Background references:
/2/ N.M. Greene, W.E. Ford III, L.M. Petrie, J.W. Arwood, AMPX-77: A Modular
Code System for Generating Coupled Multigroup Neutron-Gamma Cross-Section
Libraries from ENDF/B-IV and/or ENDF/B-V, Oak Ridge, ORNL Report
ORNL/CSD/TM-283, October 1992.
/3/ The JEFF-3.1.1 Nuclear Data Library, JEFF Report 22, OECD-NEA Data Bank,
/4/ A.J. Koning, E. Bauge, C.J. Dean, E. Dupont, U. Fischer, R.A. Forrest,
R. Jacqmin, H. Leeb, M.A. Kellet, R.W. Mills, C. Nordborg, M. Pescarini,
Y. Rugama, P. Rullhusen, Status of the JEFF Nuclear Data Library,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science
and Technology (ND-2010), Jeju Island, Korea, April 26-30, 2010.
/5/ The JEFF-3.1 Nuclear Data Library, JEFF Report 21, OECD-NEA Data Bank,
/6/ R.E. MacFarlane, NJOY-99, "README0", ORNL, RSIC Peripheral Shielding
Routine Collection PSR-0480/02, December 31, 1999.
/7/ V. Sinitsa, M. Pescarini, ENEA-Bologna 2007 Revision of the SCAMPI (ORNL)
Nuclear Data Processing System, ENEA-Bologna Internal Technical Report
FPN-P9H6-006, September 13, 2007.
/8/ SCAMPI: Collection of Codes for Manipulating Multigroup Cross Section
Libraries in AMPX Format, ORNL, RSIC Peripheral Shielding Routine
Collection PSR-0352/05, September 1995.
/9/ J.E. White, D.T. Ingersoll, R.Q. Wright, H.T. Hunter, C.O. Slater,
N.M. Greene, R.E. MacFarlane, R.W. Roussin, Production and Testing of the
Revised VITAMIN-B6 Fine-Group and the BUGLE-96 Broad-Group Neutron/Photon
Cross-Section Libraries Derived from ENDF/B-VI.3 Nuclear Data, Oak Ridge,
ORNL Report ORNL-6795/R1, NUREG/CR-6214, Revision 1, January 1995.
/10/ I.I. Bondarenko, M.N. Nikolaev, L.P. Abagyan, N.O. Bazaziants, Group
Constants for Nuclear Reactors Calculations, Consultants Bureau,
New York, 1964.
/11/ M. Pescarini, R. Orsi, T. Martinelli, A.I. Blokhin and V. Sinitsa,
VITJEF22.BOLIB - A JEF-2.2 Multi-Group Coupled (199 n + 42 gamma)
Cross Section Library in AMPX Format for Nuclear Fission Applications,
ENEA-Bologna Technical Report FIS-P815-001, April 16, 2003.
/12/ M. Pescarini, V. Sinitsa, R. Orsi, M. Frisoni, BUGJEFF311.BOLIB A
JEFF-3.1.1 Broad-Group Coupled (47 n + 20 gamma) Cross Section Library
in FIDO-ANISN Format for LWR Shielding and Pressure Vessel Dosimetry
Applications, ENEA-Bologna Technical Report UTFISSM-P9H6-002, May 12,
NEA-1869/02, included references:
Included in distribution package:
/1/ M. Pescarini, V. Sinitsa, R. Orsi, VITJEFF311.BOLIB - A JEFF-3.1.1
Multi-Group Coupled (199 n + 42 gamma) Cross Section Library in AMPX
Format for Nuclear Fission Applications, ENEA-Bologna Technical Report
UTFISSM-P9H6-003 rev.1, March 14, 2013.