FORMAT: MATXS, 144 nuclides processed with NJOY99.245
NUMBER OF GROUPS: 150 neutron-, 12 photon-groups
144 NUCLIDES: H-1, H-2, He-3, He-4, Li-6, Li-7, Be-9, B-10, B-11, C-nat, N-14 , N-15 , O-16 , F-19 , Na-23, Mg-24, Mg-25, Mg-26, Al-27, Si-28, Si-29, Si-30, P-31 , Cl-35, Cl-37, Ar-40, K-39 , K-40 , K-41 , Ca-40, Ca-42, Ca-43, Ca-44, Ca-46, Ca-48, Ti-46, Ti-47, Ti-48, Ti-49, Ti-50, V-nat, Cr-50, Cr-52, Cr-53, Cr-54, Mn-55, Fe-54, Fe-56, Fe-57, Fe-58, Co-59, Ni-58, Ni-60, Ni-61, Ni-62, Ni-64, Cu-63, Cu-65, Ga-69, Ga-71, Y-89, Zr-90, Zr-91, Zr-92, Zr-93, Zr-94, Zr-95, Zr-96, Nb-93, Mo-92, Mo-94, Mo-95, Mo-96, Mo-97, Mo-98, Mo-99, Mo-100, Ag-107, Ag-109, Cd-106, Cd-108, Cd-110, Cd-111, Cd-112, Cd-113, Cd-114, Cd-115m, Cd-116, Sn-112, Sn-113, Sn-114, Sn-115, Sn-116, Sn-117, Sn-118, Sn-119, Sn-120, Sn-122, Sn-123, Sn-124, Sn-125, Sn-126, Eu-151, Eu-153, Gd-152, Gd-154, Gd-155, Gd-156, Gd-157, Gd-158, Gd-160, W-182, W-183, W-184, W-186, Re-185, Re-187, Au-197, Pb-206, Pb-207, Pb-208, Bi-209, Th-232, Pa-233, U-233, U-234, U-235, U-236, U-238, Np-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240, Pu-241, Pu-242, Am-241, Am-242, Am-242m, Am-243, Cm-242, Cm-243, Cm-244, Cm-245, Cm-246
WEIGHTING SPECTRUM: 300, 600, 900, 1200 k
The ZZ-KAFAX-E70 is a MATXS-format, 150-group neutron and 12-group photon cross section library for fast reactors based on ENDF/B-VII.0. This library was originally generated for the KALIMER (Korea Advanced LIquid MEtal Reactor) core analyses. It includes 144 nuclide data processed with the NJOY99.245 code patched with NEA020. The library can be used to generate the problem-dependent group constants for neutron and/or photon transport calculations through the DANTSYS, DOORS, or PARTISN code systems.