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M. Reginatto, P. Goldhagen. and S. Neumann, "Spectrum unfolding, sensitivity analysis and propagation of uncertainties with the maximum entropy deconvolution code MAXED", Nucl. Instr and Meth. A 476,242 (2002).
J. Skilling, "Classic maximum entropy", in: Maximum entropy and Bayesian methods, ed. J. Skilling (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1989).
M. Matzke, "Unfolding of Pulse Height Spectra: The HEPRO Program System", Report PTB-N-19, October 1994.
NEA-1665/03, included references:
- Marcel Reginatto:
The "multi-channel" unfolding programs in the UMG package:
MXD_MC33, GRV_MC33 and IQU_MC33
(UMG package, version 3.3 - release date: March 1, 2004)
- Marcel Reginatto:
The "few-channel" unfolding programs in the UMG package:
MXD_FC33, GRV_FC33 and IQU_FC33
(UMG package, version 3.3 - release date: March 1, 2004)
- Manual for the Program UMGPlot