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ZZ ORIGEN2.2-UPJ, A complete package of ORIGEN2 libraries based on JENDL-3.2 and JENDL-3.3

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To submit a request, click below on the link of the version you wish to order. Rules for end-users are available here.

Program name Package id Status Status date
ZZ-ORLIBJ32 1.0 NEA-1642/01 Arrived 28-APR-2001
ZZ-ORLIBJ32 1.1 NEA-1642/02 Arrived 01-AUG-2001
ZZ-ORLIBJ32 1.3 NEA-1642/03 Tested 19-FEB-2002
ZZ-ORIGEN2.2-UPJ NEA-1642/04 Arrived 14-JUN-2006

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
NEA-1642/01 SUN W.S.,DEC ALPHA W.S.,Linux-based PC
NEA-1642/02 SUN W.S.,DEC ALPHA W.S.,Linux-based PC
NEA-1642/03 SUN W.S. SUN SPARC,PC Pentium
NEA-1642/04 Linux-based PC,SUN
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ORLIBJ32 is a package of the libraries for ORIGEN2 code based on JENDL-3.2(NEA-1642). The one grouped cross section data for PWR and BWR were compiled using the burnup calculation results by SWAT code. The FBR libraries were compiled by the analysis system used at JNC for FBR core calculation. The fission yield and decay constants data were also updated using the second version of the JNDC FP library.
In ORLIBJ32, not only one-grouped cross section data but also variable actinide cross section data are prepared, using a code written in FORTRAN77. The routines should be linked to the original ORIGEN2.1 program.
The LWR Libraries are prepared based on the current PWR fuel assembly specification, and the FBR libraries are based on the request by the Japanese FBR researchers. Before compiling the libraries, the specification of fuel assembly was completely reviewed and evaluated by the members of Working Group in the Japanese Nuclear Data Committee, "working group on the evaluation of the amount of isotope generation".
ORLIBJ33 is a new libraries based on JENDL-3.3 following the release of JENDL-3.3. The parameters used to prepare the library are the same as those of ORLIBJ32. The original version or ORLIBJ33 is coupled with ORIGEN2.1. But after the release of ORIGEN2.2 from ORNL as CCC-0371 through RSICC, several requests for a combination with ORLIBJ33 and ORIGEN2.2 were received.
During the development of ORLIBJ33, released as NEA-1642, authors found a problem in the library maker for FBR libraries, and consequently it was revised and tested in JNC-Oarai.
ZZ-ORIGEN2.2-UPJ contains;
- updated source code of ORIGEN2.2 of CCC-0371 to use ORLIBJ32 and ORLIBJ33,
- all original libraries in CCC-0371,
- ORLIBJ32 in NEA-164/03 (but libraries for FBR are revised),
- and ORLIBJ33.
Decay data based on the second version of the JNDC FP library, and photon and decay data libraries based on JENDL-3.3 are also included.
The following tables show lists of libraries in the ORLIBJ32 and ORLIBJ33. NLB and NLIB number for FBR is commonly used in ORLIBJ32 and ORLIBJ33. The preprocessor definition should be changed their selection before compiling the program.
