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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
DECAYHEAT.MT | NEA-1893/01 | Arrived | 10-JUN-2016 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
NEA-1893/01 | Many Computers |
DecayHeat.MT calculates the decay heat from radioactive isotopes as time passes. Time intervals are 5; 0.1 sec for 0 to 1 sec, 1sec for 1 to 1000 sec, 10 sec for 1000 to 10000 sec, 100 sec for 10000 to sec and 1000 for 100000 to 1000000 sec. As the output, this program shows that multiplication of time and decay heat of alpha, beta, gamma, neutrino and total. In other words, α decay heat t*a(t), β beta decay heat t*b(t), γ decay heat t*g(t), energy carried by neutrino t*n(t) and total decay heat t*total are reported for each time bins. Note that energy emitted by neutrino is not included in total, i.e. total = a(t) + b(t) + g(t).
Decay Heat and Nuclear Data, Nuclear Reactors, A. Mesquita (ED), A. Algora and J. L. Tain (2012)
Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File: A Manual for Preparing of Data Sets, J.K. Tuli, BNL-NCS-51655-01/02-Rev
ENDF/B-VII.1 Nuclear Data for Science and Technology: Cross Section, Covariances, Fission Product Yields and Decay Data, M.B. Chadwick et al., Nuclear Data Sheets 112, 2887 (2011).
Keywords: Monte Carlo method, decay heat, radioactive isotopes.