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MMRW-BOOKS | NEA-1792/01 | Arrived | 06-SEP-2007 |
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Prof. M.M..R Williams has now released three of his legacy books for free distribution:
I- M. M. R. Williams: The Slowing Down and Thermalization of Neutrons, North-Holland Publishing Company - Amsterdam, 582 pages, 1966
PART I: The Thermal Energy Region
1-Introduction and Historical Review
2-The Scattering Kernel
3-Neutron Thermalization in an Infinite Homogeneous Medium
4-Neutron Thermalization in Finite Media
5-The Spatial Dependence of the Energy Spectrum
6-Reactor Cell Calculations
7-Synthetic Scattering Kernels
PART II: The Slowing Down Region
8-Scattering Kernels in the Slowing Down Region
9-Neutron Slowing Down in an Infinite Homogeneous Medium
10-Neutron Slowing Down and Diffusion
II- M. M. R. Williams: Mathematical Methods in Particle Transport Theory, Butterworths, London, 430 pages, 1971
1-The General Problem of Particle Transport
2-The Boltzmann Equation for Gas Atoms and Neutrons
3-Boundary Conditions
4-Scattering Kernels
5-Some Basic Problems in Neutron Transport and Rarefied Gas Dynamics
6-The Integral Form of the Transport Equation in Plane, Spherical and Cylindrical Geometries
7-Exact Solutions of Model Problems
8-Eigenvalue Problems in Transport Theory
9-Collision Probability Methods
10-Variational Methods
11-Polynomial Approximations
III- M. M. R. Williams: Random Processes in Nuclear Reactors, Pergamon Press Oxford New York Toronto Sydney, 243 pages, 1974
1-Historical Survey and General Discussion
2-Introductory Mathematical Treatment
3-Applications of the General Theory
4-Practical Applications of the Probability Distribution
5-The Langevin Technique
6-Point Model Power Reactor Noise
7-The Spatial Variation of Reactor Noise
8-Random Phenomena in Heterogeneous Reactor Systems
9-Associated Fluctuation Problems
Appendix: Noise Equivalent Sources
Note to the user: Prof. M.M.R Williams owns the copyright of these books and he authorises the OECD/NEA Data Bank to distribute them in PDF format at no cost to requesters, in particular to students.
This book shall neither be further copied nor sold.
Keywords: legacy, particle transport, reactor noise, slowing-down, thermalization.