CITOPP.FOR Source program
CITOPP.EXE Execution program
ROMAN.FON Font file
MODERN.FON Font file
SCRIPT.FON Font file
HELVB.FON Font file
TMSRB.FON Font file
COURB.FON Font file
CITOPP.INF.DOC Short documentation
CIT.OUT CITATION code output file
CITMOD.FOR Source program
CITMOD.EXE Execution program
ROMAN.FON Font file
MODERN.FON Font file
SCRIPT.FON Font file
HELVB.FON Font file
TMSRB.FON Font file
COURB.FON Font file
CITMOD.INF.DOC Short description
CIT.OUT CITATION code output file
CIT.INP CITATION code input file
COL.INP Input file for names and colors related to the different reactor
REAC.INP Data for construction of an horizontal cross-section of the reactor
CITWI.FOR Source program
CITWI.EXE Execution program
ROMAN.FON Font file
MODERN.FON Font file
SCRIPT.FON Font file
HELVB.FON Font file
TMSRB.FON Font file
COURB.FON Font file
CITWI.DOC CITWIC short documentation
CIT.INP CITATION code input file
COL.INP Input file for names and colors related to the different reactor