FORMAT: ENDF-5 format
NUMBER OF GROUPS: 620 group (SAND II) Dosimetry Library.
NUCLIDES: Li, B, F, Na, Mg, Al, P, S, Sc, Ti, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Zr, Nb, Rh, In, I, Au, Th, U, Np, Pu, Am.
ORIGIN: ENDF/B-V + Vonach + Marcinkowski + Patrick
FORMAT: ENDF-6 format
NUMBER OF GROUPS: 640 groups extended SAND II structure.
NUCLIDES: Li, B, F, Mg, Al, P, S, Sc, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Zr, Nb, Rh, Cd, Ir, Gd, Au, Th, U, Np, Pu, V.
Damage cross section for Fe, Cr, Ni.
WEIGHTING SPECTRUM: Maxwell spectrum, 1/E spectrum and Watt fission spectrum.
FORMAT: ENDF-6 format (pointwise cross-section data).
NUMBER OF GROUPS: SAND II 640 energy group structure (multigroupe data).
NUCLIDES: Li, B, F, Na, Mg, Al, P, S, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Y, Zr, Nb, Rh, Ag, In, I, La, Pr, Tm, Ta, W, Au, Hg, Pb, Th, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cd, Gd. Damage cross section for Fe, Cr, Ni, Si, GaAs displacement.
- Typical MTR spectrum used in the input of the cross-section uncertainty processing code.
- Flat weighting spectrum used in converting the pointwise cross-section data to the extended SAND-II group structure.
FORMAT: ACE format (continuous energy cross-section data for Monte Carlo).
NUCLIDES: Li, B, F, Na, Mg, Al, P, S, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Y, Zr, Nb, Rh, Ag, In, I, La, Pr, Tm, Ta, W, Au, Hg, Pb, Th, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cd, Gd. Damage cross section for Fe, Cr, Ni, Si, GaAs displacement.
(A) ZZ-IRDF-82
The 1982 version of the International Reactor Dosimetry File is composed of two different parts. The first part is made up of a collection of dosimetry cross sections and the second part contains a collection of benchmark spectra. For ease of use in dosimetry applications both cross sections and spectra are distributed in multigroup form. Each of these two parts is in the ENDF/B-V format as a separate computer file.
I. Dosimetry Cross Sections
The dosimetry cross section library contains the following data:
(1) The entire ENDF/B-V Dosimetry Library (Mod. 1) in the form of 620 group averaged cross sections, using the SAND-II group structure.
(2) The reactions 19F(n,2n), 24Mg(n,p), 31P(n,p), 29Cu(n,2n), 64Zn(n,p), 90Zr(n,2n), 93Nb(n,n') and 103(Rh(n,n'), supplied by Vonach. This data was converted to the ENDF/B-V format, which in turn was converted to 620 group form.
(3) The reaction 23Na(n,2n) provided by Marcinkowski. This data was converted to the ENDF/B-V format (5) and then converted to 620 group format.
(4) The reaction 241Am(n,f) as supplied by Patrick. This data was converted to the ENDF/B-V format at Stuttgart and then converted to 620 group form.
(5) ASTM and EUR standards damage cross sections for iron as provided by Zijp (10) in the form of 620 group cross sections. This data was converted to the ENDF/B-V format.
II. Benchmark Spectra
The Benchmark Spectra library contains ten benchmark spectra, including:
(1) The NBS 252Cf spontaneous fission; the NBS 235U and ENDF/B-V 235U thermal fission, the Intermediate-Energy Standard Neutron Field (ISNF), the Coupled Fast Reactivity Measurement Facility (CFRMF), the 10 % Enriched Uranium Cylindrical Critical Assembly (BIG-TEN) and the Coupled Thermal/Fast Uranium and Boron Carbide Spherical Assembly (SIGMA-SIGMA) spectra, all of which were provided by Eisenhauer in 620 group form.
(2) The ORR and YAYOI Spectra, which were provided by Greenwood in 100 group form.
(3) The Central Zone Flux of the NEACRP Benchmark Spectra provided by Goel in 208 group form.
(B) ZZ-IRDF-90
The following changes made to IRDF-90 compared to the 1982 version of IRDF should be noted:
- IRDF-90 is mainly based on the ENDF/B-IV data and its present version contains cross section values for 51 different dosimetry reactions, in most cases accompanied with uncertainties in the form of covariance information. Damage cross sections are given for three different materials: Fe, Cr, Ni.
- The library is written in the ENDF-6 format, which differs from the ENDF-5 format applied in the former Reactor Dosimetry File. Therefore, difficulties may arise in processing the new data with the old computer codes interpreting the input only in the ENDF-5 format.
- Gas production reactions are completely missing from IRDF-90.V.1 and other important dosimetry reactions are also not yet present. At the same time, double cross section information - derived from different evaluations - is given for the following reactions NI582, CU632 and FE DAMAGE. - No benchmark spectra are included in IRDF-90.
(C) ZZ-IRDF-2002
IRDF-2002 consists of three main data sets:
(1) Multigroup data
- cross section data for 66 neutron activation (and fission) reactions, along by uncertainties in the form of covariance information;
- total cross sections of three cover materials B, Cd and Gd, without uncertainty information;
- radiation damage cross sections of the following elements and compounds: Fe dpa cross section (ASTM standard E693-01); dpa cross section for a special steel composition (EURATOM); dpa cross sections for Cr and Ni IRDF-90), for Si (ASTM standard E722-94), and for GaAs displacement (ASTM standard E722-94).
(2) Pointwise data
- all cross sections listed above, except radiation damage cross sections;
- total cross sections of all neutron capture and fission reactions in the library, accompanied with their uncertainty information.
(3) Nuclear data
- decay data for all reactions of interest;
- isotopic abundances for all reactions of interest.
(D) ZZ-IRDF-2002-ACE
A library in ACE-dosimetry format for the MCNP family of codes derived from from the pointwise IRDF-2002 data. The ACE reaction MT* numbers are related to the ENDF MT numbers as MT* = MT +1000*(10+LFS) where LFS is the metastable state designator of the reaction product.