= List of Libraries in ORLIBJ32 =
  Library   |                  Fuels                 |    NLB    |NLIB(12)
            |                                        | S   A   F |
PWR34J32.LIB| PWR 17*17  U5 3.4% UO2 < 60 GWd/TIHM   |700 701 702| 43
PWR41J32.LIB| PWR 17*17  U5 4.1% UO2 < 60 GWd/TIHM   |703 704 705| 44
PWR47J32.LIB| PWR 17*17  U5 4.7% UO2 < 60 GWd/TIHM   |706 707 708| 45
BS100J32.LIB| BWR STEP-1 VR=0   UO2  < 40 GWd/TIHM   |709 710 711| 46
BS140J32.LIB| BWR STEP-1 VR=40  UO2  < 40 GWd/TIHM   |712 713 714| 47
BS170J32.LIB| BWR STEP-1 VR=70  UO2  < 40 GWd/TIHM   |715 716 717| 48
BS200J32.LIB| BWR STEP-2 VR=0   UO2  < 50 GWd/TIHM   |718 719 720| 49
BS240J32.LIB| BWR STEP-2 VR=40  UO2  < 50 GWd/TIHM   |721 722 723| 50
BS270J32.LIB| BWR STEP-2 VR=70  UO2  < 50 GWd/TIHM   |724 725 726| 51
BS300J32.LIB| BWR STEP-3 VR=0   UO2  < 60 GWd/TIHM   |727 728 729| 52
BS340J32.LIB| BWR STEP-3 VR=40  UO2  < 60 GWd/TIHM   |730 731 732| 53
BS370J32.LIB| BWR STEP-3 VR=70  UO2  < 60 GWd/TIHM   |733 734 735| 54
JOYOM1CO.LIB|JOYO MK-1 CORE (MOX)                    |800 801 802| 55
JOYOM1AX.LIB|JOYO MK-1 AXIAL  BLANKET                |803 804 805| 56
JOYOM1RD.LIB|JOYO MK-1 RADIAL BLANKET                |806 807 808| 57
MONJMXIC.LIB|MONJU INNER CORE (MOX)                  |809 810 811| 58
MONJMXOC.LIB|MONJU OUTER CORE (MOX)                  |812 813 814| 59
MONJMXAX.LIB|MONJU AXIAL  BLANKET                    |815 816 817| 60
MONXMXRD.LIB|MONJU RADIAL BLANKET                    |818 819 820| 61
600MMXIC.LIB|600MW FBR INNER CORE (MOX)              |821 822 823| 62
600MMXOC.LIB|600MW FBR OUTER CORE (MOX)              |824 825 826| 63
600MMXAX.LIB|600MW FBR AXIAL  BLANKET                |827 828 829| 64
600MMXRD.LIB|600MW FBR RADIAL BLANKET                |830 831 832| 65
600MMTIC.LIB|600MW FBR INNER CORE (METAL)            |833 834 835| 66
600MMTOC.LIB|600MW FBR OUTER CORE (METAL)            |836 837 838| 67
600MMTAX.LIB|600MW FBR AXIAL  BLANKET                |839 840 841| 68
600MMTRD.LIB|600MW FBR RADIAL BLANKET                |842 843 844| 69
600MNIIC.LIB|600MW FBR INNER CORE (NITRIDE)          |845 846 847| 70
600MNIOC.LIB|600MW FBR OUTER CORE (NITRIDE)          |848 849 850| 71
600MNIAX.LIB|600MW FBR AXIAL  BLANKET                |851 852 853| 72
600MNIRD.LIB|600MW FBR RADIAL BLANKET                |854 855 856| 73
600MRPIC.LIB|600MW FBR INNER CORE (RECYCLE PU MOX)   |857 858 859| 74
600MRPOC.LIB|600MW FBR OUTER CORE (RECYCLE PU MOX)   |860 861 862| 75
600MRPAX.LIB|600MW FBR AXIAL  BLANKET                |863 864 865| 76
600MRPRD.LIB|600MW FBR RADIAL BLANKET                |866 867 868| 77
1300MXIC.LIB|1300MW FBR INNER CORE (MOX)             |869 870 871| 78
1300MXOC.LIB|1300MW FBR OUTER CORE (MOX)             |872 873 874| 79
1300MXAX.LIB|1300MW FBR AXIAL  BLANKET               |875 876 877| 80
PUBRMXIC.LIB|PU BURNER INNER CORE  (MOX)             |878 879 880| 81
PUBRMXOC.LIB|PU BURNER OUTER CORE  (MOX)             |881 882 883| 82
