omega.inf this information file
NEA_1591_1.pdf Documentation file
Directory SR:C
omega.for OMEGA source
flix.for FLIX source
slconv.for source of fast library conversion (ASCII to binary)
tlconv.for source of thermal library conversion (ASCII ti binary)
sl25card fast library (ASCII form)
tl21card thermal library (ASCII form)
library.bat batch file for library conversion
compil1.bat batch file for OMEGA compilation
compil2.bat batch file for FLIX compilation
Directory VKTA36:
omega.bat batch file for executing the examples
samples.bat batch file for executing 10 samples
inp1..inp10 10 input files (see VKTA-36, May 1996)
inp7flix input file for program Flix
auth1 to auth10 10 author output
exaauth7.set Flix output, Omega input for test 7
nea1 to nea10 10 NEA output files
exanea7.set Flix output, Omega input for test 7
Directory VKTA54:
all16.bat batch file for executing 16 cases
cas01 to cas16 16 input files (see VKTA-54, April 1998)
casnea01 to casnea16 16 NEA output files
Directory TEST1:
testjob1.bat batch file for executing the 1th testjob
x1 to x3 input files for test1
x10.out to x30.out author output files for test1
x10.set author output file for test1
xnea1.out to xnea3.out NEA output files for test1
xnea1.set NEA uotput file for test1
testnea1.dif difference file between NEA output and files X10..X30
Directory TEST2:
testjob2.bat batch file for executing the 2th testjob
inp1 to inp10 10 input files for test2
inp7flix input file for program Flix
auth1 to auth10 10 author output
exaauth7.set Flix output, Omega input for test 7
nea1 to nea10 10 NEA output files
exanea7.set Flix output, Omega input for test 7
out1 to out10 output reference files
testnea2.dif difference file between NEA output and reference files