Computer Programs
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ZZ XCOM, Photon Cross-Section Library for Personal Computer

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To submit a request, click below on the link of the version you wish to order. Rules for end-users are available here.

Program name Package id Status Status date
ZZ-XCOM DLC-0174/01 Tested 28-MAR-1997

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
DLC-0174/01 IBM PC Many Computers
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FORMAT: The input file FDAT produces the binary file UDAT (direct access unformatted). This file is then used by the program XCOM1 to retrieve and display the photon cross-sections and attenuation coefficients.


NUMBER OF GROUPS:Photon cross-section data files (partial interaction coefficients and total attenuation coefficients) for 100 elements in the energy range 1 KeV to 100 GeV.


MATERIALS:H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Te, I, Xe, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Po, At, Rn, Fr, Ra, Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm.




ORIGIN: Several sources. It is based on an experimental data base consisting of 21000 data points from 512 literature sources. Same sources as DLC-136/PHOTX.


WEIGHTING SPECTRUM: The weighting factors, i.e., the fractions by weights of the atomic constituents, are calculated from the chemical formula entered by the user.


The National Institute of Standards and Technology, through its Office of Standard Reference Data, has long maintained and published compilations of measured and evaluated photon cross sections. This compilation of XCOM Version 1.2, released on personal computer media, represents best values as  determined in 1987. XCOM1 (Version 1.3, copyright 1991) is similar to XCOM but uses the direct-access unformatted database file UDAT.

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The data from the National Institute of Standards and Technology are in binary files for 100 elements covering the energy range 1 keV to 100 GeV. The reactions considered are coherent and incoherent scattering, photoelectric absorption, and pair production. The XCOM data are derived from the same source  as DLC-0136/ZZ-PHOTX.

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The programs are interactive.

DLC-0174/01: The package was installed and the auxiliary programs were executed in the following systems:

  1. PC DELL Optiplex GXM 5100 - Pentium processor @ 99 MHz base memory 640 Kbye and extended memory 32 Mbyte

  2. DEC 3000 Model 300X - Alpha AXP Architec.

Workstation In both systems, the retrieval and display of the photon data takes a few tenths of a second in both the PC and the DEC-Alpha workstation.

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ZZ-XCOM is a program for the IBM PC and compatibles for the retrieval and display of the partial interaction coefficients and total attenuation coefficients for elements, compounds, and mixtures. The input is interactive. The user specifies the element or compound chemical symbol or provides weight fractions for each constituent specified by atomic number. A standard energy grid can be used for the output, or the user can modify the energy grid. Two kinds of output are produced: labeled tables for printing or arrays for input to other programs. The output can be in units of cm2/g or barns per atom.

Note: the total attenuation coefficient without coherent scattering includes bound Compton scattering.

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Package ID Status date Status
DLC-0174/01 28-MAR-1997 Tested at NEADB
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  • S.L. Kalla, C. Leubner and J.H. Hubbell:
    Further Results on Generalized Elliptic-Type Integrals. Reprint from "Applicable Analysis", 25(1987) 269-274

  • J.H. Hubbell:
    Photon Attenuation Coefficients and Cross Section Data 100 Ev to 100 GeV. Current Status and Prospects. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Radiation Physics, Penang (1983) 15-27

