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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
ZZ-NUCDECAY | DLC-0172/02 | Tested | 22-AUG-1995 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
DLC-0172/02 | PC-80386 | PC-80486 |
FORMAT: Special format.
NUMBER OF GROUPS: Energies and intensities of radiations emitted; designed to address the needs in medical, environmental, and occupa- tional radiation protection.
NUCLIDES: 825 + 13 radionuclides.
ORIGIN: ENSDF (data used in preparing ICRP Publication 38)
FORMAT: Special format.
NUMBER OF GROUPS: Energies and intensities of radiations emitted; designed to address the needs in medical, environmental, and occupational radiation protection.
NUCLIDES: 242 radionuclides.
ORIGIN: ENSDF (monograph of the MIRD Committee)
The unabridged data used in preparing ICRP Publication 38 and a monograph of the MIRD Committee are distributed in electronic form in this package. The data are assembled in two collections. The collection referred to as ICRP38 consists of data on the energies and intensities of radiations emitted by the 825 radionuclides reported, although abridged, in ICRP Publication 38 plus an additional 13 radionuclides evaluated during preparation of a monograph for the MIRD Committee. The second collection, denoted as MIRD, contains data for the 242 radionuclides in the MIRD monograph noted above. Each collection consists of three ASCII files:
the index file (ICRP38.IDX or MIRD.IDX) is a sorted list of the radionuclides with pointers into the data files;
the radiation file (ICRP38.RAD or MIRD.RAD) contains data on the energies and intensities of the emitted radiations;
the beta spectra file (ICRP38.BET or MIRD.BET) contains the spectra for all beta emitters in the collection.
161 radionuclides of the MIRD collection have later ENSDF dates than those in the ICRP38 collection. In most instances, the differences are of no dosimetric significance, but considerable differences may exist for some nuclides.
This data base has been designed to address the needs in medical, environmental, and occupational radiation protection. Calculations of the spatial distribution of absorbed dose (depth-dose) requires information on the beta spectra, and these are compiled in a separate data file also included here.
Four utility codes are provided. DEXRAX is used to extract the decay data from the library for radionuclide(s) specified by the user.
CHAIN lists the decay chain headed by a user-specified radionuclide and tabulates the cumulative energy emitted by the chain members during a 100 year period following isolation of one unit of the parent nuclide.
RADLINE identifies radionuclides which emit alpha or photon radiations of a user-specified energy. The energy is specified by a discrete value with a tolerance.
RADSUM provides a summary of the radiations emitted by a user- specified radionuclide.
The executables and most of the source codes are provided.
D. Weber et al.: MIRD: Radionuclide Data and Decay Schemes, Society of Nuclear Medicine, New York (1989)
The Microsoft Fortran 5.1 compiler was used to compile the CHAIN code and the READDEC portion of the DEXRAX code. The full source for DEXRAX is not provided as that implementation must be linked with two special libraries. The source code is provided for a QBASIC version of the utility RADSUM. This version of RADSUM does not include plotting of the beta spectra or computations of the gamma constant. Other utilities were written Microsoft BASIC Professional Development system.
Contributed by: Radiation Safety Information Computational Center
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
OAK RIDGE, Tennessee, USA
Developed by: K.F. Eckerman, R.J. Westfall, J.C. Ryman, M. Cristy
Health Research Science Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
OAK RIDGE, Tennessee, USA
File name | File description | Records |
DLC0172_02.001 | Information file | 248 |
DLC0172_02.002 | Author's information file on CHAIN | 14 |
DLC0172_02.003 | Author's information file on RADLINE | 17 |
DLC0172_02.004 | Author's information file on RADSUM | 26 |
DLC0172_02.005 | Index file for ICRP38 library | 839 |
DLC0172_02.006 | Radiation file for ICRP38 library | 221174 |
DLC0172_02.007 | Beta spectra file for ICRP38 library | 62262 |
DLC0172_02.008 | Index file for MIRD library | 243 |
DLC0172_02.009 | Radiation file for MIRD library | 43851 |
DLC0172_02.010 | Beta spectra file for MIRD library | 16316 |
DLC0172_02.011 | Source information file from author | 22 |
DLC0172_02.012 | FORTRAN source file to read index file | 927 |
DLC0172_02.013 | FORTRAN source file to read BET & RAD files | 453 |
DLC0172_02.014 | QUICK BASIC source file for RADSUM | 458 |
DLC0172_02.015 | Batch file to run CHAIN | 31 |
DLC0172_02.016 | Batch file to run DEXRAX | 24 |
DLC0172_02.017 | Batch file to run RADLINE | 23 |
DLC0172_02.018 | Batch file to run RADSUM | 26 |
DLC0172_02.019 | Program CHAIN executable | 0 |
DLC0172_02.020 | Program DEXRAX executable | 0 |
DLC0172_02.021 | Program RADLINE executable | 0 |
DLC0172_02.022 | Program RADSUM executable | 0 |
DLC0172_02.023 | Program CHAIN initialization file | 1 |
DLC0172_02.024 | Program DEXRAX initialization file | 1 |
DLC0172_02.025 | Program RADLINE initialization file | 1 |
DLC0172_02.026 | Program RADSUM initialization file | 2 |
DLC0172_02.027 | Font file used by RADSUM | 0 |
DLC0172_02.028 | DOS file-names | 27 |
Keywords: data library, radiation doses, radioisotopes.