BS2M040S.LIB|BWR STEP-2 MOX Pu: 4% STD VR= 0 <50GWd/t|900 901 902| 83
BS2M044L.LIB|BWR STEP-2 MOX Pu: 4% LOW VR=40 <50GWd/t|903 904 905| 84
BS2M044S.LIB|BWR STEP-2 MOX Pu: 4% STD VR=40 <50GWd/t|906 907 908| 85
BS2M044H.LIB|BWR STEP-2 MOX Pu: 4% HG  VR=40 <50GWd/t|909 910 911| 86
BS2M047S.LIB|BWR STEP-2 MOX Pu: 4% STD VR=70 <50GWd/t|912 913 914| 87
BS2M084S.LIB|BWR STEP-2 MOX Pu: 8% STD VR=40 <50GWd/t|915 916 917| 88
BS2M134S.LIB|BWR STEP-2 MOX Pu:13% STD VR=40 <50GWd/t|918 919 920| 89
PWRM0113.LIB|PWR 17*17:Pu Vector 1 :Pu enrichment 13%|921 922 923| 90
PWRM0205.LIB|PWR 17*17:Pu Vector 2 :Pu enrichment  5%|924 925 926| 91
PWRM0210.LIB|PWR 17*17:Pu Vector 2 :Pu enrichment 10%|927 928 929| 92
PWRM0213.LIB|PWR 17*17:Pu Vector 2 :Pu enrichment 13%|930 931 932| 93
PWRM0305.LIB|PWR 17*17:Pu Vector 3 :Pu enrichment  5%|933 934 935| 94
S: Structure and Light Nuclide, and Activation products
A: Actinides
F: Fission products  
= List of Libraries in ORLIBJ33 =
    Library        |                  Fuels                 |    NLB    |
                   |                                        | S   A   F |
  JOYOM1CO_J33.LIB |JOYO MK-1 CORE (MOX)                    |800 801 802|
  JOYOM1AX_J33.LIB |JOYO MK-1 AXIAL  BLANKET                |803 804 805|
  JOYOM1RD_J33.LIB |JOYO MK-1 RADIAL BLANKET                |806 807 808|
  MONJMXIC_J33.LIB |MONJU INNER CORE (MOX)                  |809 810 811|
  MONJMXOC_J33.LIB |MONJU OUTER CORE (MOX)                  |812 813 814|
  MONJMXAX_J33.LIB |MONJU AXIAL  BLANKET                    |815 816 817|
  MONXMXRD_J33.LIB |MONJU RADIAL BLANKET                    |818 819 820|
  600MMXIC_J33.LIB |600MW FBR INNER CORE (MOX)              |821 822 823|
  600MMXOC_J33.LIB |600MW FBR OUTER CORE (MOX)              |824 825 826|
  600MMXAX_J33.LIB |600MW FBR AXIAL  BLANKET                |827 828 829|
  600MMXRD_J33.LIB |600MW FBR RADIAL BLANKET                |830 831 832|
  600MMTIC_J33.LIB |600MW FBR INNER CORE (METAL)            |833 834 835|
  600MMTOC_J33.LIB |600MW FBR OUTER CORE (METAL)            |836 837 838|
  600MMTAX_J33.LIB |600MW FBR AXIAL  BLANKET                |839 840 841|
  600MMTRD_J33.LIB |600MW FBR RADIAL BLANKET                |842 843 844|
  600MNIIC_J33.LIB |600MW FBR INNER CORE (NITRIDE)          |845 846 847|
  600MNIOC_J33.LIB |600MW FBR OUTER CORE (NITRIDE)          |848 849 850|
  600MNIAX_J33.LIB |600MW FBR AXIAL  BLANKET                |851 852 853|
  600MNIRD_J33.LIB |600MW FBR RADIAL BLANKET                |854 855 856|
  600MRPIC_J33.LIB |600MW FBR INNER CORE (RECYCLE PU MOX)   |857 858 859|
  600MRPOC_J33.LIB |600MW FBR OUTER CORE (RECYCLE PU MOX)   |860 861 862|
  600MRPAX_J33.LIB |600MW FBR AXIAL  BLANKET                |863 864 865|
  600MRPRD_J33.LIB |600MW FBR RADIAL BLANKET                |866 867 868|
  1300MXIC_J33.LIB |1300MW FBR INNER CORE (MOX)             |869 870 871|
  1300MXOC_J33.LIB |1300MW FBR OUTER CORE (MOX)             |872 873 874|
  1300MXAX_J33.LIB |1300MW FBR AXIAL  BLANKET               |875 876 877|