DLC-0174/01, included references:
- RSIC "README.RSI" (June 1996)
- M.J. Berger and J.H. Hubbell:
  XCOM: Photon Cross Sections on a Personal Computer
  NBSIR 87-3597 (July 1987)
- J.H. Hubbell, H. Gerstenberg and E.B. Saloman:
  Bibliography of Photon Total Cross Section (Attenuation
  Coefficient) Measurements 10 eV to 13.5 GeV.
  NBSIR 86-3461 (July 1986)
- H. Gerstenberg and J.H. Hubbell:
  Comparison of Experimental with Theoretical Photon Attenuation
  Cross Sections between 10 eV and 100 GeV.
  Reprint from "Nuclear Data for Science and Technology",
  (1983), 1007-1009
- J.H. Hubbell:
  Photon Mass Attenuation and Energy-Absorbtion Coefficients
  from 1 keV to 20 MeV.
  Reprint from "International Journal for Applied Radiation and
  Isotopes", 33(1982), 1269-1290
- J.H. Hubbell:
  Isotopes and Radiation.
  Reprint from "Transactions of the ANS", 50(1985) 153-154
- J.H. Hubbell:
  Atomic and Radiation Data and Applications.
  Reprint from "Transactions of the ANS", 55(1987) 198-206
- J.H. Hubbell:
  Industrial, Agricultural and Medical Applications of Radiation
  Metrology: Current Status and Prospects for the 1990's.
  Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference,
  Beijing (1987) 407-412
- J.H. Hubbell:
  Summary Foreign Trip Report.
  USDC NBS  (November 12, 1987)
- E.B. Saloman, J.H. Hubbell and J.H. Scofield:
  X-Ray Attenuation Cross Sections for Energies 100 eV to
  100 keV and Elements Z=1 to Z=92.
  Reprint from "Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables", 38(1988) 1-197
- J.H. Hubbell et al.:
  Atomic Form Factors, Incoherent Scattering Functions and Photon
  Scattering Cross Sections.
  Reprint from "J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data", Vol4,3(1975) 471-616
- J.H. Hubbell et al.:
  Pair,Triplet and Total Atomic Cross Sections (and Mass Attenuation
  Coefficients) for 1 MeV-100 GeV Photons in Elements z=1 to 100.
  Reprint from "J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data", Vol9,4(1980) 1023-1148
- D.C. Creagh and J.H. Hubbell:
  Problems Associated with the Measurement of X-Ray Attenuation
  Coefficients. I. Silicon Report on the International Union of
  Crystallography X-Ray. Attenuation Project.
  Reprint from "Acta Crystallography" A43(1987) 102-112
- J.H. Hubbell:
  X-Ray Cross Sections and Attenuation Coefficients.
  Reprint from "International Tables for X-Ray Cryst.",4(1974) 47-70
- J.H. Hubbell:
  Photon Mass Attenuation and Mass Energy-Absorption Coefficients
  for H, C, N, O, Ar and Seven Mixtures from 0.1 keV to 20 MeV.
  Reprint from "Radiation Research", 70(1977) 58-81
- E.B. Saloman and J.H. Hubbell:
  Critical Analysis of SOFT X-Ray Cross Section Data.
  Reprint from "Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
  Research", A255(1987) 38-42
- J.H. Hubbell:
  Present Status of Photon Cross Section Data 100 eV to 100 GeV.
  Proceedings of the International Symposium on Radiation Physics,
  Bose Institute, Calcutta (1974) 3-16
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The memory requirement for XCOM1.2 is 256 Kbytes. The operating system assumed is PC-DOS or MS-DOS, version 2.0 or later. A math co-processor is desirable but not necessary.

XCOM Version 1.2 (PC): The filesize of the executable file is 38 KByte; the diskspace allocated by the 100 binary files is 302 KByte. XCOM Version 1.3 (PC): The filesize of the executable (including the stubloader option at linking time) files of programs  XTRANS and XCOM1 are respectively 239 KByte and 335 KByte; the filesize of the formatted library file FDAT is 740 KByte whereas the filesize of the direct access library file UDAT is 468 KByte.
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Package ID Computer language
DLC-0174/01 FORTRAN-77
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The XCOM1.2 program is written in Fortran 77 and was tested at RSIC using the Ryan-McFarland Version 2.42 compiler. Both the source program (eight files) and the executable program provided by NIST, compiled by a Ryan-McFarland compiler, are on the distribution media.

The package was installed and the auxiliary programs were executed in the following systems: 1) PC DELL Optiplex GXM 5100 Pentium processor @ 99 MHz base memory 640 Kbye and extended memory  32 MByte, under MS-DOS 6.2; the source files were compiled and linked using the Lahey F77L/EM-32 FORTRAN-77 compiler (Version 5.20) and linker (Version 5.1); 2) DEC 3000 Model 300X - Alpha AXP Architecture Workstation under DEC OSF/1 V3.2; the source files were compiled using the DEC Fortran (f77) V3.4-480
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The XCOM1.3 subdirectory includes a less system-dependent Fortran source and ASCII data files. This program can be compiled on many systems and was tested at RSIC on an IBM RS/6000 under aix 3.2.5 using the f77 command with the xlf compiler. It was also tested on a Northgate 486 using the Lahey F77 Vers. 5.1 compiler under DOS 6.0 with 8 MB memory and on a P5-120 MHz with 16 MB memory under Windows 95. The PC executables RSIC created when testing are included in this directory. XTRANS must be run to convert the ASCII data to binary before executing ZZ-XCOM.

