACAS--A Subcode for the Analysis of Fuel Pellet-Cladding
Mechanical Interaction,
TREE-NUREG-1029, April 1977.
- FRAPCON2/V1M4, NESC No. 694.C176, FRAPCON2/V1M4 Tape Description
and Implementation Information,
National Energy Software Center Note 88-28, December 21, 1987.
NESC0694/05, included references:
- G.A. Berna and al.:
FRAPCON-2: A Computer Code for the Calculation of Steady State
Thermal-Mechanical Behavior of Oxide Fuel Rods.
NUREG/CR-1845 R3 (January 1981).
- G.A. Berna, D.D. Lanning and W.N. Rausch:
FRAPCON-2 Developmental Assessment. NUREG/CR-1949 (July 1981).
- D.L. Hagrman, G.A. Reymann and R.E. Mason:
MATPRO - Version 11(Rev. 1): A Handbook of Materials Properties
for Use in the Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod Behavior.
NUREG/CR-0497 (Feb. 1980).
NESC0694/08, included references:
- G.A. Berna et al.:
FRAPCON-2 "A Computer Code for the Calculation of Steady State
Thermal-Mechanical Behavior of Oxide Fuel Rods"
NUREG/CR-1845 (January 1981).
- Donald L. Hagrman et Al.:
MATPRO-Version 11 (Revision 1) - A Handbook of Materials
Properties for use in the Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod
NUREG/CR-0497 TREE-1280 (Rev. 1) , (February 1980).
- G.A. Berna et al.:
FRAPCON-2 - Developmental Assement
NUREG/CR-1949 (July 1981).
- P. Johnson:
FRAPCON2/V1M4 Tape Description and Implementation Information
NESC Note 88-28 (December 31, 1987).
- W.N. Rausch and D.D. Lanning:
FRAPCON-2 Changes in Order to Create FRAPCON-2/V1M4
Battelle Memorandum (February 7, 1983).
NESC0694/09, included references:
- G.A. Berna and al.:
FRAPCON-2: A Computer Code for the Calculation of Steady State
Thermal-Mechanical Behavior of Oxide Fuel Rods.
NUREG/CR-1845 R3 (January 1981).
- G.A. Berna, D.D. Lanning and W.N. Rausch:
FRAPCON-2 Developmental Assessment. NUREG/CR-1949 (July 1981).
- D.L. Hagrman, G.A. Reymann and R.E. Mason:
MATPRO - Version 11(Rev. 1): A Handbook of Materials Properties
for Use in the Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod Behavior.
NUREG/CR-0497 (Feb. 1980).