  PUBRMXIC_J33.LIB |PU BURNER INNER CORE  (MOX)             |878 879 880|
  PUBRMXOC_J33.LIB |PU BURNER OUTER CORE  (MOX)             |881 882 883|
  PWR34J33.LIB     | PWR 17*17  U5 3.4% UO2 < 60 GWd/TIHM   |750 751 752|
  PWR41J33.LIB     | PWR 17*17  U5 4.1% UO2 < 60 GWd/TIHM   |753 754 755|
  PWR47J33.LIB     | PWR 17*17  U5 4.7% UO2 < 60 GWd/TIHM   |756 757 758|
  BS100J33.LIB     | BWR STEP-1 VR=0   UO2  < 40 GWd/TIHM   |759 760 761|
  BS140J33.LIB     | BWR STEP-1 VR=40  UO2  < 40 GWd/TIHM   |762 763 764|
  BS170J33.LIB     | BWR STEP-1 VR=70  UO2  < 40 GWd/TIHM   |765 766 767|
  BS200J33.LIB     | BWR STEP-2 VR=0   UO2  < 50 GWd/TIHM   |768 769 770|
  BS240J33.LIB     | BWR STEP-2 VR=40  UO2  < 50 GWd/TIHM   |771 772 773|
  BS270J33.LIB     | BWR STEP-2 VR=70  UO2  < 50 GWd/TIHM   |774 775 776|
  BS300J33.LIB     | BWR STEP-3 VR=0   UO2  < 60 GWd/TIHM   |777 778 779|
  BS340J33.LIB     | BWR STEP-3 VR=40  UO2  < 60 GWd/TIHM   |780 781 782|
  BS370J33.LIB     | BWR STEP-3 VR=70  UO2  < 60 GWd/TIHM   |783 784 785|
  BS2M040SJ33.LIB  |BWR STEP-2 MOX Pu: 4% STD VR= 0 <50GWd/t|950 951 952|
  BS2M044LJ33.LIB  |BWR STEP-2 MOX Pu: 4% LOW VR=40 <50GWd/t|953 954 955|
  BS2M044SJ33.LIB  |BWR STEP-2 MOX Pu: 4% STD VR=40 <50GWd/t|956 957 958|
  BS2M044HJ33.LIB  |BWR STEP-2 MOX Pu: 4% HG  VR=40 <50GWd/t|959 960 961|
  BS2M047SJ33.LIB  |BWR STEP-2 MOX Pu: 4% STD VR=70 <50GWd/t|962 963 964|
  BS2M084SJ33.LIB  |BWR STEP-2 MOX Pu: 8% STD VR=40 <50GWd/t|965 966 967|
  BS2M134SJ33.LIB  |BWR STEP-2 MOX Pu:13% STD VR=40 <50GWd/t|968 969 970|
  PWRM0113J33.LIB  |PWR 17*17:Pu Vector 1 :Pu enrichment 13%|971 972 973|
  PWRM0205J33.LIB  |PWR 17*17:Pu Vector 2 :Pu enrichment  5%|974 975 976|
  PWRM0210J33.LIB  |PWR 17*17:Pu Vector 2 :Pu enrichment 10%|977 978 979|
  PWRM0213J33.LIB  |PWR 17*17:Pu Vector 2 :Pu enrichment 13%|980 981 982|
  PWRM0305J33.LIB  |PWR 17*17:Pu Vector 3 :Pu enrichment  5%|983 984 985|
   S: Structure and Light Nuclide, and Activation products
   A: Actinides
   F: Fission products
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5. RESTRICTIONS ON THE COMPLEXITY OF THE PROBLEM:  Same as original cross section library in ORIGEN2/CCC-371.
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In ZZ-ORIGEN2.2-UPJ, approximately 100 sample cases will be executed when the program is installed. It takes approximately 60 seconds to finish all problems on HP rp2600-2 PC server (equipped Itanium2 1.4 GHz *2; 8Gbyte Memory; no parallel) with Intel Compiler under Red Hat Linux Advanced Server release 2.1AS (Derry).
top ]
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Source files and libraries in CCC-0371 (ORIGEN2.2) are archived with an update to the subroutine "MAIN2" to make paths to variable actinide cross section routines for demonstrating the ability of ORILIBJ32 and ORLIBJ33. Users can obtain "all" libraries and source programs related to the ORIGEN2 through this package. A small installer and control script of the program are also included.