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Contributed by: Radiation Safety Information Computational Center
                Oak Ridge National Laboratory
                Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U. S. A.


Developed by:   National Institute of Standards and Technology
                Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A.

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File name File description Records
DLC0174_01.001 Information file of package ZZ-XCOM 373
DLC0174_01.002 Berger's and Hubbel's notes on XCOM 476
DLC0174_01.003 Source file # 1 (subroutine BLIN) 32
DLC0174_01.004 Source file # 2 (subroutine BSPOL) 33
DLC0174_01.005 Source file # 3 (subroutine FORM) 116
DLC0174_01.006 Source file # 4 (subroutine MERGE) 25
DLC0174_01.007 Source file # 5 (subroutine REV) 11
DLC0174_01.008 Source file # 6 (subroutine SCOF) 36
DLC0174_01.009 Source file # 7 (subroutine SPEC) 181
DLC0174_01.010 Source file # 8 (main program XCOM, V 1.2) 495
DLC0174_01.011 Source file # 9 (DATA block, vector ATWTS) 26
DLC0174_01.012 Source file # 10(DATA block, vector ENB) 12
DLC0174_01.013 Source file # 11(DATA block, vector IND) 11
DLC0174_01.014 Source file # 12(DATA block, vector MASH1) 2
DLC0174_01.015 Source file # 13(DATA block, vector MASH2) 12
DLC0174_01.016 Executable file of program XCOM (Vers. 1.2) 0
DLC0174_01.017 Binary file, data for element # 1 0
DLC0174_01.018 Binary file, data for element # 2 0
DLC0174_01.019 Binary file, data for element # 3 0
DLC0174_01.020 Binary file, data for element # 4 0
DLC0174_01.021 Binary file, data for element # 5 0
DLC0174_01.022 Binary file, data for element # 6 0
DLC0174_01.023 Binary file, data for element # 7 0
DLC0174_01.024 Binary file, data for element # 8 0
DLC0174_01.025 Binary file, data for element # 9 0
DLC0174_01.026 Binary file, data for element # 10 0
DLC0174_01.027 Binary file, data for element # 11 0
DLC0174_01.028 Binary file, data for element # 12 0
DLC0174_01.029 Binary file, data for element # 13 0
DLC0174_01.030 Binary file, data for element # 14 0
DLC0174_01.031 Binary file, data for element # 15 0
DLC0174_01.032 Binary file, data for element # 16 0
DLC0174_01.033 Binary file, data for element # 17 0
DLC0174_01.034 Binary file, data for element # 18 0
DLC0174_01.035 Binary file, data for element # 19 0
DLC0174_01.036 Binary file, data for element # 20 0
DLC0174_01.037 Binary file, data for element # 21 0
DLC0174_01.038 Binary file, data for element # 22 0
DLC0174_01.039 Binary file, data for element # 23 0
DLC0174_01.040 Binary file, data for element # 24 0
DLC0174_01.041 Binary file, data for element # 25 0
DLC0174_01.042 Binary file, data for element # 26 0
DLC0174_01.043 Binary file, data for element # 27 0
DLC0174_01.044 Binary file, data for element # 28 0
DLC0174_01.045 Binary file, data for element # 29 0
DLC0174_01.046 Binary file, data for element # 30 0
DLC0174_01.047 Binary file, data for element # 31 0
DLC0174_01.048 Binary file, data for element # 32 0
DLC0174_01.049 Binary file, data for element # 33 0
DLC0174_01.050 Binary file, data for element # 34 0
DLC0174_01.051 Binary file, data for element # 35 0
DLC0174_01.052 Binary file, data for element # 36 0
DLC0174_01.053 Binary file, data for element # 37 0
DLC0174_01.054 Binary file, data for element # 38 0
DLC0174_01.055 Binary file, data for element # 39 0
DLC0174_01.056 Binary file, data for element # 40 0
DLC0174_01.057 Binary file, data for element # 41 0
DLC0174_01.058 Binary file, data for element # 42 0
DLC0174_01.059 Binary file, data for element # 43 0
