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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
ZZ-ECPL86 | DLC-0106/02 | Tested | 30-SEP-1986 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
DLC-0106/02 | Many Computers | Many Computers |
NUCLIDES: 157 reactions induced by five charged particles: 1H, 2H, 3H, and 4He. The targets include, in addition to these particles interacting with themselves and each other, 6Li, 7Li, 7Be, 9Be, 10B, 11B, 12C, 14N, and 16O.
ORIGIN: Evaluated data from literature.
ECPL is a collection of evaluated data for charged-particle-induced reactions. It is maintained in a computer-oriented system.
All interpolable quantities for charged particle-induced reactions are presented so that linear interpolation between successive entries yields values that are consistent with stated experimental errors, where experiments exist, or that adhere to an assumed law, such as 1/v energy dependence, within a small fraction (typically 1%). In the case of an assumed energy-dependence law for cross sections, this is accomplished by creating a large number of (energy, cross section) pairs by computer and subsequently thinning the points to a specified accuracy, using the subroutine THINER.
All angular distributions are differential probabilities normalized to an integral of unity over the cosine of the scattering angle. All energy distributions of secondary particles are presented as normalized Legendre polynomial representations. The linear interpolation will construct an acceptable angular distribution at an intermediate energy.
J.D. Ford and R.J. Howerton: "A FORTRAN Subroutine for Elimination of Superfluous Points of a Pointwise Determined Function" UCRL-7150 (1962)
R.J. Doyas, R.E. Dye, R.J. Howerton, S.T. Perkins: "CLYDE: A Code for the Production of Calculational Constants from Nuclear Data" UCRL-50400 Vol. 5, Rev. 1 (1975)
R.E. von Holdt and R.J. Howerton Mathematics of Computation 17, 419 (1963)
R.J. Doyas and S.T. Perkins Nucl. Sci. Eng. 50, 390 (1973)
E.F. Plechaty and J.R. Kimlinger: "TARTNP: A Coupled Neutron-Photon Monte Carlo Transport Code" UCRL-50400, Vol. 14 (1976)
R.J. Howerton: "Data Testing Results for the LLL Evaluated Nuclear Data Library" UCRL-50400, Vol. 15, Part E (1979)
D.E. Cullen, K.L. Hill, R.J. Howerton, S.T. Perkin: "ECSIL: a System for Storage, Retrieval, and Display of Experimental Neutron Data" UCRL-50400, Vol. 1, Rev. 3 (1976)
File name | File description | Records |
DLC0106_02.001 | INFORMATION FILE | 26 |
Keywords: charged particles, cross sections, data library, evaluated data, nuclear reactions.