"FLUXO" subroutine was slightly updated to fix a bug. The bug is related to how
to compensate the missing fission yield from isotopes which has no fission yield
data in the library.
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Package ID Status date Status
NEA-1642/01 28-APR-2001 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1642/02 01-AUG-2001 Masterfiled Arrived
NEA-1642/03 19-FEB-2002 Tested at NEADB
NEA-1642/04 14-JUN-2006 Masterfiled Arrived
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** For ORLIBJ32 and ORLIBJ33 **
- K.Suyama et al.:
"Development of the Libraries for ORIGEN2 Code based on JENDL-3.2", Proc. Of 1997 Symposium on Nuclear Data, pp9-14,JAERI-Conf 98-003(1998).
** For original Package of ORIGEN2.2 CCC-0371 **
- S. B. Ludwig, J. P. Renier:
"Standard- and Extended-Burnup PWR and BWR Reactor Models for the ORIGEN2 Computer Code," ORNL/TM-11018 (December 1989)
- A.G. Croff:
ORIGEN2 Code Package CCC-371, Informal Notes (Oct. 1981)
- A.G. Croff:
A User' Manual for the ORIGEN2 Computer Code
ORNL/TM-7175 (July 1980)
- A.G. Croff:
ORIGEN2: A Versatile Computer Code for Calculating the Nuclide Compositions and Characteristics of Nuclear Materials
Nuclear Technology, 62, 335-352 (Sept. 1983)
- Scott Ludwig:
Correction to Nuclear Technology (Sept. 1983) article
- S. Ludwig:
ORIGEN2, Version 2.1 (August 1, 1991) Release Notes (revised May 1999)
- S. Ludwig:
Revision to ORIGEN2 - Version 2.2, Transmittal memo (May 23, 2002)
NEA-1642/01, included references:
- K. Suyama et al.:
ORIGEN2 Libraries based on JENDL-3.2 for LWR-MOX Fuels
JAERI-Data/Code 2000-036 (September 2000)
- K. Suyama et al.:
Libraries based on JENDL-3.2 for ORIGEN2 code: ORLIBJ32
JAERI-Data/Coe 99-003
- K. Suyama et al.:
ORLIBJ32: The Set of New Librarires of ORIGEN2 code based on JENDL-3.2
NEA-1642/02, included references:
- K. Suyama et al.:
ORIGEN2 Libraries based on JENDL-3.2 for LWR-MOX Fuels
JAERI-Data/Code 2000-036 (September 2000)
- K. Suyama et al.:
Libraries based on JENDL-3.2 for ORIGEN2 code: ORLIBJ32
JAERI-Data/Coe 99-003
- K. Suyama et al.:
ORLIBJ32: The Set of New Librarires of ORIGEN2 code based on JENDL-3.2
Physor 2000/038
NEA-1642/03, included references:
- K. Suyama, M. Onoue, H. Matsumoto, A.Sasahara, J.Katakura
ORIGEN2 Libraries based on JENDL-3.2 for LWR-MOX Fuels
JAERI-Data/Code 2000-036 (September 21, 2000)
- K. Suyama, J. Katakura, Y. Okhawach, M. Ishikawa
Libraries based on JENDL-3.2 for ORIGEN2 code: ORLIBJ32
JAERI-Data/Code 99-003 (January 8, 1999)
- K. Suyama, and J. Katakura
ORLIBJ32: The Set of New Librarires of ORIGEN2 code based on JENDL-3.2
Physor 2000/038
- Y. Okhawachi, M. Fukushima
Development of the Tool for Generating ORIGEN2 Library Based on
JENDL-3.2 for FBR
JNC TN9400 99-051 (May 1998)
NEA-1642/04, included references:
** For ORLIBJ32 and ORLIBJ33 **

- Y. Ohkawachi and M. Fukushima:
"Development of the Tool for Generating ORIGEN2 Library Based on JENDL-3.2
for FBR"
JNC TN9400 99-051(1999)(in Japanese)
- K.Suyama et al.:
"Libraries Based on JENDL-3.2 for ORIGEN2 code : ORLIBJ32"
JAERI-Data/Code 99-003 (1999) (in Japanese)
- K.Suyama et al.:
"ORIGEN2 Libraries Based on JENDL-3.2 for LWR-MOX Fuels"
JAERI-Data/Code 2000-036(2000) (in Japanese).
