- Varnostono porocilo za reaktor TRIGA Mark II v Podgorici,
Revizija 3, IJS-DP-5832, Junij 1992
- I. Mele:
Izracun porazdelitve moci in temperature v reaktorju TRIGA
med tranzientom, Magisrsko delo, Univerza v Mariboru, Maj 1991
- Safety Analysis Report for the 3000 kW forced-Flow TRIGA Mark II
Reactor for the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, GA E-117-990
July 1981
- Physics Handbook, American Institute of Physics Handbook,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1982
- M. Opresnik, M. Opara:
Termodinamicne tabele in diagrami, Fakulteta za strojnistvo,
Ljubljana 1974
- L.S. Tong, J. Weisman:
Thermal Analysis for Pressurized Water Reactors, American Nuclear
Society, 1970
- M.M. El-Wakil:
Nuclear Heat Transport, An Intext Publisher, London, 1971
IAEA1337/01, included references:
- I. Mele and B. Zefran:
TRISTAN, A Computer Program for Calculating Natural Convection
Flow Parameters in TRIGA Core
Program Manual
IJS-DP-6548 (December 1992)