NEA-0437/01, included references:
- I. Brittain and F.J. Fayers:
Some Aspects of Model Improvements in RELAP-UK
AEEW - M 1253 (March 1974).
RELAP-3 Testing Notes
(Sept. 1972).
- W.H. Rettig et al:
RELAP3 - A Computer Program for Reactor Blowdown Analysis
IN-1321 (June 1970).
- Errata Refer to Manual IN-1321 as Corrected by Revision 5/71
(August 18, 1971).
- Development of the Optional Two-Phase Frictional Pressure Drop
Correlation for use in RELAP3
(August 18, 1971).
- M.A. Lintner:
PLOTR3, A Plotting Routine for RELAP Data Tapes
(January 1970).
- Walter H. Rettig:
VDRELAP3 - A Program to Redimension RELAP3
NEA-0437/02, included references:
- I. Brittain et al:
The Status of RELAP-UK MKIII at July 1976 - A program for
Transient Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis
AEEW-R 1083 (May 1977).
- I. Brittain et al:
The RELAP-UK MK IV Transient Thermal-Hydraulic Code Summaty and
Input Data Description
AEEW-R 1196 (Aug 1978).
- M. Heitsch and H. Wand:
Pre- and Post-Test Calculations with RELAP-UK/MK4 for a Small Brea
LOCA Experiment.
Reprint from "Kernenergie", 30(1987)9, 351-357