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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
3D-TRANS-2003 | NEA-1732/02 | Tested | 14-DEC-2004 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
NEA-1732/02 | Many Computers | Many Computers |
Contents proceedings of Workshop on Common Tools and Interfaces for Deterministic Radiation Transport, for Monte Carlo and Hybrid Codes with a proposal to develop the following:
GERALD - A General Environment for Radiation Analysis and Design
GERALD intends to create a unifying software environment where the user can define, solve and analyse a nuclear radiation transport problem using available numerical tools seamlessly. This environment will serve many purposes: teaching, research, industrial needs. It will also help to preserve the existing analytical and numerical knowledge base. This could represent a significant step towards solving the legacy problem. This activity should contribute to attracting young engineers to nuclear science and engineering and contribute to competence and knowledge preservation and management. This proposal was made at the on Workshop on "Common Tools and Interfaces for Deterministic Radiation Transport, for Monte Carlo and Hybrid Codes", held from 25-26 September 2003 in connection with the conference SNA-2003. A first success with the development of such tools was achieved with the BOT3P2.0 and 3.0 codes providing an easy procedure and mechanism for defining and displaying 3D geometries and materials both in the form of refineable meshes for deterministic codes or Monte Carlo geometries consistent with deterministic models.
Advanced SUSD - Improved tools for Sensitivity/Uncertainty Analysis
The development of tools for the analysis and estimation of sensitivities and uncertainties in calculations, or their propagation through complex computational schemes, in the field of neutronics, thermal hydraulics and also thermo-mechanics is of increasing importance for research and engineering applications. These tools allow establishing better margins for engineering designs and for the safe operation of nuclear facilities. Such tools are not sufficiently developed, but their need is increasingly evident in many activities.
NEA-1678: BOT3P4.1, 3D Mesh Generator and Graphical Display of Geometry for Radiation Transport Codes, Display of Results
CCC-0650: DOORS, Discrete-Ordinates System for Deep-Penetration Neutron and Gamma Transport
NEA-1708: ADEFTA 1.0, Atomic Densities for Transport Analysis
CCC-0547: TWODANT-SYS, DANTSYS3.0, 1-D, 2-D MultiGroup Discrete Ordinate Method Transport
Keywords: Monte Carlo method, deterministic radiation transport, hybrid codes, interfaces, post-processors, pre-processors.