- K.Suyama et al.:
"ORLIBJ32: The Set of New Libraries of ORIGEN2 Code Based on JENDL-3.2"
In proc. Of the 2000 ANS International Topical Meeting on Advances in
Reactor Physics and Mathematics and Computation into the Next Millennium
Included in CD-ROM ( ISBN 0-89448-655-1 : ANS Order No. 2700281 )
May 7-11 2000, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- J. Katakura et al.:
"A Set of ORIGEN2 Cross Section Libraries Based on JENDL-3.3 Library:
JAERI-Data/Code 2004-015, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (2004) (in
- J. Katakura et al.:
"Photon and Decay Data Libraries for ORIGEN2 Code Based on JENDL FP Decay
Data File 2000"
JAERI-Data/Code 2002-021, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (2002)
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Tar archive of this package is about 315 M Byte including sample outputs from several systems. More than 400 Mbytes may be required to install and run sample problems.
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Package ID Computer language
NEA-1642/01 FORTRAN-77
NEA-1642/02 FORTRAN-77
NEA-1642/04 FORTRAN-77
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The author ran the program with the following compilers:
Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 FORTRAN 77 5.3 2001/05/15
Intel Fortran 8.1
Fujitsu Fortran Compiler 5
PGI compiler ( pgf77 6.0-4 )
GNU Fortran compiler ( g77 0.5.26 )
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(Alphabetical Order)
- Makoto ISHIKAWA (for ORLIBJ32)
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC)*
- Tomoyuki JIN (for ORLIBJ33)
NESI corporation
- Jun-ich KATAKURA (for ORLIBJ32 and ORLIBJ33 and Photon and decay library based on JENDL Decay data 2000)
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)*
- Masaharu KATAOKA (for ORLIBJ33)
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JNC)*
- Hideki MATSUMOTO (for ORLIBJ32)
Mitsubish Heavy Industries, LTD (MHI),
- Yasushi OHKAWACHI (for ORLIBJ32)
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC)*
- Shigeo OHKI (for ORLIBJ33)
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute(JNC)*
- Akira ONOUE (for ORLIBJ32)
Mitsubish Heavy Industries, LTD(MHI),
Yokohama-shi, Japan
- Akihiro SASAHARA (for ORLIBJ32)
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI),
- Kenya SUYAMA (for ORLIBJ32, ORLIBJ33 and packaging)
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)*
- Hiroshi YANAGISAWA (for Photon and decay data library based on JENDL Decay data 2000)
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)*

* From October 2005, JAERI and JNC were merged and a new institute
"Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)" was established.
Staff from JAERI and JNC have the same new affiliation "JAEA".
top ]
/libs/ Data libraries
/src/ Makefile and source programs
/tools/ Programs for comparison of calculation results
/sample-*/ Sample problems
documentation in PDF format

/libs/ Data libraries
/src/ Makefile and source programs
/tools/ Programs for comparison of calculation results
/sample-*/ Sample problems
documentation in PDF format

/libs/ Data libraries
/src/ Makefile and source programs
/tools/ Programs for comparison of calculation results
/sample-*/ Sample problems
documentation in PDF format

/bin/      script
/code/     source files and makefiles for different platforms
/inputs/   input files (BWR, CANDU, LMFBR, PWR)
/libs/     Data libraries
/orlibj32-reports/JNC-TN9400-99051/JNC report.pdf
/sample/   Sample problems to be run on different platforms
top ]
  • Z. Data

Keywords: boiling water reactor, burnup, data library, fast breeder reactors, isotopes, pressurized water reactor.