DLC0174_01.060 Binary file, data for element # 44 0
DLC0174_01.061 Binary file, data for element # 45 0
DLC0174_01.062 Binary file, data for element # 46 0
DLC0174_01.063 Binary file, data for element # 47 0
DLC0174_01.064 Binary file, data for element # 48 0
DLC0174_01.065 Binary file, data for element # 49 0
DLC0174_01.066 Binary file, data for element # 50 0
DLC0174_01.067 Binary file, data for element # 51 0
DLC0174_01.068 Binary file, data for element # 52 0
DLC0174_01.069 Binary file, data for element # 53 0
DLC0174_01.070 Binary file, data for element # 54 0
DLC0174_01.071 Binary file, data for element # 55 0
DLC0174_01.072 Binary file, data for element # 56 0
DLC0174_01.073 Binary file, data for element # 57 0
DLC0174_01.074 Binary file, data for element # 58 0
DLC0174_01.075 Binary file, data for element # 59 0
DLC0174_01.076 Binary file, data for element # 60 0
DLC0174_01.077 Binary file, data for element # 61 0
DLC0174_01.078 Binary file, data for element # 62 0
DLC0174_01.079 Binary file, data for element # 63 0
DLC0174_01.080 Binary file, data for element # 64 0
DLC0174_01.081 Binary file, data for element # 65 0
DLC0174_01.082 Binary file, data for element # 66 0
DLC0174_01.083 Binary file, data for element # 67 0
DLC0174_01.084 Binary file, data for element # 68 0
DLC0174_01.085 Binary file, data for element # 69 0
DLC0174_01.086 Binary file, data for element # 70 0
DLC0174_01.087 Binary file, data for element # 71 0
DLC0174_01.088 Binary file, data for element # 72 0
DLC0174_01.089 Binary file, data for element # 73 0
DLC0174_01.090 Binary file, data for element # 74 0
DLC0174_01.091 Binary file, data for element # 75 0
DLC0174_01.092 Binary file, data for element # 76 0
DLC0174_01.093 Binary file, data for element # 77 0
DLC0174_01.094 Binary file, data for element # 78 0
DLC0174_01.095 Binary file, data for element # 79 0
DLC0174_01.096 Binary file, data for element # 80 0
DLC0174_01.097 Binary file, data for element # 81 0
DLC0174_01.098 Binary file, data for element # 82 0
DLC0174_01.099 Binary file, data for element # 83 0
DLC0174_01.100 Binary file, data for element # 84 0
DLC0174_01.101 Binary file, data for element # 85 0
DLC0174_01.102 Binary file, data for element # 86 0
DLC0174_01.103 Binary file, data for element # 87 0
DLC0174_01.104 Binary file, data for element # 88 0
DLC0174_01.105 Binary file, data for element # 89 0
DLC0174_01.106 Binary file, data for element # 90 0
DLC0174_01.107 Binary file, data for element # 91 0
DLC0174_01.108 Binary file, data for element # 92 0
DLC0174_01.109 Binary file, data for element # 93 0
DLC0174_01.110 Binary file, data for element # 94 0
DLC0174_01.111 Binary file, data for element # 95 0
DLC0174_01.112 Binary file, data for element # 96 0
DLC0174_01.113 Binary file, data for element # 97 0
DLC0174_01.114 Binary file, data for element # 98 0
DLC0174_01.115 Binary file, data for element # 99 0
DLC0174_01.116 Binary file, data for element # 100 0
DLC0174_01.117 Berger's notes on XCOM1 41
DLC0174_01.118 Source code file of program XTRANS 48
DLC0174_01.119 Source code file of program XCOM1 952
DLC0174_01.120 PC-executable file of program XTRANS 0
DLC0174_01.121 PC-executable file of program XCOM1 0
DLC0174_01.122 Photon data library (ASCII, input to XTRANS) 11102
DLC0174_01.123 Photon data library (direct access) 0
DLC0174_01.124 Sample output file, Lead data 152
DLC0174_01.125 Sample output file, Uranium data 163
DLC0174_01.126 DOS file-names 125
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  • Z. Data

Keywords: cross sections, data library, evaluated data, photon transport, shielding.